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    • Day 7

      Swala Sanctuary Tanzania

      October 8 in Tanzania ⋅ ☁️ 63 °F

      All day Game Drive on tap. A remarkable birthday with an 8 hour game drive followed by a romantic dinner. More info to follow...our driver for the next 4+ days in Tanzania is Sampson….great guy. Very knowledgeable and proud.Read more

    • Day 3

      Tarangire Start

      October 14 in Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Und denn ischs losgange.
      Mer hend s dach vom eusem 4x4 Fahrzüg ufgstellt. So hemmer chönne ufstah und obe use luege. De fahrtwind wo mer dur das gha hend isch au en guete benefit gsie. Mir hend denn mit em bessere blickwinkel us em dach use d tier chönne sueche und beobachte. De guide hed sich underdesse uf die eher holprig steass chönne konzentriere sich immer weder vo auto zu auto mit de andere guides ustusche wo sie was gseh hend.

      Und denn sinds in sicht cho. Eis tier nach em andere. Am afang gnue, gazelle, antilope, giraffe, warzeschwein, zebras, pavian und vögel.
      Unbeschrieblich und beidruckend ischs gsie
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    • Day 3

      Terengire Tier und Baobab

      October 14 in Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Nebem föttele hemmer natürli amigs eifach de tier zuegluegt und de moment gnosse. Zmittag heds für jede es lunchpacket geh wo mer ufemene picknick platz im park gnosse hend.
      Det hemmer au eine vo de baobab-bäum us de nöchi chönne bestuhne. Die bäum sind richig dick, chönd en umfang bis zu um die 100 meter ha und über 3000 jahr alt werde.Read more

    • Day 3

      Terengire Nachmittag

      October 14 in Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Nach em mittag ischs wiitergange. Neb de weniger wasserlöcher heds no en fluss mit wenig wasser i dem park. Det hi simmer underwegs gsie. Und den sinds uftauch. D elefante, und zwar e hufe. Vo chli bis gross.
      Wasserbüffel, mungos, geier und struse hend sich au no blick lah. S ussergwöhnlichste isch aber en python gsie. Hed zwar au ned wahnsinnig beidruckend gwirkt, da mer nur ein windig vo dere schlange höch obe im baum gseh hed
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    • Day 7

      Safari dag 1: Tarangire

      November 17, 2019 in Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      De eerste dag safari. Met mijn (Piet) gloednieuwe safari hoed voel ik me alsof ik elke leeuw aankan. We hadden van tevoren goed geregeld dat we niet met Fransen of Chinezen opgescheept zouden zitten. De twee andere safari gangers waren spanjolen. Hierover later meer. Een enorme omgebouwde Toyota jeep kwam ons ophalen. We hadden onze eigen mpichi (ook wel kok). Hij stelde zich voor als 'godi bless'. Na drie keer checken bleek dit echt zijn naam. Daarnaast hadden we onze eigen chauffeur en gids: Jakob. Intimi mogen hem ook 'the jackal' noemen, zijn favoriete dier.

      De eerste rit was 1.5 uur. We stopte om te tanken en om ons te splitsen van de Spanjolen. Onze eerste safari dag was dus een privé rondleiding door Tarangire National Park! Na nog 1.5 uur kwamen we aan bij de poort. Hier konden we de benen strekken, aapjes kijken en de laatste toilet stop doen.

      De safari was geweldig. Tarangire zat bomvol olifanten, zebra's, roofvogels, apen, impala's en onze favorieten: dikdiks. De dikdik wordt zo genoemd vanwege het geluid wat ze maken als ze gealarmeerd zijn. Het hoogtepunt was de boomklimmende leeuw. Het was een zeldzame vertoning, waardoor er 10 safari auto's omheen stonden te gluren. Gelukkig waren deze auto's niet in de buurt toen Janneke naar de 'bush toilet' ging, tussen de zebra's. Een minder leuk fenomeen: de zizi vliegen die elke keer de auto binnen kwamen om ons lek te te prikken. Toch was de safari een geweldige ervaring en was ik erg onder de indruk.

      Na de safari gingen we naar onze eerste verblijfplaats. Een Lodge met een schitterend goudgroen zwembad vol dode dieren. We krijgen een mooi stenen gebouwtje voor onszelf om in te slapen. De avond werd heerlijk ongemakkelijk afgesloten met een voorstelling van acrobaten in tarzanbroekjes en een hysterisch schreeuwende vrouw met een dikke blote buik die voor een publiek van 8 man optraden.
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    • Day 47

      Tarangire National Park

      February 20, 2020 in Tanzania ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Primo giorno di safari!
      Ho Deciso di andare a fare un safari con un altro gruppo perché le ragazze del mio ostello non avevano intenzione di farlo questo weekend ma essendo il mio unico fine settimana non avevo altra scelta!
      Alle 8 (con un po’ di ritardo locale) mi sono venuti a prendere e verso le 9 è arrivata una jeep con altre 5 ragazze pronte per partire.
      Due ore di macchina per arrivare al parco nazionale, dove ho visto paesaggi incredibili e scene che per noi veramente sono assurde. Mucche, capre che attraversano le “autostrade”, masai con il bestiame al pascolo, strade in condizioni pietose! Ma la bellezza dei paesaggi era indescrivibile! Proprio come mi immaginavo l’Africa!
      Arriviamo al parco, la nostra guida si chiama Frank! Sbriga le pratiche per entrare ed ecco che alza il tetto della jeep e partiamo con il nostro primo giorno!
      Il parco nazionale Tarangire viene anche detto il paradiso degli elefanti! Già dopo due secondi ho capito il perché, elefanti OVUNQUE! Una bellezza incredibile, erano proprio a due passi da noi e l’immensità di questo animale è difficile da credere se non te lo trovi difianco.
      Dopo due minuti mi sembrava già “normalità” girare in jeep e vedere gli elefanti nel loro habitat, ma a questo si sono aggiunti mille tipi diversi di antilopi, giraffe, un leone in lontananza che non siamo riusciti proprio a vederlo benissimo, bufali. Di tutto! Le giraffe, le mie preferite!!!! La bellezza e l’eleganza di questo animale è veramente affascinante!
      A pranzo ci siamo fermati in una piazzola di pic nic a mangiare con delle scimmiette che venivano la e facevano di tutto pur di rubarti il cibo! Maledette.. non mi sono mai state simpatiche!
      L’unica pecca è stato il caldo, mamma mia! Ma d’altronde siamo in Africa.. cosa mi aspettavo?

      Detto questo verso le 16 ci siamo dirette verso il nostro camping in direzione di ngorongoro. Sarà da la che poi andremo verso il parco Serengeti! Dove faremo il nostro prossimo safari.
      Il camping era quasi di lusso, nelle tende avevamo persino il letto.. piccolo particolare che abbiamo trovato la mancia sotto al cuscino.. ecco non so quanto fosse pulito!
      Il nostro cuoco ci ha preparato una cena deliziosa e poi siamo andate dirette a letto!
      La notte non è stata malvagia!!

      Giornata veramente stupenda! Ne è valso proprio la pena!
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    • Day 109

      Destiny never sleeps ...

      April 4, 2020 in Tanzania ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      ... and it always knows what’s good for you.
      At the village of Magara I find an informal community campsite near their small waterfall. No infrastructure at all, just some beautiful trees. Locals are bathing and washing in the river. Very calm atmosphere. The next morning I take my time doing some computer stuff when around noon an old, thin man appears out of the bush and – without saying any word – brings some firewood. He keeps bringing more and more as I sit there and while I start packing my things to leave I think “Oh no, I don’t need any firewood. Doesn’t he see that I’m about to leave?” I say goodbye and leave.

      Nobody charged me anything for the night so I decide to search for the village’s chairman to donate something. I wait for an hour and talk to some locals. Another hour later I finish my lunch. Another hour later this chairman appears. Another hour later we’re done. So, this Saturday’s planned episode on the road is no more because it approaches 4 pm already. I decide to stay another night.

      Back at the riverbed under those huge trees with the afternoon sun I grind some Kilimanjaro coffee beans and just enjoy. The old man appears again and continues bringing firewood while I fix some things around the car and skype home.

      In the evening I have a big pile of wood near my fireplace. The old man makes some gestures to start the fire and there we go. I give him my second chair. We are friends now. He builds the fire and I prepare our dinner. At 9 p.m. he lies down next to the fire and sleeps. I give him Wurstdaniel’s yellow Air Namibia blanket.

      At 5 a.m. it starts raining heavily and as I wake up two hours later, the old man is standing under my awning. Hmm. We have breakfast with a lot of coffee. After the rain I go for the road but still this place does not want me to leave! I get stuck on the steep, now muddy track back to the main road. Huge wet stones with massive wet roots are not easy to manage after the rain. Wahooooo. Luckily, with some inspection of the environment and some more tries I manage to reverse and succeed climbing the hill with a little more momentum.
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    • Day 111

      Of cows and shoats

      April 6, 2020 in Tanzania ⋅ 🌧 21 °C

      The whole idea of getting here is to visit my personal Maasai warrior Alamayani in his village Lembapuli. I get introduced to the huge family and offered to sleep in a Maasai hut :-D The chairman takes his time to welcome me and I even meet Alamayani's 100 years old grandma! It is a pretty awesome privilege to be here in this natural environment without any touristic setting. I did not expect them to be Christians as they start to pray in the evening for my well-being and the success of my travels. Woah!

      Alamayani has three daughters and two boys, his dad two wifes. All members are interleaving amazingly in their every-day habits of caring about the kids, the cattle and the household. They prepare meals in their simple, lightless huts over open fires without any chimney. The smoke just accumulates inside and exits through the entrance gap. This is also the place where we sleep and all my stuff smells like bacon the next morning :-D
      In the morning and evening we have herbal tee based on fresh milk and simple ugali or rice. Though, on my arrival a chicken has to leave its soul to the gods of the holy frying pan ...

      The next morning I get a tour around the village where the brotherhood shows me some 10-20 medicinal herbs in the bush. I taste all of them and feel a bit funny after this episode. It is truly amazing how they integrate in their surrounding nature. Every piece of bush and land has its purpose. The less important shrubs they cut for tooth brushes :-P
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    • Day 48

      Tarangire National Park

      December 4, 2022 in Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Prva izkušnja s pravim Afriškim safarijem in priznam, da je tako kot v National Geographic-u!
      Vstopimo z družbo opic iz vseh strani in preden mine pol ure že vidimo prvo od 'tavelkih pet' - Leoparda! 🐆 On počiva na veji, visoko v krošnji, 200m stran pa se začnemo zbirati safari avti. Najin šofer Salim je čisti car, izmed 10+ avtov je nama zrihtal najboljšo točko za ogled tele velike muce, četudi z daljnogledom!
      Po odličnem začetku začnemo ovinkariti po nacionalnem parku in se kmalu zaletimo v družino slonov! Od čisto blizu kot dva majhna otroka kukava skozi odprto streho in jim delava družbo na dopoldanski malici. Salim nama pove, da sloni 23 izmed 24ih ur v dnevu preživijo s hranjenjem, tisto bogo eno uro pa počivajo!
      Preostanek dneva sva v večini obkroženi z zebrami, antilopami in pumbami in celo eno sramežljivo žirafo. Prečudovite barvne svetlikajoče ptice nas spremljajo na poti.
      Odličen prvi dan v avtentični Afriki💛!
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    • Day 23

      Ooooh, these sweet little bee-eaters!

      December 28, 2022 in Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Many people I sporadically talked with during my past years of travel have not been super-fascinated by Lake Manyara National Park. But hey, how can you not love this landscape, uh? Take just one look on a topographic map: You will be squeezed between a fancy lake and a steep, several hundred metres high cliff. And this is exactly what you get. Take two elephants and drop them left and right of the road and no light will shine through between lake and cliff. During high water you might not find the road. Planning to do some camping between two rivers with heavy rains? Better pack some extra rations as you might be running out of bridges!

      We are surprised to find ourselves among just a few other tourists. Entering from the north we dive into thick, juicy tropical jungle and open our windows in order to enjoy the hissing sounds of insects and other flying fancinesses. Huge, winged termites are swarming out of their nests and are being picked with astonishing precision directly from their nest by awesomely looking silvery-cheeked hornbills! As if you were sitting on a burger machine which is spitting burgers at 1 Hz. This is a life which also the endemic Manyara monkeys know to appreciate. In a tree directly above us we find two giant Verreaux's eagle-owls chilling in the shade of the leaves and blinking at us with their pink eyelids. Ground hornbills with their distinctive red necks are waiting in the next curve for us. Not far from them a family of baboons is having a lazy morning. What is going on here?

      On an elevated picnic site we start our late breakfast with freshly baked bread which we were able to acquire from Migombani campsite this morning. With baked beans and pan-fried tomatoes it could not be better. Nice views down on the lake. More tourists appear. Feeding Michi is taken to a new level when a German family presents me with fried chicken legs and boiled eggs from their tour operator's lunch pack. Paradise! If just Franzi's stomach wouldn't make any stress ... hmm.

      We continue further south. Some elephants are hiding in the bushes. During the last years the water level has been rising by several metres, as it has been the case in nearly all rift valley lakes. I observed this in Kenya two years ago already. Unfortunately, many trees are dying because of that. But the buffaloes do not care and chill at the waterfront.

      After half distance along the lake, south of Jambi river and Endabash campsite, we meet no tourists anymore. It's our park! As we continue down to the hot springs the landscape changes multiple times. Arriving there, Franziska falls in love with green-yellowish little bee-eaters with their blue eyebrow while I fancy the hot and sulphurous springs barefoot. The water colour looks strange, brownish-red. Doesn't seem to be sedimentary but rather like flaky organic material. Maybe algae? A few kilometres further down the road: "Ist das Dreck da im See, oder lebt da was?" No, it's hippos! The low afternoon sun already starts casting long shadows from the cliffs over the narrow slice of land we a driving on. Unfortunately, we are not allowed to camp at the southern exit gate without extending our entry permit. Off we drive into the night!
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Manyara Region, Manyara, Mkoa wa Manyara

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