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  • Testing 1 2 3! ...Continued

    28 marca 2016, Kanada ⋅ ⛅ 3 °C

    Alright! 4 sleeps until takeoff!

    For those of you who don't already know, I leave Canada on the 29th of March for New Zealand and Australia! I'm aiming for about 2 months away but we will see what happens and if I get stuck somewhere along the way ;)

    I intend to update this about twice a week with sweet pictures and of course my phenomenal writing ability (yeah right) :D

    Also I've decided that the below beer glass shall represent my motto for this trip! Haha

    Anyways. I'll make another post the night before.

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  • 9 hours and counting!

    28 marca 2016, Kanada ⋅ ☁️ 2 °C

    Today (March 28th) I realized one thing and I believe it's applicable to almost everyone reading this. I realized that there will never be a good time to leave. To go adventuring. Or to break up. Or to let go of everything you know. The heavens aren't going to clear your path. Big steps in life are always hard, and I think that's what makes them all so special. But for anyone reading this saying "I wish I could do that." Well newsflash. You can. Take a jump or a leap. If it takes a little liquid courage go ahead. Just don't live life saying "I wish I could do that." Because you and I both know you can, it just won't be a walk in the park.

    For me this trip means a lot. It's me letting go of a lot of things back home and it's me taking a few months to live for me. Just me.

    And I am going to take full advantage of every single minute of it.

    Flights off in 9 hours!

    -Terrence out
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  • Dzień 1

    Calgary and Los Angeles

    29 marca 2016, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    Alright so this morning at 815 my flight was up up and away! My first flight was from saskatoon to Calgary and I met a guy named Dillion on the plane. He was a quiet civil engineer heading to Calgary for a brief business trip and would be returning the following day.

    Already I'm getting rather confused looks from people when I say I don't know exactly when I'm coming back or that I'm travelling alone. But that doesn't bother me. It's usually followed by a comment like "wow I'm jealous"

    On the plane I read about Brisbane which has officially been added to my australia itinerary! I really want to go see rainbow beach now!

    My flight into Los Angeles from Calgary was delayed about an hour. Which considering there was no WiFi in the airport was slightly frustrating. But I used my time well and finished up something that otherwise I would have put off indefinitely so as they say "everything happens for a reason" :)

    On my next flight I met Jeanette. She was a writing teacher at the u of s going to Los Angeles for a conference. She would be there for a the week and then fly home. Also this lady sitting behind me was going to melbourne and since we were late neither of us were sure if we would make Santa Monica work so she gave me a few other ideas of things to do! I also caught about 2 hours of sleep on the plane which was really refreshing and helped me get through the rest of the day!

    Upon getting into lax I still had no WiFi. Sure mom wasn't pleased about the lack of response but I'm fine so she'll live! Upon getting in I decided I'd make my way to Santa Monica pier after all 😊 on the shuttle to the bus terminal I met a nice German guy but I didn't catch his name. He was traveling for a couple months. He had already done Vietnam Thailand and Cambodia and this was his first time in America. But Cambodia so far was his favourite. So many nice people. But anyways I caught my bus just in time and off I went! 😊

    Not long into my bus ride a guy named Cameron popped into the seat beside me and he was quite an interesting man. A 23 year old who bounced around from Miami to Vegas to Portland to LA. He wanted to become a bartender but his real passion was rap. I thought that was a pretty sweet. Anyways he ended up pretty much walking me right to the pier because he worked only a few blocks away. What luck! :)

    The pier was beautiful! Unfortunately I was an incredibly windy day so I wasn't able to get as much out of Venice Beach as I had hoped. Was still pretty awesome feeling the waves come in and crash against my feet. I hadn't felt that since my explore days in Vancouver (NEVER STOP EXPLORING!)

    On the way back to the airport on the bus I watched a guy in his 50s reach into a small cooler he had, pull out a colt 45 (beer can) take a sip and put it back and he gave zero f**ks about it. It was fantastic.

    Now I'm back at the airport waiting for my flight and I will be off in about 3.5 hours. Yeah still a long layover but it's alright!

    Next time we chat I'll be on the other side of the world!😁

    -Terrence out
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  • Dzień 4

    Busy days in Auckland

    1 kwietnia 2016, Nowa Zelandia ⋅ 🌧 18 °C


    Waiting for my final flight I met Ed. A Melbourne youngster like myself. He had spent 3 weeks in California running around exploring national parks. Ed gave me a few pointers on where to go in Melbourne and along Australia's north coast.

    The flight wasn't nearly full so I had A block of three seats all to myself. So for almost 8 hours I lay across the seats slipping in and out of sleep which was convenient 😊

    Upon arrival I breezed through customs and jumped on the next bus into the city. I met Jeff from New York (not the city). I think it was his first time out of the states and he seemed pretty excited about it. Shortly after I checked into my hostel Bamber House.

    I pretty much just changed and dropped my bag off and Then I was gone. I took a bus into downtown and found the free walking tour I was looking for. It was about 3 hours and I learned a lot about Auckland and NZ as a whole. Including that Auckland is the land of 1000 lovers. I also met Tessa from London, and Jean a marketing dude who was from Brazil.

    By the time the tour was over I headed back to the hostel for a well deserved snooze and slept three hours. When I awoke I met Loren Kelly and Allison. Three American girls who were studying kinesiology in Australia and just touring nz for a week. The hostel had a pizza hut night for five dollars. I met a bunch more people mainly from England in the hostel and we played dart games. It wasn't a late night as I was still exhausted from my flights.

    The following day I pulled myself out of bed around 930. I was still a bit jet lagged but I knew if I didn't get up I'd miss out on my day. I showered up and found the nearest grocery store. It was nice to have the language on my side unlike my grocery shopping experiences in Europe. When I was finished I headed back to the hostel and had a late breakfast. I packed my things and off I went.

    Mount Eden was right down the street so I went down and it took about 20 minutes to climb to the summit. The view was absolutely spectacular. It provided stunning views of the city from every direction. I took out my packed lunch and had myself a nice picnic on the summit. Them I stuck around and people watched for about half hour, taking pictures for everyone I could and receiving a few keepers for myself in the process 😊 I also found a quieter spot near the peak and peed off the mountain. Hehe. (See picture for view)

    After that I went back to the hostel. It was raining for most of the day so I didn't really go out. I chatted with Will. He was a veteran traveller from Cambridge. I also met a german guy named Bastian who had just finished his nz adventure and highly recommended Abel Tasman national park in the south island and im prett6 sure its now been added to my list.

    Then Allison joined us in the common room followed by Loren and Kelly. They let me tag along with them on adventures to their previous hostel to find Allison's glasses which was fun. They had a car so we blasted country music and sang our hearts out. Then the three of us went out to Nandos for supper. I thought it was just a fast food joint but I had a half chicken and was completely stuffed by the time we finished up.

    We got back to the hostel around 830 and I've decided to stay in and keep a low profile for the rest of the night. My bus tomorrow leaves at 745 so I need to get an early sleep. Chat again soon guys. Next stop Paihia and the bay of islands! 😊

    -Terrence out
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  • Dzień 5

    First day in Paihia!

    2 kwietnia 2016, Nowa Zelandia ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

    Today I woke up at 545 and since my bus was going to be leaving two hours after that I decided to just stay up and get ready for the day. On my way to the bus stop I finally got a shot of the skytower and what a beautiful sight it is!

    The bus ride north was beautiful. The hillside was so lush and green and I actually got to watch sunrise over the green hills from the bus which was spectacular! The hillside reminded me a bit of Scotland and Ireland combined with BC which was a nice reminder of Europe and home.

    I checked in at noon cause they had my room ready early which was fantastic 😊 Kirsty at the front desk was beyond helpful in helping my plan my next three days here! But sunday and Monday are going to be a surprise!

    After making myself a lunch I decided to do a 4 hour hike (who am I!?). Early in the walk i saw an old couple with two dogs playing on the shore. I couldnt help but hope that would somehow be me one day. About an hour into the hike I stumbled upon a group of seven who were doing the kiwi experience (which is likr a tour group across new zealand for people like myself) so I ended up just tagging along with them. After another hour or so of hiking we finally came to Haruru Falls which was a modest water fall 😊 given that I've never seen a waterfall before I was more than impressed and happy. I sat on the edge and felt the water breeze through my feet just before falling off the edge. It was an absolutely incredible feeling! I also brought myself a salad lunch so I had A picnic on the edge of the waterfall (pretty freaking sweet if you ask me!) After a long two hour hike back I checked back into the hostel and confirmed and paid for my activities for the following two days.

    After a long (much needed) shower I vegged out on my phone for a while. I booked my bus from paihia to Rotorua for later this week as well as three days accommodation at what should be a pretty amazing hostel I'm rotorua so I'm pretty excited!

    Then around 830 I finally went out searching for food. I found a place called thirty30 on trip advisor that was supposed to be cheap and tasty so I went there. It turned out there was a live band playing there so that was a lovely surprise. In their first intermission Kat and Nick came and introduced themselves. Kat was from Ireland and nick from the south island. Both probably late thirties. Super great and friendly. Oh I forgot to mention.... I was pretty much the whole audience for the night. By 11 the boss Tony started joining in with some pretty rad dance moves which obviously I had to join in for. The only thing that would have made it better would have been a good ole two step but the few girls I asked were certainly not interested. I'm pretty certain it's not a thing here so it was slightly awkward.

    On my walk back to the hostel I chose to walk along the shoreline. Had some Ed Sheeran playing lightly in my ears with the sound of the tide acting as a steady relaxed heartbeat in the background. What a way to end the night! Anyways it's about midnight now and I just got home. What a great night out and a fantastic first day I'm Paihia!

    -Terrence out
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  • Dzień 6

    Rough day but still so happy :)

    3 kwietnia 2016, Nowa Zelandia ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

    Okay so quite a day here!

    Decided to take a sailing tour of the islands. It was pretty beautiful. We spent two hours on one of the islands. I met a guy named phillip and we hung out for most of the day so we were Terrence and Phillip for the day haha.

    Our captain was Dave from Florida. Well technically from Florida but from the age of 9 his family and him travelled the world sailing. Like he legit did school on the sailboat. They even had a piano on board for music. Pretty incredible story. Dave gave me quite the flack for asking about sharks. And as you may have guessed...no i wasnt attacked by a shark because the NZ sharks really dont bother humans which is more than okay by me.

    On the island we borrow the two kayaks and explored a bit. Water started to get into the kayak so i put took my phone put of my pocket and put it on my lap. That was a mistake. As i attempted to get pulled back on board i forgot about my phone and just like that it fell into the water. I kinda just went into shock and watched it sink. By the time i realized what had happened it was too deep for me to feel comfortable going in. After a minute or so of panic this Austrian guy who looked and sounded like Chris Hemsworth (seriously) stepped up and was like Ill get it for you. So he dived in and about five minutes later he was able to find it and bring it to shore. I asked his name and he said mike. I was like are you kidding me!? Another Mike has saved my ass haha. My phone was still working at that point so theres hope. After that I turned it off.

    When we got back to shore i bought rice and ever since its been sitting in it. I think to give it the best chance for survival ill give it until the end of tomorrow at least. I also bought myself some noodles and some breakfast for tomorrow.

    Early evening was pretty much just me bumming around until about eight when I headed back to thirty30. Tonight was jam night and it was so cool! It was a bunch of locals and travellers alike just jumping on stage and playing their hearts out. Any instrument could jump in whenever. The instruments involved are below:

    Tribal drum
    Regular drum set
    Electric guitar

    I also met a few of the musicians and Sophie a girl from the UK who was pretty sweet and had cycled from the south island all the way up to Paihia which was an incredible accomplishment if i do say so. By about 11 i left but i wasnt ready to go home just yet so i veered off the road towards the shore again but went the other way. I found this little cove with almost no light from the town and just a little bit from the island across the bay. The stars were AMAZING. In fact im writing this whole post from just underneath them (on my ipod). So beautiful 😊

    Just got home. Had a 10 minute dance party along the shore for my walk home to starlight by neverest and dance and love that lasts by tim halperin. What a lovely way to end the night. Big day trip in the morning so ive got to sleep now. Take care everyone and chat soon!

    -Terrence (and possibly his phone) out
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  • Dzień 7

    Cape Reinga

    4 kwietnia 2016, Nowa Zelandia ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

    Another early morning. This time im off to the northern most tip of the island referred to as Cape Reinga. This is the spot where the pacific ocean meets the Tasman sea and i am quite excited to see it!

    Today i learned that 90 mile beach is actually a state highway. Even motor cycles are allowed. I took some sweet shots from the bus. Eventually we arrived at the sand dunes and did some sand boarding which was actually a lot of fun. On the way up the hill I met Emilie who was born in Sweden but had lived all over europe.

    I spent the rest of the day getting to know her and sharing my life story along the way. It was enlightening to share such deep conversation with someone while also being entirely lighthearted about other things.

    The tour then lead us to Cape Reinga which was pretty nice but i had kind of built it up more in my head. Emilie and i took a few photos and then these two asian ladies came up and asked us if they could take a photo with us. It was pretty odd but we had a good chuckle. Then we went to a beach and had lunch as a group. Also got a chance to really hit the water even though i wasnt entirely dressed for it, but it was so worth it. After lunch we drove back down 90 mile beach. Also Chris the bus driver was absolutely wonderful. He even taught us a traditional Mauri song about love and growth which was a lot of fun.

    The day ended with a forest adventure where we sang the song he had taught us to the forest and a fish and chips dinner which definitely hit the spot.

    Once we got back into Paihia Emilie and I took the ferry to Russell the biggest island in the bay where she was staying. We had a few drinks in the first officially licensed pub in new zealand which was neat. It had a very british feel to it and it was absolutely beautiful. Also Speights beer is delicious.

    We walked the shore and chatted a bit more before i took the last ferry back into Paihia. What an absolutely spectacular day!

    Tomorrow im off to Rotorua. Going to be quite the day on the bus. Nighty night.

    -Terrence out

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  • Dzień 8

    Off to Rotorua!

    5 kwietnia 2016, Nowa Zelandia ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

    Alrighty. Another early morning. Hit the road with the bus by 8am this morning. I got about an hour of sleep on the first bus from Paihia back to Auckland. Thank goodness there was WiFi on that bus so then I enjoyed Spotify and messenger keeping up with people!

    Then around noon I arrived into Auckland. Had a quick lunch at subway and then off to the next bus. This bus didn't have WiFi unfortunately so I just ended up sleeping for the most part. It was actually nice to catch up on my sleep a bit. When I got into Rotorua my hostel was only about an 8 minute walk from the bus station which was nice.

    Upon checking in I met a German guy named Felix who was from Cologne. After a quick shower and a brief chat we decided to hit the town and find something to eat. We got a little bit lost and ended up walking through the government gardens which were beautiful. We eventually found this place called eat street which was an open concept mall of restaurants which was really neat. Most of the places were relatively empty so we just followed the crowd and went into a chain ish restaurant called CBK (craft bar and kitchen). I had seafood chowder which was pleasantly hearty and Felix had a surf and turf burger. He barely touched his fries so I got to eat those too! Felix explained how he had hitchhiked in 4 different cars to get to Rotorua that day. Seemed like we both had long days.

    On the way home we stopped at pak and save and bought some beer and breakfast foods only to realize that the hostel didn't allow outside liquor.. oops! Upon returning to the hostel we tried finding things to do for the following day but somehow got entered into a "killer pool" tournament. I actually ended up winning and won a free beer as well as a refund of one nights stay at the hostel! A total value of about thirty bucks so I was quite happy 😊 Needless to say I am REALLY enjoying this hostel. Not only because I won but it just has an incredible vibe and there is a very social atmosphere which I am really enjoying!

    Later Felix and I decided on a plan for tomorrow. We have got quite the day ahead and I look forward to writing my entry tomorrow night! Until then, goodnight and take care everyone!

    -Terrence out
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  • Dzień 9

    Waiotapu Geothermal Wonderland

    6 kwietnia 2016, Nowa Zelandia ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    Okay so 9am Felix and I set out for our first of two adventures today! It's not quite as nice of weather down here compared to Paihia so had to dress warmer but at least there was sun and not rain! Also this morning while getting ready I found out there is a dog that lives in the hostel! DAY MADE!

    Waiotapu was our first adventure. Our first stop was a geothermal mud pool. The mud bubbled repeatedly and steam rose constantly from the surface of the mud. It was 100°C or 212°F. Pretty crazy stuff.

    The next stop was a geyser which erupted right in front of us. It was nice but really not as epic as I thought it would be. In fact most people seemed quite disappointed. Still quite amazing when you stop and think about it though!

    Finally we made it to the park. It offered a 3km walk/hike with all sorts of beautiful nature scenes. I took a few pictures. The sulfur and other elements created lakes and pools with colours that were quite abnormal. Some bright greens, some reds, even purples. I had a small butter chicken pot pie for lunch which was surprisingly quite tasty. Felix and I even had a few birds pull up and sit with us at the table which was quite nice.

    After lunch Felix and I took the bus back to the hostel. My post is going to end here but my day doesn't so be sure to read the next post about my evening adventure with Felix!

    -Terrence out
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  • Dzień 9

    The Mitai Experience!

    6 kwietnia 2016, Nowa Zelandia ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

    Spoiler alert: This post is going to be long because tonight was absolutely phenomenal!!!! 😆

    This evening around 5 Felix and I headed out to Mitai which is a Maori cultural experience run here in Rotorua. Warner was our bus driver and he was quite witty which I enjoyed.

    Upon arrival we were offered a small snack from a Maori girl. We were then assigned to our table where we met a family from Brisbane and a couple from Buenos Aires.

    Eventually a man introduced himself as Tama. He was a short ish man (there is a picture with him and I included) with a loud voice and a big heart. He started with basic introductions and a small Maori vocabulary lesson. After introducing himself he encouraged us as a "tribe" (family) to state our home countries. There were a total of 15 nations represented from all over the globe which was incredible.

    After these introductions finished Tama explained that he would need a male over the age of 18 to act as the chief for the evening. After just a few seconds I decided to volunteer and I'm so incredibly happy that I did because it made my evening and my exeriencte exonentially better than it already would have been! Soon after he explained what my roles would be and my first official act as chief was to exchange a proper greeting with Tama. So I went up in front of everyone and we exchanged a proper Maori greeting which was so neat! So you join noses and then your foreheads together (obviously with your eyes closed) then kind of pull back and do it once more. This time while connected you both take a deep breath. This was such an incredible bonding experience. I wish it was more customary here and back home!

    After this we departed out on a small tour of the area. There was also a small demonstration of Maori culture with the men (about seven) coming down the stream in a narrow canoe. After Tama explained what I would have to do. There would b a peace ceremony in which I would take part and give a brief speech to the actual chief of their tribe! (Turned out to be the chiefs son but still pretty freaking cool!) I would also get to do a formal greeting with the chiefs son. I was beyond excited.

    As we piled into what I would describe as a big tent type theatre. Because I was chief I got to sit right front and centre! Also this got Felix a nice seat too. The presentation began with the chief talking and a brief introduction in Maori. There was also another tribe of people who's chief was an older gentleman named Jon from Michigan. When the peace offering began we were both guided to the stage. Two warriors from the tribe including the chief entered the stage. They walked slowly toward us stopping just over halfway and dropped a small tree branch on the ground. Then they went into an aggressive state of dance and yelling and showing off their weapons to display their testosterone and masculinity. Jon began by accepting one of the peace offerings and I followed.

    Once the peace offering was accepted we gave our speeches. Again Jon began and I followed. I introduced myself with a welcome. Then as Terrence the chief of 15 nations. I explained how thankful we were to be given such an opportunity and to be his guest for the evening. And how we much looked forward to many more evenings as such. 😊 I felt my commerce background was helpful for my speech giving!

    The chief then began the rest of the presentation which involved all sorts of things. There was singing. Dancing. Weapon displays. Instrument displays. It was absolutely phenomenal. Then we headed back to the dining tent. Here Tama explained that the chief was really impressed with my speech and that I was one of the youngest chiefs to ever volunteer here. This was such an honor and I felt very proud with my role in the evenings events 😊

    Shortly after we were fed an official Maori Hangi (pronounced hung-gee) which was quite possibly one of the best meals I have ever eaten in my entire life. The meal that I ate (which wasn't even everything) included the following: sweet potato, scalloped potato, baked potato, seafood chowder, garlic toast, Chicken, lamb, gravy, and salad. Then my dessert included: a chocolate roll, steam pudding (cake), and pavlova. Wow what a meal. So stuffed.

    Afterwards the tribe went for a late night nature hike. It involved a brief breakdown of their old homes and what they were made of. Then we went on a hike and found some glow worms which was really quite neat. And then that was that. The tour was over. The night was over. I got a quite photo with Tama and then headed back onto the bus.

    Then after I got back I met this group of five American guys who are just finishing med school. They were really cool and even invited me to join them at Hobbiton tomorrow in their van which halves the cost of going so i think I'll do that!

    WHAT A DAY!!!

    -Terrence (ever so happily) out
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