Ban Huai Pu

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    • День 12

      Nine House

      6 марта 2019 г., Таиланд ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

      Dneska jsem se vykopal z postele pred devatou, dal si snidani na hostelu a asi v 10:45 jsme s Lenou vyrazili z hostelu smerem k Lod Cave. Jeli jsme to asi hodinu a pul, jen jsme cestou zastavili na vyhlidce zhruba v puli cesty. Kdyz jsme prijeli Lod Cave, koupili jsme si prohlidlu jeskyne spolu s pruvodcem, coz bylo povinne a vyrazili. Predstavoval jsem si neco jako Koneprusy a tak jsem byl doslova unesen, kdyz jsme se dostali dovnitr - pripadal jsem si jak v Morii z Pana prstenu a jen jsem cekal, kdy se objevi prvni trpaslici. Po prohlidce jeskyne jsme vyrazili k teplemu prameni Sai Ngam, kde jsme stravili asi hodinku v cca 37 stupnu teple vode a odtamtud jsme dojeli na zapad slunce k Big Buddha. Po zapadu slunce jsme dojeli do hostelu a dali sprchu. Ja jsem si pak booknul bus na zitrek do Chiang Mai a potom jsem si koupil letenku na patek na Phuket. Vecer jsem pak dojel vratit skutra do mesta, kde jsem se pak potkal s ostatnimi, dali jsme street food, zasli na drink, ale dlouho se nezdrzeli a s unavou odesli do hajan.Читать далее

    • День 14


      14 октября 2019 г., Таиланд ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Inmiddels de eerste nacht in Pai erop zitten, gister met de minivan de tocht naar Pai gemaakt: 130 kilometer en 726 bochten 🤢

    • День 160

      Pai, Mae Hong Son, Thailand

      25 декабря 2021 г., Таиланд ⋅ ☀️ 77 °F

      Christmas in Pai! Our first day scootering. We rode to Pai Canyon and enjoyed all of the country side scenery. We met up with our new friends from Chiang Mai to enjoy some food and drinks at the night market.Читать далее

    • День 52

      Thailand-Everybody loves Pai!

      25 декабря 2015 г., Таиланд ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      22nd Dec 2015

      After arriving at the boarder of Thailand a few of us got a tik tuk into the town of Chiang Khong. Unfortuanetly there were no more buses to Chiang Mai so we got a rolm for the night in a guesthouse before going our septerate ways the following day.

      23rd Dec 2015

      My plan was to get to Chiang Mai then get another bus from there to Pai to meet Risyad before he left to go back to indonesia. The bus ride to Chiang Mai was pretty relaxing. I got there around 5pm and purchased my ticket to Pai which was around 50 bhat (£1). I only had half an hour to wait to i went to find some street food to eat!
      I got on the bus and sat with 4 anerican friends who were pretty enthusiastic about everything! They also told me that, Thailand isnt much of a culture shock to them because they live in hawaii and its pretty much the same. I find that hard to believe.
      We ended up leaving 20 minutes late as the bus driver was adiment everyone had to sit in the seat number that was on their ticket.
      The next 2 and a hakf hours consisted of us all questioning if we were going to make it to Pai alive. Ive realsied driving is asia is bad but this was something else. We were driving up and down mountain roads and some rediculous speed, overtaking trucks on hairpin bends in the dark. One of the anerican girls was in the verg of throwing up! We spotted some lights in the distance which i assumend meant we had arrived when one of the girl feeling ill said "god is that you?" Had to laugh! But it wasnt god and it wasnt Pai! It was a security check point. Apparently they have to check the ID of any Thai people travelling.
      When we finally arrived around 9pm I headed straight for my hostel in hope there was a stiff drink waiting for me! I was staying at Darling View hostel, it took me a while to find and just as i got there two dogs came running around the corners, barking and growling at me. I thought one of the little shits was going to bite me! All i wanted was a drink and not to die before xmas! I threw my bag at it and shouted and it backed off. No rabies for me today! i found Risyad drinking by the fire with other travellers. I dropped my bag off and joined them. There were alot of people staying here and everyone was really nice. The americans then turned up, they had stopped for a drink before checking in! Later on i met a scottish guy who was deaf, he handed me his hearing aids and told me to try them! Bit strange but i thought when in rome. It was the strangest thing ever, i was sat outside by the fire and i could here someone having a conversation in one of the dorms!
      After many glasses of Hong Thong rum and drunken conversations it was time to sleep! I was looking forward to seeing Pai in the day.

      24th Dec 2015

      I woke up severly hungover and not wanting to move from my bed. Risyand had some breakfast and rented mopeds to go and explore the area. Its was really hot! After coming from the north of Laos it was a bit much. First we stopped at the temple on the hill or Wat Phra That Mae Yen. As you drive up to it you see a giant white buddha sat in the mountains. There are a few stairs to climb but nothing to crippling. Once you get to the top the views are really spectacular. Pai is surrounded by mountains, it really is breathtaking. I was taking photos when Risyad shouted me over. You could walk all the way around the white buddha and there was knowone else around so it was really quiet. He had noticed that it was so quiet you could actually hear the ants walking on the trees. So surreal! I never thought id say i could hear an ants footsteps!
      We carried on driving around the little villages outside of Pai for a bit and passed a few elephant camps. It was really sad to see them chained up. They all looked so depressed.
      We picked up a few beers and headed for out next stop, Pai canyon, to catch the sunset. It was a really cool place, we decided to take the more dangerous route and climb up and down parts of the canyon to get to the very end. We sat and waited for the sun to go down with 2 guys from south america when i spotted the moon. It was huge and look incredable. The full moon wasnt until the next night but this looked pretty impressive, even if it was still daylight. We were all so fixated and impressed by the moon we missed the sunset behind us.
      We headed back to the hostel to get ready to go out. As it was christmas eve we were up for a party! First we headed down to walking street where every night they have a huge food market with many different street food stall. I wanted to eat everything and i tried! Risyad introduced me to an asian fruit called Dorian. Id seen it around, mostly pictures of it in hostels with a big sign saying DO NOT BRING INTO THE HOSTEL. I later found out its because it sticks of feet and lingers for hours. Before i tried it two Malaysian women stopped and asked if it was the first time id eaten it, then stood and watched me try it! I did think, what am i getting myself into here!? But, it tastes pretty good. The strangest fruit ive ever eaten. Its almost creamy with a weird texture.
      We were recommened a place called sunset bar which was away from the main street in the middle of know where. It was really chilled, lots of backpackers and we all celebrated xmas eve there together with shakes! Magical! We then met "the crazy english man" (as anyone who wasnt english was naming him) called gary who is the inventor of "the twat dance"...its going global.
      After sunset bar we moved onto the next bar called Dont Cry. This wasnt so chilled and was packed full of pissed up travellers! There was a good vibe though, as long as you stayed away from the bar! Ive never seen anything like it. People were like animals, literally climbing over each other to get a drink! Youd think it was the end of the world!
      When i finally got to the bar along with a very drunk english guy, we decided to celebrate with a shot of tiquilla! He was so drunk he kept taking him money out of his wallet, putting it on the bar then forgetting it was his money! Everytime i went to put it back in his wallet he said it wasnt his! Probably should have given him another tiquila! But it was now xmas so who cares!
      I didnt dare face the bar again after that. Instead we sat and people watched for a bit. There was a guy with the most beautiful hair ive ever seen from Hawaii. I asked him to shake his head and say "because im worth it" i dont think he understood why he was doing it but it was entertaining for me!
      We stayed in Dont Cry till around 4. Learnt some twat dancing and martial art moves from gary then headed back to the hostel.
      I got into bed then hannah started to skype me so i sat outside chatting to her and dan, still pissed from the night before, frantically pealing vegetables!

      25th Dec.... Its Chriiiiistmaaaas

      I woke up craving christmas dinner but that would have been pretty hard to find in Pai so we settled on meeting Gary at 12 for Christmas Pad Thai. I felt pretty shattered so after eating we went back to the hostel. Risyad was leaving to go home so we said our goodbyes. I chilled out for the rest of the day before meeting Gary later for round 2 of Christmas celebrations. There was a Psytrance party on but niether of us had the energy so we just went back to sunset bar for drinks. We walked the back way, around all the little streets with the guesthouses. Pai is such a pretty place, i dont think there is anywhere like this place in the world. Even the stray dogs (apart from the one when i arrived) are really friendly, they follow you around for ages if your walking and sit with you. They know how to charm you into getting them some food!

      26th Dec 2015

      The following day gary and i rented mopeds and drove to the hot springs. There are different pools each at different temperatures. You can sit in one and have a mineral scrub and boil and egg in another. After we drove to the Chinese village which was really cute. Lots of little red shops selling all sorts of tea, mugs and tea sets. All the tea you can drink! I bought a bag of "god tea" and a mug for mum and sent it home. Finally we stopped at a waterfall, the sun was starting to go down so it was getting a bit chilly and we headed back.
      As it was the last night in Pai we thought we may as well chill at sunset bar again before getting an earlyish night.

      27th Dec 2015

      We planned on getting the bus back to Chiang Mai about 12 but unfortunately they were fully booked until 5pm. So we spent the day just wondering around Pai, getting massages, eating and buying souvenirs.
      The bus back wasnt half as bad as the journey there!
      Im glad i got to experience Pai! It wasnt on the itinery but after hearing so many travellers sing its praises and tell me to go i had to see it for myself! I definatly recomment it to anyone travelling the north of Thailand
      When we got back we dropped off our bags and went to eat. Gary lives in the fancy part of Chiang mai sobthe street food stalls are run by hipster thais. We got pad thai from the "Pad Thai Moustache Style" stall which is made by a thai man with a crazy moustache but its bloody delicious!
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    • День 11


      18 февраля 2016 г., Таиланд ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

      Schön wäre es gewesen hier diesen Ort kennengelernt zu haben,als noch nicht die ganzen Touris hier waren..
      Ein paar verpeilte Hippies gibt es immer noch und mittlerweile leider auch einige Ressorts und unmengen an Chinesen welche leider meiner Meinung nach einfach komische Verhaltensweisen an den Tag legen :/
      Demnach zieht es mich weiter nach Laos, neues Land, neue Leute auf gehts
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    • День 13

      #6 Pai

      3 ноября 2018 г., Таиланд ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      768 Kurven im ruckligen Bus mit Formel 1 Busfahrer plus Kater vom Vorabend = Höllenfahrt.
      Alles andere war aber super schön in Pai.
      Hostel mit Skatepark, einzigartige Natur und coole Leute. Touris, Hippies, Ökos, Aussteiger, Lebenskünstler und Locals ergeben einen einzigartigen Mix aus Leuten der hier in einer urigen Kleinstadt aufeinander trifft.Читать далее

    • День 10

      Nine House

      4 марта 2019 г., Таиланд ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Dneska jsem vstal v pul 9, dal si na baru snidani a v pul 10 uz me vyzvedaval minibus smer Pai, kam jsme dorazili asi ve 2 odpoledne. Cestou jsem si vyhledl hostel, ve kterem chci bydlet, takze jsem sel pak rovnou na misto. Rezervace opet nebyla potreba, dostal jsem dokonce samostatnou postel bez palandy v tak trochu oddelene mistnosti. Odpoledne jsem se pak prochazel po meste, poobedval a vecer jsem vyrazil opet do mesta a zahajil to masazi a pak se prochazel po mistnich vecernich trzich, povecerel jsem, posedel u drinku v baru a pak jsem se vratil na hostel, chvili posedel s ostatnimi a ted uz lezim v posteli a jdu pomalu spat.Читать далее

    • День 82

      Antibiotic almost done

      19 ноября 2022 г., Таиланд ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      It is not much to say about the last days. I slept quite much and the diarrhea was getting better every day. Daniel left to chiang mai for the elephant sanctuary and I met Antonia and Aaron again.

      Now I am taking the last pills of my antibiotic against the intestine parasite and hope, that I can travel again...
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    • День 13


      21 ноября 2021 г., Таиланд ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Für 150thb von Chiang Mai Arcade Terminal nach Pai. Mittagessen im Om: Avocadosandwich mit Bacon. Abends Spaziergang über den Nachmarkt.
      22.11.2021 vespa ausgeliehen und zum Wasserfall, zur Bamboo Bridge zum Big Buddha, zum Hot Spring und Pai Canyon.Читать далее

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    Ban Huai Pu, บ้านห้วยปู

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