Khlong Hin Dam

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    • Day 14

      2. Tag Koh Kood + Phuket Transfertag

      November 25, 2023 in Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      Am zweiten Koh Kood Tag haben wir einen Tag am Strand eingelegt. Am Abend gab es neben dem Hotel am Pier ein Fest mit ca 40 Ständen mit Essen, Drinks, usw. Dort gab es auch eine Feuershow und Theaterstück von Volkschulkindern. Des weiteren gab es eine Schönheitsköniginnen-Show Thaistyle, bei der vier Trans-Guys angetreten sind. Am nächsten Tag gings los nach Phuket. Um 8:00 wurden wir mit einem Pickup-Taxi abgeholt und in ca. 30 Minuten zum Pier gebracht. Dort ging es um 9:00 mit dem Catamaran los Richtung Festland. Wir haben uns ganz oben im 3. Stock auf dem freien Deck hingesetzt. 1,5 Stunden später erreichten wir den Pier. Von dort aus ging es mit einer art Golfwagen auf einen Wartebereich, bei dem wir ca. 30 Minuten auf unseren Weitertransfer Richtung Trat Flughafen warteten. Der Perfekte Moment einer Klo und Kaffeepause 😀 . Danach ging es mit einem Van eine Stunde Richtung Flughafen. Dieser ähnelte der größe her eher einer Busstation, als einem Flughafen. Es hatte aber im positiven einen eigenen Charme im freien am Gate zu sitzen. Unser Flug hatte leider eine Stunde Verspätung. Am Flughafen selbst gab es am Gate Gratisverpflegung in Form von Kaffee, Orangensaft, Wasser, kleinen Bananenkuchen, usw. Eigentlich ein Service, welchen man nur in den Lounges bekommt. Der Flug selbst war in einer kleinen 70 sitzigen Propellermaschine, wodurch der Flug natürlich auch holpriger war. Obwohl der Flug nur 50 Minuten dauerte, gabs eine Kleinigkeit zu essen (Tunfischcroissant) und zu trinken. In Bangkok angekommen hatten wir trotz Verspätung noch Zeit eine Kleinigkeit zu essen. Danach gings auf zum 1,5 Stunden Flug Richtung Phuket, diesmal mit einem normalen A320. Auch hier gab es abermals ein Essen in Form von Nudeln mit Hänchen (hatten wir die letzten Tage ja kaum 😉). Am Flughafen angekommen gings zum Gepäck, jedoch lichtete sich Feld recht schnell und es blieben mein Vater und ich, inklusive zwei weiterer Österreicherinnen ohne Gepäck übrig. Nach einer Wartezeit von etwa 45 Minuten stellte sich heraus, dass unser Gepäck beim International Baggage Claim landete, wir jedoch richtigerweise beim National waren (da wir von Trat aka Thailand kamen) schlussendlich erhielten alle 4 wartenden Personen gottseidank noch ihr Gepäck. Danach gings auf zum Hotel, abermals eine einstündige Fahrt. Ziemlich müde erreichten wir etwa 22:00 das Hotel. Ein anstrengender, aber dennoch interessanter Tag ging somit zu Ende. "Der Weg ist das Ziel" erreichte hier eine ganz spezielle Bedeutung. In Phuket sind wir für die nächsten Tage am Hügel zwischen Kata Beach und Kata Noi Beach im Südwesten Phukets.Read more

    • Day 49

      Day 49 - Koh Kood - Best. Day. Ever.

      October 28, 2017 in Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Wow. Maybe we should have spent the entire trip island hopping around Southeast Asia. Or even spent 60 days straight at this resort (it would have still been cheaper than Europe!). We could stay here forever.

      Today was incredible: Woke up. Worked out. Ate a delicious breakfast with an amazing view. Tried stand-up paddle-boarding (SUP boarding) for the first time and LOVED it. Relaxed on the beach. Read. Snorkeled (the coral right off of the resort beach is incredible). Relaxed and read on the beach some more. Ate lunch. Swam. Walked to the end of the beach. Jumped off of docks and swings into the sea. Swam some more. SUP boarded for hours and watched the sunset from the water. Relaxed in our private jacuzzi. Had a delicious dinner - this resort has by far, the best resort food, best Thai food, and maybe even best all around food that we have ever had.

      We are in paradise. Today was really the best day ever.
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    • Day 51

      Day 51 - Koh Kood - Another Beach Day

      October 30, 2017 in Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Another day in paradise. More of the same - swimming, snorkeling, SUP boarding, jumping off of the pier, reading, eating, drinking, and relaxing. This place is incredible.

      I met a lady today at our hotel who said she's been to Thailand 45 times (as well as several other islands, in Europe, the Caribbean, and Asia). This is her first time at this resort. She says it beats anywhere that else she's ever been. I absolutely believe it. This is the most beautiful place I've ever seen.Read more

    • Day 52

      Day 52 - Koh Kood - Scariest Day Ever

      October 31, 2017 in Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      We did it! We finally went scuba diving. It was absolutely the most terrifying thing either of us has ever done. But it was also amazing.

      We set off this morning for a snorkel trip that we arranged with a local dive company. We got on the boat with the other 15 or so tourists, 3 dive/snorkel instructors, and 2 boat staff. The majority of the group was diving. Within about 5 minutes, I asked if we could switch from snorkeling to diving.

      The boat trip to the first dive location was about 30 minutes. Long enough for the beginners dive group (just me, Tim, and a Bulgarian girl, Maria, who can't swim) to get some basic (frightening) instructions and get all of our gear ready. We anchored in, the advanced divers and snorkelers took off, and the 3 of us and our instructor jumped in. Non-certified divers can go down 12 meters max. This didn't sound deep at first for some reason. We started with some surface breathing exercises and, after just a couple of minutes, were "ready to go". We held on to the anchored rope and the goal was to pull our way down slowly. I made it about a half of a meter before I freaked out. All of the instruction and safety precautions about lungs exploding and ear drums exploding was all I could think about. I made us all come back up (even though the instructor basically refused when I pointed up) and told them I couldn't do it. She insisted I try again. We did some more breathing exercises, and set back down the rope. Again, I immediately freaked out again, this time hyperventilating, and came back to the surface. I told the instructor I was absolutely not going and that I wanted to go back to the boat and snorkel. She pretty much refused but once she saw there was no chance I was going, she let me go back to the boat, as long as I promised to try again, one-on-one, after lunch. I said "okay" - anything to get out of the scuba gear.

      Tim, Maria, and the instructor set off without me. Tim said it was really scary at first but after about 5-10 minutes he got comfortable. They all stuck together but the instructor really had to focus on Maria, since she can't swim, so Tim had to learn quickly! They all said this first dive was pretty murky and the visibility wasn't great, but they saw some cool coral and fish. By the time I caught up with the snorkelers, I had missed the giant sea turtle they saw. But I was able to see a lot of colorful fish.

      We all got back to the boat and ate a pretty good chicken curry lunch. Then, while everyone else went to snorkel or to walk on the nearby beautiful beach, I set off for my private dive lesson. This time, where we jumped in the boat was only about 2 meters deep. I could see the bottom and was a little more comfortable. After finally getting comfortable with the breathing techniques, we set off slowly underwater. Getting to the bottom here wasn't hard (except for the ear pressure - I really had trouble with the "equalizing" techniques we briefly learned). But as she started to pull me away from the boat, I knew we were getting deeper and deeper and two or three times panicked and made her take me to the surface. We eventually got down about 6 meters, which doesn't too sound deep, but it really feels deep when the furthest down I've ever been is a 12 foot swimming pool for a second or two. Especially when the visibility isn't great, there was no way I could see the surface, which was a little unnerving. But eventually I got comfortable. The next 30 minutes or so was amazing. She finally let me swim on my own. We saw a ton of cool coral and schools of fish. It's crazy how different it feels down there. One breath in and you float up 3 feet, one breath out and you go back down. I never quite got used to the ear pressure and how to equalize it. But it was an amazing experience. I had a crazy adrenaline rush for awhile afterwards.

      Once we got back to the boat, everyone else had already returned and so we set off for the third stop. I wasn't ready to try another group dive, so I set off with the snorkelers, and Tim set off for his second dive. He said the visibility was much better this time. They got down to about 9 meters. He had an amazing time and was so glad he did it. My snorkeling this time was a little intense. The waves were rough. But I saw lots of huge colorful fish, Angel Fish, some crazy crawling fish with wings, and beautiful coral. The swim back to the boat through the waves was tough though and I was ready to be on land for the day.

      We got back to our resort around 3:00. We relaxed on the beach for awhile, Tim went SUP boarding, then we watched the sunset before getting ready for another delicious dinner. What an exhausting, scary, amazing day.
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    • Day 53

      Day 53 - Last Day in Koh Kood

      November 1, 2017 in Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 3 °C

      Another amazing day in paradise. After breakfast, we decided to kayak to a waterfall. The roundtrip, including a little hiking and swimming, was only supposed to take 2 hours. But the lady at our hotel who was giving us directions told us it would take double because the sea was a little rough. We decided to give it a try anyways (it didn't look very rough at all). We didn't know it at the time, but we had gotten almost to the turn off from the sea to the river when it started to get pretty scary. The waves were big, the sea was shallow, and the waves were crashing hard into the rocks. After two large waves almost took us out, we decided to turn around. On the way back, we had a lot of fun riding waves into the sandy beach on the kayak. We finally made it back and it was time for some relaxing on the beach and reading.

      Tim decided to go SUP boarding while I continued to read. He returned awhile later and said that was pretty tough too, with the choppy sea. We had another amazing lunch (this food really is the best) and placed an advance order to get a crispy whole fish for our last dinner at Shantaa Resort.

      After lunch, we decided we needed to get to the waterfalls one way or another. We rented a motorbike and set off on another adventure! Tim has become an awesome scooter driver (once he finally figured out how to make a right turn from the left side of the road!!) and cruising around Asia on these things is a blast. After hiking through the jungle, we made it to the falls. We swam around for awhile and Tim jumped off of a swinging rope and then we hiked back to the bike. Next, we set off for a beach that's supposed to be one of the most beautiful on the island. And it was - a long stretch of white sand, crystal clear water that's still up to your waist after walking out about 200 feet, palm trees lining the coast, and barely a single person on the beach. We swam for awhile, and then headed back to our resort.

      We had about an hour left before sunset so we went down to the beach to watch our 6th and final Koh Kood sunset. It was beautiful, once again (though we haven't yet seen it drop straight into the sea!!). After sunset, I finished my book, then we got in our hot tub to relax until dinner.

      This restaurant is amazing - some of the best food I've had in my life. We have had so many amazing dishes - curries (the best we've ever had), pad Thai, and fish, shrimp, squid, king fish, crab in a dozen different sauces and stir fries. But our last meal topped it all. We started with vegetarian fresh rolls with mint and sweet and spicy sauce. Then we shared a crispy whole fish (not quite sure what kind) covered in a garlic chili basil sauce and crispy kale. It was incredible. We cleaned every ounce of meat off of the 1.2 kilo fish. We finished it off with a mango and sticky rice for dessert. Yum YUM!!!

      We will be sad to leave this place, but we will definitely be back. This is the most beautiful resort I have ever seen. Everything is pristine and the service couldn't be better. The free kayaks, SUP boards, and amazing snorkeling right off of the shore is awesome. The food is delicious. The rooms and the view are incredible. We will miss it here!

      Now off to Koh Chang - the final stop on our journey!
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    • Day 75

      Koh Kood (Koh Kut)

      October 31, 2019 in Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Koh Kood ist unser Einstieg in einen insgesamt mehrwöchigen Thailandaufenthalt und eine traumhaft schöne Insel ohne große Hotelkomplexe und mit nur wenigen Touristen. Die Hochsaison beginnt erst in den kommenden Wochen und die ohnehin ruhige Insel wirkt dadurch noch verschlafener. Mit dem Roller ist man schnell in jeder Ecke um ein paar Wasserfälle, verschiedene Strände und Restaurants zu besuchen.

      Genau das richtige um sich am Strand mit dem Reiseführer entspannt auf die nächsten Ziele vorzubereiten, im salzigen Wasser die fliegenden Fische herumspringen zu sehen, mit den bereitgestellten Kayaks einsame Buchten und Strände zu erkunden oder mit den hoteleigenen SUPs auf dem Meer in den Sonnenuntergang zu paddeln.

      Und obwohl wir in den letzten Wochen teils wunderbares Essen genießen konnten, sind wir sofort wieder von der thailändischen Küche eingenommen und sind von der perfekten Kombination aus süß, sauer, salzig und scharf vom ersten Gericht an überwältigt. Außer Italien gibt es wohl kaum ein Land mit solch einer Fülle und Diversität von unfassbar leckeren Gerichten. Nichts geht über die verschienden grün, gelben und roten Kokos/Chili/Erdnuss-Currys und Suppen, über gebratenen Reis und die verschiedenen breiten und schmalen gebratenen Nudeln, Mango- und Papayasalate und die unzähligen Süßspeisen wie Mango auf sticky rice, Banana Roti oder die leckeren Fruchtshakes. Yammi!

      Die Strände von Koh Kood sind umrahmt von haushohen Palmen, die regelmäßig ihre kiloschweren Kokosfrüchte gefährlich nah neben uns in den Sand werfen und wir werden uns wieder bewusst, dass jährlich mehr Menschen durch herabfallende Kokosnüsse ums Leben kommen als durch Hai- und Krokodil-Angriffe zusammen.
      Eines Morgens machen wir uns an die Arbeit eine Kokosnuss aufzubrechen, doch ohne richtiges Werkzeug ist der Aufwand größer als gedacht. Wir brauchen eine halbe Ewigkeit um die braune Nussschale von ihrer natürlichen faserigen grünen Verpackung zu befreien und freizulegen, bevor wir die steinharte Frucht mit der richtigen Schlagtechnik auf den Felsen zum Knacken bringen. Doch das weiße Fleisch schmeckt hervorragend und der süße Kokosnusssaft erfrischt uns nach der schweißtreibenden Arbeit in der Mittagssonne.

      Insgesamt gibt es für uns wunderbar wenig zu tun und wir verbringen ein paar entspannte Tage bevor wir uns in Richtung Bangkok und dann in den Norden Thailands aufmachen.
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    • Day 48

      Day 48 - Koh Kood Island Arrival!!!!!

      October 27, 2017 in Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      We made it! The next 12 nights will be spent on the beach in two islands in East Thailand, right on the Cambodian border. First, we are staying 6 nights in an amazing oceanfront villa in Koh Kood. Then, we are staying 6 nights in a seaside bungalow in Koh Chang. These past 48 days have been amazing, but this is what I've been waiting for the entire time.

      We woke up early and had a long shuttle>ferry>shuttle journey to our resort, Shantaa Koh Kood, arriving around 4:00 pm. This place is amazing. Our awesome villa has a beautiful view of the beach, the sea, and 🌴🌴. Our open air bathroom has a jacuzzi. The room, with its comfy king bed, is incredible. And it feels like we are the only ones here. We can't see any other villa through our floor to ceiling windows. Our resort has two private beaches, a massage room on the sand, a beach bar, cabanas all over the grounds, hammocks, a library, a cat, free kayaks and paddle-boards and snorkel equipment to use, and a restaurant with the best Thai food we have ever had. And besides the sandy coast and beautiful warm green-blue water, the rest of this island is a jungle with waterfalls and a river passing through it. We have some exploring to do!!

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    • Day 50

      Day 50 - Koh Kood - Paradise

      October 29, 2017 in Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      I never want to leave. Today was another amazing day in paradise - Woke up. Worked out. Ate breakfast. Relaxed and swam and read on the beach. Snorkeled. SUP boarded with our snorkel gear. Snorkeled out deep in the sea. Swam and read on the beach some more. Ate lunch. Drank a few fresh coconuts with rum. Napped on a beach chair. Swam and snorkeled again. Read. Ate an amazing dinner. Now relaxing in our amazing villa. I could do this every day.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Khlong Hin Dam, คลองหินดำ

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