Nakalay Beach

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    • Day 9

      Last Day in Phuket

      May 18 in Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

      Yesterday was a day that we were all looking forward to on this trip. It was the day we were going on an excursion to the Phuket Elephant Sanctuary! We had to leave at 8:15am, so we got up early, hit the breakfast buffet, and went to the lobby to catch our van. The drive to the sanctuary wasn't too long and once we got to their office and checked-in, we hopped in the back of a truck and drove down to the sanctuary.

      The sanctuary homes mature elephants that have visual and/or physical disablities due to them being used at logging camps or in shows. Once the logging camps and shows have no use for the elephants, they abandon them, and that is where the sanctuary comes into play. The sanctuary takes in the abandoned elephants and gives them a home that is free of neglect and abuse, and provides them with a large area to roam during the day.

      At the sanctuary we were given some rubber boots to change into for when we walk through the area. The sanctuary provided snacks for us while we waited for all the scheduled visitors to arrive for the day, which was nice! The first step of the sanctuary was being able to feed 2 of the elephants there with baskets of fruit and veggies. It was a cool experience as the elephants just grab the food from your hands with their trunks. After that, we went out into the large area where the elephants roam and got to see them up close and learn about their backstories and how they arrived at the sanctuary. After walking around and seeing the elephants for an hour or two, we walked back to where we started for our provided lunch, and then took the van back to the resort after that. It was a really awesome experience and something we all enjoyed and thought was a highlight of the trip so far. If you ever find yourself in Thailand, we highly recommend going to one of these sanctuaries, but make sure that it is an ethical one and not one that mistreats the animals.

      Once we arrived back at the resort, it was time to go for a swim and relax by the pool! It was such a nice afternoon cooling off after sweating our butts off at the sanctuary! Once again, we attended the swim-up bar where we enjoyed some cheap happy hour cocktails.

      Once the evening rolled around, we took a free shuttle into the city to grab a meal in Patong. The shuttle dropped us off at a mall where we were surprised to see a little slice of back home, a Tim Horton's! We kept adventuring and walked down the main strip of Patong, which was... an experience... since it was mainly tons of people shoving flyers in your face trying to get you to visit whatever restaurant or activity they were advertising.

      We got out of there and found a nice restaurant on a less busy street to eat dinner. Sarah was very happy to finally try the pineapple fried rice that she has been eyeing up at every place it's offered. It's presentation is very cool as it's served within the pineapple itself. After dinner, we grabbed some ice cream and took a walk on the beach until we got to a much less busy part of the city where it was less chaotic (and cheaper to get a cab back).

      When we got back to the resort, it was pretty much just packing and heading to bed as we had a 5:00 wakeup for our flight to Chiang Mai the next morning.
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    • Day 7

      Railay Beach to Phuket Island

      May 16 in Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

      We've had some busy days so we're a bit late on the post for yesterday.

      Yesterday started off pretty much the same as the previous few, where we grabbed breakfast and a smoothie. Noah got the Thai omelette and Sarah got Burnt Butter Toast. Burnt butter toast is a sweet breakfast food where a thick slice of bread is covered in caramelized sugar. Sarah ordered hers with "strawberries" as the menu stated but was surprised to see what arrived at the table (as seen in the first picture).

      After breakfast, we had to check out of our room at 11:00am. Thankfully, the resort manager let us leave our bags in the office room until we had to catch our ferry at 3:30pm so we didn't have to worry about that. We spent that time hanging out on the beach relaxing. While on the beach, we discovered some baby crab homes where they have dug sand out of their hole which was very interesting to see. Once 2:30pm rolled around, the resort carted us off to the pier where we grabbed some Pad Thai for lunch before checking-in for the boat.

      The whole experience of the ferry was quite the interesting one. It started off with us being surprised when we were told to board the Longtail boats, as this was supposed to be a 2 hour trip across the Andaman Sea. After departing from the pier and being away from the shore, the engine of the Longtail boat was shut off. It wasn't until after Sarah broke the awkward silence of the boat into laughter by just saying "So...." that we learned we board the ferry via the Longtail boat. That reassured us as we were not fans of taking a Longtail boat across the sea. After a few minutes, the ferry emerged behind one of the several mountains ascending from the water and we boarded just fine.

      The beginning of the cruise was good and smooth, but when we went outside to the back deck, we noticed some storm clouds following behind us. It was cool to watch the dark clouds and lightning bolts roll in. But once it got close enough, the boat staff ushered everyone back inside. It was crazy how dark the sky got (as seen from the boat window comparison pictures). The water got pretty choppy, but we didn't have too much longer of the cruise and made it to the Phuket Town Pier without any issues.

      From the pier we got a shuttle to drive us across the island to the city of Patong where our next resort would be. We were happy to arrive at our new home for the next couple days as we were all quite exhausted. We then took a trip to the resort restaurant where we all enjoyed our meals and headed to be shortly after!
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    • Day 24


      July 21 in Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      Hier wollte ich eigentlich nicht hin. Es hat in den letzten Tagen einfach zu viel geregnet. In Phuket ist wenigstens Sonne. Ich habe ein schönes Hotel gefunden und bin sehr gespannt was die Insel zu bieten hat.Read more

    • Day 56

      Vorletzter Stopp - Phuket

      February 19, 2019 in Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Gleich nach dem Frühstück ging es für uns heute weiter nach Phuket. Nach der Erfahrung von der Anreise haben wir uns gegen eine Fährfahrt über den Tonsai Pier entschieden, weil uns das dort mit den beide Kleinen zu chaotisch war und ein Einstig wieder über 2 Boote mit unserem Gepäck ziemlich nervig wäre. Also haben wir uns für die teure aber deutlich komfortablere Variante Speedboat entschieden. Pünktlich 8:30 ging es los - einmal durch die Andaman Sea bis zur Ao Po Grand Marina auf Phuket. Die Fahrt war wirklich relativ entsannt (auch für Tim) und wir haben unterwegs noch viele tolle Inseln gesehen. Vom Hafen ging es weiter mit einem Minibus zu unserem Hotel U Zenmaya. Dieses liegt oberhalb des Meeres auf den Klippen zwischen Kamala Beach und Patong mit einer tollen Aussicht auf die Bucht. Die Wartezeit bis unser Zimmer frei war, haben wir uns an der Poolbar mit kühlen Getränken und Mittagessen vertrieben. Thilo wurde von den Angestellten bespasst und mitgenommen. Das Personal ist hier wieder unglaublich freundlich! Unser Zimmer hat einen Zugang zum Pool und den haben wir dann auch gleich ausgetestet. Thilo war allerdings nach seinem Schläfchen heute eher nicht gut drauf und daher ist Tim mit ihm in den nahegelegenen Ort zum Einkaufen gefahren. Theo und ich haben in der Zeit gemalt und gepuzzelt. Später haben beide noch ausgiebig auf dem Bett getobt. Und dann ging es schnell ins Bett, denn morgen wartet ein großes Highlight auf uns... 🐘🐘🐘Read more

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    Nakalay Beach

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