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Top 10 Travel Destinations Adıyaman
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    • Day 346

      10m vor, 1m hoch🤯🤯🏔️

      April 16 in Turkey ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      13km und 1300 Höhenmeter. Einfache und beängstigende Mathematik. In 10Meter Strecke einen Meter nach oben fahren bedeutet übersetzt, dass man 13 km aus dem letzten Loch pfeift.
      Heute Morgen hätte ich dank der Periode am liebsten gestreikt mit schlechter Laune und wollte absolut keinen Meter radeln.
      Nach dem ersten Stück mit 17% Steigung und ultra lauter mega guter Musik in den Ohren hab ichs aber richtig gefühlt und "einfach" in 3 1/2Stunden ohne Pause durchgezogen.
      Die Bedingungen waren aber erste Sahne: 25Grad, kein Verkehr, nur wenig guckende Türken und am Wichtigsten: Breite Pflasterstraßen, die es ermöglichten 1000 Schleifen zu radeln. Hätte ich das alles schieben müssen, wär es wirklich brutal gewesen. Das letzte Stück war nochmal so sagenhaft eklig, dass es uns drei von den Rädern zwang und wir konzentriert auf unser Ziel starrend( ein Café auf 1800m) schoben was das Zeug hielt. Um 12Uhr saßen wir dann erschöpft und gleichzeitig zufrieden grinsend mit stinkenden Füßen auf der Panoramaveranda.
      Heute Nacht dürfen wir hier drinnen im Gebäude im Museum schlafen. Yeiii also ein ganzer Nachmittag, an dem Handyzeug wieder erledigt werden kann💪🏻

      Was machen wir eigentlich hier oben im Nemrut Nationalpark? Dazu morgen!!
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    • Day 345

      Ein warmes Frühlingsgrün

      April 15 in Turkey ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Je südöstlicher man kommt desto noch besser wird das Essen. Wow dieses Frühstück. Und dieses Brot.... das Beste bis jetzt!

      Gaaaar keine Kraft. Schrecklich anstrengende erste 30km. Ich wollte das Handtuch schmeißen. Nach 3 Stunden Pause und Mittagsschlaf wars wieder top und das Nachmittagslicht hat die saftigste grüne Landschaft gezaubert.

      Abends kam die gute Polizei vorbei, weil wir im Nirgendwo hier oben gezeltet haben. Auf Beton! Neben Toilettenhäusschen! Hallooo? 10meter weiter drüben durfte ich dann wieder aufbauen, nachdem ich abends um 10 hundemüde alles wieder einpacken sollte. Danke🤔🫡
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    • Day 144

      Crossing River Euphrates

      October 20, 2020 in Turkey ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Next try: after 14km on the highway, we had enough of the busy highway and turned into secondary roads. What a great choice! We could cycle on decently paved roads with no traffic, nice scenery and many sheep and cows. A bit on the exhausting side with some steep hills, but we enjoyed it.
      We cycled all around the East side of Atatürk Lake until we crossed a fancy new bridge at the North of the lake. This is where River Euphrates comes into the lake. So after the Tigris near Diyarbakır, we now saw the other one of the two important rivers of Mesopotamia.
      The rest of our cycling day was exhausting. We could feel we were low on calories, there was just nothing on the way and the white bread and snacks just wasn't enough. However, we made it to Damlacık, where we wanted to stay for the night. Just before the last corner, the landscape changed dramatically all of a sudden. From smooth hills to rough mountains and volcanoes. What a view!
      The owner of the campground was super nice. Even though we asked (and paid) for a campsite, he offered us a room with a bed and an ensuite bathroom. We accepted the offer but still cooked our dinner in their garden, surrounded by apple and pomegranate trees, cows, hens and a squirrel.
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    • Day 145

      Exhausting climbs to ancient cities

      October 21, 2020 in Turkey ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Today, more sights were waiting for us to explore, so we left early - as most days. Our first stop was Arsamaia, in Mount Nemrut National Park. It's located on a hill and we had to cycle up a very steep road to get there. However, it was a super interesting place: an ancient city (over 2200 years old) where you can still see a cave used for food storage, a 156m-long tunnel and the ruins of the houses. It is most known for two reliefs, one of King Antiochos and Herakles shaking hands and one of the Sun God Mithras. We could also see Arsemia castle from here, a castle built on a narrow rock. Plus, the views of the surrounding mountains were stunning.
      Next on our route was Cendere Bridge, a Roman bridge dating back to the 3rd century. We stopped here for breakfast and enjoyed the scenery. Many dogs of all ages (including 4 young puppies 😍) joined us and hoped for some snacks.
      After some more exhausting kilometres on steep rolling roads, we found a Lahmacun bakery in one of the small villages. The owners were very friendly and told us about the tobacco industry in the area. Most people around Adıyaman work in this field as it's good money. At this time, dried tobacco plants are hanging everywhere - in shops, bakeries, sheds. People are waiting for rain to be able to pack it.
      In the North of Adıyaman, we stopped at the ancient city of Pirin. It was excavated just over 10 years ago. The area is huge and you can easily walk around the ruins. Most of the excavated area is the former Necropolis, so you see a lot of graves. It's impressive how well this 2000 year old city is preserved. It was carved into the rocks and during the excavation they basically just took out the dirt.
      We then continued to the centre of Adıyaman where many people talked to us. Again, we experienced Kurdish hospitality at its best. Hasan welcomed us in a friend's apartment and took us out for dinner and tea with a couple of friends. Afterwards, we had a short stroll through the shopping centre before going back to the apartment. His friend Hakan is a phd student in music and played some traditional music for us on the instrument called bağlama.
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    • Day 146

      Day to relax

      October 22, 2020 in Turkey ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      After those exhausting days in the mountains, we decided to have a rest day in Adıyaman. There's not much to see in the city, so we spent the day eating, drinking coffee and tea and meeting people. Hasan and Apo were amazing hosts and took is to all those nice places.Read more

    • Day 3

      Nemrut Dağı

      July 6, 2023 in Turkey ⋅ ☀️ 37 °C

      Nachdem alle Busse von Diyabarkir nach Adiyaman total ausgebucht sind planen wir um, nehmen am Donnerstag Mittag einen Mietwagen und fahren zur Karadut Pension in Karadut. Ist ein guter Zug, weil die Leute dort sehr nett sind und die Pension viel näher an unserem nächsten Ziel - dem Nemrut Dağı bei Sonnenaufgang - liegt als Adiyaman. Läuft. Gegen 4 sind wir dort und der Chef erklärt, dass Sonnenuntergang auch schön sei. Wir sollten abends hoch gehen und dann entscheiden, ob es morgens noch braucht. Das muss schon gut bedacht sein weil man für Sonnenaufgang um 3.45 Uhr - ja genau sch... früh - los muss. Also hoch zum Sonnenuntergang: sehr schöne Landschaft und Stimmung, aber die Statuen stehen auf der Ostseite im Schatten. Also morgen früh....
      Wir genießen den Untergang und freuen uns auf morgen. 🤣
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    • Day 88


      October 2, 2022 in Turkey ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Die Modeleisenbahnlandschaft ist wunderschön. Allerdings muss sie mit richtig vielen Höhenmetern bezahlt werden. Am Abend noch zu ein paar Bergdörfern Richtung Adiyaman. Alles steiles Gelände bzw. keinen Sichtschutz. Irgendwann hab ich dann doch einen Platz gefunden. Abschüssig und schräg. Gar nicht gut zum campieren.Read more

    • Day 89


      October 3, 2022 in Turkey ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Die Nacht war richtig mies. Durchfall und Fieber. Die Isomatte hält die Luft nicht. Fast gar nicht geschlafen. Verschiedene Optionen überlegt. Dachte das beste ist, bergab nach Golbasi, in ein Hotel einchecken, erstmal schlafen, ausruhen und dann überlegen wie weiter.Read more

    • Day 149

      Nimrud Dag

      October 17, 2022 in Turkey ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Bought provisions at the local bazar ate far to many mandarins, Hitchhiked to nemrut and arrived at the run down information center 2 hours before sunset, just as clouds turned into rain 🌧.... we decided to go up anyway but we're reconsidering our A plan to camp and it felt like rain was about to turn to ❄️.
      And as we came down from the mountain it was so windy we decided to look for some other form of shelter...
      Which is how we ended up staying the night in the museum right next to the exhibits and that's just what we felt like early morning (4.15) when the first tour busses arrived sending gabbering flocks of tourist flooding into the museum and of course all around us...
      Well awake for the sunrise 😀
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    • Day 147

      Adıyaman Mehmet Ayse Nurs uncle

      October 15, 2022 in Turkey ⋅ 🌧 19 °C

      It was time to leave gaziantep behind us for good now... Ayse Nur had gotten to like roaming around with us and wanted to escape having to go to her religious cousins engagement 💍 party (or not so party), for some wierd reason her military father seemed to trust us and so we set of to Adiyaman.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Adıyaman, Adiyaman

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