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    • Day 13

      Divide and Conquer

      December 19, 2023 in Turkey ⋅ ☀️ 7 °C

      Today we split up after a morning stroll around the Sultan's palace. We flew off to Rome to collect Jonah. The rest will stay on for 2 more nights before joining us in Barcelona. A volcano in Iceland also erupted today so hopefully it doesn't interfere with our rendezvous in Barcelona. Oh yeah, hope the Icelanders are all fine too!Read more

    • Day 248

      Europe, not Asia....

      September 5, 2023 in Turkey ⋅ 🌬 26 °C

      ...and Istanbul, not Constantinople, is the largest city in Europe, bigger than London or Paris. The Grand Bazaar, with at least 6,000 businesses under its roof, is said to be the largest covered market in the world. And pretty orderly and well kept it is too, with each business allocated to a particular quarter. Next door is the Spice Bazaar, guarded by the steely gaze of Ataturk, father of the nation. And as the sign says, although the sales staff are persuasive, there's little hard sell or hassle. The trolley bearers, weaving in and out of the narrow streets, are unmistakeable features of the city. As are the fast-food shops, Turkish style. 19th century gems, both ornamental kiosks and the brooding Sirkeci station, crop up from place to place.

      In Istanbul, you're never far away from the water, be it the Galata bridge with its hopeful anglers or the Bosphorus linking the two continents. This palace is one of several from the 19th century built to catch the summer breezes.
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    • Day 339

      Istanbul, Family time

      March 11, 2019 in Turkey ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      صبح با طلوع آفتاب رسیدیم به استانبول شلوغ و پر ازدحام و زنده. چند روزی رو با خانواده به گشت و گذار تو شهر گذروندیم و خیلی شارژ شدیم برای ادامه سفرمون. استانبول هم تو مدت اقامتون هوای خیلی ملایم و آفتابی داشت و خیلی هم شلوغ نبود و این لذت رو چند برابر کرد. زمان خیلی زود گذشت ولی به هرحال روز خداحافظی هم رسید و خانواده به ایران و ما هم از استانبول پرواز کردیم به ایتالیا. تو یه دوره ده روزه مراقبه ثبت نام کرده بودیم و تنها چیزی که ازین دوره ها میدونستیم این بود که ده روز اجازه حرف زدن نداریم و همین به اندازه کافی تومون هیجان و اضطراب ایجاد کرده بود!
      دقیقا لحظه ای که میخواستیم سوار هواپیما بشیم، تو گیت، با وجودی که کارت پرواز رو هم گرفته بودیم، بهمون گفتن که اجازه سوار شدن نداریم چون پول بلیت رو پرداخت نکردیم!!! البته برخورد مسئول مربوطه خیلی زننده بود, دم پرواز تهدیدمون کرد که یا باید همینجا پول رو پرداخت کنیم یا اجازه پرواز نداریم. ما هم توانی برای اثبات اینکه آخه بدون پرداخت پول چجوری تونستیم بلیت بگیریم و یا حساب بانکی رو بهش نشون بدیم نداشتیم لذا با وجودی که مطمئن بودیم پول از حساب بانکیمون کم شده ولی دوباره پول رو پرداخت کردیم و توکل به خدا که بتونیم بعدا پول رو پس بگیریم... 🤔
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    • Day 9

      Dolmabahçe Palace

      August 25, 2019 in Turkey ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Summer palace on the shore of the Bosporus. It's hard to fathom that a place as large and ornate as this is not the main residence and administration center for the empire. Topkapi fills that role. In fact, it is the summer "hang out" for the sultan and the court. Ok, it's a bit more than that, but still, this equal some of the extravagance I saw in China.
      First is the main gate followed by the entrance to the administrative portion of the palace. Next is a look at a portion of the river side of the complex, to give a hint at the size of the place. Technically, pictures weren't allowed inside. But the I took a couple anyway to give you a sense of the oppulence. The first is from the admin building. The other is from the harem.
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    • Departure for Istanbul

      October 26, 2019 in Turkey ⋅ ⛅ 63 °F

      Up at 5 am. Breakfast at 6 on bus at 7. Went across from the hotel last night for some kebabs and a beer. Pretty spicy!!

      Hotel was quite swanky. Not sure how Gate 1 delivers such nice hotels and great tour directors for the price but it is hard to resist. This tour covered some long stretches on the bus but we had plenty of breaks and the landscape and the social/history lessons from our tour director kept us entertained. Pretty nice bunch of people, no major whiners fortunately Not having to worry about luggage or much of anything becomes a blessing the older I get. Could we do this on our own? Absolutely, but could never have covered all that we did when you consider the logistics, language, etc

      Drove past the presidential palace on the way out of town. Damn - makes the White House look like a shack. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidential_Co…https://maps.apple.com/?ll=39.931130,32.798873&…

      Janet and I are planning to take a taxi to a church to check out some amazing mosaics. Was thinking about Uber, then I read this - https://www.quora.com/Is-Uber-available-in-Turkey. Think we’ll stick to the taxi!

      Spent some time writing out thank you notes in Turkish to our bus driver and tour director. Thank you Google translate!

      The Chora Church we will visit this afternoon - https://www.lonelyplanet.com/turkey/istanbul/at…

      As a commentary on what I’m seeing in tourism, I’m thinking of writing Apple and Samsung and suggesting that they develop software that limits the number of selfies you can take in a day to 5. I can understand someone wanting to have a picture of themselves somewhere but 50 in the same place? How do you find time to look at what you came to see? (You don’t). It would cut crowds down considerably because everyone would leave after their first selfie. I know I sound grumpy but it drives Janet and I both insane. I can see why tourists are annoying to locals. The tour director makes no comments about it but that must drive him (and other tour directors) a bit bonkers when he is trying to educate the group.

      Some 50 miles east of Istanbul we are in the earthquake zone that killed 17000 back in 1999. ( see map with caption)

      As we pull into Istanbul about 1:30pm, I spot Krispy Kreme so to my WINSTON friends, they are alive and well in Turkey!
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    • Day 3

      Sunset Boats Tour

      May 11 in Turkey ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Über GetyourGuide haben wir für gerade einmal 7€ eine zweienhalbstündige Bootstour über den Bosphorus gebucht. Pünktlich mit Ablegen unseres Bootes kam auch die Sonne raus. Die Stadt erstrahlte noch einmal in einem ganz anderen Licht. Ein gelungener Abschluss.

      Nach einem leckeren Abendessen ging es dann ins Bett.
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    • Day 4

      Dolmabahce Sarayi

      October 30, 2016 in Turkey ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Hier starb Atatürk. War mir keine 14 Euro wert reinzugehen. John sagt das sei völlig in Ordnung 😊 das Café dort war trotzdem nett. Die Ärztin, mit der ich gequatscht habe, war allerdings eher dem rechten Spektrum zugehörig als dem meinen 🤔Read more

    • Day 4


      December 18, 2018 in Turkey ⋅ 🌧 9 °C

      Heute hatten wir geplant uns einen Aussichtspunkt zu suchen, die Stadt von oben zu betrachten und den Topkapi Palast zu besichtigen. Leider hat es den ganzen Tag geregnet und man konnte kaum einen Meter weit sehen. Der Palast hat zudem an Dienstagen geschlossen (was ein gut informierte Tourist hätte wissen können). Der Plan ging also nicht auf.
      Dennoch ist es ein toller Tag geworden! Wir waren pünktlich auf den Beinen und entflohen dem Regen schnell in die Hagia Sophia, die einst christliche Kirche, welche später zu einer Moschee umgebaut, heute zu den berühmtesten zählt. Der Besuch war eindrucksvoll obgleich auch in dieser, wie auch in allen anderen Moscheen die wir besuchten, gebaut wurde und Gerüste den Blick einschränkten. Nach einem wärmenden Tee auf dem großen Basar (die Teekultur haben wir besonders lieben gelernt) schauten wir uns den prunkvollen und zugleich größten Palast der Türkei, den Dolmabace Palast an. Da wir nach dem Spaziergang im Schlossgarten sowieso einmal nass waren beschlossen wir auch noch zum Äquadukt zu gehen. Das Abendessen im Restaurant um die Ecke hatten wir uns dann redlich verdient. Es war wieder super lecker und neben dem Tee gingen zwei Vorspeisen und ein Nachtisch aufs Haus.
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    • Day 8

      Istanbul 3 - Strait, Dolmabache, Bazaar

      May 5, 2022 in Turkey ⋅ ☀️ 63 °F

      Still with Hanifi and our small group of six. This morning we took a boat ride up the Strait of Bosphorus (a natural strait connecting the Black Sea to the Sea of Mamara and out to the Mediterranean). It is a boundary between Europe and Asia and separates the 20 million person city of Istanbul in two.

      Then on to Dolmabache Palace, the main administrative building during the Ottoman Empire. Impressive architecture.

      After lunch at a neighborhood restaurant, we went to the Grand Bazaar (where I bought Turkish beach towels). It was a long day.
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