Karaalioğlu Parkı

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    • Day 104

      J103/J104 - Lenteurs à Antalya

      June 4, 2024 in Turkey ⋅ ⛅ 35 °C


      C’est donc au sein d’Antalya que 5 vaillants cyclistes prendront repos. La première journée voit cette volonté de flâner poussée à son paroxysme. Le réveil est tardif et on traîne la majeure partie de la journée dans notre bel airbnb, situé en plein centre. Il faut dire que les 37 degrés indiqués par le mercure ont tendance à nous clouer au canapé plutôt que de gambader en ville, tout comme les journées sportives qui ont précédé.

      En fin d’aprem, certains font la traditionnelle virée au décathlon, d’autres se baladent dans le centre. Eliott se fait une nouvelle coupe, je fais des petits achats nécessaires, puis on découvre l’ambiance de la ville.

      Antalya est une grande ville dont le centre est perché sur une longue falaise, ce qui est assez particulier et lui donne un certain charme. De plus tout le long de la côte est aménagé avec des espaces verts, des parcs sportifs, et une piste cyclable dont on a profité. Il a l’air d’y faire bon vivre. Le centre historique est une sorte de grand et joli bazar à peine entaché par l’insistance des vendeurs. La ville est quand même très touristique et ça se sent.

      Le lendemain on se bouge un peu plus et on se balade tous les 5 à travers la ville. Après avoir bien déjeuner on se perd dans un grand shopping ou chacun y va de son petit achat (vetements, electronique, livres). On finit la journée en allant à la marina, où on se baigne et saute sous les yeux des passants. Le coucher de soleil est magnifique.

      Merci Antalya c’était super 😃😃😃
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    • Day 102

      J102 - En route pour Antalya

      June 2, 2024 in Turkey ⋅ 🌙 27 °C


      Debout à 8h, le soleil chauffe déjà très fort : la journée s'annonce chaude. Antalya est à 65 km, nous les parcourons en une matinée.

      La route est jolie. À notre gauche, les monts Taurus dominent la vue avec des sommets à plus de 2300 m. Nous entrons dans Antalya grâce à une superbe piste cyclable qui longe la plage. On traverse des espaces verts bondés de gens en train de pique-niquer. On fait de même avant de rejoindre notre Airbnb.

      Le logement est situé en plein centre de la vieille ville. Nichée sur une falaise à 30 m au-dessus de la mer, la cité est très jolie avec ses ruelles pavées sa porte romaine etc. Nous irons visiter tout ça dans les prochains jours, car nous prenons trois jours de pause.
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    • Day 10


      April 17, 2024 in Turkey ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Our next destination was the city of Antalya, the 5th largest city in Turkiye and one of the biggest destinations for tourists. It's a pretty place with lots of nooks and crannies to explore and stunnning views over the bay from the top of the cliffs.Read more

    • Day 173

      Last day on the bikes

      November 18, 2020 in Turkey ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Today, we cycled our last stage on our epic bike trip: From Kemer to Antalya. The cities are only about 45km apart and we could see our destination pretty much all the time.
      The road wasn't too interesting. It led through a couple of resort towns that are already closed for the season. Furthermore, the highway was busy and led through some tunnels, so cycling wasn't too much fun.
      However, once we got to Antalya, we were pleasantly surprised again. There's a bike path along the long Southwestern beaches with lots of cafés and many people exercising in the outdoor gyms. We really liked this area.
      We checked into a hotel in the old part of the city, had the obligatory Covid test done, went for a last swim (probably) and explored the harbour during sunset. The atmosphere in Antalya is very enjoyable overall.
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    • Day 17

      Antalya, Trebenna, retour

      June 8, 2024 in Turkey ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Ce matin, temps couvert mais 36 degrés ! Les bougainvillées dans la vieille ville cascadent depuis les moucharabiehs et les inscriptions antiques côtoient les minarets ottomans.
      Une partie du groupe part sur le petit site de Trabenna, dans les hauteurs, avec une vue magnifique sur la montagne, quelques sarcophages et une chapelle byzantine, mais surtout une végétation envahissante. Derniers moments archéologiques et démonstration de défense depuis un mur antique à l'aide de pommes de pin.
      Un orage torrentiel commence ensuite, on perd 15 degrés !
      Le reste du groupe est allé au musée archéologique d'Antalya et a visité la ville.
      Déjeuner de gözleme pour certains dans une cabane dans les arbres ! On trouve enfin le fameux vinaigre de grenade.
      On croise un malheureux sanglier sur le bas côté ( déjà mort!) et des troupeaux.
      Enfin, avant de décoller, dernières péripéties : changement non annoncé de terminal, retard de vol, et taxi très bien rempli au milieu des éclats de rire...ensuite, contrôle des bagages, passage un peu long et stressant au bureau de la police pour moi, qui suis suspectée de faire du trafic d'antiquités à cause de ma statue de lion hittite achetée ce matin dans une boutique d'Antalya..mais tout finit bien!
      Au revoir la Turquie, on perd 30 degrés en arrivant en Finistère à 4h du matin! A l'année prochaine !
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    • Day 8


      September 11, 2023 in Turkey ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      Nach einer entspannten Nacht in einer der Elysium Green Suite ging es zu einem schönen Wasserfall (Düden) an der Küste von Antalya.

      Anschließend mussten wir uns von unserem i20 trennen und fuhren mit dem Taxi zu unserer letzten schönen Unterkunft im alten Bereich von Antalya (hinter den Stadtmauern).
      Von unserem Hotel Alp Pasa gingen wir quer durch die Stadt bis hin zum Bazaar und seinen unzähligen Ständen von gefälschten Markenprodukte.

      Zurück gingen wir dann mit kleinem Umweg über den Hafen, bis hin zu einem leckeren Fischrestaurant wo es für uns Shrimps, Lachs und Seebarsch gab 😋.
      Zum Nachtisch gab es dann nach einem kleinen Spaziergang eine leckere Waffel mit Erdbeeren, Bananen und Schokolade.
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    • Day 40

      Day 1 Antalya

      August 19, 2023 in Turkey ⋅ 🌙 84 °F


      I can't quite put my finger on what I like about this town, but I do like it.

      With 2.5M people, town is a misnomer.

      Irritatingly, I'm struggling with a gut bug and can't really enjoy the delicious food.

      I was sitting there at the cute and very hippy hostel into which I got a serendipitous early check-in (much needed after the overnight bus ride debacle)...

      ...writing in my journal and sipping coffee.

      I was thinking about the time I'd just spent w/ my pals from Spain and I wrote: "I think the reality of being alone is starting to become heavy. I want to share common experiences more often"...

      And a guy sits up from his hammock and starts talking to me.

      Sometimes things just work out.

      @dorian.krafft and I spent the next few hours sharing anecdotes and then a brunch. It was brief but just what I needed in the moment.

      I went on to manifest finding a free discarded padlock, later. I'm on a roll! As an aside, it took me less than 10 minutes to "crack" the 3 digit combo. Those locks aren't great.

      I took a snorkel by the harbor- not much to see but it felt great to get wet and salty and rinse off the malaise of illness and bus ride.

      Also, dogs. So many dogs. They're generally friendly and affectionate which is good as they're also generally very large!
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    • Day 42

      Last Morning in Türkiye

      August 21, 2023 in Turkey ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

      I was up 'early' at 6:30 AM and decided to journal vs. re-sleep - only to discover that I killed a pen!! This always pleases me because it seems rare.

      Only now I lack a pen with which to journal. Hmm. Surely I can find that, here, in a city of 2.5 million souls.

      I hit the rooftop to get bendy instead and it feels so good to yoga in hot humid morning with the sun a pale disc in the heavy air, so dense not even light seems able to move quickly. As I heal from recent maladies and challenges I am excited to feel my physical strength return. I found myself pushing much harder than I had planned, flowing through a harder practice than I've done in weeks. Sanity through perspiration.

      "Don't come here in August" said my tour guide Zuzu yesterday. She is right. It isn't that the heat is unbearable, it is that views are obscured, the inevitable smells of city life are more fetid, the flies are overjoyed by these conditions, and all people have a narrower band of patience by virtue of everything being harder to enjoy. It just isn't as nice.

      I'm still quite glad I came.

      After some sweaty yoga I towelled off and went to find coffee. Finally found my first chocolate croissant in Turkey! The coffee was good. The croissant, good enough. As I started eating, a pretty blond coyly approached the table to see if I wanted company. She realized quickly that I wasn't interested and moved a table away to lick her feet on her own terms.

      I can hear the city waking up - It isn't a morning place despite the delightfully cooler temps compared to later. I think I'll miss the minarets and the calls to prayer. I am certainly enjoying them while here. I won't miss the sea as I am headed towards more of it, but I know that I've missed out on exploring a great deal of amazing coastline.
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    • Day 55

      D55 Turkey - Antalya

      August 28, 2019 in Turkey ⋅ ☀️ 36 °C

      A Snapshot of Our Day

      Photo 1 - The Aspendos Theatre, another Roman wonder that dates back to 155BC. Every September the theatre is used for several operatic performances and we were gutted to discover that we were a few short days of seeing a performance of ‘Carmen’! The complex was in the midst of being set up and so our friend Gina gave us a performance of her own, being a professional singer and music teacher.

      Photo 2 - As it was already 36C by 10am we weren’t super enthused at the prospect of walking up a hill to see a “spectacular” view of the theatre, but it was worth it in the end.

      Photo 3 - They are incredibly worn down now but these are wall decorations date back 700 years.

      Photo 4 - We stopped for a mid morning snack at a tiny roadside cafe where we enjoyed watching the older lady prepare and cook for us some fresh gozleme. Easily the best gozleme we’ve had so far, and was made even better by glasses of freshly squeezed orange juice.

      Photo 5 - For lunch we went to a restaurant that only served two things - meatballs and a local bean salad. Naturally we ordered both to share; the rich salad comprised of white beans, red capsicum, tahini, olive and sesame oils and was garnished with chopped boiled egg. Served with fresh bread and salad it was surprisingly delicious, but I highly doubt it will get the same reaction back in North Melbourne!

      Photo 6 - ‘Hadrian’s Gate’; one of several ancient gates that take you from standing in the new to the old town of Antalya.

      Photo 7 - All of the Turkish sweets. It’s a miracle that you don’t see dentists on every corner.

      Photo 8 - Anthony spotted a shop in the old town that were clearly making the statement that gourds are too good to be eaten. Why eat a vegetable when it could be transformed into a lamp?

      Photo 9 - Token souvenir bookmarks are in abundance and we love it!

      Photo 10 - A funky sign painted onto an electrical pole, just in case you needed reminding of where you were.
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    • Day 174

      Getting ready for Germany

      November 19, 2020 in Turkey ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      As expected, our Covid test results were negative, so nothing here that could extend our stay in Turkey. In general, our timing isn't too bad as the weather here changed completely with rain all day and temperatures dropping under 20°C. Thus, we could already acclimatize to German weather conditions today. Plus, Turkey is going into some kind of a lockdown again tomorrow, so travelling wouldn't be that much fun anymore I guess.
      We made the best of the day and had some of the delicious food we could find in Turkey: Su Böreği for breakfast, Çiğköfte for lunch and grilled seabrass for dinner.
      Furthermore, we prepared our bikes for the flight. Luckily, we have a good network of cyclists in Turkey by now. Gökhan, who we had met in Side, owns a bikeshop in Antalya and delivered 2 bikeboxes to our hotel. So I guess we are ready for the very last leg tomorrow morning.
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    Karaalioğlu Parkı, Karaalioglu Parki

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