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    • Dag 5

      Dvorac Topkapi

      15 december 2022, Turkiet ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Danas smo bili na dvorcu gdje su carevali osmanski sultani. Dvorac je započeo graditi sultan Mehmed Fatih nakon osvajanja Istanbula. Dvorac se zove Topkapi (top=top, a kapi=kapija). Zdanje je ogromno sa pogledom na Bosfor i Aziju. Obilazak je trajao cijeli dan, bilo nam je prelijepo.Läs mer

    • Dag 2

      Palazzo di Topkapi

      22 maj 2023, Turkiet ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Il Palazzo di Topkapi è il complesso che fu, un tempo, residenza del sultano ottomano. Fu costruito per volontà di Maometto per dominare sulla città di Costantinopoli.
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    • Dag 18–23

      Turkish Bath, Spice Market, & More

      17 september 2023, Turkiet ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      There were many Turkish bath houses in Istanbul. We felt very fortunate to have gotten into The Hagia Sophia Hurrem Sultan Bathhouse, which lies between the Hague Sophia and the Blue Mosque. From the bathhouse, it was a short walk to either Mosque. The bathhouse itself is a sixteenth-century Turkish bathhouse. It was commissioned by Hurrem Sultan, consort and wife of the Ottoman sultan Süleyman the Magnificent. The last renovation was in 2011.
      Today, we visited the Spice Market or Spice Bazaar. It was built in 1664. It's a very colorful bazaar that offers countless spices, Turkish treats, which they were continuously giving out different samples to try, soaps, and a variety of other Turkish made items. It was fun to see a Turkish man giving out samples with an Arizona t-shirt on. I had to have my picture taken with him.
      One of the most famous palaces in Istanbul is the Topkapi Palace. It's set on top of the most visible hill of Istanbul and is said to be the symbol of the city. Opulent, decadent, and steeped in history, it offers visitors a chance to get to know the Sultans of the Ottoman Empire rather more intimately. Rather than one building, it was a collection of buildings, each showcasing some of their most prize possessions. The most prized single item is the Spoonmaker's Diamond. It weighs 86 carats on its own and is surrounded by a double row of 49 old-mine cut diamonds. Various stories are told about the Spoonmaker's Diamond. Another amazing structure was the Bascilica Cistern.
      This subterranean structure was commissioned by Emperor Justinian and built in 532.AD. It's the largest surviving Byzantine cistern in İstanbul. It was constructed using 336 columns, many of which were salvaged from ruined temples and feature fine carved capitals. It was amazing how big it was.
      We enjoyed a late traditional Turkish lunch of shish kabobs sitting on mats on the floor. We were wondering how we'd get up, but thankfully, we made it up after two beers🍺😁and we were off to get our massages at that bathhouse to end a beautiful day.
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    • Dag 2

      Palazzo Topkapi

      10 juli 2023, Turkiet ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Il Palazzo Topkapi di Istanbul è un'iconica attrazione turistica che servì come residenza dei sultani ottomani per quattro secoli. Ora trasformato in un museo, il palazzo è situato su una collina con una vista panoramica sul Bosforo. Una delle sezioni più famose è il tesoro, che ospita una vasta collezione di gioielli, oggetti d'arte e tesori accumulati dai sultani nel corso dei secoli. Le sale espositive mostrano spade, coppe d'oro, monete antiche, tappeti di seta e porcellane finemente lavorate provenienti da diverse parti del mondo. Tra i pezzi più celebri c'è il Diamante del Pacha, un grande diamante rosa a forma di goccia. La sezione del tesoro rappresenta la magnificenza e la grandezza dell'Impero ottomano e offre ai visitatori l'opportunità di ammirare l'eredità storica e culturale di Istanbul.Läs mer

    • Dag 3

      Auf den Spuren des Sultans

      9 oktober 2022, Turkiet ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Nach dem Frühstück fuhren wir mit der Tram zum Sultan Ahmet Mausoleum danach ging es dann weiter in die Blaue Moschee, wo sie leider drinnen am Arbeiten waren. Von dort aus gingen wir zur zistern Basilika einem versunkenen Palast . Es war dort unten sehr interessant. Weiter ging es zur Hagia Irene. Das liegt vor dem Topkapi Palast den wir anschließend besuchten. Es gab dort sehr viel Interessantes zu sehen, nur leider konnte man nicht überall rein da die Warteschlangen sehr sehr lang waren. Gegen Abend fuhren wir dann mit der Tram nach Besiktas wo wir eine Freundin besuchten von ihrer Wohnung aus konnten wir direkt auf den Bosporus gucken und dem schönen Sonnenuntergang angucken. Von dort aus fuhren wir dann mit der Fähre zu unserem Stadtteil und dann zu Fuß weiter ins Hotel. Es war ein sehr schöner TagLäs mer

    • Dag 9

      5_day_istabul_museo archeologico

      12 augusti 2022, Turkiet ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Andiamo al museo archeologico. Esposizione bellissima le ragazze si divertono a vedere Giannino nelle sculture greche. C'è anche una bellissima sezione di ceramica. Al ritorno facciamo un ultimo giro per sultabahmet passando per l'ippodromoLäs mer

    • Dag 3


      28 juli 2023, Turkiet ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Palais de Topkapı qui, de 1465 à 1853, est la résidence de ville, principale et officielle, du sultan ottoman. Le palais est construit sur l’emplacement de l’acropole de l’antique Byzance. Il domine la Corne d'Or, le Bosphore et la mer de Marmara. Le nom de « Topkapı Sarayı » signifie littéralement « palais de la porte des canons », d'après le nom d'une porte voisine aujourd'hui disparue. Il s'étend sur 70 ha et est entouré de cinq kilomètres de remparts. Le palais, vu du ciel, forme approximativement un rectangle divisé entre quatre grandes cours principales et le harem. Nous visitons tout : cuisines, jardins, appartements privés, appartements des épouses et des concubines, appartement de la mère du sultan, expos diverses d'objets historiques, salles d'audience et de conférences, bibliothèques, reliques dont le bâton de Moïse et des poils de barbe du prophète, etcLäs mer

    • Dag 64

      D64 Turkey - Istanbul

      6 september 2019, Turkiet ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      A Snapshot of Our Day

      Photo 1 - Our last buffet breakfast in Turkey; have loved it but happy to leave it in search of something different!

      Photo 2 - Me standing next to your standard sized tomb outside the Archaeological Museum.

      Photo 3 - Medusa.

      Photo 4 - The decorations on some of the recovered tombs and other monuments is just incredible.

      Photo 5 - This monument is from the Mesopotamia period, where it was part of a larger wall fresco that surrounded the Ishtar gate and its connected Processional Way in the city of Babylon.

      Photo 6 - Strolling through the gardens surrounding the Palace, trying to not get trampled by the hundreds of tourists flocking through the entrance.

      Photo 7 - The Spice Market.

      Photo 8 - A very proud Turk selling his wares.

      Photo 9 - The new International Airport in Istanbul is really cool, and just big enough to get lost in before a flight. Don’t go to Starbucks if you’re there as you will be disappointed!

      Photo 10 - If it’s duty free it doesn’t count right?
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    • Dag 1

      Tour Meeting & NRL

      23 september 2023, Turkiet ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Today was the only full day i had in Istanbul as my tour started tomorrow and would take us straight out of the city. I may have time after my tour to explore the city, but for now, this was all my time available. But after a decent sleep in, plus breakfast, I had to do some organisational things before my tour started. As such, I spent a lot of the morning replying to emails, booking my Africa tour, and checking the details of my Turkish tour. After this, it was about midday, and I started to head toward my new accommodation. Despite being only about a 30-minute walk, after I checked in, I spent a decent bit of time recovering in the aircon. Although Portugal began to get quite cool in the evenings and nights, with nice temperatures during the days, Istanbul is still brutally hot. It gave me a good excuse to watch the NRL semi-finals either way. Unfortunately, I missed the AFL semi-finals in which the Brisbane team was also playing, but they ended up playing to a win over Carlton. It would have been great to see this, but unfortunately, travel preparation and checking into accommodations take priority. Had I known that the tour had actually booked me an apartment for the night, I could have watched both games from the comfort of a bed rather than having to drag my bag between accommodations. It is quite silly, Intrepid never told me about the additional nights' accommodation, but I did remember the travel agent mentioning it to me after the fact. I paid quite a bit of money to stay in a hotel near to the meeting point, too, that ended up being a pointless expense. But i digress. I spent a good couple hours watching the Broncos vs. The warriors in a great great. The Broncos played very well and ended up securing a comfortable win. By this time, it was afternoon, and I figured it was time for a walk around town.

      I started by going to the Blue Mosque, the biggest and best mosque in the city, with amazing views. It is a spectacular monument that you can see from across the city, especially at night when it is lit up. Unfortunately, when I arrived, the queue was enourmas, and the heat made this a difficult thing to persist through. Therefore, I moved on to the next mosque. This was less spectacular, but the newer mosque had its own character about it. Unfortunately, I would not find out for myself as there were signs saying that you needed pants to enter. Although I was quite sure I could probably get through in shorts, I was not willing to wait in a line, just to get to the front and be told I couldn't enter. As such, I once again moved on. I was feeling quite lazy today, and the idea of waiting in lines didn't appeal to me. I made my way to the Grand Bazaar of Istanbul, and this was really cool. They sold some incredibly extravagant things (though surely fake), such as flashy jewellery, designer brands, and all the rest. Though this isn't really my style and everything looked kind of cheap so I just wandered around soaking up the culture and experience of Turkey. It was a much cleaner place than expected. The grand Bazaar and Istanbul in general. They are cramped and crowded places, and you would expect there to be little time for cleaning rubbish, but in actuality, people take pride in the city and always appear to keep things relatively clean. This doesn't necessarily hide the fact that it is quite a poor country. There are ruined buildings and dodgy infrastructure everywhere, but the cleanliness was a bit of a surprise to me.

      I got back to the hotel and had a shower and relaxed before the meeting. I am sharing a room with another guy, an Englishmen, who seems really nice. I met him during our induction meeting to prepare us for the trip. The information wasn't particularly useful, mostly things we already knew, but he just basically went through the itinerary in more detail. There weren't any icebreakers, which I normally hate, but think it would have helped in this instance to know everyone's names and try know a bit about them to ensure I can remember them a bit more. Either way, we had our induction and were taken to a restaurant for dinner. We had to pay but it was a really nice place with plenty of good food. So nice complaints.
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    • Dag 3

      Topkapi Palace

      5 oktober 2022, Turkiet ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Close to the Hagia Sophia is the Topkapi Palace. I was actually planning to go to the Archaeology Museum first and passed by the Topkapi Palace and noted a huge line to enter. When I got to the Museum, there was a line there too for the tickets but since I already had a pass I just needed to go through security and in, A group of people went to to the right through a security screening which I decided to use and suddenly I was in the Topkapi Palace via an unpublished side entrance!

      In 1453 Mehmed the Conqueror took Istanbul and in 1460 began the construction of his grand palace complex which was completed in 1478.The complex covers 70 hectares, over three times the size of the Forbidden City in Beijing, which it reminded me of with its series of courtyards one after the other, each leading to a more 'senior' level of authority. The palace was the administrative, cultural and educational center of the Empire as well as being the royal residence for almost 400 years.

      The Harem, which simply means the residence of the royal family, not the more salacious meaning, had more than 400 rooms, many quite pretty, and many different sections. This was the most interesting part of the palace and required a separate ticket.
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