Kamwenge District

    • 日6

      Home of Chimps

      2020年1月23日, ウガンダ ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Heute steht für uns das „Schimpansen Habituation Tracking“ an.

      Mensch, war ich froh als um 05.10 h der Wecker klingelte und ich aufstehen durfte. Was war das eine dunkle Nacht, welch eine Geräuschkulisse!!! Vögel, Grillen, diverses, was ich nicht kenne, ab zwei Uhr fingen die Affen an zu brüllen und danach hat ein Hund uns den Rest gegeben. Naja, wir sind ja nicht zum schlafen hier... haha!

      Die anderen aus de Gruppe „schwächeln“ heute 😉, wir haben als einzige die „Habituation Tour“ gebucht, das heißt die anderen „dürfen“ nur eine Stunde mit einer Schimpansengruppe zusammen sein, die schon an Menschen gewöhnt sind und wir „folgen“ den Tag einer Gruppe, die zur Zeit erst an Menschen gewöhnt wird.
      Beides hat seine Vor- und Nachteile, die habituierten Schimpansen sind natürlich echt gechillt und posen fast schon für die Touristen (wir waren da auch eine halbe Stunde bei), wir durften dann eine nicht an die Menschen gewöhnte Gruppe quasi verfolgen (nachdem wir sie gefunden hatten). Das war echt mega, man hatte fast das Gefühl man gehört zur Schimpansenfamilie! Hört sich doof an, aber echt mega-beeindruckend.

      Wenn die unterwegs sind, wird es schon schweißtreibend, es geht durch den tiefsten Dschungel, aber das merken die Affen, dann machen sie Pause zum fressen/lausen/chillen bis wir wieder zu Atem gekommen sind....😉
      Nein, ehrlich, das war schon ein wirklich wundervolles beeindruckendes Erlebnis, das auch jeden Schilling wert ist!!! Aus den gefühlten 300 Fotos versuche ich mal die besten hier und im nächsten Footprint zu zeigen, natürlich nur Handyfotos...👍

    • 日52

      It happened.

      2016年2月22日, ウガンダ ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Yep. Amazing morning. I'm overwhelmed with random emotions that are kind of funny... All brought on because I've done something today I never thought I would... I saw chimpanzees! Lots of them! Like 20! For those who have known me for a while, I've been absolutely head over heels in love with chimps since my childhood, reading everything I can about them whenever I could. I remember I would rotate through renting out the chimp books at my primary school library over and over again...

      I was in a world of my own all morning. And now I'm emotional. It's making me wonder where did I go right in life? How did I deserve all this? I'm even getting as philosophical as going all the way back to how did I land such amazing parents? They gave me a sense of responsibility, they made sure we knew how important school was, and I made something of myself because of the values they taught me. I have an amazing job, great schooling, I'm incredibly happy in life, I have an amazing partner who encourages me to be confident and partake in making decisions... I've always been a follower and now I know I can make decisions and reach for goals of mine and be selfish sometimes... I say selfish because I just spent my morning running in front of the group of people on the hike to be the first one in line to see the chimps. Lol. Selfish because I asked Jack to carry everything including the camera so that I could be free to enjoy the experience.

      Yes, seeing chimps has made me rethink of my life and be incredibly proud of where I am. Best of all, and those who know me well will understand, I'm at a point in my life where I can actually say that I deserve all this. I deserve a good, supportive partner. I deserve to treat myself to these crazy adventures and expensive day trips. I worked for it. And I'm loving it.

    • 日51

      It's tomorrow!

      2016年2月21日, ウガンダ ⋅ 🌙 -5 °C

      Tomorrow, tomorrow! I had a great day today but it's tomorrow! You'll have to wait and see!

      Today we walked from 9am until 415pm around the crater lakes next to Kibale national park. There's about 10 lakes you can hike through. Jack had spotted a map that was pretty detailed, so of course we took pictures of it instead of buying it... Lol! So on my phone we managed to do a heck of a lot of ground on our own today, from lake to lake.

      The hike wasn't too challenging. For all the incline there was decline. Hot and sweaty by the end anyway. The views were absolutely incredible. The people all say hi. Some kids follow, some ask for money, but for the most part really friendly and simple people. We had a great satisfaction in being able to do it ourselves. So many people say you should take a guide everywhere, mostly so they can get paid. But with decent team work and confidence, we did it ourselves! Asking people for directions along the way was actually rare, and we were mostly right with our gut!

      We attempted to make our way to a waterfall but some guy showed up saying we had to pay 15000 each to go, with no signage anywhere saying so and no signage indicating that we were even on the correct route so we refused of course and made our way to the river that feeds the waterfall instead. We got to soak our feet and refresh ourselves from the super hot day. It was perfect! Until the crowd of children and teen boys around us got overwhelming... Asking for our mango, our orange our water, wanting my camera. Randomly laughing. They were brewing banana beer at the water so it was clear those teens were drunk and so so obnoxious.

      Drinking is an issue, especially in the rural towns... Every man we crossed at least smelled of alcohol. It was impressive. Old men, middle age men, walking crooked at 1pm and yelling random things to us... I'd walk into a shop and be followed super close by someone who reeks alcohol and doesn't understand a personal bubble... The only times I've ever felt more aware of my surroundings for safety purposes is with clearly drunk men. It's an issue. I guess when you have nothing else to do all day...

      Anywho, it's tomorrow! It's tomorrow!

    • 日11

      Schimpansen Trekking

      2021年11月16日, ウガンダ ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Wir starten erst vormittags bei Stefan und gaben vorher Bescheid, dass wir erst 13/14 Uhr ankommen. Wir buchten die Permits über Roadtrip Africa von Deutschland aus, aber aktuell in der Low Season und Covid kann man einfach einen Tag vorher anrufen und reservieren. Allerdings empfehlen wir, die Tour früh um 8 Uhr zu machen. Die große Schimpansen-Gruppe teilt sich dann irgendwann auf und wir konnten glücklich schätzen, dass wir noch ein paar Tiere der großen Gruppe aufspüren konnten. Wir folgten ihnen eine ganze Weile, bis sie eine Futterstelle fanden und in die Bäume kletterten. Trotz der kleinen Gruppe war es eine tolle Erfahrung: 9/10もっと詳しく

    • 日6

      Swamp Walk

      2020年1月23日, ウガンダ ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Wir haben den Hals noch nicht voll und machen nachmittags mit dem Rest unserer Gruppe noch eine Mini-Wanderung durch den hiesigen Sumpf, einfach mal zum locker werden...👌


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