Nach einer stürmischen Nacht ging es bei Regen durch unendliche Moorlandschaften weiter. Wir fuhren an vielen kleineren Wasserfällen, aber reißenden Flüssen vorbei, was uns wieder an SkandinavienRead more
Nach einer stürmischen Nacht ging es bei Regen durch unendliche Moorlandschaften weiter. Wir fuhren an vielen kleineren Wasserfällen, aber reißenden Flüssen vorbei, was uns wieder an SkandinavienRead more
Some British flagged yachts had come into Ardglass late last evening on their way south but most of them had gone by the time I got up.
I had a quick shower ashore to freshen up and slipped my linesRead more
We made it to the coast and boarded the ferry. Boat was rocking but Emma held it together. She might make a good sailor after all! Just docked into Belfast.
The Northern Ireland Parliament building. Visiting Belfast today.
We departed Belfast at 09.30 on a lovely sunny morning.
We had decided to only go downriver as far as Bangor as it was too far to reach Ardglass in the one day.
As we travelled down the VictoriaRead more
A nice hotel, close to the parliament building. My bed is absolutely enormous!
We had an excellent dinner in the restaurant. Everything was delicious.
Next morning we had breakfast with Gabriel and heard all about Lilly the former owner of the pub and her frequent appearances. Sounded pretty convincing I must say. I wished we were staying anotherRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Ards and North Down