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    • Day 6

      Cardiff charge

      December 6, 2022 in Wales ⋅ ☀️ 6 °C

      Mmm… turns out uk service stations might not be the most reliable source of charging!

      After pulling into Cardiff East services on 12% battery, we were in a queue to use 2 (should be 3!) CCS chargers. Luckily, our very dear friend Nicole, a local to South Wales service stations 😉 helped us get to a Tesla dealership, where we had to use her phone (Portuguese App Store Tesla app doesn’t give us the option to charge a non-Tesla!!!!!!) to charge the car.

      We’re back to 98% now and back on the road… but with a warning light.

      After reading through the Honda e forums, it looks like this warning light is nothing to actually worry about, and can occur after using Tesla superchargers… but naturally, we are a little worried.

      Next stop in an hour is Strensham services, where we will try again with Gridserve.

      Strensham will be close enough to the midlands that if we need a recovery vehicle, we hope someone will be willing to help us 😂
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    • Day 22

      Trust me. I'm The Doctor!

      March 11, 2023 in Wales ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      Cardiff. Hauptsitz von Torchwood.
      Leider haben wir Cpt. Jack Harkness nirgendwo gesehen und im Hauptquartier war auch kein Zeitagent anwesend.
      Wir sind durch die Straßen geschlendert und haben uns die Finger blau gefroren 😝🤣 Nachher ging es mit dem Wassertaxi zurück zum Auto und weiter Richtung London.Read more

    • Day 33


      September 7, 2023 in Wales ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Cardiff is the capital and largest city of Wales. Cardiff had a population of 362,310 in 2021, and forms a principal area officially known as the City and County of Cardiff (Welsh: Dinas a Sir Caerdydd). The city is the eleventh-largest in the United Kingdom. Located in the south-east of Wales and in the Cardiff Capital Region, Cardiff is the county town of the historic county of Glamorgan and in 1974–1996 of South Glamorgan. It belongs to the Eurocities network of the largest European cities. A small town until the early 19th century, its prominence as a port for coal when mining began in the region helped its expansion. In 1905, it was ranked as a city and in 1955 proclaimed capital of Wales. Cardiff Built-up Area covers a larger area outside the county boundary, including the towns of Dinas Powys and Penarth.

      In 1081 William I, King of England, began work on the castle keep within the walls of the old Roman fort.[31] Cardiff Castle has been at the heart of the city ever since.[32] The castle was substantially altered and extended during the Victorian period by John Crichton-Stuart, 3rd Marquess of Bute, and the architect William Burges. Original Roman work can, however, still be distinguished in the wall facings.
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    • Day 11

      So Long Cardiff

      September 9, 2023 in Wales ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      We said goodbye to Cardiff after seeing Cardiff Bay and the Millennium Centre. The roof of the building was made of Copper and the side buildings were designed with slate; a tribute to one of Northern Wales’ largest industriesRead more

    • Day 2


      September 2, 2023 in Wales ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Nach einem typisch englischen Frühstück besuchten wir das hübsche Städtchen Stroud. Danach fuhren wir über eine Brücke in unser 34. Land. Wales. Dort gab es für uns Cheese Pommes beim Rugby Spiel in Pontybridd, das tatsächlich die Partner Stadt von Nürtingen ist. Das Spiel war der Knaller. Wir sind noch ein bisschen durch die Stadt gelaufen. Das lohnt aber nicht. Dann entschieden wir nach Cardiff zu fahren. Dort haben wir gleich 2 Pubs besucht und einen netten Abend bei Life Musik gehabt.Read more

    • Day 16

      Wales capital city Cardiff

      August 6, 2023 in Wales ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Wenn wir schon eine Reise nach Groß Britannien machen, dann darf Wales auch nicht fehlen. Die Innenstadt ist ganz schön, aber eher unspektakulär wohingegen der Hafen zwar sehr klein, aber auch wirklich hübsch und einladend ist. Dort haben wir sogar einen kleinen Rummel gefunden und Ella hat sich darüber gefreut Karussell fahren zu können.Read more

    • Day 3

      All Consonants in Cardiff/Caerdydd

      May 7, 2023 in Wales ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      If Jason had his way, we would have left London at the crack of dawn. Somehow I managed to convince him that a 9:20 train to Cardiff was a much more civilised time to leave. Even so, Jason had me rushing to get out the door by 8am. We had to navigate ourselves to Paddington from Blackfriars station, and with Jason’s forward planning, we got there with plenty of time to spare.

      The almost 2-hour train trip from London Paddington to Cardiff Central was interrupted at Newport when the train driver announced that there was a medical emergency in the rear carriage. We were told that we needed to wait for the paramedics to arrive. An update came across the loud speaker advising that the train would be delayed by an hour an a half. Surely it's not going to take that long for the paramedics to arrive. Otherwise it won’t be a paramedic that's needed but more like an undertaker. The only paramedics that we saw in Cardiff were on push bikes with side-saddle medic kits. Surely they didn't need to ride from Cardiff Central. By this stage, everyone got off the train and transferred to another train going to our final destination.

      Almost as soon as we entered Wales, we felt like we needed to buy a vowel. I'm not being funny but does the Welsh language actually have any vowels? It seems they only know about consonants in Wales. As we were walking along the streets, Jason says “are you listening to this? I’ve never heard a language like it. It doesn't sound Slavic, nor does it sound Eastern European”. No, it’s a Celtic language devoid of vowels, at least to the ears of two Aussies. A series of hoots and clicks according to Jason.

      It only took getting to the hotel before the next episode of Jason’s Lost World was on replay. This time he's thought he'd left his leather jacket in London or forgot to pack it in his packing and repacking episode. The entire contents of his backpack were strewn across the room. Nope. He was convinced that it was gone. Now he’s going to freeze in the cold Arctic-like temperatures of Wales. That was until he unzipped another section of his bag to reveal said leather jacket. This was followed by a lost mobile phone episode of Jason’s Lost World.

      After ascertaining that nothing had been lost, we made our way to the city centre. Cardiff is condensed into a small area and can be easily traversed in an hour or so. As we walked through the mall, we caught sight of a woman in a very tight micro-mini hitched to her navel and her arse cheeks hanging out the back. We chuckled to ourselves as she tried to hitch it back down. But not before another Welsh couple walking towards us also saw and started to laugh.

      After exploring the city centre, we turned our attentions to seeking out the Torchwood and Dr Who film locations. We headed to Cardiff Bay, a 25-minute walk from Cardiff city centre. Somehow we went a little off course and ended up in a housing estate. We stumbled upon three seventeen year old Welsh kids: Jennifer, Mulan and Will. Jennifer was born in Yemen but migrated with her family when she was a child. None of them had ever met an Aussie before, so Jason became very ocker, channelling all of the cringe-worthy Aussie icons. They got such a kick out of it, and eventually after some banter helped us to navigate to our desired destination.

      We finally arrived at Cardiff Bay, where we wandered around and sat with the locals eating ice cream. I'm fairly certain I murdered the Welsh language when I ordered the Welsh-named dessert. But the woman was polite enough to say I was doing a good job ... of murdering her mother tongue.

      We spent the evening searching for food to replenish the calories we’d expended to get to Cardiff Bay. We ended up at a Welsh pub listening to a guy murdering the guitar. Exit stage left.

      Despite the cold, most of the youth were wearing next to nothing. A few straps and pins holding the material together. At one stage, Jason whispers to me: “do you feel like corned brisket?” I turned to see a girl wearing string material wrapped around her body with flesh bulging through the openings. She must have been freezing or so numb she couldn't feel a thing.

      The following day was a bank holiday so most things were closed. What better way to spend our last day in Cardiff than to spend it searching for “treasure” at Poundland (Aussies, think Crazy Clark’s or Bargain City). Now I have my Finnish-inspired outfit for the Eurovision final: lime green crop top and black leggings!

      Next stop: Liverpool.
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    • Day 339

      Dyffryn Manor

      July 30, 2018 in Wales ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      Am Montag war es dann nicht mehr stürmisch und wir konnten joggen gehen. Mama hat meinen ersten Weckversuch allerdings nicht mitbekommen, weshalb ich erst einmal spülen gegangen bin. Nach dem Joggen waren wir duschen und haben dann mit Papa zusammen gefrühstückt. Die anderen hab ich dann beim Wecken mit Frühstück versorgt, was bedeutet hat, dass wir jedenfalls relativ bald losgekommen sind.
      Wir sind in Richtung Cardiff gefahren, zur Dyffryn Manor, einem viktorianischen Haus mit wunderschönen Gärten. Auf der Hinfahrt hat es durchaus doll geregnet, aber wir hatten Glück und für den gesamten Zeitraum unseres Aufenthalts war es trocken und schön.
      Angefangen haben wir mit der unteren Etage des Hauses. Tomke hat auf dem Flügel in der Eingangshalle und dem in dem Drawing Room gespielt, was sehr schön war. Für mich ist das dann auch quasi das Zeitreise-Hilfsmittel. Die Räume waren wunderschön und mit Tomkes Musik sind sie dann lebendig geworden.
      Es gab auch eine Bibliothek, die jetzt als Second Hand Buchladen genutzt wird und verschiedene nicht ganz fertige Zimmer, die trotzdem viel Charm hatten. Einen Snooker Raum gab es dann auch noch, wo Jakob und Papa sich dran versucht haben, Tomke und ich durften auch mal.
      Nach dem Erdgeschoss sind wir auf die Suche nach etwas zu essen gegangen. Natürlich haben wir etwas gefunden und es uns dann erst einmal gemütlich gemacht. Zuerst hatten wir Backkartoffeln, aber direkt angeschlossen von einem Cream Tea. Das war alles echt lecker und gemütlich.
      Vom Essen gestärkt sind wir dann durch die Gärten gewandert. Es gab einen wunderschönen Nutzgarten mit Weintrauben, Äpfeln, Birnen, rote Beete, Karotten, Kürbis und anderen essbaren Sachen. Danach gab es dann eine lange Rasenstrecke, wo die Ränder sehr üppig und farbenfroh bepflanzt waren. Dann gab es eine Blümchenwiese, die aber in Beete unterteilt war. Einen mediterranen Garten gab es und einen leider verblühten Rosengarten.
      Am meisten Spaß hatten wir dann hinten abgelegen bei den Spielzeugen. Wir haben riesen Jenga gespielt und ein kleines Bowling Tournament veranstaltet.
      Kurz vor Schließzeit sind wir dann auch gegangen. Auf dem Rückweg waren wir dann noch bei Aldi und haben Sachen fürs Abendessen gekauft. Den Rest der Strecke hab ich dann gelesen.
      Zuhause gab es Abendessen und wir haben gespielt. Das war ein sehr schöner Tag. Trotz der langen Anreise hat sich das alles auf jeden Fall gelohnt!
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    • Day 176

      Caerdydd yng Nghymru

      February 2, 2018 in Wales ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      Der Titel meiner Fotoreihe sieht zwar aus wie ein dicker fetter Schreibfehler - heißt aber übersetzt aus dem walisischen: "Cardiff in Wales". Die Haupstadt von Wales läd ein zum bummeln und die zu Zeit genießen bei einem mittelalterlichen/modernen Flair.

      #thank you guys for the surprise :-)
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Cardiff, CRF, Dinas a Sir Caerdydd

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