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Cheshire East

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Cheshire East
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    • Day 26

      Snacks! Ep.2

      June 3 in England ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Quavers: cheesy, curly crisps. They packed a crunch, and they are very more'ish

      Snackright Crisps: Your typical chip. These come in all sorts of flavors like cheese and onion, salt and vinegar, ready salted, prawn cocktail, and beef flavor.

      Wafer Bars: a wafer biscuit covered in chocolate. Yum with a cuppa

      Jive: it's the Twix bar

      Titan: it's like the Mars bar

      Jammie Cart Wheel: chocolate base biscuit with marshmellow and jam covered in chocolate
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    • Day 13

      Stoke-on-Trent: Wedgwood

      August 4, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Today was an epic day of travelling. Our drive from Birmingham to Yorkshire took us 3.5 hours last Sunday, and today was meant to be the reverse of that, 4 hours to Gloucester. 2 hours would get us halfway to Stoke-on-Trent where I wanted to check out the china shop. Alas that took 4 hours to SoT 😵‍💫. Partly because Murgatroyd (our satnav lady) thought we'd prefer a scenic detour, and partly because the M6 was very congested in places.

      On the bright side, I found a lovely Royal Albert mug for £12 (less than half price). I love a bargain! It was from a set of 5 mugs which they reproduced as part of a centenary celebration. Mine is Spring Meadow from the 1920s. I presume the set got broken up for some reason. If I bought the single mug with a box it would have cost me £37. Hopefully it gets home in one piece.

      The trip to Gloucestershire from there was driven mostly at 20 mph for the first hour. We arrived at 5:30pm having been on the road sine 9:30am. Admittedly we had a couple of stops, but we could have got to Melbourne in that time! Ian's leg is tired from hovering over the accelerator and brake. He's a trooper!

      Our accommodation feels very luxurious. It is pretty modern inside. Their place is an old barn from the late 1700s. Our place was originally old dairy milking sheds. They were rebuilt in the 70s and used as garages for vintage cars. I think only some of the original building was able to be reused. The bricks out the front are modern. They bought the place a couple of years ago and renovated into a bnb. It has a dishwasher and a washing machine, which is currently in use. Some things don't change on holidays!
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    • Day 27

      Quarry Bank Mill

      June 4 in England ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      A bit about Quarry Mill:
      Quarry Bank Mill in Styal, Cheshire, England, is one of the best preserved textile factories of the Industrial Revolution. Built in 1784, the cotton mill is recorded in the National Heritage List for England as a designated Grade II* listed building.

      Rare surviving eighteenth-century cotton mill, built by the industrialist Samuel Greg, with working heritage machinery.

      Apprentice House:
      Home of the apprentices and superintendents. Up to 90 children were housed here, working 10-hour days in the mill.

      Quarry Bank House:
      Elegant Georgian family home, built for the Greg family. Located next to the mill and overlooking the river and gardens.

      We loved the opportunity to learn about this history. Fab day out.
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    • Day 25


      October 2, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Well, it was all a bit strange. The water situation, mainly because the toilets wouldn’t work without it, was a bit dire. Ironically, though, it was pouring with rain.

      We drove through the rain for two hours until we found a water point. Don and Chris filled the water tank, standing in the rain, quite cold, drinking a beer. At the same time, Sharon and Kim had hot showers (while still at the water point, so as not to deplete the supply) and warmed the boat to dry the clothes out.

      We chose a good canal - the Macclesfield - to cruise along. It was quiet, although there were quite a few boats moored along the banks (some a bit derelict, it appeared). The rural scenery - green pastures, sheep, farm buildings, even the occasional re-purposed mill - was beautiful on the sunny days (that is, once), and wonderfully atmospheric on the wet ones, even when your socks were wringing wet from the rain.

      We did have quite a lot of rain on our way back to Stoke-on-Trent, and another toilet situation (collectively, that is, not personally).

      Being extravagant with our water, and - truth be told - our alcohol consumption, it soon became odorously apparent that we urgently needed a pump out. More rain-soaked driving ensued, before we reached the nirvana of the pump-out station, where a friendly, apparently olfactorily challenged, man removed the offensive material from the boat.

      Armed with beers purchased from the boat yard, we tackled the Bosley Locks with gusto, pleased to se the rain subsiding and that there were people on the canals even more inept than we. The rain was easing, but the ground remained saturated as we made our way down from locks one to twelve.

      The following day (after another stylish celebration, this time at the Church House Hotel in Congleton) we strolled through the final lock and, after another half-hour of exhaust fumes in the Harecastle Tunnel, made our way back to the marina and returned the boat.

      Wet weather notwithstanding, the whole narrowboat experience was great. By the end of the trip we were steering the boat like pros, barely hitting anything (not too hard, at least) and giving other people tips on operating the locks and good pubs to visit.

      We have now said our fond goodbyes to Don and Kim after a great few weeks, and are en route to York to start the next stage of our trip.
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    • Day 11

      Back in England 🇬🇧

      July 11, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Ein weiterer Reisetag. Zeit für etwas Chips-Content, denn es passiert nicht viel. Wir haben es uns zum Hobby gemacht uns durch die schier endlosen Chipssorten der Insel zu knabbern, hier mal unsere Favoriten.

      Bei einer etwas längeren Rast erklomm Mika mal wieder einen kleinen Berg.
      Entgegen unserer Eingangspläne Liverpool oder Manchester als nächsten Zwischenstopp zu wählen, entscheiden wir uns mit Blick auf morgen dagegen und nehmen lieber noch ein paar Meilen mehr - denn morgen ist London angesagt als letztes Highlight der Reise.
      Der erste Campingplatz hatte geschlossen, deshalb ergattern wir einen etwas schwer zugänglichen (da auf einem Berg liegenden) Platz mit einer Wahnsinnsaussicht ins Tal. Wir spazieren ins Dorf zu einem Pub unter Lebensgefahr, denn es gibt keine Bürgersteige aber verdammt schnell fahrende Engländer! 🏎️
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    • Day 4

      Then it Arrived

      August 5, 2023 in England ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      Woken by the constant pit patter of the rain hammering on the roof, realising that it's gonna be a wet Saturday. 😳

      Russell needs rain gear, having embraced therapy with benefits. Trentham Gardens was set as course way 👉.Read more

    • Day 12

      Derby (einmal mehr)

      March 23, 2023 in England ⋅ 🌬 13 °C

      Manch einer fragt sich vielleicht, was ich schon wieder in Derby mache. Besonders schön ist die Stadt ja nicht, daran kann der Besuch also nicht liegen. Aber in der Stadt wohnt der beste (und attraktivste) Brotbäcker den ich kenne ( ich kenne allerdings auch nicht viele Menschen, die ihr Brot selber backen). Außerdem bin ich um 5:12 Uhr in Crewe angekommen, zu früh übrigens, der Schaffner weckte mich per Anruf im Abteil aber rechtzeitig auf. Und irgenwie muss ich mich ja bis heute Abend, wenn die Fähre fährt beschäftigen. Und so nehme ich diesen Umweg gerne in Kauf um 2 weitere Laib Brot abzuholen. Im Laden ist das Brot hier ja eh relativ teuer und schon deswegen lohnt es sich. Ich nutze die Pause außerdem zum duschen und um was warmes zu essen. Und auch zum ausruhen und natürlich zum Urlaub planen.
      Um 12:48 Uhr geht es dann aber auch schon weiter erstmal zurück nach Crewe und dann hoffentlich weiter nach Wales.
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    • Day 12

      LEJOG Day 12 - Wrockwardine to Crewe

      September 11, 2022 in England ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Easiest day so far. Lots of gentle hills with some excellent downhill coasting. Very relaxing. We passed through Shropshire and are now in Cheshire (must try some local cheese).

      The back roads took us through mostly arable farm land - we could identify canola, sweet corn, sugarcane ?? but a lot of fields were ploughed ready for new planting.

      Distance: 65 km. 480m Ascent
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    • Day 19


      September 26, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      This is the first of two posts from our time on the narrowboat cruising up the Macclesfield Canal. Apologies - it’s a bit long.

      We left Inverness and, after three hours in the car, two in the train and a short walk, we checked in to a quite fancy guest house in Carlisle. We had a quick look at the castle and the cathedral, but to be honest Carlisle and its people seemed a little down-at-heel and one afternoon was enough for us.

      It took a good part of the following day to get to Stoke-on-Trent and the marina at Etruria, where we got our orientation and set off on the good, if narrow, ship, Mollie.

      We cruised off confidently, and didn’t bump into a single thing during the few hours of our first day’s sailing. We also, though, completely failed in the find-a-pub stakes, and had to eat on the boat for our first night.

      The following day we faced our first nautical challenge - the 2.6 kilometre Harecastle Tunnel. We went through in a convoy of about five boats, and spent just over half an hour seeing nothing but the lights on our boat and the ones immediately ahead or behind.

      It was cold and wet - the tunnel roof was frequently dripping - and steering straight enough to avoid the tunnel walls was near impossible. Hopefully, the boat company have plenty of spare paint.

      We spent that night in Congleton, a short climb up some stairs from the Queen’s Head pub, and celebrated the tunnel in style. Actually, we seem to be celebrating everything in style on this trip!

      The Bosley Locks were next on our route.

      The narrowboat guidebook described the Bosley Locks as like waiting for a bus - you see none for hours, and then a whole lot turn up at once - and this was the case for us. We had only done one lock before the Bosley flight, then suddenly we were faced with twelve in a row.

      Fortunately, there were Canal and River Trust volunteers on hand to help with the gates and paddles, and we were through mostly without incident, other than a few more scratches to Mollie’s sides.

      Except, that is, for the very first lock. Chris at the helm cruised confidently out of the lock, only to meet a boat going in. Steering to the right, it passed safely, but the narrow canal pound, coupled with the sharpness of the entry turn to the following lock, meant he suffered the indignity of having to push the boat back on course with the pole.

      We also had a couple of opening bridges to contend with before yet another stylish celebration, this time at the Old King’s Head pub at Gurnett Aquaduct.

      Day three on the boat was much less eventful, cruising through attractive rural countryside, and in sunshine. This was exactly the sort of canal trip we had thought about.

      We cruised on past all shapes and sizes of narrowboat, old mills and farms, up as far as High Lane, where, after another stylish dinner, we went back to the boat to think about the consequences of running out of water and therefore not being able to flush the toilet - something we perhaps should have thought of earlier.
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    • Day 6

      I Hate Mondays

      August 7, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Gordon Bennett.
      Would you Adam & Eve It!
      A day of near misses. Boaters that don't know the horn are useful on blond bends.
      Four times, I had to pull emergency manoeuvres to avoid insurance claims!
      Warned hirers are always to blame.

      The cream on the cake was the pubs didn't serve grub on Mondays 🤨

      Good old Pie & Chips to save the day.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Cheshire East, CHE, Восточный Чешир, Східний Чешир, چیشائر مشرقی, 東柴郡

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