United Kingdom
Cheshire East

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    • Day 13

      Stoke-on-Trent: Wedgwood

      August 4, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Today was an epic day of travelling. Our drive from Birmingham to Yorkshire took us 3.5 hours last Sunday, and today was meant to be the reverse of that, 4 hours to Gloucester. 2 hours would get us halfway to Stoke-on-Trent where I wanted to check out the china shop. Alas that took 4 hours to SoT 😵‍💫. Partly because Murgatroyd (our satnav lady) thought we'd prefer a scenic detour, and partly because the M6 was very congested in places.

      On the bright side, I found a lovely Royal Albert mug for £12 (less than half price). I love a bargain! It was from a set of 5 mugs which they reproduced as part of a centenary celebration. Mine is Spring Meadow from the 1920s. I presume the set got broken up for some reason. If I bought the single mug with a box it would have cost me £37. Hopefully it gets home in one piece.

      The trip to Gloucestershire from there was driven mostly at 20 mph for the first hour. We arrived at 5:30pm having been on the road sine 9:30am. Admittedly we had a couple of stops, but we could have got to Melbourne in that time! Ian's leg is tired from hovering over the accelerator and brake. He's a trooper!

      Our accommodation feels very luxurious. It is pretty modern inside. Their place is an old barn from the late 1700s. Our place was originally old dairy milking sheds. They were rebuilt in the 70s and used as garages for vintage cars. I think only some of the original building was able to be reused. The bricks out the front are modern. They bought the place a couple of years ago and renovated into a bnb. It has a dishwasher and a washing machine, which is currently in use. Some things don't change on holidays!
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    • Day 25


      October 2, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Well, it was all a bit strange. The water situation, mainly because the toilets wouldn’t work without it, was a bit dire. Ironically, though, it was pouring with rain.

      We drove through the rain for two hours until we found a water point. Don and Chris filled the water tank, standing in the rain, quite cold, drinking a beer. At the same time, Sharon and Kim had hot showers (while still at the water point, so as not to deplete the supply) and warmed the boat to dry the clothes out.

      We chose a good canal - the Macclesfield - to cruise along. It was quiet, although there were quite a few boats moored along the banks (some a bit derelict, it appeared). The rural scenery - green pastures, sheep, farm buildings, even the occasional re-purposed mill - was beautiful on the sunny days (that is, once), and wonderfully atmospheric on the wet ones, even when your socks were wringing wet from the rain.

      We did have quite a lot of rain on our way back to Stoke-on-Trent, and another toilet situation (collectively, that is, not personally).

      Being extravagant with our water, and - truth be told - our alcohol consumption, it soon became odorously apparent that we urgently needed a pump out. More rain-soaked driving ensued, before we reached the nirvana of the pump-out station, where a friendly, apparently olfactorily challenged, man removed the offensive material from the boat.

      Armed with beers purchased from the boat yard, we tackled the Bosley Locks with gusto, pleased to se the rain subsiding and that there were people on the canals even more inept than we. The rain was easing, but the ground remained saturated as we made our way down from locks one to twelve.

      The following day (after another stylish celebration, this time at the Church House Hotel in Congleton) we strolled through the final lock and, after another half-hour of exhaust fumes in the Harecastle Tunnel, made our way back to the marina and returned the boat.

      Wet weather notwithstanding, the whole narrowboat experience was great. By the end of the trip we were steering the boat like pros, barely hitting anything (not too hard, at least) and giving other people tips on operating the locks and good pubs to visit.

      We have now said our fond goodbyes to Don and Kim after a great few weeks, and are en route to York to start the next stage of our trip.
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    • Day 21

      Liverpool... Und weiter

      July 10 in England ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Heute stand Liverpool auf dem Programm. Leider war auf allen bekannten Womostellplätzen kein Plätzchen für uns frei, somit schauten wir uns nur vom Auto aus um und parkten kurz am Stadion, wenigstens das musste sein.
      Von dort aus spülte es uns wieder ins Ländliche, somit stehen wir wieder einmal an einem Pub. Ein Shepardspie und eine Grillplatte später werden wir uns gleich das Englandspiel der EM anschauen. ☺️⚽
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    • Day 50

      Belper > Whaley Bridge - 70km

      May 17 in England ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Après à nouveau un bon petit-déjeuner anglais et végétarien, nous voici partis pour attaquer un nouvel itinéraire vélo : la Great North Trail, une trace de 1 200km et 17 000m de dénivelé positif, qui part du centre de l’Angleterre et va jusqu’au Nord de l’Écosse. Cette trace est plutôt dédiée au VTT ou Gravel, nous allons profiter de cette première journée pour tester nos vélos et voir s’ils peuvent faire l’affaire sur ce type d’itinéraire, chargés de l’ensemble des bagages.
      Nous débutons sous un beau soleil, le parcours est simple au début, nous refaisons dans l’autre sens ce que nous avons fait l’avant-veille. Cette fois-ci, la piste est bien plus praticable, moins de flaques, nous arrivons presque à garder les vélos propres ! La trace vélo passe à travers pré, le parcours est vallonné.
      Après la pause déjeuner, nous commençons une partie un peu plus technique, des descentes avec un bon dénivelé sur un sol très caillouteux. Ensuite, ça commence, nous devons marcher à côté des vélos, le sentier est trop risqué avec nos vélos chargés.
      Nous descendons dans la vallée à pied ce qui permet à Bastien de se rendre compte qu’il a cassé un rayon quelques kilomètres plus tôt. Nous prenons donc la route de Buxton à 6km où nous avons repéré un magasin de vélo, et nous avons de la chance, ils peuvent s’occuper du vélo de Bastien dans la demi-heure. Le temps de prendre un café et nous voilà reparti pour récupérer notre trace initiale.
      Nous reprenons sur des sentiers, 30% sur les vélos et 70% à côté. Nous avons le temps de profiter des beaux paysages qui s’offrent à nous... Nous avons même quelques expériences drôles avec des moutons : les sentiers sont étroits et quelques-uns d’entre eux courent devant nous plutôt que de se mettre sur le côté, et ça peut durer un bon moment ! C’était le cas de Simba, un mouton dont le tondeur avait oublié l’encolure, nous l'avons suivi pendant 2 ou 3 kilomètres…
      Enfin, la journée se terminera dans la jolie petite ville de Whaley Bridge, où Andy, un Warmshower, nous fait confiance et nous laisse sa maison pour la nuit. Nous allons pouvoir cuisiner : d’ailleurs nous lui laisserons quelques cookies vegan !
      Bilan de cette journée : nous ne pouvons pas prendre les portions de couleurs noires et rouges de la Great North Trail. Nous allons donc changer d’itinéraire jusqu’à la région du Lake District et la reprendrons à ce niveau-là.
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    • Day 5

      The Peak District: The Roaches & Buxton

      June 9 in England ⋅ ☁️ 52 °F

      After another delicious breakfast, we said our goodbyes to Sonya and the Trevellion House B&B.

      Our first stop was The Roaches, a stunning gritstone ridge that rises above the moorlands close to Leek in the Staffordshire Peak District. At its highest point, the ridge reaches 505m (1,657 feet) and provides spectacular views over Staffordshire and Cheshire.

      We then made our way to the spa town of Buxton in Derbyshire for lunch and a visit to the natural mineral springs and pavilion gardens. Buxton was originally settled by the Romans and became a popular spa destination in the middle ages after Mary Queen of Scotts promoted the healing properties of the water.
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    • Day 47

      Deganwy > Cuddington - 110km

      May 14 in England ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Après avoir avalé un porridge un peu différent ce matin (notre nouveau petit-déjeuner préféré), nous voilà parti à nouveau en longeant la côte pour le début de cette étape. L'objectif est de se rapprocher du début de la Great North Trail, la trace qui traverse l'Angleterre et l'Écosse.
      La matinée peut se résumer à une succession de mobile-home collés au front de mer, mais sans la vue à cause de digues de protection : ces campings ne font pas rêver !
      Nous traversons également des villes où tout est fait pour le divertissement : des sortes de mini-fêtes foraines, des salles de jeux immenses... Les anglais ont l'air d'aimer ça !
      On rentre ensuite un peu plus dans les terres, en traversant des campagnes d'un vert éclatant, et quelques zones un peu moins reluisantes.
      On décide de faire un détour par Chester, histoire d'avoir quelque chose à raconter sur ce carnet de voyage : le sort nous le rend bien, Bastien crève, encore de son pneu arrière !
      Il pense que la chambre à air installée par le garage à Cherbourg devrait normalement se réparer toute seule (elle a un liquide à l'intérieur qui est censé colmater les petites crevaisons), donc il regonfle juste pour finir la journée jusqu'à chez nos hôtes Warmshower.

      C'est donc Julia et Forbes, les parents de la personne que nous avons contactée qui nous accueille (elle est en étude à Londres), c'est une grande première pour eux ! Et ils mettent les petits plats dans les grands, avec un super repas après cette journée ! Les anglais ont quand même le sens de l'accueil, il faut le dire.
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    • Day 1

      Manchester to Reus

      July 1 in England ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      With the holiday booked less than 24hrs before flight time, it was a mad dash to get all packed ready and sorted. All too soon our 3am alarms were going off. Kairo stayed asleep while we got showered, dressed and put the bags in the car. Then there was no choice but to wake him for a nappy change and dress.
      Luckily after a cry, he fell asleep in the car before we even hit the motorway. It was smooth sailing all the way to the airport, where we parked in T2 multi storey and headed to jet 2 check in.
      We had the new experience of using the family lane through baggage claim and had to pass Kairo through the body scanner while the pram was searched.
      After a quick nosey in duty free, we grabbed a meal deal then it was time to go to gate. There we took a pic and posted it as a surprise in both our fam chats.
      Once on board Kairo was crying for a feed so we got settled. We were so long taking off however that he'd finished his feed before we got going. I shouldn't have worried though he was a natural flyer and fell asleep for a lot of the journey.
      1hr50mins later we touched down in Reus, unfortunately there was no hit of warmth as we got off the plane as it was raining and thunderstorms. I did however get an unexpected phonecall from nicola who had just watched us get off the plane. Turns out her and Andy had been in Salou for a week and were flying back on our plane!
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    • Day 68

      Phase 7. The next and last bit.

      June 28 in England ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Today we left the narrow boat and our ‘lock bitches’ behind.
      An over nighter in Manchester before picking the hire car and heading to Scotland.
      Our train from Crewe to Manchester airport was cancelled so we jumped on a train that got us close and taxied the rest.
      A roomy shower was nice once we arrived at the Crowne Plaza.
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    • Day 4

      Then it Arrived

      August 5, 2023 in England ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      Woken by the constant pit patter of the rain hammering on the roof, realising that it's gonna be a wet Saturday. 😳

      Russell needs rain gear, having embraced therapy with benefits. Trentham Gardens was set as course way 👉.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Cheshire East, CHE, Восточный Чешир, Східний Чешир, چیشائر مشرقی, 東柴郡

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