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Dacorum District

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    • Day 2

      Warner Bros. Studio Tour

      January 3, 2023 in England ⋅ 🌧 11 °C

      Teil 2 des Tages war dann das Highlight und der eigentliche Grund für unseren Kurztrip: Die Warner Bros. Studio Tour - The Making of Harry Potter.
      Und ich kann sagen: Die Tour ist absolut jeden Cent wert! Absoluter Wahnsinn was alles an Sets, Kostümen und Reliquien nur für die Filme hergestellt wurde. In jeder Minute fühlte man sich in die Kindheit zurückversetzt. Absolute Empfehlung!Read more

    • Day 106

      Harry Potter world!

      July 5, 2022 in England ⋅ ⛅ 66 °F

      Miles: 3.9 Steps: 10723
      Flights stairs: 4

      When you go to London with a Harry Potter fanatic like Jordan, there is no choice but to visit Warren Bros studios!

      It’s a ways out of town so we had to take the tube to a train, to catch a shuttle bus - but it was worth it. We spent almost 3 1/2 hours there. It isn’t like what they have in the US at Universal - this is a tour of the actual props and sets used in the making of the eight movies, on the actual studios. No rides or anything like that. Pretty special to see how the “magic” was actually made. It was also neat to watch Jordan revert back to a child and just enjoy what she was experiencing. I don’t get to see that side of my adult 23 year old much anymore.Read more

    • Day 3

      Harry Potter Studio Tour

      March 4, 2020 in England ⋅ 🌧 5 °C

      Heute waren wir in den Harry Potter Studios und haben da eine Studio Tour gemacht. Es war wie ein riesengroßes Harry Potter Museum. Man konnte sich ganz viele originale Aufbauten angucken (der Speisesaal von Gryffindor, der verbotene Wald, Dumbledores Büro, Gringotts, ...) und es waren ganz viele originale Kostüme und Requisiten ausgestellt. Außerdem wurde jede Menge erklärt, mit welchen Spezialeffekten gearbeitet wurde zum Beispiel. Natürlich gab’s auch ein paar Attraktionen für die Besucher: man hätte zum Beispiel vor einem greenscreen auf einem Besen fliegen können und dann wäre man in einem Video durch London geflogen, aber das hat extra gekostet.
      Insgesamt war es sehr spannend und wir haben viel über die Filme erfahren. Danach sind wir dann wieder zurück nach East Croydon gefahren (was fast zwei Stunden gedauert hat, weil die Studios auf der anderen seite von London sind). Dort waren wir noch in dem Streetfood market und haben etwas gegessen.
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    • Day 15

      Harry Potter Studios

      April 13, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      The boys have been involved with the planning of this trip. It's encouraged them to research our destinations and help come up with plans and itineraries. One activity that we wanted to keep a secret however, was the Warner Bros. Harry Potter Studio Tour in London. It was Gabba's contribution to our trip, and the boys had no idea....

      The tour wasn't until the afternoon, so we spent the morning strolling around town. We walked up to Hyde Park. Tom found some more squirrels, but was less impressed with the grey variety. We made our way to Marble Arch and then up towards Baker St. A cursory walk by 221B had us deducing that it was Sherlock Holmes' residence. Elementary.

      After a quick bite it was on the train to Watford Junction. As we stepped out of the station and waited for the shuttle bus emblazoned with Harry Potter signage, the penny finally dropped for the boys about where we were heading.

      The tour is pretty impressive. The majority of the films were produced in these studios and the sets have all been recreated using the original set pieces. We made our way into the Grand Dining Hall and watched the lights and smoke show, similar to the pizazz that would have been used when filming the scene when the Weasley's flew their brooms through the Hall. The next room showcased a number of sets, as well as hundreds of genuine props and costumes. The detail in set design was amazing. In the halls of Hogwarts, the oil paintings that adorned the walls were all hand painted and were generally paintings of film crew and their families. Some of the moving pictures on the walls were film crew as well, but to think they had dozens and dozens of these pictures, all requiring their own set, and they may end up on camera for a second. It's pretty impressive.

      The boys enjoyed finding the snitches that were hidden throughout the tour, Sarah found the elusive snitch in the Gringott's Bank. We stopped halfway for a Butter Beer and then continued through the Dursley's house, into the forest, on the Hogwarts Express, up Diagon Alley and finally to the 1:20 scale model of Hogwarts Castle. This model is uber-impressive, the detail is unbelievable. It was used for fly-by scenes and you can almost see miniature Harry, Hermione and Ron walking through the corridors.

      We tiredly got back on the bus and train, back into Euston Station. We were tired but hungry, and it was decided that a good curry would hit the spot. It was too much for poor Fred, who fell asleep at the curry house, however the rest of us managed to eat his share. A tired journey across town eventually had us back in our beds dreaming of witchcraft and wizardry.
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    • Day 20

      End of Week 1 - Cheddington, Berhamsted

      September 2, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Left Cheddington at 7.30 to travel through the Chilterns. Beautiful countryside.
      19 locks later we are at Berkhamsted!!!
      At Berkhamsted ruins of Norman castle where William 1 offered crown of England- Norman conquest of 1066
      Sunday - down 8 locks to Hemel Hempstead
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    • Day 5

      Harry Potter Studio ( Part 1)

      May 1, 2023 in England ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Nik - Ever since we began planning this trip, today's activity...visiting the Harry Potter Studio...was something I was very much looking forward too.

      The tour did not disappoint. At the moment the doors to the Great Hall were revealed, I started to tear up. Seeing the long tables set for a feast, the floating candles...my breath caught in my throat.

      I've read the books and watched the movies many times, and each time I'm drawn into that world of magic. This time...it wasn't imagination. This time I was there and it took my breath away.

      Highlights of the tour were the Forbidden Forest, the two Gringots displays (one before, one after it was ruined by the excaping dragon), Diagon Alley and the big Hogwarts Castle at the end.

      We had read that the tour could be done in 4 hours, but I think that is a serious underestimate. There is so much to see, so many little videos explaining the production and creative processes. It would be impossible to do it all and REALLY take it all in during a full day, let a lone 4 hours. (Honestly, if your a serious Harry fan.... you'd want two days.). As it was we had 5 hours. We missed one and a half sections entirely and had to rush through the second half in order to get back to our bus in time.

      But my gosh was it amazing.

      I took so many photos I'm we're going to have to do two studio posts to get all the images in. (We can only put 10 photos a post.)
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    • Day 4

      HP studios 3/16 : About dresses

      August 13, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Entering the exposition itself, we first have been interested by the outfits, and especially the actresses' dresses.
      Pénélope had the chance to get two thorough explanations about the making of two Luna Lovegood's dresses. Attached the short video.
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    • Day 4

      HP studios 16/16 : Pictures and models

      August 13, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      At the end we could see very interesting pictures and models used for designing the film, including a huge model of Hogwarts, an impressive one to say the least.
      No pictures of the subsequent shops, but the visit ended here, with a lot of images in our minds and on our phones (nearly 400 pics and vids in total!!).
      Now back to reality? Or maybe have a last candy from Honeydukes?
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    • Day 4

      HP studios 12/16 : Mandrake's cry

      August 13, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Madam Pomfrey's glasshouse seems to be a place of quietness: no beast here. But beware! Mandrake's can be way more dangerous and hurting.
      Don't forget your headphones, or the mandrake's cry will hurt you.Read more

    • Day 3

      Harry Potter ⚡️1

      February 13 in England ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

      Heute ging es direkt nach dem Frühstück mit meinem Lieblingsevent weiter: die Warner Bros Harry Potter Studios. Dafür mussten wir zwar 1.5h mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln fahren, aber das war es definitiv wert. Die letzte Strecke legten wir mit dem Shuttle Bus zurück, wo sie über Bildschirme eine Ansprache von Tom Felton und Harry Potter Soundtracks laufen liessen. Wir verbrachten insgesamt ungefähr 6h in den Studios und konnten mit den Audio Guides richtig coole Hintergrundinfos bekommen :)Read more

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