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    • Day 28

      Day 5 completed, now at Twice Brewed

      September 26, 2019 in England ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      A successful funny day. We walked almost 18 kms- and these are fairly tough kms. The path is signed, with the very discreet acorns, and sometimes a signpost with Hadrian’s Wall path engraved in very old wood, almost rotten and falling apart...but it is very easy to go off track. So it is better than the Coast to Coast experience, but not without a bit of stress, and today I have to say that at the last 2 miles we admitted defeat and descended to the road visible beneath us and walked the last 800 metres or so to our destination!

      But we had fun. Set off at about 9.15 - cloudy, no rain - and all went well. More of the beautiful countryside that we have been accustomed to. We did make a small mistake quite early, but easily got back on track and walked along another section of Wall, and up quite a climb of stone steps, with a stunning view at the top. The trouble is that you follow along fine, then go over a stile or a gate to the next field and you really have no indication where to go. There is no definite track, just grass with no direction, and it is easy to pick the wrong way. And these are HUGE fields, many acres, and there aren’t so many people that you can follow along. Sometimes it is obvious and you can see a stile or gate or signpost in the distance, but not always.

      So we muddled along, mostly on track, and avoiding as much mud and bog as we could, loving the scenery and views, and the Roman bits that are there. Quite a lot of wall - more than I had expected - and all quite amazing. Every now and then it rained slightly - enough to put on coats, but never lasted long, and was sometimes even sunny.

      By the end, when we knew we were close we just couldn’t find the right way. We had followed some bad advice to follow an easy low track rather than the high one which would have been correct. She had said it would all lead to the right place...but it didn’t, for us anyway, and we muddled along high in the hills, but not as high as the wall, and finally gave up and descended to the road. That was in itself extremely difficult as it was uneven with tufts of long grass and holes, and when we reached the bottom of course we had to cross a seriously boggy patch. Later looking at the map we found that that area was called the East Bog! However we made it to the road, and found our accommodation right on that road, except that we approached it from the other direction. So in a way we had taken a short cut! Anyway, it was an adventure and our B and B tonight is another lovely place and we stay here for 2 nights, as tomorrow is a sort of rest day. Not really, as the plan is to do a 15 km walk round a lot of Roman ruins and museums near here that are not on the trail. But we are sort of free to do what we like in our own time.

      So tonight we went for dinner at the pub down the road, the Twice Brewed Inn. Good food and atmosphere, and we’ll go there again tomorrow night. The other end of this village is called Once Brewed! Crazy! Anyway, all good.
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    • Day 2

      Op weg naar the Lake district

      June 10, 2023 in England ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Vandaag vanaf de haven van Newcastle op ons gemak, met een kleine pauze, naar the Lake district gereden. Inmiddels staan we met heel veel andere mensen en heel veel horzels op een ‘wildkampeer’camping. Het weer is echt uitstekend en het is hier prachtig. Morgen gaan we proberen om de Scafell Pike te bedwingen, dat moet goed komen.Read more

    • Day 5

      (H)adrian’s Wall

      May 17, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Nordwestlich von Carlisle gab es die Reste des Hadrian-Walls zu bestaunen, der nördlichsten Grenze des römischen Großreichs. Adrian fühlte sich ob der Namensgleichheit inspiriert, die Befestigungsanlage wieder aufzubauen, um die römischen Provinzen vor rebellischen Schotten abzuschirmen. Claudius übte sich derweil weiter in seiner Highlander-Pose, um bei eben diesen nach Grenzübertritt einen guten Eindruck zu machen…Read more

    • Day 109

      Hadrian's Wall

      April 26, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Once Brewed, Northumberland, England

      Auf den nächsten Zwischenhalt hatte ich mich schon lange gefreut. Wir nahmen uns einen Tag Zeit, um die römische Grenzbefestigung im Norden Englands zu besichtigen. Direkt nach dem Frühstück ging es zur Festung Vindolanda, einer ehemaligen Anlage am Hadrian's Wall.

      Während Marion beim Camper die Sonne genoss, ging es für mich zur Besichtigung der Ruine. Man konnte einen Einzeleintritt oder einen Kombieintritt mit dem römischen Armeemuseum lösen und natürlich liess ich mir diese Chance nicht entgehen😁. Mit einem Plan der Anlage ausgerüstet, erforschte ich die verschiedenen Gebäude und da zur gleichen Zeit noch eine Schulklasse anwesend war, konnte ich mich zeitweise anhängen und die Führung mitmachen😂.

      Danach fuhren wir weiter zu zwei verschiedenen Punkte der Festungsmauer, dem Sycamore Gap und dem Cawfield Castle. Beides waren schöne Orte, aber nicht so eindrücklich wie Vindolanda. Doch zum Glück kam das Beste zum Schluss, ich hatte ja noch den Eintritt zum römischen Armeemuseum und dieses war sehr gut gemacht und ein toller Abschluss für den Tag am Hadrian's Wall.

      Nun geht es bereits weiter nach Leeds, wo unser nächstes Sportereignis ansteht.
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    • Day 73

      Its all about the Romans.

      July 3 in England ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      “What have the Romans ever done for us?”
      First up the Roman Army Museum. Giving us a taster of what they were up to here.
      Hadrians Wall is just over there.
      We went for a hilly walk to see the 300 year + Sycamore tree, but some twat chopped it down.Read more

    • Day 7

      Hadrian's Wall

      May 15, 2019 in England ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Nach einer kleinen Suche haben wir den Hadrian's Wall gefunden. Wir haben wohl die einzige Stelle gefunden an der die Steine unter der Erde sind oder die Mauer nicht mehr existiert und mit Steinen auf dem Boden dargestellt wird.
      Leider fehlte ein Hinweisschild und die Zeit eines zu suchen.
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    • Day 34

      LEJOG day 34

      May 10, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      16 miles 623.9
      A day threatening thunderstorms and rain was a lot better weather wise. But…Keilder Forest was hard work. Initially we crossed Hadrian’s wall. ( escaping north) Looking good and hilly as ever. The bridle paths and paths were really non existent. Felled trees, bog, fences, burns, uneven ground( sore on feet and legs). We passed a trig point ( only our 2nd of the trip) on Round Hill- no view. It was only 16 miles but felt further. The occasional opening up of the forest was a delight. And the Pheasant Inn was open. We sat outside next to a lovely couple from Hexham. They even treated us to a cider. I hope they get clear sky….Read more

    • Day 23

      Hadrian woz ere

      September 3, 2017 in England ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Well i thought i'd be bored on the way down here but I haven't come across Hadrian's Wall and before that the small airfield with a B2 bomber in it and that was just f****** amazing much of Hadrian's Wall is been pulled down for fences walking past 1 now for the bits of the still there is spectacular. Also here is a picture of a tea cake there equivalent to a chocolate RoyalRead more

    • Day 7

      Hadrien wall

      July 24, 2016 in England ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Dimanche, 24 juillet 2016
      Aujourd'hui est prévue notre dernière étape en Angleterre, demain nous serons en terre écossaise. Nous contournons York et arrivons après 150km à Newcastle-upon-Tyne. C'est ici que le Royaume Uni est le plus étroit. C'est sur cette distance de 117km que l'empereur romain Hadrien a fait ériger en l'an 122 un mur pour séparer les romains des barbares. A distances régulières se trouvent des forts, milecastles et tours de garde. Nous visitons un ancien temple dédié à Mythra, le fort Housesteads où on peut facilement s'imaginer la vie de garnison d'il y a 1900ans et Steel Rigg un point de vue sur la muraille. Une exposition et les fouilles effectuées au fort montrent l'ingéniosité des romains. On y peut distinguer le palais du chef, les baraquements des soldats, les bains, l'hôpital et le dépôt des réserves de vivres pour env. 6000 personnes. Eric a réservé par téléphone une place au Hadrian's Wall Camping; c'était bien vu, ici nous sommes pour la première fois au milieu de campeurs de plein de nationalités.Read more

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