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    • Päivä 2


      31. toukokuuta 2023, Englanti ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Liverpool, oh Liverpool. Schon bei der Einfahrt in die Vororte war ich verzückt. Auch wenn wir ein kleines Problem mit dem Apartment hatten, wurde der Eindruck nicht getrübt. Sind wir halt aufs Hotel nebenan ausgewichen. Auch die Tour durchs Anfield-Stadion hat sich gelohnt. Ich glaube, ich bin ein bisschen verknallt in Liverpool. Liegt vielleicht daran, dass diese Stadt solche Hamburg Vibes hat. Und daran, dass die Beatles allgegenwärtig sind ❤️Lue lisää

    • Päivä 7

      FC Liverpool

      7. syyskuuta 2023, Englanti ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Nach einem typischen letzten walisischen Frühstück fuhren wir nach Liverpool. Sven wollte unbedingt das Stadion besuchen. Als Dortmund Fan wollte er Klopos Wirkungsstätte sehen. Danach haben wir im Hotel eingecheckt und den Ausblick aus dem 7. Stock bewundert, bevor es Chicken Tikka Masala im Pub gab.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 47

      Liverpool — St George’s Quarter

      16. helmikuuta, Englanti ⋅ ☁️ 52 °F

      I planned to use Liverpool as a base for some day trips, but I’m loving it here. No reason to go out of the city. Museums are free! I did three this morning — World Museum, Picton Reading Room, and the Walker Art Gallery.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 49

      Liverpool — Ropewalks

      18. helmikuuta, Englanti ⋅ ☁️ 50 °F

      Ropewalks is a great neighborhood with lots of cafes, pubs, and boutiques. At the heart of it, there is St Luke’s Church which was completely gutted during the WWII bombing of Liverpool. It remains in its bombed out state as a peace monument. Best bit — on the lawn of St Luke’s there is a statue commemorating the Christmas Truce of 1914 when English and German troops stopped fighting, came out of their trenches, and played soccer in no man’s land, some exchanging their Christmas rations in this spontaneous ceasefire which lasted all of Christmas Day. One of my all-time favorite stories in any period of history.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 121

      Liverpool- 'Ferry 'cross the Mersey'

      16. lokakuuta 2017, Englanti ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      We're staying down on the water in the rejuvenated Docks atea. There are some beautiful buildings here as well as the home of the Beatles! Betty & Al went to The Cavern where the Beatles started performing and Bek & I went to Evensong at the new Metropolitan Cathedral.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 26

      Love at first sight

      5. heinäkuuta 2017, Englanti ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Well dip me in honey and throw me to the Liverpudlians, I have fallen instantly in love with Liverpool!

      Before today I knew only a handful of useless facts about the place and now half a day later I actually know a few more. I knew the Beatles come from here, they have a ferry that goes across the Mersey (and to Ireland if you like) and they don't like Manchester. Those three facts have been all I thought I needed to know about Liverpool to date and I guess I have scraped through on that. But today I also learned that the library here was the very first building in the world to have air conditioning (with a summer top temperature of early 20's you have to think WTF??) and right across the road is the site of the very first ever passenger train terminal. Charles Dickens wrote Oliver Twist in a house behind the station and a New York artist donated a piece of art that was a hybrid Lamb-Banana because Liverpool was the first place in the UK to import New Zealand Lamb and tropical fruits including Bananas. These statues, all 130 of them are dotted throughout the city.

      Next time you play Trivial Pursuit or appear on Millionaire, you can send your thanks.

      Chasing the big city vibe today I could feel it as I rolled through extensive network of roadworks and gentrification projects on the outskirts. Today I enjoyed the traffic, that stop start of three cars per green light that would normally be a source of frustration had a gentle rhythm to it and I even managed to do the obligatory "wave" when you inadvertently get stuck in the wrong lane and have no option but to cut in front of another driver. Act first, apologise later. I am told that is the way things are done in Liverpool anyway.

      I have just done a Beetles Tour around the city, complete with singing guide, and am enjoying a pint of IPA at The Pumphouse pub on the docks. Pulp is playing through the sound system and the sun is warm enough for the good folk of Liverpool to crank up the AC now if they want to. I have also decided to stay another day here, I still have several museums and art galleries to cover off tomorrow and I could not be happier soaking up the vibe that is this gorgeous urban jungle.

      Another pint anyone?
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    • Päivä 51


      11. kesäkuuta, Englanti ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      There’s a story to tell here.
      But anyways, a day early in Liverpool.

    • Päivä 4

      Museo marítimo y Chinatown

      4. elokuuta 2017, Englanti ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Como ya ha comentado Ana, me he encontrado con un amigo del cole al que no veo desde hace más de 10 años xD. Cosas de la vida.

      Tengo que decir que Ana se ha portado super bien en el viaje, que íbamos en asientos separados y ha viajado sola aunque fuera asustadilla.

      Nos habíamos quedado en que nos íbamos de museos. Hemos ido al Museo marítimo, que también incluye el Museo de la Esclavitud (durísimo de ver, pero necesario). El museo marítimo tenía muchas cosas, pero las tres principales secciones eran: El hundimiento del Lusitania (WWI), la Batalla del Atlántico (WWII) y el Titanic.

      Al Lusitania yo ni lo conocía, ha sido muy interesting y me voy a terminar leyendo medio Internet del asunto. La parte de la batalla del Atlántico ha hecho que me acuerde de mi padre y Paco y sus juegos de barco o submarino, según se escoja. Había muchísimo material, les habría encantado.

      Por último, la parte del Titanic era inmensa. Como la naviera era de Liverpool, había muchísima información sobre el antes de la travesía, y lo más impactante, cuatro placas de metacrilato con los nombres de los pasajeros y tripulación, grises los que se salvaron, azules los que murieron, con la edad de cada uno.

      Tras ver tanta muerte y esclavitud hemos optado por ser un poco alegres, así que hemos dado un paseo dirección a Chinatown, la más antigua de Europa, que tiene un arco espectacular. Al lado estaba la catedral, que es un poco meh después de St Patrick (y de la de Colonia no hablemos xD).

      Como era pasada la 1, hemos dicho de comer en Chinatown. Hemos optado por un japonés, porque el chino va a ser en Londres.
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    • Päivä 27

      That's one way to do it.

      11. marraskuuta 2018, Englanti ⋅ 🌙 9 °C

      After staying up way too late, mostly to find food, and ending up in a not-so-secret secret club (for like two minutes) I got what might be referred to as sleep. One night in a place before moving to the next can be slightly off putting, and I still had to figure out where I was staying for the rest of my time in Liverpool. Since my trip is coming to a close, I decided to treat myself to an airbnb, and compared to the prices I found elsewhere, it was a steal. Deciding I would go to a museum until I could check in to my new digs, I found a place to store my luggage and made my way over. The first two levels were definitely geared toward children, but it was still fun (I saw an axolotl!), and the third floor was an expansive exhibit on Egypt. My stomach did get the better of me, as it does, and I had to leave and find nourishment before seeing everything; free entry made it a little easier to leave. Once I'd sufficiently stuffed my face, I made my way back to get my things so I could go check in to my gloriously private room. I found my way over, not terribly far from all the attractions, but farther than I wanted to walk with my bag that seems to keep getting heavier. A message through the app had given me the number of the person I was getting the room from, and a couple of texts and phone calls later... I still hadn't gotten in. Tired and frustrated I shuffled back to the hostel where I had stored my bags, if only I had realized the prices sooner. I asked for the cheapest room available, and ended up in a six bed dorm... by myself; blessedly alone. I ended up napping for a few hours, and when I finally emerged from the room I realized that not only was everything closed, but I was somehow still tired. Fortunately reception is twenty four hours, and I asked where I could get dinner. The lovely woman at the desk told me about a Lebanese restaurant nearby, made sure (with Google magic) that it was open, and even suggested a dessert. Thank goodness it was a short walk away, the only downside to going there was that they had apparently changed there hours, and it was actually closed. Sighing in defeat, I turned around and headed back to where I'd come from, figuring I could just get some more sleep. As I ambled through the, now empty, shopping center I saw a group of men go into a building, and realized it was a restaurant, an open restaurant. Two seconds in to looking over their menu and I knew exactly what I wanted: borek. Munching happily on my Turkish pastry, filled with juicy minced meat, I practically skipped back to my bed. Once satiated, and settled for the night, I snuggled in to my bunk once more, and couldn't wait for the sound of the city to lull me to sleep.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 4

      Cool in Liverpool

      10. toukokuuta 2022, Englanti ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Nach unserer Fahrt durch den Snodonia Nationalpark, sind wir nach gut 9 Stunden Fahrt in Liverpool angekommen. Wir wollten uns hier eine Nacht in einem Hotel gönnen um die Batterien wieder aufzuladen.

      Wir genossen gemeinsam ein Abendessen in einem Pub und gingen danach in eine Karaoke Bar wo Larissa und Amanda eines zu ihren besten gaben. 🎤🎶
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    Liverpool, ሊቨርፑል፣ እንግሊዝ, ليفربول, ܠܝܒܪܦܘܠ, Liverpul, Горад Ліверпул, Ливърпул, لیڤەرپوول, Ливерпуль, Lerpwl, Λίβερπουλ, لیورپول, Learpholl, Poll a' Ghrùthain, Lerphoyll, ליברפול, लिवरपूल, Լիվերպուլ, LPL, リヴァプール, ლივერპული, ಲಿವರ್‌ಪೂಲ್, 리버풀, Liverpolium, Liverpulis, Liverpūle, Ливерпул, ലിവർപൂൾ, Ливерпүүл, लिव्हरपूल, لیور پول, Liverpuil, லிவர்பூல், ลิเวอร์พูล, Liwérpol, Ліверпуль, ליווערפול, 利物浦


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