United Kingdom
Newcastle upon Tyne

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Newcastle upon Tyne
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    • Day 45

      Parks and Pubs

      July 4, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Today we woke up, got ready and caught the bus to Heaton. We went to a little coffee shop and I had the best coffee so far on the trip. We then walked through Heaton Park to Pets corner in Jesmond Dene. Pets corner is a random assortment of animals, some have been given to them or rescued from the RSPCA. We saw goats, rabbits and every domesticated bird you could think of (except chickens cause bird flu). We then strolled through the park headed for the waterfall. The UK has done so well with parks and pathways, it's really easy to find green spaces close to the city. We found the waterfall and the old mill, had a look around then headed back to meet Rachael. She picked us up and we went to Jesmond. We ended up at Fat Hippo which was a burger place. The food was very tasty and it was nice to catch up with Rach again.
      She dropped Erin and I to a brewery in Byker and the place was so cute. The owner poured us our beers and gave us a small shot of imperial ale which was a 10% dark stout which was really quite sweet. Erin compared it to port. We walked back to the accommodation for a brief rest before heading back out on the bus. We were back to Heaton, first for a stop at Greggs for Erin to grab a coffee and donut. We loved every second of her Greggs experience. We then headed to Heaton Tap which is a small micropub with heaps of different brews from the North East. We tried a few different beers but the highlight was the cherry beer, so different to anything else we've had before.
      Next we went to Zoe's house for dinner with her and her friends. They made us dinner using ingredients from their allotment where they grow heaps of their own produce. It was such a fun night, Zoe and her friends are really informed about the environment and political movements within Britain, they also have cool jobs. Then we were shown the allotment where our meal had been grown.
      Erin and I headed back, got ready for bed and then realised that we aren't the only visitors to Edinburgh tomorrow...
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    • Day 21

      Mit dem Zug nach London

      September 24, 2022 in England ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Weil Verena (und ich) morgen Nachmittag einen Termin in London haben, sind wir von Newcastle aus in einen direkt-Zug - ohne andere Stops - nach London gestiegen. 🚝
      Wir haben ein warmes Getränk genossen und ich konnte Verena über meinen Praktikumsbericht ausquetschen und habe mich wieder mal super mit ihr unterhalten! 🥰☺️
      Wir sind an verschiedenen tollen Gebäuden und Landschaften vorbeigekommen, wie diesem quasi eponymen New Castle und einer Kathedrale in einem unscheinbaren Dorf. ☺️☀️
      Wir sind nochmal so 3 Stunden gefahren, bis wir in London im Dunkeln angekommen sind. ☺️
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    • Day 19

      The Steep End

      September 14, 2022 in England ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      I woke up hungry to walk up and down Newcastle's slalom alleys and lanes, so we walked across the High Level Bridge and back across the Tyne Bridge. We were hoping for some hipster coffee but didn't succeed today. So we went for the other extreme: some really British coffee from Queen's Cafe just across the road from our flat. I heard a Geordie businessman in a great business suit order a bacon roll with brown sauce, and once I had googled brown sauce, I took a creepshot of him because he looked so good.

      After paying off some sleep debt later that morning, we went to Newcastle Castle via Dog Leap Steps (a dead seagull in a plastic bag on the top step, and a homeless person sleeping just next to the castle) and decided to do the full experience from the Castle Garth and Keep to the Tower with its narrow winding stairs, hidden rooms, and giddy heights. This was inspiring and very engaging, although I did feel fear at a few points - especially when walking past an oubliette called "The Heron Pit" and when visiting a tiny cell through a narrow hall where prisoners were kept until the assizes. Chilling.

      We went for a beer at Ask Italian and met a cute gay waiter who we learned was not a Geordie (from Newcastle) but a Mackem (from Seaham). And after that I went for a haircut and beard trim at The Hoi Polloi where my barber Jack Porter gave me a classy trim while being charming with a thick Geordie Accent. Mint!

      Dinner was Italian by the Quayside at Sambuca, and a walk along the banks of the Tyne looking at the reflection of the Tyne Bridge and Sage Gateshead.

      A sweet day.
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    • Day 1

      Holpriger Start von unserem Trip

      May 30, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      Start mit totalem Stromausfall in Zürich Nord. Duschen im Dunkeln und dann Aufbruch ohne Kaffee.
      Reise nach Newcastle, leider schaffte es mein Koffer nur bis London....und ich war nicht die Einzige...70 weitere Koffer kamen nicht mit😡. Nun hieß es Formulare ausfüllen und man konnte nicht sagen, wann die restlichen Koffern die Reise nach Newcastle schaffen....ich warte immer noch!
      Dann ging es mit der Metro vom Flughafen direkt ins Zentrum nach Newcastle. Hotel bezogen und erster kleiner Rundgang. Von zu Hause Nachricht erhalten, dass man nicht sicher ist, ob der Kühlschrank durch den Stromausfall den Geist aufgegeben hat😡...
      Nach dem Nachtessen noch einen "Schlummi" im Pub und früh Feierabend gemacht!
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    • Day 43

      Friend times = fun times

      July 2, 2023 in England ⋅ 🌬 16 °C

      Today I woke up and got ready to head into town. We were meeting Zoe and Ed in town to do a Newcastle walking tour. In town, there was a 10k running which had blocked off major sections of the streets. We literally waited at a crossing junction for 15 minutes as the security guard was letting noone through. He was also a 'twat' making sexist jokes. The walking tour group literally were watching us and waiting for us to get there which was very awkward. Eventually we got over there and we started the tour. It was 90 minutes and it was very interesting. Bless the tour guide, she was reading off little handwritten note cards and clearly has been a Geordie her whole life. We learnt about the monument to Earl Grey and how it's head was hit by lightning and fell off. We learnt about Charles Dickens walking from Sunderland to Newcastle (google it) and so many other facts.
      Zoe, Ed and I then headed to Magic Hat. It's a cafe Zoe volunteers at which utilises food waste to construct a menu. Then you pay what you feel for the food. It was a beautiful little cafe and Zoe actually helped contribute to its construction. She sponsored a toilet, which is now named in her honour. I had a delicious Iranian lime stew and the others had banana pancakes. I also took a piece of cake to go. We headed to a pub called the Old George which is the oldest pub in Newcastle to watch the formula one. It was a cosy little venue with massive screens. Ed and Zoe aren't fans so Kate was explaining the rules and all the drama. We then met a few more of Zoe's friends briefly which was nice.
      We then decided to head back and rest for a bit, then Ed, Kate, Brooklan and I headed to mini golf. It was like Holey Moley but a bit better, we had a cocktail and played some funny holes. We headed to the pub intending to have a Sunday roast, however the pub was closed. We headed home, got takeaway and watched Tallegeda Nights instead.
      It was a really busy, really fun day with lots of friends!
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    • Day 44

      I've found Erin

      July 3, 2023 in England ⋅ 🌬 16 °C

      Today I woke up and walked to the train station and headed to the airport. I got in and Erin's flight had just landed. After a hold up on the luggage belt, Erin emerged looking fresh after a long flight. It was so great to see her and finally have her on the journey. We caught an uber back to the Airbnb where Kate and Brooklan were getting ready to head off. We ended up going with them to Grainger market which is a bunch of shops with food stalls, butchers, grocers and more. We grabbed a coffee and a delicious bagel then said goodbye to Kate and Brooklan. I'm glad that I got to catch up with them both, very happy they are moving their new life.
      Next I took Erin to the 5 swans to show her the favourite pub. We sat and caught up on everything from the last 6 weeks in the sun which was the best. I gave her a tour of the university grounds, the main street, the cathedral, the Lit and Phil library and the castle. We then walked down to the river to see the 7 bridges and visit the Wetherspoons by the quayside. After another few drinks, we headed to a pub with pies for an early dinner. Ed came and met us as well which was nice that Erin got to meet him! The pies were delicious and so filling.
      Erin slowly was fading so we walked home and said goodbye to Ed. We watched some Mamma Mia before Erin headed to sleep. I'm just chilling before the hectic Euro schedule really begins!
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    • Day 21


      September 24, 2022 in England ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      In Newcastle sind Verena und ich dann zur Martin Luther Kirche gegangen, die ein echt sehr schönes Glasfenster hat. ☺️ Und auf einer schicken Plakette, die aber nicht ganz vollständig ist, kann man sehen, dass es die Kirche - mit Unterbrechungen - auch schon ganz schön lange gibt. 🫢
      Wir haben mit einer insgesamt zehnköpfigen Truppe einen Erntedank-Familiengottesdienst gefeiert mit vielen schönen Liedern. 🎶
      Danach gab es in einer sehr geselligen Runde noch Tee und Kuchen, wo ich auch mit einem der Menschen sprechen konnte, die ich mit Thomas schon kennenlernen durfte! ☺️☕️
      Das war eine tolle Erfahrung in der Newcastler Gemeinde und wir haben uns alle gefreut, uns gegenseitig zu sehen. ✨
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    • Day 42

      Reunions in the Toon

      July 1, 2023 in England ⋅ 🌬 18 °C

      Today I woke up and got ready to head into Newcastle. THE SUN WAS OUT!!! I walked to Manors which is right near Northumbria University where I did my masters. I met up with Rach, Ori, Jess and Mollie at a coffee shop there. It was so nice to see all of them again. We caught up on everything and especially what had gone on in basketball world. I then hung out longer with Rach, we drove into town and walked around the high street looking for a pub that was playing the English women's football game. We found one but the game started later so we headed to 5 swans which was our drinking place for 2 years while I lived there. It hadn't changed and the beers are so cheap. We chatted and caught up about everything, then Kate and Brooklan arrived from their morning of shopping and visiting the coast.
      It was then time to go and watch the match, we met with Rachs girlfriend Beth and Mollie came back to watch the game too. The game was average but fun to be in the pub watching together.
      We then caught the train back and grabbed frozen pizzas for dinner. We got ready to go to Zoe's house party. We arrived and Zoe was so stoked to see me which was so lovely. We got a tour of her house which was massive and met her roommates and a few partygoers. There was also just dogs walking around and on couches which was the best. Then Ed arrived! He hadn't changed one bit. Kate, Brooklan, Ed and I sat inside and chatted all night, the sun literally hasn't been setting up here until like 10:30pm which is crazy too. We then caught the train back and ordered McDonald's before heading to bed. It was such a great day seeing everyone again and I really do like Newcastle more than I remembered!
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    • Day 11

      Besuch Nummer Zwei

      September 14, 2022 in England ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Nach unserer Mittagspause waren wir bei den nächsten Glücklichen, die wir besucht haben. Kein Sarkasmus! Die haben sich wirklich alle sehr gefreut! ♥️☕️

      Ich habe ganz viele tolle Menschen kennengelernt und durfte mich mit ihnen auf verschiedenen Sprachen unterhalten und ganz viele spannende Biografien hören. ☺️
      Eine ganze wertvolle Erfahrung! ✨
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    • Day 93

      Fish 'n castles

      December 5, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 0 °C

      Today we left early and set off to Bamburgh Castle. This 11th century castle was a former Royal Palace, Norman stronghold, crown residence, and has now been recreated by the engineer William Armstrong (who helped design and build Spitfires).

      The castle spans across 9 acres of land and was absolutely stunning, we took our time exploring the staterooms, armoury, dungeon as well as the aviation museum on the grounds.

      After too much time at the castle we decided to drive to the next town over, Seahouses. Where we enjoyed our first UK fish and chips by the beach. Between us we had Haddock and chips, battered spam, a pickled egg, and a chip butty.

      Once we got back to the accommodation we spent the night booking our next few stays, and we realised we only have under a week of accommodation not booked! Which means our trip is so close to coming to an end 😭

      Step count: 11.6k
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Newcastle upon Tyne, NET, نيوكاسل أبون تاين, Newcastle, Nyukasl apon Tayn, Горад Ньюкасл-апан-Тайн, Нюкасъл ъпон Тайн, নিউক্যাসল আপন ট্যাইন, نیوکاسڵ, Νιούκασλ, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, نیوکاسل آپون تاین, An Caisteal Nuadh, ניוקאסל, ニューカッスル・アポン・タイン, ნიუკასლ-აპონ-ტაინი, 뉴캐슬어폰타인, Novum Castellum, Niukaslas prie Taino, Ņūkāsla pie Tainas, Ньюкасл, न्यूकॅसल अपॉन टाईन, نیوکاسل, Neuchâté, Ньюкасл-апон-Тайн, Њукасл на Тајну, டைன் ஆற்றங்கரை நியூ காசில், นิวคาสเซิลอะพอนไทน์, Newcastle trên sông Tyne, ניוקאסטל, 紐卡素, 泰恩河畔纽卡斯尔

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