Zum Frühstück gab es heute ein Pain au chocolat mit Pistazien und ein Chai frisch vom Markt vor dem Kings Cross Bahnhof.
Nach einem kurzen Spaziergang durch den St. James Park ging es dann zurRead more
Zum Frühstück gab es heute ein Pain au chocolat mit Pistazien und ein Chai frisch vom Markt vor dem Kings Cross Bahnhof.
Nach einem kurzen Spaziergang durch den St. James Park ging es dann zurRead more
At The Tate Modern
Yayoi Kusama is a Japanese contemporary artist who works primarily in sculpture and installation, and is also active in painting, performance, video art, fashion, poetry, fiction,Read more
By the time we left the Golden Hinde, it was truly raining. This is the first time we got to really test out our new raincoats. Well, I did at least, because I decided to take another walk throughRead more
Uno dei musei d'arte contemporanea più famosi al mondo. Il museo si trova in un'ex centrale elettrica sulle rive del Tamigi ed è un edificio imponente e suggestivo. All'interno ci sono dieci pianiRead more
O primeiro objetivo do dia estava traçado há muito tempo, aliás foi um dos dois motivos desta viagem até Londres e o porquê de ficarmos uns dias… visitar o Tate Modern e ver, ali à nossaRead more
This time, for the first time in Tate, we wantes to see paid exhibition. John choosed very vivid and visualy atractive exhibition from Japanese artist Kusama. It was sold out but the gentle LadyRead more
After lunch we went to the part of Tate we hadn't been before. It was fantastic to see the two polarities od art - how strong can be message delivered by it on the one side (for example in video aboutRead more
From Southwark Cathedral we walked towards Tate Modern and were side-tracked by the Shakespeare Globe. We quickly enquired about which plays were on and happened to be coinciding with Romeo andRead more
During the second half of our walking tour, we took a walk along the south bank of the River Thames. After exploring the sites, we enjoyed a delicious dinner of beef pie, fish and chips, and a pint ofRead more
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Puddle Dock
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Ellen Mihaljevic Wow!!
Traveler You look very cute. Where is that pic?
Ellen Mihaljevic Shakespeare's the Globe Theatre
Traveler 🤣 "Looking at Art (and looking at people taking pictures of themselves 'looking' at art"