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    • Gün 74

      König Arthur

      31 Ekim 2018, İngiltere ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Nach einer interessanten Autofahrt bergauf bergab bei einspurigen Gassen mit Steinwällen auf beiden Seiten und einem Gefälle von bis zu 19% endlich den nächsten Stopp erreicht.
      Und dann das: Eigentlich wollte ich heute auf den Spuren von König Arthur und der Ritterrunde unterwegs sein. Schade nur, dass das sagenumwobene Tintagel Castle geschlossen und von Baggern heimgesucht wurde. Somit gab es nur Bilder aus der Ferne...Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 4

      Merlin's Cove und Burg Tintagel

      2 Mayıs 2017, İngiltere ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Da die St. Nectan's Glenn ganz in der Nähe vom Tintagel Castle, dem angeblichen Geburtsort von König Artus, sind, beschließen wir dorthin noch einen Abstecher zu machen. So ruhig es am Wasserfall war, so touristisch war es dann in Tintagel 🙊 zur Stärkung für den Fußmarsch zur Ruine und zu Merlin's Höhle gibt's auf der Sonnenterrasse noch ein Eis und dann geht's los 😊
      Nach einem Fußmarsch steil bergab (ohhhh Gott den Berg muss ich nachher wieder hoch!!! 😧) kletterten wir runter zum Strand und entdeckten die Höhlen und noch einen schönen Wasserfall. Vom Strand aus konnte man gut sehen wie weit es hoch geht bis zu den Burgruinen! 1000de Stufen....und so beschlossen wir (oder eigentlich nur ich 😅) die 50 Euro Eintritt zu sparen weil ein so alter Steinhaufen garnicht soooo interessant sein kann.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 2

      Mit dem Passat Variant ins B&B

      10 Temmuz 1994, İngiltere ⋅ 17 °C

      Der frischeTunnel zu unserer Urlaubsinsel ist uns noch zu unheimlich. Auch wollen wir den Kanal ein erstes mal mit einem ordentlichen Schiff queren! (Ein Jahr später soll es einen Brand genau auf unserem Dampfer geben!).
      Mit SALLY Ferries gehen wir in DÜNNKIRCHEN mit unserem Passat Variant an Bord und schippern nach RAMSGATE.
      Unser erstes B&B mit zünftigem englischen breakfast haben wir in MARGATE. Wir genießen die tolle Gastfreundschaft, die Küste und die Hafenstädte.
      In POETSMOUTH wird uns eine 🚗 scheibe zerstört und der gerade mal 1 Jahr alte 📷 von Gustav ist futsch...
      Wir lernen: Wo bereits Autoglasscherben rumliegen, sollte man nicht unbedingt parken! Ein netter Autoglaser baut eine unkaputtbare Kunststoffscheibe ein und will absolut kein Geld 💰! Der Police Officer bringt uns diese Nacht in seinem B&B unter und wir werden verwöhnt...und sind voll versöhnt!
      Auch auf den höchsten Berg in UK sind wir gewesen, dem SNOWDON mit schlappen 1.085m...
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 11


      25 Eylül 2017, İngiltere ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Zur Freude von Michaela fahren wir schnell weiter nach Tintagel. Sagenumwoben, weil (auch) dort Arthur´s Camelot vermutet wird. Wi verzichten aber auf die Besichtigung des Castles; Michaela und ich waren schon einmal dort und so viel gibt es dort nicht zu sehen. Einen Blick in Merlin´s Cave werfen wir aber. Doch erst einmal eine Stärkung mit Cornish Cream Tea. Statt Castle gab es dann ein schöne Runde um den Ort, immer schön rauf und runter mit vielen schönen Ausblicken.

      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 6

      Tintangle Castle

      27 Mayıs 2018, İngiltere ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Das Tintagel Castle(= Festung des schmalen Zugangs) liegt auf einer Halbinsel an der Westküste Cornwalls, nicht weit vom Dorf Tintagel entfernt. Zu ihr führen steile Zu- und Abgänge, sie ist nur durch eine schmale Landzunge mit dem Festland verbunden. Nach der Artussage, die im Wesentlichen von Geoffrey von Monmouth in den 1130er Jahren verfasst wurde, fand in Tintagel die Zeugung von König Artus statt.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 3

      Trewethett Farm caravan park

      6 Temmuz 2018, İngiltere ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      What a place to stay - incredible views out over the coast, and King Arthur's castle just over the fields.
      The owners very kindly opened up the gates for us after our gps muck up .... oh junction 29 on the M5, just after the A30 and the A303 ..... roads here are just weird....Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 4

      St. Nectan's Glenn

      2 Mayıs 2017, İngiltere ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      Nach einem leckeren Frühstück auf der Terrasse bei Rollz und einem Provianteinkauf bei Aldi machen wir uns auf den Weg zum mystisch magischen St. Nectan's Glenn. Der Wettergott meint es heute gut mit uns...16 Grad und Sonnenschein schon morgens um 10 Uhr ☉ der Weg zu den Wasserfällen ist einfach nur der Wahnsinn. Der Weg führte an einem Bach entlang, durch einen sehr ursprünglichen Wald. Die Kinder fanden hinter jeder Wegbiegung einen neuen Schatz, eine Baumhöhle zum Verstecken oder Steine auf denen man über den Bach balancieren konnte. Da vergingen die knapp 1,6 km Wegstrecke bis zum Wasserfall wie im Flug.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 58

      In Search of Camelot

      21 Ekim 2016, İngiltere ⋅ ☀️ 7 °C

      Friday October 21st
      In Which we Search for Camelot

      I think you can learn a lot about a population from the state of their shops. In our travels around the counties of Dorset, Devon and now Cornwall we had seen a huge number of shops that look like they have not changed their window displays since the 1950s. It is common to see a shop window filled with a mixture of assorted goods, all in faded boxes, covered in dust and with a few dead flies scattered around for effect.

      While we were in Tintagel we were thrilled to find that the town had a laundromat as these are often very difficult to find in some countries. We bundled up our dirty washing, grabbed a pocketful of coins and went to the shop to catch up with our laundry. On entering the place, the first impression was one of perpetual neglect. The fronts of the two washing machines were covered in a greasy residue of numerous past washes and looked like it was a long, long time since they had been wiped clean.

      The same was true of the soap drawer - layers of gunk that had Maggie shaking her head in disgust. I have visited laundromats in many different countries but never seen one so neglected as this dump.

      To compound matters even further there were absolutely no instructions whatsoever as to how to operate the machines. We had no choice other than to keep feeding in coins until something happened. About 4 pounds later the water started to fill, so we assumed it had started. Since the display was broken it was impossible to tell how long the process was going to take.

      I sat down and looked around the place. Hanging on a peg was a bulging bag labelled "lost socks". It appeared that the locals were inept at counting their socks to check to see if they still had an even number at the end of each wash.
      Nearby was an even larger bag of crumpled clothing - presumably many people had trouble even remembering that they had put their clothes in the washing machine at all. On top of the dryer was a pair of old underpants, waiting to be claimed. This was getting ridiculous. It looked like the whole town was full of people who simply pooled all their clothes into some huge communal pile. Only in England I guess.

      This leads me to make some generalisations about the English population we had observed and met in our travels.

      Firstly, they generally are an overweight and very unfit lot. I have never seen such a concentration of people with mobility scooters, walking sticks and zimmer frames. We began to feel as if the whole population had trouble standing upright or moving from place to place. It also looks like they seldom visit the dentist, wear second hand clothing and probably have odd socks. From our experience at the laundromat, it may also be true that half of them are wearing someone else's underpants. They also seem to shuffle along the street, looking as if they are not quite sure where they are going. After what we had seen of the disciplined and conscientious work ethic of the Germans, we wondered just how the British ever managed to win the war.

      In spite of that, they are no doubt generally a friendly bunch, although they share a universal dislike and distrust of the French. Maybe that is because the French just have so much more savoir faire than they do. The typical English person does not seem to have much interest in maintenance or modernisation. The principle seems to be "if it ain't broke, don't fix it", in fact, on second thought, I would say that it is more like "if it IS broke, don't fix it either".

      After our experience at the laundromat we set out to explore the so called Tintagel Castle.

      This is a stark collection of ruins and relics that is precariously scattered over the sheer cliffs near the township. The interest in these ruins has been increased to near fever pitch because of the claims that they may be the ruins of King Arthur's Castle. Then again they may not. In any case, they certainly are spectacular and are great fun to explore.

      In order to wander the ruins you first need to hand over 7 pounds for the privilege (and NO there is no concession rate) and then navigate the vertiginous steps above the raging sea. It is not for the faint hearted and Maggie certainly had to confront her inner demons to make the crossing. I was so proud that she did manage to complete the walk and she was very pleased with herself and I am sure that it is not something she could have done even a couple of years ago.
      In this part of the world there is a lot of Welsh spoken and it was intriguing to see many signs in both English and Welsh. I love the Welsh accent but I had to admit that their language sounded like someone gargling in gravel and sea water.
      In the evening we went to dinner at a little Italian restaurant called the Olive Grove. It was a superb meal and the service was also great. It helped make up for the disappointment we had experienced the previous night at the King Arthur's Arms Pub.
      Okumaya devam et

    Burayı şu adlarla da biliyor olabilirsiniz:

    Tintagel, تينتغل, Τίνταγκελ, טינטאגל, ティンタジェル, Dyntagell, PL34, 廷塔哲

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