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    • Day 9

      Eden Project

      November 17, 2022 in England ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Hello everyone and welcome to our blog about our day out in the Eden Project.

      We started off by getting ready and leaving to the Project. It was aproximatly an hour of driving away. When we got there, everybody was trying to hold their exitement. Our guide was called Tom and we made our way to the Core, a building outside the giant biomes where we could leave our bags and jackets.

      The first things we did was to visit the Infinity Blue and the Seed, two sculptures in the Core. We then went to the Mediteranean Biome. There were loads of different plants such as cypres, olive trees and even some chillis. We then had lunch at the Core. We had some sandwiches and some crisps with a fruit and a cholocate bar.

      Tom then led us through the workshop about plant adaptations. We visited the Rainforest Biome and there were really extraordinary plants. Some had spike and others had waterproof leaves. It was really interesting. Tom told us that it was the biggest indoor Rainforest in the world.

      After the end of the workshop and the hour of driving, we returned to Moorland Hall. For dinner we had battered chicken with peas, potatoes and corn. All in all, we had great day. Have you ever been to Eden Project? Bye!!!

      We also added some pictures from last night: A contest in which the highest tower built from wood sticks won!
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    • Day 10

      A Titanic Drive (?)

      May 6, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      We woke up to rain, which was a new experience for us since arriving.
      All of the U.K. were also waking up to a day that would bring a new reign.

      We left Portsmouth at 8.30am and drove to Southampton with the intention of doing the ‘Titanic Trail’ walk.
      We braved the solid rain for a few memorials etc. but it was pretty unpleasant and I could see by glancing across at the lady in the bright jacket beside me that I was creating a titanic problem for myself if we continued with the rest of the sites on my list.

      The clincher was when we we were trying to get to the exact spot where the Titanic launched (Dock 4) and got caught in the middle of a traffic jam of thousands of people disgorging from a massive cruise boat that had recently berthed at this exact spot.

      It was said that Helen of Troy’s face could launch 1000 ships, but the look I was getting from the passenger seat was about to sink mine - so we bailed for the warmth and cover of the Titanic museum in downtown Southampton. This was interesting and sobering as we toured the exhibits which particularly focussed on how devastating the tragedy was for the families of Southampton - almost all of whom lost relatives who were crew members onboard the fateful ship.

      After we had warmed up and reenergised with coffee in the the cafe at the museum I sensed that things were generally returning to a more even keel. It was still bucketing down outside and we were loitering near the entrance hoping for the rain to abate a little. We got chatting to the staff there who asked about where we were from and where we were headed - the usual stuff.
      ‘So where are you heading to now?’
      ‘We’re driving to St Austell in Cornwall’
      ‘But that’s 3.5 hours away - you’re not driving that far in ONE day are you?
      The gentleman was a little familiar with Australia and then added ‘Ah, but you Australians are crazy - you’d probably drive from Sydney to Adelaide in one day’
      The poor Southampton man was already concerned and disbelieving, so we didn’t enlighten him that we have done exactly that, and now that the rain has eased slightly we bid them farewell and started driving west into the foggy deluge.

      The little Fiat handled the conditions surprisingly well, although I kept reaching for the wiper control hoping I would find an extra switch position beyond ‘high’ for the wiper speed. The intermittent airconditioning also meant that sometimes it was hard to distinguish the fog inside the car from the fog outside.

      After an hour or two of this, just about when we were north of Torquay (yes, THAT Torquay) conditions started to improve. The road in front reappeared, as did lush rolling hills and farmland interspersed with gorgeous little towns with houses clinging closely to the edges of the road.

      Buoyed with the improvement in the weather, we stopped at Bodmin to get our first proper taste of Cornwall. We visited the Bodmin prison - which was an infamously notorious place but also was of interest because it had featured in the BBC series ‘Poldark’ which we both had enjoyed a few years ago. The jail was interesting and authentic, but perhaps even more interesting was the Bodmin Jail hotel right next door which is where most of the Poldark jail scenes had been shot. This magnificent hotel was part of the derelict jail before it was converted into luxury accommodation 2 years ago.
      Now you can pay good money (and lots of it) to stay in magnificently converted prison cells. The kind young lady on Reception who allowed us to inspect one of the rooms told us that so far the refurbishment has cost 70million GBP.

      We then continued on for the last part of our drive to our B & B for tonight at St Austell. By now the weather was beautiful so after checking in we headed straight off to Charlestown harbour area to have some dinner. The harbour is incredibly picturesque (it also featured in the harbour scenes in the Poldark series) and we enjoyed some authentic fish and chips while sitting comfortably soaking up the last of the day’s sunshine.
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    • Day 12

      Lionel Richie Konzert im Eden Project

      June 7, 2023 in England ⋅ 🌬 21 °C

      Bereits am Nachmittag sind Traudel und ich nach Par gefahren zu Eden Project, einer großen Gartenanlage. Dort fand am Abend das Konzert von Lionel Richie statt 😊. Wir hatten Karten für einen separaten Gartenbereich, der eine eigene Bar hatte und in dem "All you can Drink" inklusive war. Konnte ich leider nicht ganz so nutzen, da wir über eine Stunde Fahrt vor uns hatten.
      Wir sind extra früh hin und sicherten uns zwei der wenigen Gartenliegen. 💪
      Um 19.45h startete Gabrielle als Vorband. Gegen 20 Uhr kam Lionel per Hubschrauber an, das Konzert selbst begann dann kurz nach 21 Uhr. Er zog sich dreimal um und unterhielt das Publikum zwischen den Songs mit einer echt witzigen Art. Als Abschluss gab es "We are the World" 🥰
      Tolles Konzert, super Kulisse, war ein echtes Erlebnis!!
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    • Day 4

      The Eden Project

      May 13 in England ⋅ 🌧 55 °F

      We spent the rainy day exploring the Eden Project, a former clay mine transformed into beautiful global gardens. These massive biomes are filled with the world’s largest indoor rainforests and fragrant Mediterranean scenery. It was breathtaking for all our sense!Read more

    • Day 4

      Eden Project

      December 30, 2019 in England ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      The Eden Project is a popular visitor attraction in Cornwall, England, UK.
      Inside the two biomes are plants that are collected from many diverse climates and environments as they have focused on a rain forest biome and a Mediterranean biome which featured plants and vegetation from Western Australia.

      The complex is dominated by two huge enclosures consisting of adjoining domes that house thousands of plant species and each enclosure emulates a natural biome. The biomes consist of hundreds of hexagonal and pentagonal, inflated, plastic cells supported by steel frames. The attraction also has an outside botanical garden which is home to many plants and wildlife native to Cornwall and the UK in general; it also has many plants that provide an important and interesting backstory, for example, those with a prehistoric heritage.

      There are plans to build an Eden Project North in the seaside town of Morecambe, Lancashire, with a focus on the marine environment.
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    • Day 6


      May 6 in England ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      A lovely day in Padstow. A walk along the estuary, a mooch around the town, a pub lunch. Then drove to Trevone Bay for a sea swim and a walk around the headland. Looked into the blowhole. Bob has started saying hello to other dogs.Read more

    • Day 4

      Lands End

      May 4 in England ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      An early start to drive to Lands End. A bit touristy but fabulous views out to the Longships lighthouse. Back via Porthcurno beach and cliff walk to Minack Theatre, Penzance, a cornish pasty at Marazion overlooking St Michael's mount, stopped off at Truro for tea and cake and the market.Read more

    • Day 19

      Eden Project - Mediterranean

      May 25 in England ⋅ 🌬 15 °C

      Dazu gibt's ja ein kurzes Video von mir was erklärt was das im Grunde ist. Den Rest erzählen die Bilder. Zunächst die mediterranen Vegetationszonen dieser Welt. Gibt übrigens einige die nicht ums Mittelmeer liegenRead more

    • Day 4

      Eden Project (cont’d)

      December 30, 2019 in England ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      The biomes provide diverse growing conditions, and many plants are on display.

      The Eden Project includes environmental education focusing on the interdependence of plants and people; plants are labelled with their medicinal uses. The massive amounts of water required to create the humid conditions of the Tropical Biome, and to serve the toilet facilities, are all sanitised rain water that would otherwise collect at the bottom of the quarry. The only mains water used is for hand washing and for cooking. The complex also uses Green Tariff Electricity – the energy comes from one of the many wind turbines in Cornwall, which were among the first in Europe.

      In December 2010 the Eden Project received permission to build a geothermal electricity plant which will generate approx 4MWe, enough to supply Eden and about 5000 households.
      The project will involve geothermal heating as well as geothermal electricity. Cornwall Council and the European Union came up with the greater part of £16.8m required to start the project. First a well will be sunk nearly 3 miles (4.5km) into the granite crust underneath Eden. Funding has been secured and drilling is set to begin in summer 2020. Eden co-founder, Sir Tim Smit said, “Since we began, Eden has had a dream that the world should be powered by renewable energy. The sun can provide massive solar power and the wind has been harnessed by humankind for thousands of years, but because both are intermittent and battery technology cannot yet store all we need there is a gap. We believe the answer lies beneath our feet in the heat underground that can be accessed by drilling technology that pumps water towards the centre of the Earth and brings it back up superheated to provide us with heat and electricity.”
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    • Day 5

      Eden Project 🪻🌵🌴

      July 26, 2023 in England ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Heute ist Gartentag. Als erstes besuchten wir das Eden Project. In einer stillgelegten Grube wurde in 6 Jahren ein einmaligen Botanischen Garten erbaut. Bereits der Aussengarten ist schön, doch die Hauptattraktion sind die beiden Gewächshäuser. Diese sind die grössten der Welt. Im kleineren Gewächshaus wird die mediterrane Zone simuliert, beispielsweise mit Kakteen 🌵, Weinreben 🍇 oder bunten Blumen 🏵️. Im grossen Gewächshaus wird die subtropische Zone simuliert, mit Pflanzen wie Palmen 🌴, Bananenbäume 🍌 aber auch Kakaobäumen 🍫 und Kaffeesträucher ☕.Read more

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