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York Place

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    • Day 12

      Beer Fest and Clubbing?

      May 12 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 59 °F

      The grass market area got its name as the market location for any animal that eats grass. It was also the location of executions. Its history is reflected in the names of the current pubs and restaurants including the oldest still operating pub in Edinburgh called The Last Drop. It was one of the first areas we visited and is actually on the same steer our house is on so it’s possible to walk (about a mile). We got tickets to a beer event at a pub and today we spent several hours drinking all types of beer. The most common of these craft beers had fruit (mango, citrus) which was slightly sweet and refreshing. I liked it (not loved it) and it wasn’t Marc’s taste at all. But we tried it non-the-less. Also met a couple of new friends on the roof terrace and the conversation was lively.

      Marc hung out at the pub and I walked towards home. I stopped at a couple of clubs on the way. It was nice to be around happy people in their 20’s out on the town. There was an acoustic guitar player singing popular radio songs, and I liked how they sang along, as a mass, to certain songs.

      I completely missed the aurora borealis that was visible in Edinburgh on May 10, (if I had just gone outside it would have been obvious). With high expectation for a second night of lights, I got home by 9, took a nap and was up by 11:30 with my fingers crossed. Alas, it didn’t happen, so I’ve added another country to my list of places where I’ve actively tried to see, but missed the lights. Alaska, Norway, Finland, Lapland, Iceland and now Scotland. One day, one day.
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    • Day 25

      The Edinburgh 10k and Marathon

      May 25 in Scotland ⋅ ⛅ 52 °F

      In the three months since retirement, Marc has gone from walking a block to a 10k. I’m so crazy proud of him for doing it. He won’t be first, but it’s his first and that’s a place to start.

      Well done you!!!
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    • Day 24

      Inverness to Edinburgh

      August 19, 2023 in Scotland ⋅ 🌬 21 °C

      Up early to head for Edinburgh today and the Military Tattoo tonight. It was pouring rain when we left Inverness.

      It was a noisy night with all the crazy Inverness people enjoying their drink far too much and screaming and arguing on the street below us.

      We stopped at a town called Pitlochry for morning tea and St Andrew’s for lunch. St Andrew’s is where all the famous golfers play. Nice town but we have no interest in golf lol.

      Then on to Edinburgh. The tour director told us there is an extra two million people come to Edinburgh for the summer, the festivals and the Military Tattoo.
      Observing the amount of people walking the streets I would say he is fairly spot on.

      The military tattoo was AMAZING. Well worth the hike up the hill to see it. I was lucky enough to have a front row seat which made it extra special.

      Some photos of today.
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    • Day 25


      August 20, 2023 in Scotland ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      A later start this morning to go on our tour of Old Town and New Town Edinburgh. A local tour guide took us and talked about history, architecture and other stuff but she talked so fast I had trouble working out what she was saying. This included a tour of Edinburgh Castle.

      I opted out of going up to the Castle and decided to sit at a coffee shop drinking a hot chocolate right near where we had to meet the bus for pick up and waited for them to return as my legs were not favourable to me today. I had already walked up to it last night for the Tattoo.

      Before getting off the bus to go to the Castle we were given the option of returning to the bus or walking back to the hotel.

      Now Clarke spent the drive around on the bus snoozing so obviously missed those instructions but I did say to him ‘I will wait here and when you come back down from the Castle you will see me but stick with some of the others from the bus.

      Well what do you know Clarke has decided to go on his own little adventure and wander off. Nowhere to be found amongst the thousands. A lovely lady from the bus went looking for him but couldn’t find him. I said to the bus driver and guide to go and I would wait where I’d already sat for an hour and a half and see if he came back.

      No sign of him so I walked around a bit until I could log into a wifi to see if I could contact him. Still no luck. So I rang Audrey and Betty for them to watch for him to be online and ring him on Messenger to find out where he had got too.

      About 30 minutes had passed by and I get a call from Clarke but he couldn’t hear me. So I sent him a message - where is he - he’s got a taxi back to the hotel. Apparently he became separated from the group and couldn’t find his way back to the bus. The instructions back to the bus were to go down the hill from the castle and instead of going straight ahead follow the road around to the right at the church. I thought they were very clear but Clarke had wandered straight ahead. I wonder when he was gonna turn right. He then tells me later two others from the group got in the taxi with him so obviously none of them followed instructions.

      Clarke did tell me he saw the Scottish Crown Jewels and commented ‘it was a big hat’!!!

      Anyway after that excitement I caught a taxi back to the motel.

      The afternoon was spent resting as we are fairly tired as we come to nearing the end of our trip.

      I’ve had a few suggestions sent to me of how I could make sure Clarke doesn’t get lost again. They are below. Anyone got any experience with these.

      I’ve also included photos from today.
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    • Day 14

      Hello Scotland

      December 27, 2019 in Scotland ⋅ 🌧 5 °C

      We woke, packed up, found some breakfast and got on the road. Our aim for today was to not touch a single freeway or expressway as we made our way up to Edinburgh, Scotland. We followed the backstreets and country roads, stopping briefly in busy Carlisle. We crossed the border into Scotland, obviously stopping for a photo with the sign, such tourists, and cruised through the green hills to Edinburgh. We found the entrance to our BnB, well after dark, and struggled to get inside, not knowing which actual apartment it was. After a few phone calls we managed to make it in. I went out for supplies and it wasn’t long before were both tucked up in bed. Looking forward to exploring Edinburgh tomorrow.Read more

    • Day 14

      Edinburgh #Day14

      August 25, 2022 in Scotland ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Oggi ultima tappa del viaggio. Siamo partiti dagli idilliaci paesaggi di Pitlochry, e la sua piccola stazione, e ci siamo ritrovati catapultati nel caos della metropoli.
      Piccola premessa: c’è sciopero dei netturbini dalla scorsa settimana quindi la città non è che ci abbia accolto proprio nel top della forma…
      Oggi ne abbiamo approfittato per visitare la parte nuova della città (che poi tanto nuova non è essendo del 1800). Da Princes Street abbiamo raggiunto Dean Village, un quartiere residenziale caratteristico, per poi virare verso la National Portrait Gallery e Calton Hill, da dove ammirare il panorama.
      Ora ci dissetiamo e ceniamo: siamo pronti per il Tattoo Festival!!
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    • Day 4

      Carlton Hill

      September 7, 2022 in Scotland ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Und dann - weil ich ja noch nicht genug laufen gewesen wäre… bin ich auf den Carlton Hill gestiegen und habe ein Sandwich gegessen. ☺️
      Danach ging es ruckzuck wieder nach Hause, um online Deutschunterricht zu geben.
      Abends gab es mit der Familie Abendessen und jetzt bin ich sehr müde! 😴

      Ich schreibe natürlich die ganzen echt pratikümlichen Sachen hier nicht direkt auf, aber ich freue mich sehr über die ganzen Eindrücke, die ich von der Stadt und aber eben auch vom Gemeindeleben hier miterleben darf! ✨
      Uns allen jetzt eine gute Nacht und bis morgen! ☺️
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    • Day 7

      Edinburgh‘s Acropolis

      September 10, 2022 in Scotland ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Das ist nicht mein Name - das sagen die hier selber!!!
      Hier war ich zwar schon aber heute halt auch nochmal! 🥳 Und das Wetter war so schön! ☀️
      Der Calton Hill wurde als erster öffentlicher Park von der Stadt ‚geschaffen‘, um den Menschen ein gesundes Leben zu geben. - Also ich bin auf jeden Fall gesünder, weil ich da oben gelaufen bin! ☺️✨
      Astronomen hatten oben ihre Maschinen und auch die Seeleute mussten auf den Hügel klettern, um nach dieser Uhr (das letzte Bild), die Uhren für die Seefahrt einzustellen. 🕰
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    • Day 20

      Hop on hop off

      September 23, 2022 in Scotland ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Heute hatten wir zusammen den Tag über kein Program, also bin ich alleine nach dem Frühstück wieder losgezogen und bin in die Stadt gegangen. ☺️
      Da habe ich einen Tee gekauft und bin dann auf einen Sightseeing Bus gegangen. ☕️ 🚌
      Und dann bin ich einige Zeit durch das Stadtinnere gefahren und habe mir die Geschichten angehört. ☺️

      Ich habe die gleiche Tour später noch einmal gemacht und habe dabei dann die Geschichten für Kinder gehört, die waren aber viel schlimmer!!! Ich wollte nicht die Foltermethoden von Hexen im Detail hören, da höre ich viel lieber, welche Bildhauerin im 19. Jahrhundert eine Statue designt hat. 🫢

      Beide Fahrten waren schön und bei dem Wetter wunderbar - und auch nicht das Einzige, was ich heute gemacht habe. ☺️☀️
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    • Day 3

      Tag 2 in Edinburgh

      October 3, 2022 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Heute waren wir am Calton Hill mit dem Nelson und National Monument. Ebenso so ist da oben ein Turm mit Stahlkugel. Diese wurde früher, als es noch keine Uhren o.Ä. gab, tgl.um 13:00 Uhr fallen gelassen.
      Anschließend ging es zu Fuß weiter auf den Artuhr's Seat. Dabei gingen wir an dem Palace of Holydroodhouse vorbei - die offizielle Residenz von der Royal Family, wenn sie in Schottland weilen. Heute konnte der Königspalast nicht besichtigt werden. Grund dafür war ein Royaler Besuch.
      Der Arthur's Seat ist der höchste Berg in der Stadt (ein erloschener Vulkan).
      Es wird vermutet, dass König Arthur hier einen Sitz hatte - konnte nie bewiesen werden 😅
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