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    • Día 5

      Jour 4 à NY : Brooklyn !

      21 de septiembre de 2022, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Aujourd'hui, direction le quartier le plus peuplé de New-York : Brooklyn ! On prend le métro jusqu'à Bushwick, un quartier street-art et vivant qu'on arpente en long, en large et en travers ! Graff et petits marchés, terrains de basket et disquaires. Nous n'avions pas prévu mais on se retrouve à traverser le quartier juif de Brooklyn, Williamsburg. Inattendu et atypique, l'endroit nous rappelle la série Unorthodox (que je n'avais pas vu jusque-là). Après une pause pizza into jeux, on reprend la route jusqu'à Dumbo, petit quartier entre les Manhattan et Brooklyn bridges : sublimes, ya rien à dire. Au coucher du soleil en plus, on est verni. On termine la journée par des dumplings végé délicieux et, pour le coup, pas chers ! What a life.Leer más

    • Día 1

      Hangover airlines

      2 de junio de 2019, Estados Unidos ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      We got up at 5:15 both still drunk from the night before and made our way to the bus stop. It all seemed like a good idea when we booked it before. Anyway who cares we’re off to New York, the city that never sleeps which is just as well as we haven’t had any. Nice flight over and stress free security. We decided to get an Uber to the apartment as we were too tired/lazy to negotiate the train. We were met by our host who showed us around the loft which is full of old vintage furniture. It’s cosy and there are others staying here but it was a steal compared to hotels so I guess it’s worth it. We decided to head out to the local area for food and beers and got caught in a thunder storm which soaked us. For some reason I thought it was funny. Phil not so much. We drank 2 extortionate but nice beers which I said looked like ascitic fluid but tasted lovely before heading to Roberta’s for pizza. It was no fatto a Mano (in taste or price) but was really good. We said hipster a lot as we walked through the neighbourhood which is a real mix of Latino and gentrification. We crashed out when we got back as we realised we’d been awake for nearly 24 hours which is miraculous given the state we were inLeer más

    • Día 8

      Travelling to New York City

      20 de abril de 2018, Estados Unidos ⋅ 🌙 3 °C

      Today we left Boston (not before having a „real“ breakfast in an American dinner) and headed to New York. I have to admit that everything I lived today was something that I had seen only in the movies before: the American dinner - with pancakes and coffee -, the Greyhound „that takes you wherever you want“, the city of New York. The bus left us in Manhattan. Having an hour delay (mostly in New York), we got a chance to see parts of the city. Yes, Boston was really special, but New York is crazy! You can not understand until you have seen it. Light and noise and people and cars 100% Life. I do not know if happy or sad or poor or rich... it is just pure LIFE!
      First stop was Hard Rock Cafe - directly in Times Square. Good drinks and food - but still not better than the one in Bucharest. Or maybe I am just subjective?! We just got to our apartment - a very nice one in Brooklyn area. Eight days are waiting ahead...and we are eager to live every single one of them.
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    • Día 9

      Dreams come true.

      21 de abril de 2018, Estados Unidos ⋅ 🌙 3 °C

      Beautiful, emotional day today!
      Since my first memories of US, I had three things I wanted to see: Brooklyn Bridge, WTC (before the tragedy) and Empire State Building. Today I saw them all! We started by crossing the Brooklyn Bridge (first opened in 1883) to Lower Manhattan. From there we could see an impressive, extraordinary view over the island!
      Once in Lower Manhattan, we headed to Ground Zero. I have to say I am still astonished by what people can do to each other. It was for me very intense to be there... I found it very appropriate the way they built the monuments: twin Memorial pools, located in the footprints of the Twin Towers, surrounded by bronze parapets where they inscribed the names of the 2983 people killed in the attacks. For me it really was more than just a place to check on the NY to do list: it was a reminder that everything can stop in a second. So brutally and sudden...
      In the evening we decided to „climb“ the top of Empire State Building (up to 86th floor) A dream come true for me! The view of New York by night leaves you speechless. There is nothing much you can do or say, than just be amazed. It is a joy for the eyes, as well as for the hearts of those who dreamt about it since they were teenagers.
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    • Día 10

      Another day in NY City

      22 de abril de 2018, Estados Unidos ⋅ 🌙 8 °C

      As if there were not enough special things here, the people of New York decided to create the High Line. The High Line is a former rail trail transformed now into an elevated (up in the air) "living system". It has approximately 2,4km and is situated in the western part of Manhattan. Trees, flowers and grass, places where you can sit and enjoy the sun, listen to live music...everything above the earth, in between the blocks and buildings of Manhattan.
      As today was a very warm day, we continued our outdoor activities by enjoying Central Park West. Part of it, of course, as it has around 3.4 km2. Once again, knowing it from so many movies, it felt so familiar even though I have never been there. Surrounded by all those high buildings it offers, like everything else in this „crazy“ town, incredible sights.
      The evening ended with us going into a small Jazz Bar (Cleopatra’s Needle) where we listened to great music, enjoyed the atmosphere and of course a glass of wine.
      Tomorrow will be the hottest day of our stay here. With the hope that it will be as great as the others, I am looking forward to it.
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    • Día 11

      Roosevelt Island

      23 de abril de 2018, Estados Unidos ⋅ 🌙 7 °C

      With a very warm&sunny day in front of us, we decided to head somewhere close to the water, our choice being the Roosevelt Island - situated on the East River. If you are in the mood of getting away from the city for 2, max 3 hours, but still to be able to enjoy the amazing views of the Manhattan buildings, then this is the place to be. Not very crowded, it offers you the possibility to walk along the river, to sit and relax on the grass and, if lucky, (as were we) to enjoy the beauty of the blooming cherry trees. If to get to the island we used the subway, on the way back we decided to take the tramway (suspended tram), for an additional joy to the eye (if needed).
      With no other specific plan for today, we walked towards Rockefeller Center and Times Square - to add some noise and light to this (up to then) silent day.
      This city is so immense - we were just talking today that somehow you can not „measure“ it, you can not get a feeling of how big / huge everything is. You get at some point in a little park and when you look around you see you are surrounded by 10 buildings of more than 40 floors high. You walk on the streets, getting used to the high buildings and then you turn right and see a 80-floor-high building. It never stops surprising you with its contradictions: low-high, grey-green, calm-noisy, dark-light, fancy-poor. You are constantly amazed.
      Tomorrow we are supposed to start the day with a long run in Central Park West. Let‘s see what else will the day bring...
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    • Día 12

      Central Park West

      24 de abril de 2018, Estados Unidos ⋅ 🌙 7 °C

      Another dream of ours was to have a proper run in this incredible park of theirs - and we did it! We ran for more than 2h (21km), surrounding the entire area, trying to see as much as possible, stopping to take pictures whenever one of us saw something special. For some it might be only a park, but I can tell you for sure it is not! The park created in 1857, with more than 37mil visitors/year, has baseball areas, has roads!!! with traffic lights for bicycles and pedestrians/ runners, has rocky/ hilly areas, it has around 5 lakes with different sizes, playing grounds for children, large green areas, beautiful trees...It is the place where people (both tourists and locals) go to really enjoy nature.
      After the run, we had a very tasty lunch at Uno, after which we decided to drink our coffee in the park, watching the sunset.
      We ended the day by walking half of the Brooklyn bridge, to enjoy an amazing view of the city at night...
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    • Día 13

      The symbol of it all.

      25 de abril de 2018, Estados Unidos ⋅ 🌧 11 °C

      When you think of New York / US, there are some main things that come into your mind: Empire State Building, World Trade Center, Wall Street, Central Park, Coca-Cola 🙂. Still, the perfect symbol of what this country means and especially meant for millions of people can be only one: the Statue of Liberty. This day was dedicated to visiting the Liberty Island (where the Statue is located) and the Ellis Island.
      The Ellis Island was the gateway for over 12 million immigrants to the U.S. from 1892 until 1954.
      In the Island’s museum you can hear & read about how this country was discovered, populated and built (starting from Columbus in 1492). Along the years, people came here for different reasons: because of difficult conditions in their countries, because of religion, for the opportunities they had here (land, gold etc.), others were deported and others came as slaves. The information presented is not trying „to portray“ the country as the perfect place, but also as a place where lots of people were in-slaved, others judged and killed for being different, while others were depraved of their and homes and land (Indians). The place is full of history... Honestly, when you enter the big registration/ luggage room, you can almost see and hear the thousands of people that waited there to be accepted in US, hopping for a new and better life.
      As for the Statue itself (in place since 1886), while approaching it from the sea, you can see it standing alone in the middle of the island, with the flame up in the sky - and you then understand why it was, and probably still is perceived as a symbol of liberty, of freedom and of hope. It is imposant, somehow showing force and power over all.
      The tour for both islands (Ellis & Liberty) lasted in total around 5h, including also the waiting period for the ferry (approx 1h with reserved tickets). It can take even longer for those who visit all of the Ellis Island and really go through all the information in the museum.
      In the evening we went to Chinatown for dinner. I have to say I was a bit disappointed, as I expected something else: more light, more noise, more open stores, more „Chinese atmosphere“. Nothing like that, though. Still, the food was very tasty: we just picked a random restaurant, as I think you can not really go wrong with the food there.
      Another day full of history and mixed emotions. Tomorrow they announced rain, so we will take a break from visiting and we will sacrifice our time to shopping. Good luck with that!☺️
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    • Día 13

      Shopping day

      25 de abril de 2018, Estados Unidos ⋅ 🌫 12 °C

      Because of the cloudy / rainy weather, today we decided to do some shopping. Well, not much to say about it: yes, here you pay much less for some brands that in EU are very expensive (CK, Guess, Tommy), but you also pay huge amount of money for brands that I have never heard about. Honestly, in the end it is only clothes and shoes. It is what we wear and not who we are, isn‘t it?
      After a short walk through Central Park (where we met a little cute friend☺️) we continued on 5th Avenue (UAU!) and finally ended up having dinner in a Mexican restaurant where we ate burritos and drank margarita(s).
      Even if calm, it was still an exhausting day.
      We are now expecting to see what the last day in NY will bring. For sure lots of sun!
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    • Día 15

      Last day in New York City

      27 de abril de 2018, Estados Unidos ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

      The day started late and lazy (as it should be on holiday). First thing we did (after the morning run) was to go visit the Chrysler Building. It is now an office building, so you can only see the ground floor, but is still impressive.
      We took our time to enjoy a warm day mostly around Times Square (spending some time into a park nearby, going into some stores, walking around the place. When hunger became unbearable, we decided to take the subway towards where we live (Brooklyn). We found the best place ever: great service&atmosphere - best dinner we had in New York so far. Maybe even in US (fighting for the 1st place with Coda in Boston).
      Overall, today was mainly about feeling, hearing and enjoying the complete craziness of NY by going and spending some time in Times Square. It is maybe the hottest/ noisiest spot in NY from the people/ sqm point of view. But it is also interesting to see it all: locals & tourists - all in one place: some trying to get home for dinner, others trying to get the best photo of their lives...
      Tomorrow we shall „ride“ the Greyhound once more - to Boston - for our last day in the USA 🇺🇸.
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