United States
Crowder Canyon

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    • Day 26

      Tag 26: Cajon Pass

      May 19, 2024 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Ein weiterer laaaanger Wandertag. Das heutige Highlight, das alle Hiker schon seit Tagen umtreibt, ist der Cajon Pass und dort der McDonalds, der praktisch auf der Strecke liegt.
      Wir überlegen uns das auszulassen, gehen aber dann doch hin, weil es irgendwie zum Gesamterlebnis gehört (schon Christine Thürmer schreibt in ihrem Buch davon, sie war dort im Jahr 2004).
      Etwa die Hälfte der Gäste sind Hiker, teilweise geht es zu, wie beim Schulausflug in der 7. Klasse. Nicht ganz „our cup of tea“. Dann gibt es morgens noch nicht mal Burger, sondern nur ein Frühstücksmenü. Die Welt ist voller Enttäuschungen. 😃
      Nachdem wir uns von diesem „bug light for the desperate (pct hiker)“ trennen können, geht’s unter einem fetten Highway durch. An mehreren Stellen über- und unterqueren wir Bahnlinien bis es wieder tapfer den Berg hoch geht. Nach einem Zwischenstück kommen wir an einen Wassercache, den Trail Angels bereithalten, damit die Hiker, also wir, vor dem nächsten wasserlosen Teilabschnitt mit 1.500 Höhenmetern Anstieg, nochmal unsere Behältnisse auftanken können. Wasser den Berg hoch tragen ist genau unser Ding.
      Wir geben nochmals ordentlich Gas und sind als erste an eine wunderschönen Aussichtsplatz mit traumhafter Aussicht auf die Laufstrecke der letzen Tage bis zurück zum San Gorgonio.
      Im Tal unten kann man die Ausläufer von Los Angeles erkennen, soweit der Smog das zulässt.
      Dann kommen noch zwei Peruanerinnen - eine wohnt in Nürnberg und spricht deutsch - die nach Ankunft tatsächlich noch die Energie für eine Runde Yoga aufbringen können. Wow!

      Flyover: https://fatmap.com/adventureid/129910034/mornin…
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    • Day 29

      Great joy and deep disappointment

      June 6, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Today I had a great day hiking to Cajon pass separating two mountain ranges, hiking partly together with Elisabeth from Amsterdam, who suddenly apeared while I took a rest with two hikers "butterfly" and "caterpillar". What joy to see her again!
      Today the whole trail had one common goal; Mc Donalds at Cajon pass. All energy and talk was focused on this one goal with hikers getting faster and faster in the last kms. Mc Donalds was loaded full of hikers, many whom I had not seen for days. Elisabeth and I entered
      singing the song "Allways look on the brighter side of life" accompanied by the music on Spotify. As we danced in the middle of the restaurant, the people around us joined in the singing. What fun! What joy!
      Among other I was thrilled to see Mary-Jo there, but then totally shocked when she hardly reacted to my greeting, as if I were an unknown person. Two days previously we had been talking for a whole day about her cancer, about death of parents,, children and divorce, the most personal of subjects from the heart, and here was this person now behaving as if she hardly knew me. I was totally confused and hurt and noticed how the topic worked in me all evening. It was nice to have a friend like Elisabeth there to talk to, who like me, had decided not to continue this afternoon up the next mountain (1.200m) amidst an extremely strong, ice cold wind. We walked to the local motel on the highway and split the costs of a room.
      I was amazed that the majority of hikers continued this afternoon under ice cold conditions. again under time stress to make a 30mile (45 km) day!
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    • Day 30

      A day of colours and wonders

      June 7, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      This morning as I returned to the trail I again passed Mc Donalds and decided to pop in for a coffee and there were once again "Butterfly" and "catterpillar" having breakfast. There joy of life and smiles followed me all day. And by god did I need it. Today was 30km and 1800m altitude climb. I hiked from 08:30 till 20:00hrs with only a short break! And the whole time it went only one direction; UP!
      But the weather was cool and the trail full of flowers and other beautiful surprises. Such as the photograph of the humming bird. These tiny 4cm long birds fly so fast from flower to flower that I have never managed to photograph one.
      Opposite us at Mc Donald's, I witnessed a very moving image: a man whose neck was as wide as the upper part of my thigh was holding this maybe 2 week old baby and rocking to-and-fro humming to it. It was so loving and gentle that I nearly cried.
      And then there were the incredible views from 2800m into the valleys as the sun set that once again reminded me how beautiful this world is.
      How privileged I am.
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    • Day 129

      Cajon Pass

      November 20, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      22.3 miles. Stopped at the famous McDonald’s that is .4 off trail. Decided against the McDonald’s challenge which is to pack out only McDonald’s food for the rest of the section.

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Crowder Canyon

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