Estados Unidos
Davis County

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Viajantes neste local
    • Dia 69

      Great Salt Lake

      2 de setembro de 2015, Estados Unidos ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Auf dem Weg zum Yellowstone machen wir Stop in Salt Lake City, der Haupstadt des Mormonen Staates Utah. Die Stadt ist ungefähr so spannend wie Curling im Fernsehen. Außer den riesigen Gebäuden der Church of Jesus Christ of Letter Days Saints (abgekürzt LDS - das sind die netten Herren die bei uns in Deutschland an der Tür klingeln, einen Anzug samt Namensschild tragen und sich über Jesus unterhalten wollen) gibt es nichts Nennenswertes. Außer einem super Spielplatz in einem Einkaufszentrum voller Dinosaurier, die alle inklusive Boden weich gepolstert sind. Das kostet uns 2 1/2 h, sehr zur Freude von Elli. Sie ist total geflashed und macht ihre ersten 5 zusammenhängenden Schritte allein.

      Wir fahren dann am gleichen Tag nach Antilope Island weiter, eine Insel des Great Salt Lake. Dieser See hat nach dem Toten Meer den höchsten Salzgehalt und man kann im Sitzen Zeitung lesen. Außerdem gibt es Bisons, Coyoten und Antilopen. Voller Vorfreude machen wir uns auf den Weg zum See zum Baden. Kurz vor dem Wasser allerdings wird es ekelig. Wohin man tritt erhebt sich eine Wolke von Schmeisfliegen in die Luft die sich von den Algenteppichen ernähren. Egal denke ich mir, im Wasser wird es bestimmt besser. Denkste. Ich wate über Algenteppiche und das Wasser ist voll von durchsichtigen Krebsen (besser bekannt als die YPS-Uhrzeitkrebse). Ich setze mich kurz hin, schwebe tatsächlich und beschließe dann dass es reicht. Nach meiner Erzählung haben Elli und Doro dann wenig Lust - komisch - und wir gehen zurück. Da Baden ja flach fällt, der Campingplatz keinen Schatten hat und es Abends so stark windet, dass der ganze Camper wackelt, entscheiden wir statt zwei Nächten nur eine zu bleiben. Am nächsten Morgen fahren wir über die Insel bei gefühlter Windstärke 10 und sehen Büffel, Antilopen und kurz bevor wir die Insel verlassen noch einen Coyotoen.
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    • Dia 25

      Salt Lake City

      28 de abril de 2018, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Today we went into the city. Our family, Carla, kids and neice all went on the Utah traxx, which is the public transport system. It is like a tram as it is on the main roads and has frequent stops.

      It was another warm and sunny day and the tulips in the temple of the Mormon church were gorgeous. We had a talk around the busy area and the kids were drawn to the numerous fountains in the complex. We didn't go into any of the buildings as a combination of 5 kids, a busy area and a nice day would have been stressful for us all.

      We then walked a few blocks to a developing retail area that has a splash pad. The splash pad was surrounded by fake grass and chairs for us to sit in. Around the area was cute little ponds surrounded by rocks to look like they natural environment.

      Brandon got soaked right through playing in the splash pad. Inara got undressed and ran around with her white body soaking in the sun but did not go into the water. She finally decided she liked the ponds but we were told by the security guards that they are not for kids to play in.

      We had our picnic lunch there and was there for an hour or so before we headed back to the apartment.

      We had an early dinner compared to the last few nights. Carla grilled hot dogs, chicken drums with BBQ sauce and chicken and vegetables skewers and we finished off with more s'mores. Carla has also introduced us to using peanut butter Reece's cups rather than Hershey's with the s'mores and we may never go back to original s'mores again.

      The stop here in Salt Lake visiting an old friend was great. It was nice to be in reality a bit, having conversation and the kids being able to play with other kids. Carla, whom Elisa has known since 7th grade or so and hasn't really seen her in for about 15 years or so, and at points haven't talked in years (but thanks to FB has reconnected) opened up her apartment, took off work and cooked us amazing dinners. Her kids were also accomodating. Isla slept in her brothers room Raffi and Franco, while Josh, Elisa and Inara used her room and brandon slept on the floor in the boys room as well. It was a perfect visit and we are very appreciated with the hospitality (and letting us so all our never ending laundry).

      Utah is a lovely state, has so much to offer and the people around the area are a bit friendlier than other places visited. We will definetly have Salt Lake on our visits again back to the States and maybe we can get a chance to snowboard on the majestic mountains that make Salt Lake City so unique.

      Tomorrow we are back on the road and more hiking to come.
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    • Dia 9

      Salt Lake City

      13 de julho de 2019, Estados Unidos ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Vormittag Shopping 😇 und am Nachmittag City Rundgang in Salt Lake.
      Die Stadt wurde 1847 von Mormonen gegründet. In Salt Lake Temple steht auch das Tabernakel mit einer Megaakustik.
      Hoch bis zum Utah State Capitol, dort den Ausblick genießen über Salt Lake City und dann wieder zurück 😊.Leia mais

    • Dia 14

      Salt Lake City

      15 de julho de 2017, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Day 13: The roadtrip must go on. Today we got to Salt Lake City. Well usually it is just a short ride. Usually. We were navigated to the centre of Salt Lake City. When we were there we recognized "oops we wanna go to the Salt Lake". Short trip? No way! It takes about 1/2 hrs to get there. It was so stinky and very huge.
      Afterwards we were looking for a campground. Not that easy! We drove across the whole city finding nothing usable. At all we stoped at the KOA-Campground which was full - for sure. But we found a kind woman from Reno on a RV parking lot there. She allowed us to park our car on her area. Guess how much we paid. You're right - nothing! 🙈
      After resting a lil bit we went out exploring the city. How we recognized quickly that city is full of tons of Mormons 🙄 so we had a look at there quarter. Right they got a huge quarter of the city for their temple and so on. People were everywhere.
      Then we went to a book store where Antonia was buying some books especially Wild we saw the film of during the flight.
      The last church we visited was the Cathedrale of the Madeleine. The first one was a Buddhist temple.

      And okay... it was very very hot. What do you want if it is hot? You're right​! Ice cream! So at the end of the day we was looking for ice cream. But it was almost 9 and everything was closed. At all we found a gas station. We bought a huge frozen milk shake there. And... and we got a free large drink. That is how the US is going 🍹
      When we returned to the campground we had the most amazing ride when a stuff member picked us up with a golf car to bring us to "our" RV. 🚗🌫

      Great Salt Lake ✔
      Buddhist temple ✔
      LDS temple area ✔
      Cathedral of the Madeleine ✔
      American drinks ✔
      Illinois ✅
      Wisconsin ✅
      Minnesota ✅
      South Dekota ✅
      Wyoming ✅
      Idaho ✅
      Utah ✅
      Nevada ❌
      California ❌
      Arizona ❌
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    • Dia 10

      Last Day -- In Salt Lake City

      21 de outubro de 2018, Estados Unidos ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      We got to Salt Lake in late morning and spent a few hours walking around town, to the Temple Visitor’s Center, and to the State Capitol. I was surprised that the capitol building was open on Sunday, and more surprisingly, that there was not one security guard in sight nor was there any security to get in. The other capitol buildings I’ve been in lately have metal detectors and agents going through bags. The building itself is a classic state capitol, but not nearly as ornate and gilded as the Illinois or Colorado buildings. There were several murals of westward expansion to Utah, including Brigham Young dressed in a white dress shirt and tie pointing the way ahead through the wilderness surrounded by others who looked much less spiffy and more realistic.

      Since our Greek dinner last night had been less than spectacular, we were planning to go to a standard known chain or something, but our daughter texted that we had to go to the Red Iguana. So with her recommendation, off we went, for what was an excellent mole meal. Poblano Mole and Mole Verde were the two choices. Turns out we were lucky to waltz right in, since the hostess told us the wait had been more than an hour just a while ago. And when we left, people were again lining up outside, so we must have found the Iguana sweet spot.

      Not much left here in Utah for me except an elliptical workout and dinner. I saw a notice that the two Florida gubernatorial candidates will be debating tonight on CNN. Since I have spent probably more than a hundred hours this year working on amicus briefs on different Florida state law issues, I am geeky enough to want to spend my last night on vacation watching Andrew Gillum debate Ron DeSantis!
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    • Dia 29

      Salt Lake City, Utah

      26 de setembro de 2014, Estados Unidos ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Aujourd'hui, nous en avons profité pour faire la visite de Salt Lake City, une des villes les plus sûre des US.
      C'est une jolie petite ville avec pleins de parcs remplis de fleurs et de chouettes rues marchandes.
      Donc, journée shopping pour nous ihih avec pour menu à midi des sushis.
      Nous sommes actuellement parti de Salt Lake pour aller dormir sur un Walmart un peu en dehors de la ville. Le Nevada nous attendant à partir de demain !

      Today, we've visited Salt Lake City one of the most safe city to live in.
      It's a nice town with lots of parks and nice open malls. So we did some shopping today and ate sushi for lunch, delicious ihih.
      We just left Salt Lake and are going to sleep on a Walmart just outside the city. Nevada is waiting for us :)
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    • Dia 22

      To Salt Lake city, Utah

      25 de abril de 2018, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Today we left Bryce Canyon area and made our way to Salt Lake City.

      Before we headed off we stopped at moss cave trail outside of the Bryce Canyon National Park.

      We had a small walk to a waterfall. Brandon had a bit of a fall and scraped his leg and arm but he was a strong boy and kept going. We did not go and see to cave and brandon wanted to clean up his scratches.

      We had a 4 hour drive. We stopped in a little run down town called Scipio where we were lucky enough to find a picnic table. The drive into the city is beautiful. Just mountains and more mountains with snow caps that are slowly disolving as the sun beats down on them.

      While we are in Salt Lake we are staying with a old highschool friend Carla and her family.

      Carla made us a lovely Puerto Rican dinner that the kids loved and had second and third helpings.
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    • Dia 59

      Salt Lake City Day #2

      19 de agosto de 2023, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Today we relaxed, walking to the Government house, did laundry and got an early night as both of us were leaving early in the morning!

    Você também pode conhecer este local seguindo os nomes:

    Davis County, مقاطعة دافيز, Дейвис, ডেভিস কাউন্টি, Condado de Davis, Davis konderria, شهرستان دیویس، یوتا, Comté de Davis, Davis megye, Դեյվիս շրջան, Contea di Davis, デービス郡, Davis Comitatus, Davis Kūn, Hrabstwo Davis, ڈیوس کاؤنٹی، یوٹاہ, Comitatul Davis, Округ Дејвис, Девіс, Quận Davis, Condado han Davis, 戴維斯縣

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