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Faubourg Marigny

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    • Day 2

      R Bar

      February 7, 2020 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 9 °C

      On as regardé passer la parades des bohèmes et on mangé des écrevisses; on as passé plus de temps dans la rue que au bar.

      Info intéressante pour certain : c'est le Tru Tone Bar dans NCIS : New OrleansRead more

    • Day 74

      Nee Orleans

      November 25, 2018 in the United States ⋅ 🌧 20 °C

      Die Stadt des Jazz machte zu Beginn nicht den besten Eindruck, unser Hotel war deutlich überteuert und sehr klein durch die dünnen Wände kam es einem so vor als würden die Nachbarn direkt neben einem stehen.
      Der Weg in die Stadt war gesäumt von Müll und auch die meisten Straßen hatten die besten Zeiten schon etwas hinter sich 💣💥

      Doch als wir auf den Markt kamen änderte sich die Stimmung deutlich es gab so viel zu bestaunen. Neben Lederarbeiten, Ton und ganz viel Ramsch😁👍 konnte man sogar echte Alligatoren Köpfe bestaunen 🤤😓😲🤔
      Weiter führte unser Weg am Missisippi entlang auf welchem die Schaufelangetriebenen Dampfer tuckerten. 😍
      Jojo ließ sich mal wieder beschwatzen und von einem doch freundlich wirkenden Mann die Schuhe putzen aus Nettigkeit (er sagte am Anfang Jojo dürfe den Preis bestimmen) er gab ihm 10$,doch dann wurde er dreißt und wollte 40 $ 😲😖
      Für 10 min Arbeit und die Schuhe waren nicht annähernd sauber fast wäre ich an die Decke 😡😠😠
      Schließlich gab er ihm 15$ ich hoffe wenigstens es stimmt und es geht an die Familie ☝️

      Nachdem wir den Jackson Square erreichten und uns den Gottesdienst in der St. Louis Cathedral anschauten die Gemälde an den Decken waren wirklich sehr schön. Wir wollten gerade zum Hafen als es plötzlich anfing wie aus Eimern zu gießen 😥😓😓 wir retteten uns darauf in in das Harrahs Casino und spielten da ein wenig Zeit tot 😁🤣
      Kurze Zeit später war es wieder vorrüber und wir bummelten weiter durch die Stadt.
      Die Bourbon Street war leider zum großen Teil eine Baustelle und den bekannten Friedhof den wir besuchen wollten war mit 20$ pro Person eine ziemliche Frechheit.

      Erst auf Abend zu begann ich mich in die Stadt richtig zu verlieben, irgendwo her kam immer Musik🎼🎵🎶🎤🎷🎺🎻 Ein köstliches Chumbo nahmen wir mit einer großartigen Band am Marktplatz zu uns. Alles war beleuchtet und glänzte im Licht.
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    • Day 3

      New Orleans Cake Cafe & Bakery

      February 8, 2020 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Biscuits (déjeuner)

    • Day 3

      Challenge the Process

      July 31, 2021 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      AGAIN-In regards to the contextual factors, talk about one (which of course if not the one you just talked about) and what you learned while we were in NOLA that helped you understand that factor in more depth?

      On my LPI chart, my lowest leadership quality is challenging the process, so I had hoped going to NOLA I'd learn a thing or two about it, and I sure did. As I mentioned before, you can't let yourself become discouraged when a problem seems overwhelming or too large, that's encouraging the heart, the step after that is challenging the process, finding a way to take on this challenge in a new way. While we were working with Ellie and her team distributing groceries, there were challenges that the team faced before the day began. Ellie informed us that in previous years, there have been disputes that broke out over people who did not sign up to get groceries trying to get in line and the overall size of the line itself. To combat the first issue, they implemented the numbers on the car windows of approved families to make sure the people who signed up get what they need. As for the second issue, the line for the grocery pick up became so large that the team needed to move their site to an entirely new location where traffic wouldn't be such an issue. At the end of the day, we all packed up everything in a U-Haul and unloaded it at their new location to remedy their line issue. Being adaptive and creative are two things a leader needs to challenge the process, and I think I learned something from the team.
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    • Day 3

      Encourage the Heart

      July 31, 2021 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Talk about one contextual factor in the NOLA leadership system and what you learned while we were in NOLA that helped you understand that factor in more depth?

      In the city of New Orleans, it seems almost impossible to stay encouraged to make a difference because it almost seems like you can't. That should not discourage leaders though, it simply presents a new and larger challenge to overcome. While there, I saw how big the issues there were. I often saw people on the street in a place in life where they had to ask for money. I also saw the houses that became unlivable due to hurricane Katrina. These are some of the biggest issues in New Orleans and they are very severe. Seeing how bad it is is a little discouraging, making you feel like you can't help at all, but I saw leaders and organizations that, no matter how small, were still trying to make a difference. While working with the Lower Nine organization, there were five people from the organization and about twenty of us all working for a short amount of time to help reconstruct unlivable homes. It almost seems crazy having a bunch of college kids with varying experiences work on a house to make it liveable again, but what work we were able to accomplish was that much more than what was already done. The Lower Ninth organization has already rebuilt 90 homes which may not seem like much, but the people from the organization seem to be proud of it. While scouting their website, I found photos of the families helped by the organization. As much as we all wish we could help all the families impacted, it's difficult work for a small group of people. I learned while there that, even a small difference is more of a difference than before and you shouldn't let yourself get discouraged by how large an endeavor may seem.Read more

    • Day 63

      Halloween in the French Quarter

      October 24, 2015 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 79 °F

      With their history of Voodoo and haunted mansions, it seems Halloween is a VERY big deal in New Orleans. We headed in to tour the old French Quarter on the very day of their big Halloween parade. We didn't stick around for the parade, but the spirits were EVERYwhere!!

      Heather especially liked the "Help Wanted" sign in front of the Rev. Zombie's Voodoo shop. We just BET he needed help ... perhaps a constant flow of it! We didn't go it.

      We also wanted to warn the archeological students at their dig that perhaps this was not the safest day to go digging around underground ...
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