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Fish Camp

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    • Dag 9

      Wanderung auf den Half Dome

      26. september 2019, Forente stater ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      - 4:00 Uhr aufstehen und frühstücken im Hotelzimmer White Chief Mountain Lodge

      - 6:30 Uhr Ausgangspunkt Yosemite Valley Trailhead Parking

      - Aufstieg über den Mist Trail Trailhead

      - 14:00 Uhr auf den Half Dome

      - Abstieg über den John Muir Trail

      - 20:20 Ankunft wieder am Ausgangspunkt

      - Pizza essen im Pizza Patio bei Camp Curry Historic District (geöffnet bis 22:00 Uhr)

      - 23:30 Uhr Ankunft im Hotel White Chief Mountain Lodge
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    • Dag 210

      Mariposa Grove

      5. april 2023, Forente stater

      Again the weather didn't let us follow the original plans. No Sequoia National Park for us..
      But we got lucky on our last day in Yosemite as the Mariposa Grove (another place where you can visit some Sequoias) opened just when we were leaving. We decided to make a quick stop, take some pictures and continue our drive.
      Turned out that we had to walk a 6 miles roundtrip (with quite a lot of snow sometimes) to see the trees 😂 no shuttle service or open road..

      Definitely impressiv and worth the walk 🤩
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    • Dag 108

      Yosemite Day 1

      27. september 2023, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Entering the park from the East, I drive South first to the giant sequoias at Mariposa Grove, then walk to the Swinging Bridge. Next to the Yosemite Valley with great afternoon sun on El Capitan, Half Dome and Bridal Veil FallsLes mer

    • Dag 20

      Mariposa Grove

      17. september 2023, Forente stater ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Unser erster Tag im Yosemite Nationalpark, wir sind heute zur Mariposa Grove gefahren. Hier gibt es einige Sequoias, die größten Bäume die es auf der Erde gibt, bis zu 110 m hoch können sie werden. Es gibt einige Mammutbäume die schon über 600 Jahre alt sind, einer der ältesten Bäume unter ihnen ist etwa 2200 Jahre alt. Diese Bäume sind einfach faszinierend, sie können eine bis zu 30cm dicke Rinde haben durch die sie etliche Liter Wasser pumpen was sie gleichzeitig auch vor Waldbränden schützt.Les mer

    • Dag 5

      The Ghostly footprints

      3. september 2019, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Today we set out to drive north to investigate the town of Bodie. We followed the 395 for some 50 miles and then turned off into the Bodie Hills for some 12 miles or so. Again the scenery is just stunning and just when you wonder where on earth you may end up Bodie comes into view. The site is now a State Park and only 5 percent remains of a Goldrush town that once had the reputation of the most lawless and wild settlement in California. WS Bodey found gold here in 1859, but died before seeing his discovery become a boomtown from 1877-1881, with a population of 8000 plus and over 100 million dollars worth of gold mined from 30 different mines in the locality.
      There were more than 60 saloons and it even had its own Chinatown with opium dens. The decline set In quickly and the population dropped and continued to dwindle into the 1900s. Mining actually continued until 1942. Two fires destroyed a lot of the town and what you see today is preserved in a state of ‘arrested decay’. The end came quickly and as you wander round the ghostly remains, there are houses and a hotel, a school house, a general store and a Chinese laundry, the carpentry shop and fire station and a chapel. Everything is just as if the inhabitants walked out one day leaving their possessions and machinery where they fell. It has a real atmosphere and you can almost feel the ghosts of the people who lived, worked and played there over some 70 years. Life was undoubtedly hard. Snow could be twenty feet deep in winter, winds up to 100miles per hour and temperatures down to 30 or 40 below zero. However, the little museum displays cultural objects, children’s toys, New Year Dance cards and perhaps the most interesting item a tear phial. This was for use during the first year of mourning a loved one. You captured tears of loss and despair over the year and on the first anniversary of the death, they were poured on to your loved ones grave. One could imagine perhaps reaching the week before and suddenly realising that your phial was not half full - a quick visit to a nearly stream perhaps had to suffice! On the hillside above the town stands the remnants of the large Standard Mill and Mine and dotted throughout the hills are the metal derricks from much smaller establishments. The sun shone on us as we picked our way through the streets and imagined so easily what a vibrant and wild western frontier town must have been like.
      On our way back to Mammoth we passed and investigated Mono Lake. The views from the road descending down towards the Lake are so beautiful and the Lake itself something of a living lesson in geology. In the 1950s Los Angeles spread it net wider and wider in its search for water to the detriment of the Eastern Sierras. It’s aqueduct robbed the area of a great deal of its surface water and as a result the level of the lake dropped by half and the remaining water became ever more saline and mineral rich. Great pinnacles and minarets of tufa revealed themselves from the depths of the lake, formed from the interaction of the sodium chloride and carbonate in its waters. The shoreline is like some alien landscape. I was reminded of the many Italian gardens we have visited over the years, all of whom have their mysterious grottos built from this porous craggy limestone and here you can actually see it in formation. A settlement has been reached to restore the water level to its former glory over the next ten years. Leaving the eerie Mono Lake, our way back to our hotel, took us via the June Lake scenic loop and boy is it ever scenic. This is an area of mountains and lakes and a playground, for hunting, shooting, fishing and hiking. There were old boys in rockers on the veranda of their log cabins, putting the world to rights. Others fishing and it all seemed a million miles away from the corporate America we see and hear so much of.
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    • Dag 6

      The Tioga Pass

      4. september 2019, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Today was moving day and we set out to drive from Mammoth Lakes to our new home for 3 days, Tenaya Lodge, just south of The Yosemite National Park at the rather peculiarly named Fish Camp. The day was fine and we treated ourselves to a great cup of coffee and a scone in a charming little coffee house called ‘Latte Da’ ( just love a play on words). It was wooden and shack like, with a glorious almost English garden and humming birds flitting around its feeders. It was a good place to start our four hour drive. The Tioga Pass is an east to west road running across the top edge of Yosemite and is so fabulous a drive, that any thoughts you may have had about spectacular road trips pale into insignificance at its feet. Here, unlike Death Valley is a glaciated landscape in the true sense of the word. Silvery grey granite has been scoured smooth by the ice action of the many glaciers in the area during the various ice ages. Huge erratic boulders are left abandoned over the surface as the ice melted and lost its power to carry them along in its wake. Subsequently. trees have grown almost in impossibly small cracks between the rocks. Drops are sheer and the peaks towers above you, glorious in their majesty. There are blue, blue lakes, high upland meadows, streams and forests line the twisting and undulating road. It is the drive of your life, says she from the passenger seat, but my chauffeur coped admirably. At every point there are climbers getting ready to test themselves on the vertical cliff faces. There are multiple pull off points to admire and gaze at in incredulity. Tenaya Lodge is super with lots to offer for all. It is to be an early start in the morning as we leave at 7.15 for a full day in the Park. From the glimpses we have seen today - can’t wait!Les mer

    • Dag 7


      5. september 2019, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      The 5.45am rising was less than welcome as you can imagine. It was dark for God’s sake, but like a lot of things you have to make a special effort for, boy was it worth it. Amanda was our guide; a great all American girl, born, raised and now working in Yosemite. As she said, not a bad place for your back yard!
      The word Yosemite means Grizzly Bear in Native American and was appropriated by the first white men (of the Mariposa Battalion) to discover the valley in 1851 when hunting for Chief Tenaya and his warriors who had been attacking settlers and had retreated into the valley. Shortly afterwards two pioneers arrived, Galen Clark and John Muir who were to be instrumental in the saving of the area for the nation. In 1864 Abraham Lincoln signed the first bill of protection and the land became the property of California State for the use of the population and to conserve its natural beauty. Galen Clark was appointed its first guardian and he, together with John Muir and a small band of believers battled to keep developers from the valley and its surrounds, in particular the giant Sequoias at Mariposa Grove. Things were desperate by the early 1900s and in 1903 John Muir invited Theodore Roosevelt to visit the area and the two camped together on what is now known as Roosevelt Meadow, as Muir tried to convince the President that this valley, the Mariposa Grove and the surrounding wilderness must be saved for the nation. Roosevelt returned to Washington and shortly afterwards Yosemite became federal land and together with Yellowstone became the first National Parks. There are now some 400, both big and small and it has to be one of the best decisions ever to be taken by a democratic government.
      We were at our first post of call, Glacier Point by 8am and we were far from alone! From this famous vantage point one can see over a quarter of the Park and you don’t know which way to look, the view is so spectacular. Looking down, the valley floor is a mile beneath you. There were Pika’s feeding on the berries in the low bushes all around. They are cute, rather fat squirrel look a likes, that only live at very high altitude. I was thrilled to see two in the flesh and one little devil even posed for us on top of a rock. I think he had done this before!
      We moved on to the famous entrance to Yosemite Valley, which incorporates, Bridal Veil Falls, Half Dome and El Capitan to name but three. The weather was perfect for photography and we gazed in wonder at the sight before us.
      Dragging us away was Amanda’s job and the next stop was the trailhead for Bridal Veil Falls. It is about a half mile hike to the base of the falls and quite something to stand under this huge plume of water permanently cascading over the cliffs to hit the rocks some 600ft below. Where the sun hits the water, you can often see multiple rainbows as Peter and I had the previous day on our way in. On our return to the parking lot, I stopped to read an information board and Peter stood to one side wool gathering. Up stride three guys and head straight for him : ‘cuse me buddy, but which fork is the way to the falls.’ PL looked rather like a rabbit caught in headlights; directions hardly being his thing. “Oh er, left I think......yes definitely left!” ‘Gee thanks Bud” and off they go. He looks at me agonised and says “that is right isn’t it, why on earth did they come to me?! Goodness knows. It’s this noticeability, even when standing still!
      There are many waterfalls in the valley, Yosemite Falls having the longest drop of 2,400ft to the valley floor.
      Sentinel Bridge is another beautiful viewpoint, with the crystal clear River Merced running beneath and Half Dome as a backdrop and reflected in the mirrored surface of the river. A tiny wooden chapel stands by a meadow with the 3000ft sheer granite cliffs of El Capitan glowering down over it. The massive granite cliff face of El Capitan is so high, that two and a half Empire State Buildings could be stacked against the cliff face. It is just over 3000ft high and its surface is unbelievably smooth and polished, again due to glaciation. This is a Mecca for rock climbers both in the US and all over the world. They will tell you here that Yosemite began the sport of rock climbing. (Scotland may beg to differ!). Hundreds of climbers attempt this huge wall every year, some taking several days to achieve their dream and camping on temporary bivouac ledges they fasten to the rock face. The thought made my blood run cold; attempting to climb it is bad enough, but imagine rolling over in the night up there!! Free style solo climbing has become the latest challenge. Alex Honnold has climbed El Capitan twice with no aids, ropes or safety equipment. His first successful attempt took him 4 hours and the second 1hour 58mins! The rumour is that he is due back here this month to try and break his own record. Mad or what! We stood at the base of the cliff looking up and the climbers were tiny coloured specks, if you could even see them at all.
      Our day finished at Mariposa Grove, the home of the giant Sequoias, the largest living thing on the planet. These trees are very picky in their habitat, refusing to grow below 5000 ft above sea level and needing a watershed beneath them also. A mature specimen can grow up to 300ft tall, have a trunk 25ft thick and drink 1000 gallons of water a day. They can live for up to 2000 years and one particularly large and ancient tree in the Grove was a sapling when Julius Caesar was emperor in Ancient Rome. They are majestic and walking through the Grove is like being in Nature’s Cathedral.

      As you can gather it has been a fabulous day and we count ourselves so lucky to have made it here. These places of natural beauty and wilderness are essential for the soul. I will conclude by quoting John Muir on Yosemite “ It is by far the grandest of all the special temples of Nature I was ever permitted to enter”. Amen to that.
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    • Dag 11

      Kurze Strecke, große Wirkung

      20. oktober 2019, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Aufgewacht in dem Sierra Nevada Forrest, führte uns unser heutiger Weg zum Yosemite Nationalpark. Den ersten Stopp machten wir bei den Sequoia Bäumen, in der Nähe von Mariposa. Sequoia Bäume können mehrere Tausendjahre alt werden und werden umgangssprachlich Mammutbäume genannt.
      Nach einer kurzen Wanderung fuhren wir zu unserem Campground, welcher zentral im Yosemite Valley liegt. Auf unserem Weg fuhren wir durch wunderschöne Wälder, sahen jedoch auch einige Brandschneisen. Nach dem wir unseren Stellplatz bezogen haben, führte uns unser erster Weg ins Visitorcenter. Von dort aus wanderten wir bewaffnet mit einer Wanderkarte zu den Yosemite Falls. Dort angekommen, mussten leider feststellen, dass kein Wasser die Fälle hinunter kam und das gesamte Flussbett ausgetrocknet war.
      Also entschieden uns für eine weitere Wanderung von den Yosemite Falls zum Mirror Lake mit einer Strecke von ca. 9km. Die Weg führte uns über Stock und Stein vorbei am Half Dome, dem El Capitan und weiteren Bergen hin zum Mirror Lake. Dort angekommen erlebten wir ein Déjà-vu. Auch der Mirror Lake war komplett ausgetrocknet und führte kein Wasser. Dafür hatte wir einen herrlichen Ausblick von der Seemitte auf die umliegenden Berge.
      Danach liefen wir zurück zu unserem Campingplatz und ließen den Abend bei einer hartumgekämpften Partie UNO ausklingen.
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    • Dag 9

      Yosemite Grizzly Giant

      8. mai, Forente stater ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Heute stehen wir rechtzeitig auf, wir nehmen den Shuttle zum Museums Dorf der Indianer die das Tak ursprünglich ihr eigens nannten. Im Goldrausch versuchte man die Ureinwohner mit ganzen Battalionen zu vertreiben, was jedoch nicht gelang. Mit der Zeit ließen sich aber die Einwanderer nieder und die Indianer arbeiteten für sie und nahmen auch Kultur an, wie Stoffkleidung und ähnliches.
      Wir besuchen die zahlreichen Ausstellungen und Museen und Julien löst die die letzten Aufgaben um Junior Ranger zu werden. Am Ende geht es zurück zum Visitor Center. Julien muss mit erhobener Hand den Schwur leisten als Junior Ranger die Natur zu beschützen.
      Ach ja, und ganz vergessen, vom Bus aus hatten wir doch tatsächlich das Privileg einen ausgewachsenen Bären sehen zu können. Man attestierte uns das dies ein seltenes Privileg ist. Vor der weiterfahrt sind nochmal in die andere Richtung des Tals bis zum Merced River gelaufen. Nach knapp 4 Km mussten wir leider umdrehen, der Weg zu den Vernal Falls wäre zu viel gewesen.
      Nachmittags ging es weiter mit dem Wohnmobil raus aus dem Tal, 55Km zum Mariposa Grove. Direkt am Südausgang des Parks.Es ist eindrucksvoll zu sehen welche riesen Bereiche hier Waldbränden zum Opfer gefallen sind, Waldbrände die nicht zu den nötigen Bränden gehören.
      Es ging eine weitere 10Km Wanderung zu einem Bereich mit die den größten Sequoia Bäumen. 2000 Jahre alt. Dem Grizzly Giant und dem Fallen Monarch.
      Nochmal 25 Km zu unserem reservierten Campingplatz High Sierra RV, nichts besonderes aber eine Möglichkeit alle Akkus zu laden. Die USB Buchse in unserem Wohnmobil geht nur wenn man den 4KW Strom enerator laufen lässt. Macht Sinn.
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    • Dag 4

      Goodbye San Francisco

      24. april 2022, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Der heutige Tag hat hauptsächlich auf der Straße stattgefunden.
      Nachdem wir San Francisco heute Morgen verlassen haben, führt der erste Weg zu Walmart. So riesig wie das Einkaufszentrum ist, ist es eigentlich bereits als erste Attraktion des Tages zu betrachten (vor allem für uns Frauen). Nachdem wir allein hier gute zwei Stunden verbringen geht es weiter in Richtung Yosemite Nationalpark.

      Ein kurzer Zwischenstopp auf einer Ranch, eigentlich als Pipi-Pause gedacht, führt und mitten auf einen kleinen Markt, inkl. Wein-Tasting, Food Trucks und Live Band.

      Inzwischen sind wir gut in unserer Lodge angekommen und genießen die Ruhe nach der Stadt und vor allem ein sauberes, geräumiges Hotelzimmer!
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