United States
Franklin County

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Franklin County
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    • Day 21

      Day 19 - Little Bigelow Mountain

      July 22 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Hauled arse yesterday. 20 miles done, best yet.

      Stayed at Flagstaff Campsite. Arrived just as it was getting dark, used my headlamp for a bit to finish erecting tent. Couldn't find a flat spot so slept on a bit of a slant.

      Had porridge (oatmeal) for brekkie (breakfast). It is nice but the whole process takes too long and I feel like I'm wasting daylight. Thinking of going back to cold trail food.

      Currently on the top of Little Bigelow Mountain. Still have to climb Bigelow Avery Peak and Bigelow West Peak (pictured), which are much higher.

      Update - Just summited Avery. Took a lot out of me. Rain forecast for tonight, not looking forward to it. Enjoy pics.

      2nd Update - Just summited West Peak. The view is out of this world. This has to be one of the most beautiful places on Earth.
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    • Day 4

      Tag 4 / von Boston nach Bigelow Preserve

      October 10, 2023 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 6 °C

      Heute morgen sind wir in Boston den Freedom Walk gegangen. Bosten ist eine wirklich nette Stadt. Mittags haben wir im Quinzy Market (Food Meile) zu Mittag gegessen, Da wir in NY keinen NY Cheescake gegessen haben, habe ich das hier nachgeholt. Mit abstand der Leckerste Cheescake den ich je gegessen habe. Auf dem Weg zum Bigelow Preserve haben wir an einer Apfelfarm angehalten und von dort Äpfel und Cider mitgenommen. Natürlich dachten wir an den uns bekannten Cider, haben aber einen Tag später gelernt das Cider in der USA naturtrüber Apfelsaft ist. Zusätzlich haben wir in York beim Leuchtturm kurz angehalten.Read more

    • Day 16

      Browns Camp

      September 10, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      After a waffle breakfast we drove 1.5 hours with the whole family to the camp of Browns, the parents of Julias brother in law. We were there 5 years ago when hiking the Appalachian Trail. The mom of Julias brother in law is a passionate hiker and she picked us up back then at a trail crossing in the morning, brought doughnuts and coffee and took us to the camp. She prepared some amazing food for us and we spent a night there.
      So the visit was a short journey back to our trail memories and this lovely spot by a lake. The parents are really sweet people and we enjoyed the conversations. We had a BBQ and then spent the afternoon swimming and playing with the kids, watching the cute chipmunks and eating s'mores. Overall a very relaxing day.
      In the evening we stopped by in the capital of Maine, Augusta, for dinner at Olive Garden. The portions are excessively huge, especially after everything we already had that day, so we packed a lot for the next day. Compared to other chains the quality of the food was a lot better but very heavy on the fat 😁
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    • Day 5

      Tag 5 / Bigelow Preserve

      October 11, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Das Motel ist sehr ruhig, mitten im Nichts! Heute morgen waren wir frühstücken, klassisch amerikanisch gab es riesen Portionen 😉.
      Ab Mittag (da es etwas geregnet hat) haben wir zwei Wandertouren gemacht, die eine mit vielen Höhenmetern, die anderen ging über einen Fluss drüber. Die erste haben wir abgebrochen, weil ich die Steigung nicht bis oben geschafft habe und die Dunkelheit eingebrochen wäre, bevor wir wieder unten gewesen wären. Dennoch war es ein sehr erfolgreicher Tag! Das Abendessen haben wir uns verdient 😉. Im Restaurant gab es sogar Kolsch zu trinken. Die Inhaberin hat sich von uns sogar noch erklären lassen, was an unserem Kölsch geschmacklich anders ist.Read more

    • Day 8


      August 13, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Als kleinen ‘Zwischenstopp’ haben wir uns den wirklich kleinen Ort Rangeley rausgesucht. Es hätte zu lange gedauert bis an die Ostküste zu fahren.
      Wir hatten uns im Netz ein Motel gebucht. Das war aber wirklich nicht schön. Deswegen haben wir uns ein Hotel genommen. Das war total schön, da es sehr altmodisch aber stilvoll eingerichtet war. Ich fands persönlich ein wenig gruselig 😅
      Dann sind wir kurz zum Kiosk ubd anschließend zum mehr oder weniger bekannten Rangeley See . Ein wunderschöner Abend. In Gedanken waren wir natürlich immer bei Oma...❤️
      Dann sind wir um uns zumindest ein bisschen abzulenken in ein Pub gegenüber von unserem Hotel gegangen.
      Dort haben wir den Abend verbracht, gut gegessen und Baseball geguckt
      Natürlich war die Stimmung etwas bedrückt
      Das Hotel war übrigens irgendwie krumm und schief gebaut.😅
      Und die Bedienung im Pub war übrigens auch total mitfühlend und nett zu uns ein echter Herzensmensch.
      Rip Oma 12.08.2019❤️
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    • Day 123

      Cranberry Stream Campsite 2003.4

      September 3, 2017 in the United States ⋅ 🌧 10 °C

      By the time we woke up there was no rain so we hurried up to tear down the tent while it was dry. We didn't set ourselves a goal for the day, we just knew that there were some mountains coming up. After just about an hour of hiking we came by a campsite and were startled by a loud "Heeeeeey". We were surprised and happy to see "Late start", our good friend back in the Smokies. We didn't see him for more than three months in Tennessee where he wanted to catch up to us but ended up taking another Zero. We knew that he had flipped up to Kathadin but we thought that we missed him while staying at the Brown's camp. But both of us had plans for the day and it would have taken a while to report all the things that had happened so we postponed it until after we reach Kathadin. So we gave each other just a quick heads-up, some hugs and then moved on. Oh, and we gave him a pair of gloves as Julia doesn't need any.
      We tackled the mountains and for lunch three of them were done. Then came a tough climb up to the Crocker Mountains with two summits and a saddle in between. So by 3 PM we've only made 12 miles and it started to rain a bit but then the terrain turned in our favor. The trail led down the hill with just a gentle elevation for more than 5 miles.
      On the way down we reached the 2000 mile marker!! So we are both now 2000 milers (officially after the thru hike is confirmed by the Appalachian Trail Conservancy) one day before our 4 months trail anniversary! It's an incredible number and it's hard to realize that we did that. And it also means that it's less than 200 miles until we reach Kathadin.
      Motivated by that we pushed on and reached the Cranberry Stream Campsite at the bottom of Mount Bigelow. A hiker had told us that the rain is supposed to hit us around 8 and then last until early the next morning. So we set up the tent and used the tarp/footprint to add an additional rain cover above because we have to use our leaking tent until Kathadin. After this we had a quick dinner, chatted a bit with the couple that stayed with us at the campsite and then went to bed. The rain started to get heavier but it seems like our construction is working good enough.
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    • Day 119

      Camping Old Blue Mountain 1947.4

      August 30, 2017 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 6 °C

      For a big day it's necessary to get up early, at least for us. So we were on the trail at 6:30 and for lunch we passed the 10 miles mark. But it was a bit later than usual to get lunch and the stretch was pretty easy compared to the previous days. Anyways, we were happy with the progress that we made and after a short lunch break we moved on.
      The upcoming part wasn't supposed to be that easy with steep ups and downs. Unfortunately it was as exhausting as it looked like and we slowed down a lot. Because of that our daily goal was endangered and we were considering our options. We have scheduled a meeting with the mother-in-law of Julias sister who lives nearby the trail. But we overestimated the progress we'd make so it were 41 miles left this morning. Our only chance to make it on time to there was to move on despite the upcoming climb, night and almost no water. On the way we felt pretty good so we had only one mile left to hike in the dark. It was super lucky that the stretch to the Campsite was even and perfect for a night hike!
      Shortly before we arrived there we heard a big animal in the woods but we weren't able to identify what it was. Hopefully not a bear because in the whole area was no proper spot for hanging a bear bag.
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    • Day 124

      Camping East Falstaff Rd 2018.3

      September 4, 2017 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      We started the day motivated as there aren't many mountains left overall on the trail and we'd tackle one right in the morning. But after about an hour we realized that the Bigelow Mountains are tough. And so we only had made 6 miles for lunch.
      That's the problem with using all your energy vertically instead of horizontally. After the last peak - Mt. Avery named after one of the main initiators of the AT - the terrain looked like it's going to flatten and and allow to do more miles. Maybe it was the weather or just a general exhaustion but this section was super hard on us. Especially because the Junior Bigelow Mountain didn't have anything of interest, just a sign. Julia also had some trouble and fell several times because of the slippery Salomon boots.
      At the end of the day (7ish) it finally got flatter and we pushed hard to make it to a campsite near Lake Falstaff.
      But on the way there we came by a road crossing and got some incredible trail magic. It was already dark so we decided to set up our tent there. They gave us beer, sandwiches, pasta salad and sweet goods!!! We couldn't get enough and we ate a huge portion each. They are coming there every year on the labor day weekend, feed hungry hikers and have a reunion. In our tent we made a plan for the next day to catch up miles and get to the ferry (more about it tomorrow). So we set the alarm to 3 in the morning :D
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    • Day 122

      Camping at Orbeton Stream 1982.9

      September 2, 2017 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 9 °C

      We tried to sleep in a bit but at our usual time we were wide awake. Anyways the smell of pancakes and sausages was too good to go back to sleep. Bonnie had prepared a huge portion for breakfast but our trained hiker stomachs made it disappear in no time :D Afterwards Bonnie drove us back to the trailhead and because they were expecting guests later in the afternoon she couldn't join us hiking. We would have loved to stay a bit longer with them but we can't really relax before we're not up at Kathadin.
      9:30 AM, 24 hours later, we were back on the trail with full bellies and backpacks. Fully prepared to hit upcoming mountains again. But it was a tough hike up there and also there were some steep up and downs that slowed us down. Later in the afternoon we stopped at a lean-to (we haven't really figured out the difference to a shelter but it seems like it's just a naming thing in Maine and apparently there are no picnic tables :(). There we ran into "Wandering star", the elderly woman from England who finished the AT several times and is a triple crowner (finished AT, PCT and CD). The last time we saw her was on our sixth day on the trail when Christi was still on the trail. We hung her food bag and she gave us some Poptarts in return :) She remembered us and we talked a bit about how the trail has been. As there was still some daylight left we moved on for another three miles before setting up our tent.
      Besides that the article in the newspaper was published today :) For tomorrow heavy rain from Hurricane Harvey is forecasted for the region...
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    • Day 121

      ME4 / Farmington 1969.4

      September 1, 2017 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Today we actually succeeded in getting up early because of the scheduled meeting time. And it was timed to our normal pace, not the slow bad terrain movement we had the last couple of days. Luckily the terrain was in our favor and we arrived at the parking lot at 8:55 AM, just in time. But Bonnie was already there for half an hour because she didn't want us to wait for her. She greeted us with coffee (hot water and coffee in tea bags which is actually very tasty), fresh fruit and donuts :) As she is a hiker herself she knows what we are craving for. Then we figured what to do next because she had considered hiking up to Mount Saddleback with us but it was pretty cold and windy. So she invited us to stay at their camp for the day and night.
      We gladly accepted the offer because we needed a bit of rest after the tough southern Maine section. So we first went to resupply to Walmart and then to the camp. The term camp was new to me so it was a surprise to see that it is actually a big house next to a pretty pond. It was a beautiful view but due to the wind it was too chilly to take the canoe. Besides that we wanted to rest ;)
      So we spend most of day on the couch chatting with Bonnie. She is a really lovely person and we enjoyed the time together. Later her husband Chris came home and they made delicious burgers, freshly picked corn and salad for us. They really spoiled us! We almost felt like humans again and not the stinky hiker trash :)
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Franklin County, Франклин, ফ্রাঙ্কলিন কাউন্টি, Condado de Franklin, Franklini maakond, Franklin konderria, شهرستان فرانکلین، مین, Comté de Franklin, Franklin megye, Ֆրանկլին շրջան, Contea di Franklin, フランクリン郡, Franklin Kūn, Hrabstwo Franklin, فرینکلن کاؤنٹی، مینے, Comitatul Franklin, Округ Френклин, Франклін, فرینکلن کاؤنٹی، میئن, Quận Franklin, Condado han Franklin, 富蘭克林縣

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