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Indian Canyon Creek

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    • Tag 145

      Yosemite National Park 🏔️

      8. Januar in den USA ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

      Depuis le temps que j’en parle ! Nous voilà donc partis pour un mois de van dans les parcs naturels américains 🗺️

      Après avoir récupéré notre van auprès de la même compagnie qu’avec Amandine (oui je suis un habitué de la maison maintenant), nous voilà en direction du Yosemite National Park 🏔️ Après quelques heures de route, nous arrivons au campement dans le noir. Nous sommes tout au fond de la vallée et la météo annonce -4 degrés pendant la nuit (et pas beaucoup plus à l’intérieur du van) ❄️ Heureusement nos doubles duvets spécialement prévus pour les grands froids nous sauvent ! 🥵

      Le lendemain matin, réveil difficile mais la vue sur la vallée enneigée nous fait vite oublier le froid. Après un bon petit dej, nous entamons une randonnée au bout de laquelle nous aurons un magnifique point de vue sur toute la vallée 🥾 Seulement, au bout de 1h30 de marche le sentier est fermé pour risque de chute de pierres. Nous rebroussons donc chemin mais pouvons néanmoins profiter de la belle vue offerte sur El Capitan et Half Dome depuis certains virages dans la redescente 📸 Ces deux parois rocheuses sont deux des plus grands monolithes au monde et sont prisés par les passionnés d’escalade du monde entier 🧗🏼 Après cette escapade, nous trouvons une piscine municipale dans la vallée où nous pouvons prendre gratuitement une bonne douche chaude, avec en prime le gel douche fourni : what else ?! 🧼 Après le déjeuner, nous ressortons de la vallée puis nous nous dirigeons vers la sortie sud du parc pour la tombée de la nuit. Alors que nous devons nous rendre à Séquoia Park, nous prenons la décision de passer la nuit dans la grande ville la plus proche, Fresno, pour avoir des températures plus élevées que la veille. Nous trouvons une petite rue au calme où nous passons la nuit avec même 7 degrés annoncés au réveil, le bonheur ! 🌡️

      Après ce réveil matinal, direction Séquoia Park 🌲

    • Tag 9

      Trail zum Glacier Point

      10. September 2016 in den USA ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      10. September

      Heute ist schon der letzte Tag im Yosemite National Park! Die längste Wanderung mit den meisten Höhenmetern haben wir uns für heute aufgehoben.

      Insgesamt 15 km ging es knapp über 1.200 Höhenmeter hoch zum Glacier Point. Von dort hatten wir einen super Ausblick zu den Yosemite Falls (zu denen wir vorgestern hoch sind), zum Half Dome (der halben Felskuppel) und über das ganze Yosemite Valley.
      Der Glacier Point ist genau senkrecht oberhalb unseres Camps, also der riesen Berg, der genau hinter unserem Zelt 1.200 Meter in die Höhe steigt. Daher war es ein cooles Erlebnis zum Schluss unseres Aufenthaltes, unser Lager mal von oben zu betrachten.

      Auf dem Rückweg haben wir uns noch im Merced River abgekühl 😊

      Auch wenn wir hier leider keinen Bären gesehen haben, ist uns doch noch ein Mountain Lion über den Weg gelaufen.

      Der Yosemite Park ist landschaftlich wirklich kaum zu toppen. Wir hoffen, dass wir nochmal wiederkommen!

    • Tag 3

      Yosemite day 1

      21. Oktober 2016 in den USA ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Yosemite National Park é talvez dos sitios mais bonitos onde já estive.
      A paisagem é de cortar a respiração.
      Chegamos por volta das 14h depois de cerca de 4h de estrada. A Gloria é que veio a conduzir e eu sempre a darlhe no gps embora as vezes me esquecesse dele e ficava só a viajar de perdida no que via. Lá tinhamos nos de dar a volta e voltar ao caminho certo! Ao chegarmos a Yosemite fizemos uma volta no autocarro do parque o que nao nos valeu de muita coisa porque tinhamos mesmo de ter chegado mais cedo para aproveitar a luz. Ainda conseguimos fazer uma trilha para ver as Yosemite Falls. Amanha vamos voltar para fazer mais uma certamente.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 134

      Half Dome Cables!

      27. September 2016 in den USA ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      We ended up crashing pretty early the previous night, which is a good thing as we needed an early start, so we saw the sun come up over the towering Yosemite Valley walls as we drove the half an hour to the top of the park.

      We hit the Mist Trail which sneaks up on you gradually as the nice tarmac path gets steeper and steeper, then turns into rougher and rougher steps, which then get bigger and bigger! We passed the two impressive waterfalls, although there wasn't a much water at this time of the year. Fortunately the trail levels out a bit (relatively speaking), and you wind you way up through the forest before you hit the subdome, and the steps begin again!

      After climbing 4,400ft as you can imagine the view from the top of subdome was utterly spectacular, looking across miles of polished rock climbing into the distance in all directions except for the view down to the valley floor many thousands of feet below.

      The last 400ft of elevation was Half Dome itself, and this could only be tamed using the cables they attach during the summer months. When you see it from a distance it doesn't look possible to get up without serious rock climbing skills, and as you get to the bottom of the cables it still looks pretty hard core. It was a very strenuous hike up and Jo didn't feel confident about the final few hundred feet, and I have to admit I was a little apprehensive myself but I steeled myself and donned my gloves.

      It was as steep as it looks, possibly more so! Your feet just about gripped, but without the cables there was no way I would be up there. Despite the thinning air (just shy of 3k metres) I powered up it and felt a little unusual once I was standing at the top. I started taking a few snaps and only then I realised that I was a few feet from the edge on a big overhang looking down on the valley floor about 6,000 feet below.

      Fortunately going down was significantly easier (mainly due to not losing your breath every 10 steps due to the thin air). Despite being fairly quiet on the way up there was an old chap determined to make it to the top, but that meant it was rammed solid and hardly moving so I bravely/foolishly swing to the outside of the cables. It was reasonably smooth sailing until I got to people who were a bit freaked out and wouldn't move so I had to freestyle a few feet before I could get a good grip back on the cables. One mistake on this thing and you wouldn't only slip down the few hundred feet to subdome but also the other few thousand back to the valley floor, which soon focuses the mind and I carefully made my way down.

      We set off back down and soon made the top waterfall. Rather than try and tackle the massive steps we took the longer but marginally more gentle route down the John Muir Trail. It didn't take long before the views looked familiar, as we had hiked this on a spectacular walk to Glacier Point when we visited the east coast about 8 years before. The views from the far edge of the valley were way better than the direct route up, and several enjoyable hours later we were reunited with Elvis.

      A much needed shower and a hard earned pizza and pint rounded off an incredible day in an unbelievably beautiful and awe inspiring park, before we returned to our layby and collapsed into bed.

    • Tag 9

      Swimming in the Merced

      16. Juli 2017 in den USA ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      After lunch we walked around and then wandered over to the river for a swim. The water was COLD and I was quite nervous about the strong current we watched one adult almost drown! She tried to swim across to her friend and turned around about 2/3 of the way across and barely made it back. There were lots of people and those closer moved in to help her.

      After these pics we put on our life jackets and went a bit deep, including a short float in the current, but I didn't feel I could hold onto both of them and swim to shore very well so that was that. Still it was very refreshing and beautiful.

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    Indian Canyon Creek

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