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Kennebec County

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Kennebec County
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    • Day 6

      On the road in Maine

      September 26, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      Dienstag, 26.09.

      Tagwache kurz vor 7 Uhr. Heute gab es sogar ein im Preis inbegriffenes Hotelfrühstück. Wir konnten aus 3 Optionen wählen. Werner nahm sausage mit scrambled eggs, hash browns und Toast. Ich wählte bacon statt sausage. Außerdem gab es vier Sorten Marmelade, dazu Kaffee und Orangensaft. Lecker war's. Zu dem Begriff "sausage" sei noch erwähnt, dass hier anscheinend auch die Burger Patties so bezeichnet werden. Solche gab es nämlich zum Frühstück.

      Danach packten wir wieder zusammen und unser Road Trip ging weiter. Von Waterville aus fuhren wir zunächst nach Bangor. Fahrtzeit etwa 1 Stunde. Wir statteten der Bangor Mall einen kurzen Besuch ab, merkten aber schnell, dass dort der Wind durchpfeift. Viele Läden standen leer. Auch der riesige Parkplatz war nur spärlich ausgelastet. Somit weiter zu unserer insgeheimen Lieblings"attraktion" von Bangor. Wir waren schon einmal hier gewesen. Es handelt sich um das Wohnhaus von Stephen King am Broadway. Inzwischen findet man seine Adresse sogar schon online. 2007 mussten wir uns noch bei einem Blumenladen durchfragen. Damals waren wir die einzigen neugierigen Zaungäste, heute waren auch ein paar andere Fans vor Ort. Wir machten fleißig Fotos.

      Wir setzten die Fahrt fort und hielten als nächstes in Houlton, schon nahe der kanadischen Grenze. Dort gab es u.a. einen riesigen Walmart und einen Hannaford Supermarkt. Bei Walmart schauten wir nur, dafür wurden wir bei Hannaford 27$ für Cookies, Erdnussbutter und Wasser los. Die Ami-Supermärkte sind immer wieder genial für uns.

      Irgendwie sind Fahrtage gefühlt immer zu kurz. Es liegt einfach an den weiten Entfernungen hierzulande. Wir mussten schon wieder zusehen, dass wir weiterkamen. Kurz nach Houlton erreichten wir dann auch den Grenzübergang nach New Brunswick, Kanada. Wir waren schon wieder die Einzigen, die einreisten. Diesmal mussten wir zum Glück nicht aussteigen, sondern nur ein paar Fragen beantworten. Den letzten Besichtigungsstopp des Tages machten wir kurze Zeit später bei der Hartland Covered Bridge, der längsten überdachten Brücke der Welt. Auf 391 Metern Länge führt sie über den Saint John River. Wir überquerten sie wieder in beide Richtungen, einmal mit dem Auto und einmal zu Fuß.

      Unser Ziel hieß heute Edmundston bzw. die Morel Executive Suites. An der Grenze zu Kanada hatten wir übrigens eine Stunde verloren. In New Brunswick gilt nämlich die Atlantic Time Zone. Morgen holen wir uns die Zeit aber gleich wieder zurück, da es wieder in die Provinz Quebec geht.

      Die Morel Suite ließ keine Wünsche offen. Wir hatten eine große Küche dabei und es gab sogar Waschmaschine und Trockner. Wir schmissen gleich mal eine Ladung Schmutzwäsche rein. Top!
      Während die Waschmaschine lief, rückten wir noch einmal aus. Dinner gab's im "Bar le Saloon Spécialité Poutine Inc."
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    • Day 16

      Browns Camp

      September 10, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      After a waffle breakfast we drove 1.5 hours with the whole family to the camp of Browns, the parents of Julias brother in law. We were there 5 years ago when hiking the Appalachian Trail. The mom of Julias brother in law is a passionate hiker and she picked us up back then at a trail crossing in the morning, brought doughnuts and coffee and took us to the camp. She prepared some amazing food for us and we spent a night there.
      So the visit was a short journey back to our trail memories and this lovely spot by a lake. The parents are really sweet people and we enjoyed the conversations. We had a BBQ and then spent the afternoon swimming and playing with the kids, watching the cute chipmunks and eating s'mores. Overall a very relaxing day.
      In the evening we stopped by in the capital of Maine, Augusta, for dinner at Olive Garden. The portions are excessively huge, especially after everything we already had that day, so we packed a lot for the next day. Compared to other chains the quality of the food was a lot better but very heavy on the fat 😁
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    • Day 8

      Windsor Fair

      September 2, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Today we went to Windsor for the annual fair. It was a huge fairground compared to the size of the town. And it felt pretty expensive with 10$ entrance fee for a few historical buildings, also the rides cost 5$ each for a quite short ride. Just my impression maybe 🤷‍♂️
      Overall it left a mixed impression with me, there were a lot of people with pro Trump outfits or confederation flags. But on the other hand also some rather alternative people, punks and a few LBGTQ+ flags. Rather rare though.
      There was also some horseracing and a LOT of food stalls but most with the same options. Axe throwing was fun though 🙂🙃
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    • Day 29

      ME - Augusta

      September 22, 2022 in the United States ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      The show must go on even if the weather is more suitable for a duvet day.

      Another travel day. This time from North Conway to the coast of Maine. Originally planned as a stop over for our trip to Nova Scotia.

      Leaving North Conway in the rain we were hoping for some lull in the clouds to explore Augusta, the state capital of Maine - Viles Arboretum, Old Fort Western and the Maine State House.

      Well, things don't always work out as planned 🌨️⛈️🌧️

      After a short stroll through the Arboretum, we got soaked despite our wet weather gear so opted for pressing on to get to the coast.

      Not that we thought the weather will be any better there as the weather front seem to follow our path.

      Travelling through Maine felt like a World tour as we drive through Norway, Sweden, Poland and East China 😂
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    • Day 16

      Waterville, Maine

      September 29, 2022 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 7 °C

      Today we left beautiful Stowe and drove to Waterville, Maine. The rain has stopped but we didn't experience full sun until we were closer to our destination.

    • Ready to go!

      September 3, 2017 in the United States ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      I!m flying out of Boston to Madrid tomorrow. From there I'll take a bus to Bilbao and spend the first night in a nice airbnb room. So I don't start walking until Wednesday. I'm doing the first three weeks solo, then will be joined by my sister Janet, niece Seikah, and friend Chris for the last two weeks. I'm a little nervous, but mostly excited for my big adventure!Read more

    • Day 15

      Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine

      June 29 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 70 °F

      Well, ended up leaving the campground at 4 o’clock in the morning, partially due to not feeling safe in the campground. It’s only quirky until the lights go out and it started to rain on me. I’m gonna let that experience go.

      I was supposed to stop and get a jacket in Burlington, but I was already three hours past that store when It opened. So I just kept running. Had a great breakfast in Danville at this little old house hotel. The proprietor has been there for 45 years. Great pancakes with real Vermont syrup. Was it wrong that I drank some of the syrup from the cup? Everyone in there, all 10, are locals. The guy that walked in after me was greeted “ Dr. Jim come sit with us”. it couldn’t have been anymore like the Andy Griffith show.

      Drove briefly through Montpelier. I took a picture of the river and capital building. Then in Rumford, I took a picture of the waterfall.

      Continuing onto Acadia national Park. Probably checking into my hotel first and unload my equipment. Then I’m going to get ready for a lobster bake tonight. 🤤
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    • Day 23

      Day 23 Knox, ME - Cornwall, ON

      July 17 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 72 °F

      343 miles
      Total miles 4,401

      We left the Strouts home bright and early at 5:50! The sun was already risen and the streets were still pretty curvy. We ate breakfast as we drove through the hilly roads. At one point we were driving along a beautiful river. Flowing.

      We were driving through the US/Canada border by 10:30am and reaching the large city of Sherbrooke. I had chosen out a Choice hotel, however it was sold out.

      We decided to drive on. Next big town was Cornwall, Ontario Canada. We pulled off the interstate and found a coffee shop that had picnic tables out in the yard. We ate tuna fish sandwiches, carrots and yogurt.

      Glenn wanted Tim Nortons donuts. They speak French. The barista could not understand our order. So instead of getting donuts, the barista gave us a cold coffee. Oh well.

      We’ve stayed at Hampton Inn. As the quality Inn here in Cornwall was kinda sketchy.

      We drove to Walmart to get iceberg lettuce, carrots, dressing and croutons to make salad for dinner. And we’ll have salad again for Thursday lunch.
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    • Day 16

      Soccer: USA vs. Germany

      October 14, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Wir sind ganz in der Nähe von Hartford und haben uns gegen Eintrittskarten für das Fußballspiel entschieden, Die Karten kosten schnell mal ca. 100 Dollar pro Person. In 2 Stunden - 3 pm 🕒 - ist Anpfiff.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Kennebec County, Кенъбек, কেন্নেব্যাক কাউন্টি, Kantono Kennebec, Condado de Kennebec, Kennebeci maakond, Kennebec konderria, شهرستان کنبک، مین, Comté de Kennebec, Kennebec megye, Քեննեբեք շրջան, Contea di Kennebec, ケネベック郡, Kennebec Kūn, Hrabstwo Kennebec, کینیبک کاؤنٹی, Comitatul Kennebec, Кеннебек, Округ Кенебек, کینوبیک کاؤنٹی، میئن, Condado han Kennebec, 肯纳贝克县

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