Förenta staterna
Manhattan Church of the Nazarene

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    • Dag 11

      J10 - Lobster roll & Musical

      15 mars 2023, Förenta staterna ⋅ 🌙 5 °C

      Premier lobster roll pour Fanny & Aude chez « Burger & Lobster » - un délice!

      Nous avons ensuite vu le musical « some like it hot », une comédie musicale inspirée du film original !

      Puis retour à l’hôtel avec le cheesecake original New Yorkais de chez Junior’s !Läs mer

    • Dag 72

      24h New York City

      11 maj 2019, Förenta staterna ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Der Weg nach New York City wird einem als Autofahrer mächtig unangenehm gemacht (knappe 30 $ Maut fielen schon auf dem Highway dorthin an). Am frühen Abend erreichten wir unser Airbnb in Jersey City. Die Unterkunft war sauber und ruhig, allerdings auch mit zwei weiteren Gruppen geteilt (zum Glück war die Wohnung nicht voll belegt und es gab drei Badezimmer). Einziges Manko: Parken war in dieser Nachbarschaft nicht möglich (—> günstigstes Parkhaus 30 $ für zwei Tage, plus zwei Uber-Fahrten um es ohne Auto zu erreichen).

      Da wir noch erstaunlich fit waren, brachen wir in der Dämmerung noch nach Manhattan auf. Auf der Jersey Seite konnten wir (dank illegalem Parken vor einem Hotel) einen atemberaubenden Blick auf die Skyline werfen. Danach fuhren wir durch den Holland Tunnel (15 $) in die Innenstadt. Wir wollten aus Spaß bis zum Times Square fahren. Kein Wunder, dass man in NYC eher auf öffentliche Verkehrsmittel zurückgreift! Sobald eine Ampel auf Grün springt wird provisorisch gehupt, aus 3 Spuren werden mindestens 5 kreiert, Spurwechsel scheint man aus Spaß zu machen und was sind bitte Tempolimits? Dazu kommt, dass Fußgänger sich nicht an ihre Ampeln halten. Wir haben es aber überlebt und erstaunlicherweise einen Parkplatz in einer Seitenstraße des Time Square gefunden (der mit seinen 4,5 $ die Stunde super billig war). Dass tiefste Dunkelheit herrschte, konnte man hier nicht mehr erkennen. Die gestochen scharfen, riesigen Bildschirme machten die Straßen taghell. Die Menschen tummelten sich, stinkende Hotdog-Buden, dreiste Straßenkünstler und andere komische Gestalten dachten auch nicht an Feierabend. Selbst Bauarbeiter nutzten die Nacht, was wir später am von ihnen zugeparkten Auto bemerkten.

      Unsere erste Nacht war abrupt zu Ende. Als unsere chinesischen Mitbewohner ihr glutamatreiches Frühstück in der Pfanne hatten, ließ der Feueralarm uns senkrecht im Bett sitzen. Immerhin hatten wir so mehr vom Tag. Diesmal ließen wir uns per Uber in die City bringen (30 $ hin, erschreckende 45 $ zurück). Wir hatten uns ein Big Bus Deluxe Paket gebucht, was sich mehr als gelohnt hat! Der kühle Morgen entwickelte sich zu einem T-Shirt-tauglichen Traumtag. Auf dem Doppeldeckerdach mit hervorragendem Live-Kommentar lag uns die Stadt zu Füßen (das ist natürlich gelogen, denn die enormen Hochhäuser bescherten uns trotzdem noch Nackenschmerzen vom Hochgucken). Die Architektur der Kolosse begeisterte sogar uns Laien! Ob Waffelstruktur, schlecht gestapelter Jenga-Turm oder frostiger Eisberglook, die Hochhäuser waren unglaublich abwechslungsreich. Zu unserem Paket gehörte auch eine Schiffs-Rundfahrt. Vom Boot aus hatten wir den besten Blick auf Lady Liberty und konnten, anders als die Touristen auf der Insel, nicht nur ihre Nasenlöcher fotografieren.

      Die grüne Lunge der Großstadt, Central Park, empfand keiner von uns als erholsam. Einige Straßen führen durch den Park, es ist voll und laut. Immerhin waren hier gute Musiker und Tänzer. Am witzigsten war die Central Park Dance Skaters Association. Auf einer abgesperrten Fläche legte ein DJ auf und es wurde auf Rollschuhen oder Inline-Skates getanzt.

      Nach Anbruch der Dunkelheit lösten wir unseren Big Bus Coupon fürs Empire State Building ein. Mit dem Aufzug ging es ohrenknackend auf Etage 80 und zu Fuß die letzten 6 Etagen zur Aussichtsplattform. Trotz Nieselregen war die Sicht super und wir genossen über eine Stunde den Rundumblick auf eine unglaubliche Stadt, die niemals schläft.

      Die Aufnahmen aus diesem Footprint stammen übrigens von Markus. Sind sie nicht toll?
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    • Dag 9


      4 september 2016, Förenta staterna ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      Abends noch um einiges voller als am Tag. Also ich habe bis heute wirklich noch nie auf einer Straße Schlange gestanden um auf einen öffentlichen Platz zu kommen.

      Morgen starten wir mit einer Bootsfahrt zur Statue of Liberty. Aber es stehen auch noch andere Sehenswürdigkeiten auf dem Plan. Dazu morgen entweder zwischendurch oder abends mehr.Läs mer

    • Dag 18

      Juliana's - Coal Fired Pizza

      1 december 2017, Förenta staterna ⋅ 🌙 7 °C

      As I mentioned earlier, we tried to eat here last Saturday but the waiting time was about 2 hours. Today we arrived early (11.30am to ensure we got in without a wait), and we were seated immediately. We elected to share two pizzas - a Margherita with prosciutto and roasted capsicum added, and a No. 3, which is a white pizza (no tomato sauce) which has Italian sausage, buffalo mozzarella and rabe (baby broccoli). It was all absolutely delicious, and we are glad we made the effort to return today.Läs mer

    • Dag 18

      East Coast to West Coast

      1 december 2017, Förenta staterna ⋅ 🌙 4 °C

      Today is a travel day, and although we gain 3 hours as we head west, most of our day will be checking in and out of hotels, driving to and from airports, and some waiting around! We will do some flying too - about 6.5 hours all up. We got to the airport with plenty of time, as it takes soooo long to get through some of the security checks.

      Once in San Francisco, after checking into our hotel, we just walked up to "House of Nanking" for dinner - same good food with the same brash service. Both Angus and Ian enjoyed dinner. We then did a little walk around the area and back to the hotel.

      It was as we were getting ready for bed that I realised that I had left my Kindle on the plane - not happy Jan 😩. I have lodged a report with Virgin America, and now I wait to see if I can get it back - if not, I will have to do a claim through insurance when we get back. I was so cross with myself last night, but now I have just let it go and hope I get it back.
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    • Dag 1

      A Very Long December 16th 2018

      16 december 2018, Förenta staterna ⋅ 🌧 4 °C

      We departed Sydney at 9:15am 16th Dec 2018, arrived in Tokyo after a 10.75 hour flight at 5pm 16th Dec 2018. After a 12.75 hour flight to NYC, we arrived at 6:10pm 16th Dec 2018. We were nearly tricked into paying $137+tax+tolls+tip with a dodgy driver pretending to be a taxi/unmarked Uber. Happy to say we escaped and paid a real taxi $75 inclusive to get to our hotel safely. We ate dinner at the restaurant in our hotel and turned in for the night.Läs mer

    • Dag 15

      9/11 Memorial and Museum

      28 november 2017, Förenta staterna ⋅ 🌙 9 °C

      We headed out this morning a little later than usual, as we had had a late night after dinner and the visit to the Empire State Building with the Greens. We headed off to the subway to catch the red line downtown. We spent a couple of hours at the 9/11 Museum, which is very tastefully done. It is a very moving experience, reliving the attacks on the Twin Towers and watching the aftermath, and then reading about the victims and their families. I found the "September 11, 2001 Historical Exhibition" excellent - it was well laid out with a range of media used to retell the story. Some of it brought me to tears. Following the museum, we went to the reflection pool and found a name with a white rose, indicating it would have been their birthday today (we also found a couple with a white rose last year when I visited with my sister).

      Next we went across to the "Eataly" restaurant, and shared a couple of pizzas between us. We then jumped back on the subway and headed over to the Taglialatella Galleries, to look at the Burton Morris exhibition - Painting Playboy - and also looked at art by Andy Warhol, Banksy, Mr Brainwash, Keith Haring and Basquiat. It was a private gallery, and we just walked around and took some snaps - the guy who looked like he was in charge was showing pieces to a wealthy couple, and we were left to our own devices!

      We then walked the ten blocks back to the apartment to get our step total up. Tonight I am off to see "Waitress" on my own, and the boys are having a quite night in.
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    • Dag 18

      2nd last day in NYC

      1 december 2017, Förenta staterna ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

      We slept in a bit this morning as we were out quite late last night seeing a show. We had a slow start, and after breakfast Angus and I checked out the Christmas Market at Grand Central Station, and then looked at about a quarter of the stalls and the Bryant Park Christmas Market. We got a couple of things, and then headed back to the apartment to collect Ian and head down to Greenwich Village to do a self guided tour.

      We had lunch today at "Five Guys", a bit of an up market burger joint - their food is really, really, really good! After satisfying our hunger, we headed to Commerce Street to begin the walk. As soon as we stepped off the subway at 13th Street we found the area less crowded and less manic, with a really nice vibe. At the end of Commerce Street is the Cherry Lane Theatre. It was established in 1924 and is the city’s longest continuously running off-Broadway establishment - currently playing is "Pride and Prejudice". We then headed into Bedford Street, and at the corner of Bedford and Groves Street is the apartment block used as the fictitious home of the cast of "Friends". There was no Central Perk Cafe - that was not based on anything real.

      We then headed along Bleecker Street and into Perry Street, stopping at number 66, the facade and steps which were used as Carrie Bradshaw’s home in "Sex in the City". We then headed along West 4th street until we reached Christopher Park where two white, life-sized statues of same-sex couples stand guard. Close by is the Stonewall Inn, made famous by a group of drag-queens who were fed up with the discrimination they had to deal with, so they rioted for their civil rights. This was in 1969, and started the gay revolution. We then passed by the Jefferson Market Library - the spire was once used as a fire lookout tower. It was also used as a courthouse for some time. We then walked past Cafe Wha? where a number of young musicians and comedians got heir start, including Bob Dylan and Richard Pryor. Our stroll ended at Washington Square Park, where dudes challenge you to a game of chess and students from NYU hang out.

      We then headed back up Broadway to the Flight Club to look at sneakers. After this we caught the subway home. We ate in tonight - steak and salad with a nice glass of red (for Ian and I).

      After dinner, around 7:20 pm, we headed out to Radio Music Hall as we wanted to ensure we were seated before the curtain went up at 8 pm. It was chaos at Radio City, with people everywhere. Once finally in, we had great seats, front row mezzanine level. The show was very good, and we all enjoyed it.

      We then headed up to the Rockefeller Centre to see the Christmas tree in all it’s glory - the tree is nice but nothing special, and the crowds aren’t great. So we headed onto 5th Avenue, where we lucked upon the Saks 5th Avenue christmas light (and sound) show, which was absolutely spectacular.

      We have decided to go back to Brooklyn tomorrow, and hopefully have Juliana’s Pizza for lunch, and then explore Williamsburg.
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    • Dag 18

      Brooklyn or Bust!

      1 december 2017, Förenta staterna ⋅ 🌙 8 °C

      Today was our last full day in NYC, and so we decided to return to Brooklyn for a few reasons: 1) to walk over the bridge when it was less crowded; 2) to have pizza at Juliania’s - rated No. 1 pizza in NY; 3) to check out Williamsburg; and 4) to walk back to Manhattan over the Williamsburg Bridge.

      I am pleased to announce that we achieved all four. We had a very pleasant walk across the Brooklyn Bridge this morning, and then went to Juliana’s for lunch and had delicious pizza cooked in a coal fired oven. We arrived there about 11:30 am and were able to get straight in.

      We then had to get the subway back over to Manhattan, and then change to get the subway to Williamsburg - we have become old hands at using the subway and have probably taken it about twenty times over the week.

      We then did a self guided walking tour of Williamsburg, which is a very up and coming neighbourhood of Brooklyn - there are in fact 30 neighbourhoods that make up the Burrough of Brooklyn. We passed some great boutiques and restaurants in Bedford Avenue, the main drag of Williamsburg, passed McCarren Park, a beautiful green space, then went passed the Brooklyn Brewery and headed down towards the East River to Bushwick Inlet Park, where we got some great views back to Manhattan. There is a real mixture of buildings in Williamsburg - old warehouses and grafitti artwork next to sinewy new glass skyscrapers. There is also lots of development going on.

      After we finished wandering around the hood, we headed back to the Williamsburg Bridge, where we took the pedestrian walkway back to Manhattan. We were treated to great views both up and down the East River during our crossing. We then caught the subway up to 42nd street, with only a quick walk back to our apartment for a well deserved cup of tea and a Tim Tam. We have really done well today with our steps - so far we have just over 20,000 and we still have a bit of walking to do tonight.

      Tonight we saw our last Broadway Show - "Hamilton" - and it lived up to all the hype! The show was fantastic and all three of us thoroughly enjoyed the show.
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