Stany Zjednoczone
Routt County

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    • Dzień 35

      Day 31-34 Rawlins to steamboat springs

      14 sierpnia 2023, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Time to let go and let my hair down. Leaving the Basin, I headed into and quickly out of Rawlins. Not one of the nicer places the route passes through. Sadly it was a concrete highway in and out of the run down town nicknamed “the prison”. My next planned stop was the famous Brush Mountain Lodge, It was too far to get to in one push so a night wild camping was on the cards, which proved to be quite the challenge. I made a fire and ate dinner watching the sky turn red, as soon as I got into the tent the thunderstorm started to rumble. All night it rained with lightning. When I did finally fall asleep I woke early thinking I was in a swimming pool in Spain!. No such luck, the amount of rain meant my tent leaked. Getting to Brush mountain lodge after waking up wet was like arriving at an oasis. Kristin, the host totally makes the place, it’s so chilled sitting on the veranda with a cold soda, chatting chains, seats and tyres! The following day I arrived in Steamboat. An amazing, buzzing little ski town, so beautiful I decide to take a zero day and really enjoy it. After the morning reading by the river, I visited the spa for a well needed manicure and pedicure, then off to the hot springs for a soak and a massage. (My idea of a day off!) Whilst walking through town to the Hot-springs, I noticed a sign saying free line dancing classes that night. Why not I thought to myself, when in Rome! Fully fresh and feeling like a new woman I headed to the bar. It’s an odd feeling going into a bar alone as a single woman, but I really fancied the line dancing. As soon as I entered and people heard the British accent and I soon made some new friends, lots of cowboys and girls. The atmosphere was amazing. It was 1am before the dancing stopped and the bar threw the remaining few of us out. Spending the night being swung round, and dancing with heel kicking, Stetson wearing, tall cowboys was so much fun. Was it because that day I had made the conscious decision to let go and move on, or was it the pamper day, personally I believe if you feel good then your exude confidence, so perhaps a combination of both. Either way I haven’t laughed like that in a long time. Enjoy the video….. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 25

      Day 20 comments

      2 lipca 2019, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Can't believe I've been riding for 20 days now. I suppose it's become a way of life now....

      From my camp site to Clark was a pleasant ride mostly downhill and after Clark tar road to Steamboat springs. I got some clothes and groceries.

      Somewhere is Steamboat springs I bashed my knee and am now struggling to pedal. I passed Stagecoach Lake, very pretty, maybe my favorite views soon.

      Pushed up half way up Lynx pass and camped. Only about 110km for the day. I've seen a number of dead snakes in the road, but today was the first day I saw a live snake.
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    • Dzień 146

      37.Tag CDT Colorado

      23 sierpnia 2021, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Montag der 23.7.2021

      Der letzte Tag den ich komplett in Colorado verbringen werde. Herrlich geschlafen hab ich im frischen Hotelbett. Morgens konnte ich mir einen Kaffee mit der Zimmereigenen Maschine machen. Zum Frühstück gab es Flakes mit Rosinen und einen Cake-Donut. Später dann noch etwas Huhn vom Vorabend.
      Gegen halb zehn saß ich dann im Bus, welcher mich durch die Stadt wieder zu dem Punkt bringen sollte, an welchem ich am gestrigen Tag in den Bus gestiegen bin. Ich machte auf dem Weg aber noch Stopp bei einem anderen Outdoor Shop. Mit meinem kleinen Messer hatte ich die verbleibende kunststoffspitze abgeschnitten und wollte hier nun doch nochmal mein Glück versuchen. Leider konnte auch hier mir nicht geholfen werden, obwohl man das wohl gern getan hätte.
      Als ich auf den nächsten Bus wartete, kamen zwei junge Typen vorbei die offensichtlich auch hiker waren. Klar, Sobo. Kleiner smalltalk und ich hatte richtig geraten, sie suchten nur nach einem Platz zum frühstücken und wollten dann wieder auf den Trail. Unsere Bedürfnisse und Verhaltensweisen sind ziemlich offensichtlich, da so grundlegend.
      An der Haltestelle begann dann direkt mein roadwalk. Es waren zwar noch so für zwei Meilen Bürgersteige da, aber dann hörte es abrupt auf und es hab nichts mehr. Das ist das anstrengendste für mich beim Straße gehen. Immer aufmerksam sein und aus dem Weg hüpfen, damit man nicht stirbt. Dass die Belastung für die Füße und sehnen dann immer die selbe ist, ist natürlich auch sehr fordernd.
      Nach 16 Meilen kam ich in Clark an. Dort gab es einen Laden der auch warmes Essen verkaufte. Mir wurde in den höchsten Tönen davon berichtet, leider war die Küche schon zu und die Auswahl an fertigen Speisen nichts so toll. Hab trotzdem ne Menge Geld ausgegeben und auch ein Bier mit eingepackt.
      Das hab ich dann nochmal 14 Meilen weitergetragen und dann noch nicht mal getrunken. Ich konnte nämlich anderes Bier trinken 😄
      Um 19:15 Uhr war ich von meine ziel, der Forest service road 550 nurnoch wenige hundert Meter entfernt. Da hielt auf der nun wenig befahrenen Straße ein schwarzer pickup mit großen Anhänger und der Fahrer fragte ob ich die Umleitung zurück zum Trail gehe. „Ja“, antwortete ich. Nächste Frage „ob ich ein Bier möchte?“ „JA!“
      Dann fragte Kyle wie weit ich heute noch gehen will. Ich sagte ihm dass ich nurnoch den Highway auf die FSR550 verlassen will und dann dort mein Zelt aufbaue. Er sagte mir dass es nurnoch ne 1/4 Meile sei und er in einer halben Stunde dahin kommt, es gibt Burger.
      Das alles wohlbemerkt ohne große Mimik. Sehr cool 😎
      Ich war nicht so cool und riss die Arme in die Höhe. Das kleine Fläschchen corona 0,33l zog ich in zwei Sätzen weg. Hatte die ganze Zeit wenig getrunken, da hier kein Wasser floss.
      Hab dann eine Stelle fürs Zelt gesucht und gefunden, schnell aufgebaut und zurück zur Straße. Nach zehn Minuten kam Kyle dann mit seinem 4x4 side by side vehicle, Schwiegermutter und beiden Hunden von seinem Haus heruntergefahren. Die Hunde hatte ich schon gehört, gut dass sie mich jetzt mal riechen konnten, somit sind sie in der Nacht hoffentlich still.
      Die beiden gaben mir die Schachtel mit Rippchen, Hacksteak, Brokkoli, Kartoffelbrei, und selbstgebackenem Brot mit Butter drauf. Dazu noch zwei Dosen Pale Ale Bier und zwei Streifen Haushaltspapier. Toll, Klopapier hab ich wirklich noch gebraucht 😄
      Sie sagten dass das Hacksteak etwas trocken sein könnte, da das auch von gestern sei. Ich sagte aber dass das Zeug welches ich esse, immer irgendwie trocken ist und das noch nicht mal das größte Problem damit sei. Für den Müll hab ich nun eine Tüte die ich morgen früh ans Straßenschild hänge Kyle holts dann ab.
      Trail magic, aber so richtig!!!!!
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    • Dzień 147

      36.Tag CDT Colorado

      24 sierpnia 2021, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Sonntag der 24.8.2021

      Die Nacht war unruhig. Ziemlich bald nach dem einschlafen kam starker Wind auf der in Böen immer mal wieder das Zelt durchschüttelte. Erstmals war ich da nach zwei Stunden wieder wach und dann gefühlt im Stundentakt.
      Dementsprechend war ich morgens nicht so wirklich ausgeruht.
      Der Tag begann natürlich da, wo der Vortag aufgehört hat. Dirtroad. 13 Meilen und dann Highway 14 für ca. 9 Meilen. Da letzterer recht gut befahren war, aber keinen seitenstreifen hatte, entschied ich mich ziemlich bald dazu, zu hitchen. Zwei Stunden dauerte es bis ich von einem älteren Ehepaar mitgenommen wurde. Dieses hatte ihren 50. Hochzeitstag und wollte was besonderes machen. Das besondere war eine große Ausfahrt durch die Berge. Sie nahmen mich nicht nur das Stück auf dem Highway 14 mit, sondern auch das Stück auf dem Highway 40 bis nach steamboat springs. Eine echt lange Strecke, gut dass ich die nicht versucht hab zu gehen. Wir waren bestimmt eine halbe Stunde oder mehr unterwegs. Die beiden waren dann insgesamt vier Stunden bis hierher gefahren.
      Sie setzten mich beim örtlichen Walmart ab und ich bedankte mich ganz herzlich bei ihm, sie war am Telefon mit ihren Sohn, welcher zum Ehrentag gratulieren wollte.
      Der Walmart war kein supercenter und ich kam auf der extrem begrenzten essensauswahl nicht so ganz klar. Hatte aber gesehen dass gegenüber der CityMarket ist. Dort war alles besser und ich konnte sogar frisches Gebäck kaufen. Also donuts 😄
      Brot ist hier irgendwie nie frisch, sondern immer weich. Sogar die Baguettes die es hier gab. Barbaren.
      Ich wiederhole mich wieder und wieder. Im Verhalten, wie auch mit meinen Beschreibungen. Zu viel Essen. Passte alles kaum in den Rucksack. Dann war mir das Bier im CityMarket noch zu teuer und ich bin nebenan in den licor Store. Da gabs Pils!!! Zwar nen belgisches, aber wie wir wissen, sind die Farben ja die gleichen, nur anders. Tja, das Pils gabs aber nur im 0,5 L sixpack. Da ich jetzt mein Hähnchen essen wollte, es aber hier nichts zum sitzen gab, bummelte ich mit Sack und pack wieder rüber zum Walmart auf die Bank am Ausgang. Während ich da so saß und aß, fuhr ein Auto vor und einem alten Mann wurde beim aussteigen geholfen. Ich tippe mal auf mindestens 85 Jahre alt. Der Mann ging mit einem rollator und fragte mich, ob er denn für den Laden ne Maske aufsetzen muss. Nein, antwortete ich ihm. So fragte er mich, ob ich den cdt wandere. Meine Antwort war ja, aber er überging das sehr schnell und sagte nur „gut für mich“. Er sei früher auch mit seiner Frau gewandert. Sie waren am K2 und an der Ostseite des Everest, dort wo keiner hingeht. Aber jetzt ist seine Frau tot und er kann kaum noch gehen. Er wünschte mir noch viel Vergnügen und ging in den Walmart. Krass, dachte ich mir. Mal eben so die Abhandlung seines Seins mit Schicksalsschlägen. Das werde ich wohl so schnell nicht vergessen.
      Nach dem Mahl machte ich mich auf dem Weg zu den örtlichen Sportgeschäften. Eins war direkt hier, ein anderes etwas die Straße runter. Niemand konnte mir helfen. Die Spitze meines einen Trekking Stocks ist abgebrochen und ich hab’s nicht gemerkt und das kunststoffstück bis auf den Aluminiumstab abgebraucht.
      Ich ging noch etwa zwei Meilen die Hauptstraße entlang und war immer noch nicht aus dem Ort. Da dachte ich mir, dass es sicherlich schwer wird einen Platz zum Zelten zu finden, wenn sich das noch so zieht. Ein Trailangle der eine Unterkunft anbot, meldete sich nicht, somit entschied ich mit dem kostenlosen Bus wieder komplett zurück zu fahren und zum günstigsten Hotel am Ort zu gehen. 84$ waren es hier dann letztendlich. Sehr schön mal wieder allein für sich zu sein. Hatte ich lange nicht mehr.
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    • Dzień 24


      1 lipca 2019, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      As far as I know my first time over 3000m (with feet still on the ground).

      Dropped down to 2800m to camp, which was the first campsite I saw below the snow. I really enjoyed the campsite. It was just a nice open space with no amenities but it I suddenly realized how much I was enjoying the camping experience. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 18

      Coldest NYE (& Kentucky F****ed Chicken)

      31 grudnia 2018, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ☁️ -13 °C

      Today we went downtown to the ice arena and went on the ice bumper cars and then ice skating. The ice bumper cars were a lot of fun. We had about 20 minutes on them. I just kept spinning around and was a target for other little kids. With the ice skating I stuck with the thing that helps you stay upright. Kellie had done it a few times before so she didn't need help and Brodie was on his own two feet by the end. It was hard work and worn out by the end. We were lucky as it was morning so it wasn't too busy. After, we walked down to our favourite coffee bookshop for a much needed hot drink. It was very cold here today, there is a cold front going through US. It was snowing in Denver today. We had a look around the shops and then headed back to our accommodation. We really are not having a good run with the on-call shuttle, but we eventually got back. We had some lunch and rested before heading to the mountain for the torch light parade and fireworks at 5.30pm. We literally froze down there it was so cold. The torch light parade is a group of skiers coming down the mountain holding red torches. Then the fireworks went off. By this stage it was lightly snowing. The weather said it was -14 but felt like -22 and we totally agreed with that. Straight after we headed into a warm shop to thaw out. Then we caught a bus to the cinema, but needed a bite to eat before the movie. KFC was close by so we went there for tea. As we walk out the door it said "please call again". No thank you, it's not like our KFC. I had a burger it was dry and only had a few pickles on it. Kellie had chicken tenders and Brodie had popcorn chicken it all looked dry. They only had wedges no chips. Kellie had a scone looking thing with hers, but tasted like flour and water. It filled a hole, but would never eat KFC again in the US. Kids added to the title of this footprint. After our scrumptious tea we walked over to the cinema and watched Aquaman, which we all enjoyed. Home by 11pm, don't think I will see the new year in. Happy New Year everyone. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 17

      A Quiet Day

      30 grudnia 2018, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ 🌫 -5 °C

      First time we didn't have to get up for something. Our bodies needed a rest after all the physical activities we had done. We thought we would go into downtown in the morning, as Kellie & I saw a gift for Sophie as Brodie wants to take something back for her. Then the cinema in the afternoon & grab a few things on the way home. We were jinxed by shuttles today. We just missed the last morning mountain loop run. So we walked down to the bus and caught that into town. Went to the shop and they had sold 2 of the gifts that we had picked out. So we caught the bus back, our hotel shuttle wasn't back on call yet so we had to walk up the hill. We made some lunch and headed out to the cinema. The shuttle was on call by now so we requested one. It never showed up for 45 minutes. Should only have to wait 20 minutes at the most. So we missed the movie. We went back to our room and packed our bathers and went back into downtown to the hot springs. Couldn't really imagine stripping our layers to get into bathers. Bathers on we venture outside to the hot springs. You get hit by steamy cold air, you don't take long to get into the pool. It was like warm bath water. It was heavily chlorinated, the only thing we didn't like every now then you would see a gooshie, it was like running away from a jellyfish. There were little hot spa pools, but they were really warm, one had a waterfall going down the rocks which was a really nice massage. It's what our bodies needed. You can't help but get your hair wet and then it felt like it had icicles in it. It wasn't too bad to get out just really hard to get all your layers back on. Kellie took a few sneaky photos for me, so you can get an idea of the hot springs and the snow. It did start to snow at the end. We caught the bus back to do a bit of shopping. Once again we just missed our bus so we had to wait for 10 minutes until the next one. Then we just missed our hotel shuttle, it really wasn't our day. It is so pretty here at night with all the Christmas lights. We haven't been out much at night time, but would love to drive around at night and have a look. We were home by 5pm, always seems later as it's getting dark at 4.30pm. Day didn't go as planned, but still enjoyed the hot springs and the much needed rest. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 12

      Christmas Day in the USA

      25 grudnia 2018, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ☁️ -1 °C

      I am glad people are wishing us a Merry Christmas as it doesn't feel like it. Things seem to go on like a normal day here. Had to meet down at the ski area for our gourmet snow shoe tour. Not sure where to meet, but everyone super helpful and we found it. Caught the gondola up the mountain, wow what a long way up. Snow shoes on we set off, keeping out of the way of skiers & snow boarders. To start with it felt like walking with a carrot up your bum. Doesn't take long to get the hang of it. Mostly away from skiers but often you cross their runs. You always had to be on the look out for snow boarders as they can come out anywhere. Amy and Audrey were great guides and company. Audrey has been to Australia and had even been to Adelaide & Wilpena Pound. Lots of interesting information along the way. Learnt about the wildlife here and because it is a National Park they will shut runs down if there are animals around. The bears get into their cars, bins and garages. They go for Subaru's as they seem to be the easiest. You can't put their garbage out until just before the truck comes. I'm not sure if they don't lock their cars, was going to ask about that one, but forgot. We had a lovely buffet lunch, and I had a good coffee for the first time. We ate too much as you always do with a buffet. We could have done more snow walking as we didn't have to return them until 4pm. Kellie isn't well so we went straight back down and back to our accommodation and rested. I am still getting altitude headaches. Trying to drink lots of water as this is the best way to combat it. Hopefully it goes soon. We opened our presents, which was nice to see what we picked out for each other. We had Chicken Parma for tea as that's what the kids were craving. It was good to have something familiar to us, plus fresh salad, it was a hit. Another early night in store. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 15

      A Lot of Legs of Today

      28 grudnia 2018, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ⛅ -16 °C

      Today we were picked up from our accommodation and headed out to do a bit of dog sledding. We picked up another couple, who were friendly and chatted to us on the way. It took about an hour to get to our destination and as there wasn't any toilets at the dog sledding, we stopped in a small town at a bakery. Amazing homemade food, we bought a quick snack and we were on our way again. Once again the scenery was beautiful, but it was hard to see as the windows were frozen. We arrived with the dogs looking at us. We were greeted by Sarah who took us into a heated hut, to put boots on and run through the rules and instructions. It was a bit hard to fit in the hut as there were a few dogs in there. I noticed Sarah was pregnant, later I found out she is due end of January. We weng outside for more instructions, getting a bit nervous as we are controlling the dogs and how will I remember all the actions and commands. Kellie & Brodie went together and I went with a guide, that made me feel a bit better. We helped harness the dogs and hook them up. We weren't allowed to use our phones as our focus had to be 100% on the dogs. Hence no photos, but I had purchased the photo package as they take photos along the way. There were 5 instructors, so the first couple of hundred metres you had a guide on the back with you, then we stopped and they hopped off. Mine hopped into the passenger seat, but the others ride ahead on a snowmobile taking photos and making sure everything is going ok. Brodie drove first and later they swapped. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be and it was really enjoyable. We stopped half through at their camp. We went inside a tent like structure which had a fire going and had a hot drink and homemade biscuits. I think we had at least 6 dogs in with us, while she was putting marshmallows into the hot chocolate they were nearly eating them out off the cup so she sprinkled some onto the floor for them. I asked how some were allowed off the leash and others not. The only ones that don't run home get warmth and marshmallows. We taught them a bit of Aussie lingo along the way, which was funny as you forget where you are. I didn't think my fingertips would ever thaw out but they did. It was a long drop toilet stop as well. We had a few photos with the dogs, and the dogs know the routine as about 6 dogs hopped up on the sled so we could have our photos done. I opted to be a passenger on the way down as it is tiring and wanted to experience being a passenger and look around. I was able to catch glimpses of Kellie driving the sled. Should have got my phone out but way too cold. In no time we were back at the base. Back into our boots, you usually have a chance to feed the dogs but we were running a bit late. Sarah gave us all a hug goodbye and it was really sad to say goodbye to the dogs. Sarah's husband Craig heard us say we would like to take one home. He promptly told us they have some up for adoption. These dogs are rescue dogs who haven't made it as a racing dogs or are too old for racing, but they still love to run. I think this will be our highlight of our trip- a truly unique experience. I am glad I chose Snow Buddies because they truly love their dogs. We got back about 2pm, grabbed some supplies for lunch and caught our hotel shuttle back. Rested for the rest of the day. I would do dog sledding again tomorrow, we all really loved this experience. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 14

      Four Legs Today

      27 grudnia 2018, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ⛅ -14 °C

      This morning we went on a 2hr winter horse ride. We had to catch our hotel shuttle down to the ski drop off to meet our shuttle. We were on the shuttle with a couple of guys we had talked to previously. They started talking about their Snowmobiling that they had done yesterday, but a different place. We talked about our experiences and had a laugh as one of the guys ended up in the soft snow as well. The other family on the shuttle was doing it tomorrow, don't know if the mum is looking forward to it now. We are now early for everything now, and was a lot colder today, plus it was snowing. We went and took shelter in the bus stop shelter which was heated. When booking our activities I made sure it was in different areas around Steamboat Springs. It was nearly an hour out to the ranch but the scenery was beautiful. They made sure we were warm enough, Brodie & I opted for their boots. They matched us up with horses, which took time as we were with our families then they match rider to horses and what horses are better together. Because Kellie rides she was matched with a horse who only likes females and someone who knows how to sit in a saddle. I think I had the biggest but the gentlest that's why she picked him for me. We had a few instructions on steering, stopping or if the horse gets spooked. I thought oh shit I have to control the horse, but once in line they just follow each other thank goodness. We went up, down and around mountains and the views were spectacular. About 1/2 way into the ride the sun came out, it added a bit of warmth and with the snow glistening in the sun, it was breathtaking. Along the way there were lots of different animal tracks. We didn't see any wildlife which was disappointing, but the same time I didn't want my horse to spook. Once again they mention bears, mountain lions, coyotes, elk & moose. At one part of the trail the pointed out bear claw scratch marks on the tree. One tree had fresh claw marks on it, I hoped the guide had a rifle under his big coat. It was too hard to take photos and we only stopped once. The last 1/2 of the ride my butt and hips had enough. Didn't know how my hips were going to unlock when it came time to hop off. The yards were a good sight even though I thoroughly enjoyed the ride. A cup of hot chocolate & a bickie on the shuttle back into Steamboat Springs. We all really enjoyed the ride, would I do it again YES. We caught our hotel shuttle back and had lunch. Then Kellie and I went into downtown to return a shirt and pick up few other things. We now worked out how to avoid walking up hill to our accommodation. Catch the bus to ski area then catch hotel shuttle. It was freezing at the Ski area then the wind picked up, it was chilling. Managed to find a bread that had a bit less sugar, so Vegemite and toast tasted good this morning. It was like finding a needle in a haystack. We are now eating mostly in our accommodation and it's a lot better.
      Another good day but a muscle sore from Snowmobiling and horse riding.
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