United States
Scissors Crossing

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    • Day 11

      PCT 2023 - Day 9 - Snooze day!

      April 25, 2023 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      The one with long siesta!

      📍 Location: MM 80.4 to MM 94.4

      🏔️ Elevation: 4297 ft
      🥾 I actually walked: 14 miles
      💰 Money: None spent but I’ve had some donations (thank you)
      ⛑️ Health: My left foot is clearing up nicely. The key is to try and keep it clean which is difficult in the desert. My shoulder and back aches with the extra water we are carrying (5 litres!).

      ☀️ Weather: Frigging hot. 36 degrees so we took a siesta. It’s too hot to hike.

      🍲 Food: Had the second part of that breakfast burrito from yesterday for breakfast, with a coffee. Then tortilla for lunch. I cooked Mac & cheese for dinner which was surprisingly good!

      💤 Sleep: I’m not sleeping at all well. My slowing pad is super warm and I just sweat all night. I’m seriously considering buying a new pad and shipping this one forward to the snow section.

      🐍 Snake count: 4! We saw another one today but not a dangerous one. This was quite cute!

      👨 People update: Hiking with DinkyDi, Amber and Harry. We are calling ourselves “snake patrol” 😂

      When cooking max and cheese, you have to continually sit the pasta or it burns the bottom of the pot!


      🤕 4.30am - Ouch! I’ve got my headlamp on as I’m packing Ip but didn’t see the cactus. A spike went straight through my shoe and into the side of my foot. My swearing woke up the rest of the camp. Oh well, they needed to get up anyway as we have hiking to do! We want to avoid the heat of the day and those horrible rattle snakes.

      🥾 5.30am. All set! 12 miles to do. Let’s get this shit done! Headlamps set to red mode.

      🤫 8.10 first break. Everyone is very quiet this morning and the chatter is very low key. It’s mentally exhausting looking for snakes.

      🌱 9.20 DinkyDi points out a plant that is safe and we all run it and smell our fingers. Nice!

      👋 10.21 - Look at that! Someone has made a sign from stones saying “90 miles”. Have I really walked 90 miles already. That’s awesome.
      The walking is slow and hot today. The super bloom in this area is amazing and today it was mainly white and purple flowers. We still have the most spectacular views but most of my day is looking at my feet! I must remember to look up and take in my surroundings more. Military Helicopters are flying over and they are very low. The noise seems so loud when all you have listened to is nature.

      I’m petrified of every bush and rock as we hike. I’m not wearing headphones as I need to listen out for those rattles.

      💦 11.30 - We made it to the third gate water cache. It’s a traipse down a long hill but some kind some has put gallons and gallons of water here for the hikers. We fill up, leave a donation in the pot and hike back up the hill. Siesta time! We eat lunch under a tree and put the world to right before closing my eyes and catching a few more hours of sleep. We stayed there until 4pm!

      🥾 4.10 - Packed up, our little snake patrol sets off again. Our goal is to hike 4 miles and then set up camp.

      🏕️ 17.04 - Made it! I have a cute little spot which is protected by the wind. I don’t have the energy to socialise so just cook dinner and then get into my tent to watch some Netflix. Editing videos and blogs am a wait for another day. For now, I just need to rest. I’m rather tired.

      Thanks for listening to my rambles.
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    • Day 67

      Auf dem Weg nach Warner Springs

      April 1 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Tag 10
      Nach Früstück und Packen geht es nun endlich weiter!
      Auf dem Weg zur Strasse treffe ich
      Jeanette(Amerikanerin), Jonas (Schweizer), Juliane(Brandenburg) und Lucky Mike(Amerikaner).
      Nach wenigen hundert Metern an der Strasse entlang wendet ein Auto. Eine alte Frau mit ausgeprägtem Damenbart nimmt uns 3 (Juliane Mike und mich) mit. Ihr Auto ist ziemlich zugemüllt. Sie fährt uns bis Scissors Crossing.
      Wir wandern ein paar Minuten an der Straße entlang, dann zweigt der PCT ab. Der Weg schlängelt sich durch die Felslandschaft bergauf. Parallel zur Strasse S2 , welche durch ein breites Valley führt.
      Unterwegs überhole ich Bratt und Amanda. Sie begrüßen mich schon von weitem.

      Gegen 14. 30 Uhr erreichen Jonas und ich unser Ziel, den Wassercache mit Tentsite bei Mi 91,2.
      Die anderen folgen ca 2 h Später.
      Wir hohlen ein paar 100 m abwärts unser Wasser (Steht in großen Gallonen-Kanistern bereit).
      Nach dem Abendessen sitzen wir noch zusammen und unterhalten uns. Später spielen wir noch Domino.

      Mi 77,3 bis mi 91,2
      6h 20 Minuten gelaufen, 15,25 mi
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    • Day 6–7

      Tag 6: Julian

      April 29 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Ein ehemaliger GoldrushOort, der sich zu einem Apfelgebiet (wie im Thurgau) entwickelt hat. Apple-Pie und Apple-Cider sind hier nun die Hauptattraktion.
      Wir übernachten im Goldrush-Hotel (1897).
      Wäsche waschen, Körper schrubben mit einem extra dafür erworbenen Waschhandschuh 🤪😄.
      Am Abend noch die FarOut-App mit Robin und Markus geteilt.
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    • Day 147


      December 8, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      4.5 miles into Julian, our last town. Got a hitch in and stopped at Mom’s for our free slice of pie when you show your PCT permit. Apple pie with a slice of sharp cheddar cheese — I saved the last couple slices of cheese from this section to put on my pie but luckily they had cheese on their menuRead more

    • Day 4

      Day 4

      April 14 in the United States ⋅ 🌬 12 °C

      Started off bright and early and hiked 5 miles into Mount Laguna just in time for the Pine Lodge to open at 9. Sam Charlotte and I ate with the other bigger fam for breakfast.

      We had grand plans to go another 15 miles which the weather did not agree with. It started to get a bit blustery, then downright windy. Just around the 50 mile mark, we hiked up into a cloud so it got misty and then fully rainy. We decided to camp earlier as it was starting to get quite cold. Working together against the wind we put our three tents up. Mine needed to be moved because the ground was so soft my stakes kept coming out even with rocks on top.

      Tragically had about 10 pepperoni for dinner as it was just too crappy to leave the tent to boil water.

      Camped at 57.2.
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    • Day 6

      Day 6

      April 16 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      Woke up to a beautiful sunrise view today! Cowboying was successful but Charlotte and I had a bit of condensation on our quilts. I think it is to do with the material and the high loft. My ground sheet was also quite wet on the bottom.

      We had a leisurely first breakfast at camp with hot coffee, then we hiked 6 miles in the cool morning air to Scissor Crossing. Quick hitches got us to Julian, CA. Leo and I took the first one and Sam and Charlotte took the second.

      Leo knew some people who stayed at the lodge in Julian the night before, and they let us shower before they had to check out.

      From there we went to Moms pies for our free slice, and then bopped around town, one shop had testers of body lotion and spray which made our cloths smell slightly better😂 I got a necklace with little pine trees there.

      We hit the little grocery store and did what we could to resupply. I probably didn’t need to buy any food but did anyway. Then we hit a vegan cafe that Sam wanted to try for mushroom tacos and salads.

      We tried for the better part of an hour to hitch back to Scissor crossing but gave up and not for lack of cars. We ended up on the 5pm shuttle with Professor.

      We ran into the extended trail fam under the overpass and took off before them. We hiked 2.1 and are camping at 79.4. Too many bugs to cow boy so we are all squeezed into a tiny valley in our tents.
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