Verenigde Staten
Seward Waterfront Park

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    • Dag 3


      28 augustus 2023, Verenigde Staten ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      Im strömenden Regen haben wir die erste Fahrt mit unserem Motorhome nach Seward gemacht. Vorher Küchenausstattung bei Walmart gekauft- was ein Akt, 3 wertvolle Stunden unseres Urlaubs dahin. Wir haben sogar eine Kaffeemaschine gekauft.Da es Katzen und Hunde geregnet hat, ist der Regen auch gleich mal durch die Deckenleuchte ins Womo eingebrochen. Auch am nächsten Tag Regen, Regen ☔️ Founders Monument- Besuch des Alaska Sealife Center. Das war ein netter Zeitvertreib.Meer informatie

    • Dag 15


      14 juli 2019, Verenigde Staten ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      In Seward entscheiden wir uns trotz des leider sehr schlechten Wetters für eine 5stündige Schifffahrt zum Aialik Glacier. Es hat sich wirklich gelohnt! Am Glacier angekommen haben wir das Glück diesen kalben zu sehen und das Eis knacken zu hören. Ein tolles Naturereignis! Unterwegs gab es noch Seelöwen und Seeotter zu sehen. Wale haben sich leider nicht sehen lassen, denen hat es sicher zuviel geregnet...Unser Campground liegt direkt am Wasser in der Ressurrection Bay, umgeben von schneebedeckten Bergen. Bei tollem Wetter ein absoluter Traum!Meer informatie

    • Dag 44

      Tschüss Kanada, Hallo Alaska zum 4.

      23 mei 2019, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Nun ist es doch einige Tage her seit wir das erste mal den Boden von Alaska betraten.
      In der Zwischenzeit sind wir noch zwei weitere Male in Alaska (Skagway und Haines) gewesen und haben nun den vierten Grenzübertritt (bei Beaver Creek) hinter uns - diesmal nun aber für mehrere Tage.

      Nach Stewart machten wir uns auf dem Steward - Cassiar Hwy auf nach Norden. Nach dem Besuch im Schilderwald bei Watson Lake führte uns der Alaska Hwy ein kurzes Stück weiter bis wir in Richtung Klondike Hwy mit dem Ziel Skagway abbogen. Uns gefiel dieses Dorf so sehr, dass wir insgesamt 3 Nächte blieben.

      In Whitehorse konnten wir nach längerer Zeit ein wenig "Stadtluft" schnuppern und unsere Vorräte auffüllen.
      Der Haines Hwy brachte uns nach Haines - Luftlinie von Skagway nur wenige km entfernt, auf dem Landweg einige 100km - und wir sind diese natürlich mit dem Auto gefahren ;-)

      Ein Besuch von Juneau durfte natürlich nicht fehlen: Die Hauptstadt von Alaska ist nur mittels Schiff oder Flugzeug zu erreichen.

      Der Alaska Hwy führte uns anschliessend weiter Richtung Norden, immer mit dem Ziel Alaska.

      Wir beide waren sprachlos ab der grossen Eisfläche und Gletscherlandschaft, die sich vor unserem kleinen Flugzeug präsentierte: Der Zwischenstopp und Rundflug in den Kluane National Park hat sich definitiv gelohnt.

      4 Tage später schreiben wir nun diese Zeilen in Seward, Alaska - nachdem wir die geplante Schiffstour zu den Kenaj Fords aufgrund stürmischer See auf morgen umbuchten.
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    • Dag 3

      More on Seward

      18 mei 2018, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      The city of Seward was named for President Lincoln's Secretary of State, William Henry Seward, the man who negotiated the Purchase of Alaska from Russia in 1867. It was a gold rush city in he late 1800's. The Iditarod National Historical Trail begins in Seward tracing the mail route that led to the gold strikes. The Port of Seward was the northern-most ice-free port and served as the southern terminus of the Alaska Railroad, a supply line for the WWII effort.

      Resurrection Bay was created by millions of years of glacial activity and extends 35 miles north and south on the southeastern coast of the Kenai Peninsula. The Bay remains ice free in winter. We saw a few sea otters in the bay from our camp site. Humpbacks and orcas as well as migrating gray whales can be spotted in the Bay Area.

      The last photo was taken at 10:30 PM! It's still light enough to read a book with no problem.
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    • Dag 4

      Kenai Fjords wildlife and scenery

      19 mei 2018, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Even though we could not make it to the ice glaciers our captain made sure we saw plenty of wildlife. We spotted bald eagles, hump back whales, stellar sea lions, common murres, sea otters, harbor seals, orca whales, mountain goats and Dall's porpoise. The are 191 species of birds in the Kenai Fjords National Park. You need to be quick when taking pictures of the wildlife. Instead of whale watching our captain called it whale waiting! Pictures 1 and 2 are of a humpback whale. They migrate to Hawaii or California after feeding on fish and animals in Alaska.Meer informatie

    • Dag 3

      On to Seward, Alaska!

      18 mei 2018, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      This morning we left Anchorage under rainy skies to head south to Seward - about 125 miles. We drove Ak1 to AK9. For most of the trip we went through the Chugach National Forest. As we left the National Forest and in to the Kenai peninsula we saw snow in the trees along the highway. Despite the rain the scenery is awesome! Once we got closer to Seward to rained stopped and the sun even peaked out. We went through towns called Girdwood and Moose Pass. Two cruise ships were in port today - a Celebrity ship and a Norwegian Cruise line ship. We are staying at the Seward Waterfront Park which is run by the city's parks and recreation department. It is right on the water with a view of Resurrection Bay and mountains all around us. This area is all part of the Kenai Fjords. After camp was set up we walked around town which is a short walk away. There is also a festival tomorrow called the Mermaid Festival. We made a camp fire and roasted marshmallows and sat around the fire admiring the views which are spectacular!! The light rain held off until around dinner time but it doesn't seem to stop people from walking around. Temperature is in the high 40's.Meer informatie

    • Dag 4

      More on Seward and the Kenai Fjords

      19 mei 2018, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Seward was one of the towns most devastated by the Alaska earthquake of March 27, 1964. The greater part of Seward is built on an alluvial fan-delta near the head of Resurrection Bay on the southeast coast of the Kenai Peninsula. It is one of the few ports in south-central Alaska that is ice free all year, and the town’s economy is almost entirely dependent upon its port facilities.

      The Alaska earthquake of March 27, 1964, magnitude approximately 8.3–8.4, began at 6:36 p.m. Its epicenter was in the northern part of the Prince William Sound area; focal depth was 20–50 km.

      Strong ground motion at Seward lasted 3–4 minutes. During the shaking, a strip of land 50–400 feet wide along the Seward waterfront (where we are now camping) together with docks and other harbor facilities, slid into Resurrection Bay as a result of large-scale submarine landsliding. Fractures ruptured the ground for'severa1 hundred feet back from the landslide scarps. Seismic sea waves crashed onto shore; where runup was as much as 30 feet above mean lower low water and caused tremendous damage; fire from burning oil tanks added to the destruction. Damage from strong ground motion itself was comparatively minor.

      Eighty-six houses were totally destroyed and 260 were heavily damaged. The harbor facilities were almost completely destroyed, and the entire economic base of the town was wiped out. The total cost to replace the destroyed public and private facilities was estimated at $22 million. Anchorage which was 75 miles from the epicenter also sustained damage. The town of Girdwood, which we drove through from Anchorage was destroyed by subsidence and subsequent tidal action. Girdwood was relocated inland. About 20 miles of the Seward Highway sank below the high-water mark of Turnagain Arm; the highway and its bridges were raised and rebuilt.

      Today we took a boat tour of the Kenai Fjords National Parks. Unfortunately, due to the weather causing rough seas (swells of 4 feet or more) we were unable to go to 2 of the scheduled glaciers. We did, however, see lots of wildlife. We picked up the tour at the Seward harbor which is about a mile walk from the campground. We headed out from Resurrection Bay which at some points can be as deep as 1000 feet and the water temperature was 45 degrees. Our boat was 95 feet long with top speeds of 20 knots. It generally takes 1 hour to get to Gulf of Alaska.

      The park started as a national monument in 1978 and became a national park in 1980. It is 669,984 acres. The park contains the Harding Icefield, one of the largest ice fields in the United States. The park is named for the numerous fjords carved by glaciers moving down the mountains from the ice field. The field is the source of at least 38 glaciers, the largest of which is Bear Glacier which we saw from a distance before the clouds covered it. The fjords are glacial valleys that have been submerged below sea level by a combination of rising sea levels and land subsidence.

      Picture 4 is a view of our camp from the boat.
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    • Dag 4

      Kenai Fjords wildlife continues...

      19 mei 2018, Verenigde Staten ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

      Photo 4 is of the Steller Sea Lions. They are the largest member of the eared seal family and live here year-round. They hunt for fish at night and rest during the day. The white birds are called common murre. Photo 5 is an orca whale. The resident orcas travel in family groups called pods and hunt for fish using echolocation. Photo 10 is a sea otter. These are endangered in western Alaska and typically eat shellfish, octopus and crab. Their fur is very dense (up to one million hairs per square inch). The last two photos are photos of pictures from our camera. The are of mountain goats and a bald eagle.Meer informatie

    • Dag 69

      Plans Jiggled

      10 juli 2021, Verenigde Staten ⋅ 🌧 50 °F

      We have a ferry reservation out of Whittier on 13 July. So, the original plan was to arrive in the area on the 11th, spend a night in Portage and another in Whittier before getting on the ferry. But when we ended up driving from Valdez all the way to Portage on the 9th, those plans went by the wayside.

      Sure, we had plenty of ideas on how to spend the extra days in the area. The problem? They all required decent weather. So, as we were leaving the Begich-Boggs Visitor Center, we decided to head to Seward for three nights instead. After all, even if it continued to rain, there was at least one indoor activity we could do there. The downside was that we’d be driving the 80 miles back to take the ferry and then partway back to go to Homer after our ferry trip. The upside was that the new plan would free up our planned days in Seward and allow us to go somewhere new-to-us.

      So, we got back on the Portage Glacier Road and when we reached the Seward Highway, we turned south. It rained the entire way down to Seward. It rained when we stopped to switch our reservations. It rained as we set up in our temporary site at Resurrection South, one of the municipal campgrounds on the Seward Waterfront … temporary because there were no front-row sites available for tonight. No matter. We don’t have far to go when we move tomorrow.

      This place is little more than a parking lot, though the sites do have picnic tables and fire rings. There is one section of the campground that has W/E, but they’ve been reserved for quite some time, with no cancelations. So, we’re dry camping. To say that the sites are close-together would be an understatement. But we knew this when we decided this was where would be camping in Seward. It’s the waterfront location and its proximity to everything in town that drew us here. And that’s what we’re looking forward to for a few days starting tomorrow.
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    • Dag 70

      Moved from 458 to 481

      11 juli 2021, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☁️ 52 °F

      We woke up to an overcast morning with one small patch of blue in the sky. The wind was strong. No rain, though.

      Since the rig in the waterfront site that we were due to move into showed no indication of leaving until the 11:00a check-out time, we went for a wander around Seward, stopping at our favorite café — the Sea Bean — to pick up a lemon-basil croissant to share and an iced coffee for Mui. The place was hopping — as it seems everywhere around Seward is. Although we’re fully-vaccinated, we have taken to wearing our masks again in light of such crowds.

      By the time we came back around 10:45a, the “dance of the rigs” was well underway. It was obvious that we weren’t the only ones moving from the less desirable second or third row to the first row … with unobstructed views of Resurrection Bay. We’ll be in #481 for our remaining two nights in Seward.

      When we came to Seward in 2010 we had only recently purchased our Phaeton, the rig that we replaced with the Cruiser when we decided to settle down in Colorado Springs. At the time, we saw all the rigs parked along the waterfront and said that we would join them someday. Well, 11 years later, here we are.
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