United States
Terrapin Point

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    • Day 20

      Niagara Falls

      September 21, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      I left the decision of where we would go today to Ted, as I had organised most of the itinerary beforehand. There was the choice of Watkins Glen State Park, Albany, Niagara Falls or Buffalo. Ted chose Niagara Falls with a stop in Buffalo, which is actually on our way to Toronto Airport tomorrow, however we won’t have time to stop considering the driving distance, border crossing, rental car return and the Toronto traffic!

      After a good breakfast, we started our drive through to Niagara. The sad thing to see was how run-down the town of Niagara Falls is. We weren’t sure if it was an after effect from Covid or something else, but the town was dilapidated and depressing. It was very different to the memories I have of Niagara Falls from years ago.

      As we approached the Falls, we weren’t sure whereabouts to park until we noticed an area that offered parking for $10. We weren’t sure if it was legitimate, but the guy who took the money was wearing an official looking T-shirt, so we were hopeful! As we walked towards the Falls, we became stuck behind a tour group, which wasn’t as bad as it sounds because we got a free commentary as well!

      TBH, I hadn’t been that excited about seeing Niagara Falls, simply because I felt like we weren’t seeing anything new. I was wrong though - unbeknownst to us, there was also nearby Goat Island which offered a completely different perspective of the Falls. We took an unbelievable amount of photos, made easier by the obvious lack of tourists about. Another thing we noticed too was how much was closed, such as restaurants and souvenir shops.

      When we went to collect the car, we noticed that our $10 parking had now increased to $25 from then onwards, so fortunately we’d arrived at the right time! Ted was keen to see Buffalo on the way back where I had been during the winter of 1992. The traffic itself to get there was chaotic and to be honest, neither of us were impressed by the city. We parked the car and went to a sports bar for lunch but TBH, the city didn’t leave a pleasant lasting impression on us.

      Our trip back to the hotel took longer than planned, mainly because we got stuck behind a truck for so long! We noticed our room hadn’t been cleaned, and found out it is only cleaned every third day. That may be another sign of the labour shortage. For dinner, Ted bought some broccoli which, as unappealing as it sounds, was exactly what I felt like after days of unhealthy eating.

      Tomorrow we head to Hawaii but we clearly didn’t do our research before booking the flight: we wake up at 6:30am and drive to Toronto, to depart at 2pm for a five hour flight to Vancouver, then catch a connecting 6 hour flight to Honolulu. In other words, we arrive in Hawaii when it’s 3:30am here. Ugh. It’s going to be a long day.
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    • Day 119


      September 24, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Wir sind mit dem Bus ca. 1h von Buffalo bis Niagara Falls gefahren. Die Fahrt hat sich auf jedenfall gelohnt. Die Wassermassen und Ausblicke sind atemberaubend. Für ganze 1.25$ pro Person sind wir auf den Aussichtsturm gegangen, sodass wir auch den kanadischen Fall sehen konnten.
      Ich war vor knapp 10 Jahren auf der kanadischen Seite der Wasserfälle. Dort kann man beide Wasserfälle gleichzeitig gut sehen, jedoch hat man auf der amerikanischen Seite vielfältigste Blicke auf beide Wasserfälle. Da gefällt mir der amerikanische Blick besser.
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    • Day 32


      June 24, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Von Boston aus fahren wir Richtung Westen. Dort liegt eine wahre Touristenattraktion. Die Niagara Wasserfälle sind die wahrscheinlich bekanntesten Wasserfälle der Welt und ein sagenhaftes Naturschauspiel. Die herabstürzenden Wassermassen fließen im Niagara Fluss vom Eriesee zum Ontariosee. Beide Seen sind so unsagbar groß, dass sie einem eher wie ein Meer erscheinen. Die Fälle liegen genau auf der Landesgrenze zwischen Kanada und den USA. Wir fahren mit dem Wohnmobil auf der US-Seite auf eine kleine Halbinsel. Hier befindet sich ein Tagesparkplatz eigens für Busse und Wohnmobile. Das Wetter ist angenehm sommerlich und wir ergattern einen Parkplatz am Parkrand im Schatten eines Baumes. Wir packen den Kinderwagen mit Proviant voll und spazieren los. Das Wasser tobt regelrecht den Fluss entlang bis es schließlich an einem der zwei Felswände hinab stürzt und unten kraftvolle Wellen schlägt. Eine Klippe hat die Form eines 670 Meter langen und 57 Meter hohen Hufeisens, die andere ist schlicht 260 Meter lang und bis zu 34 Meter hoch. Wir schauen uns das Spektakel von verschiedenen Aussichtspunkten aus an und freuen uns gemeinsam mit vielen anderen Besuchern aus aller Welt. Unten fahren Ausflugsboote im Fluss bis an den Wasserfall heran. Die Gäste werden trotz ihrer Regenjacken sichtlich nass. Wir entschließen uns dazu noch über die Grenzbrücke auf die kanadische Seite zu spazieren. Dafür müssen wir den Grenzübergang durchlaufen und den erforderlichen administrativen Kram erledigen. Der Aufwand hat sich aber schließlich gelohnt, denn die Aussicht ist insbesondere durch die Nachmittagssonne, die das Wasser in den Regenbogenfarben erstrahlen lässt, großartig. Nach 6 Stunden kommen wir ermattet am Parkplatz an. Da das Übernachten hier nicht gestattet ist, essen wir noch gemütlich auf einer Picknickbank im Park und fahren anschließend zu einem nahegelegenen Übernachtungsplatz.Read more

    • Day 29

      Niagra Falls

      July 6, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Found a cool campground with some fun stuff for the boys. They made fast friends with lots of kids there and it was nice to just enjoy a really beautiful evening.

      Then went to Niagara Falls at night, and I admit I thought it was going to be a big waterfall, but it was truly spectacular.Read more

    • Day 6

      Day 6-July 25-Lockport to Niagara Falls

      Yesterday in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 73 °F

      Let's see if I can write the final episode of this blog on my phone while traveling back to Lancaster after our ride today.

      Today, we had a short, relatively flat ride of 30 miles with just one challenging hill. During the difficult climb, Kai, our “King of the Mountain” for the Blue Crew, caught up with the Swifties group and then stayed with them for the rest of the day. Great job, Kai!

      Upon arriving at Niagara Falls, we took a group photo and individual shots of everyone. After some sightseeing, Grace treated us to our final picnic lunch in Niagara Falls State Park.

      After packing the trailer with all the bikes and luggage, we began our long ride back to Lancaster.

      Reflecting on the trip, the boys were fantastic on so many levels. The ride leaders worked exceptionally well together to provide the youngsters with a marvelous adventure and a chance to grow and learn. Once again, I am always amazed by the Lifecycle organization, their leadership, and how well they support their volunteers.

      Within the next week I hope to clean up all my photography and make it available to all. If you would like access to the photography, please shoot me your email in a few days.

      Thanks for following the blog.

      Dale Johnson
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