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    • Day 16

      Disney, the adventure

      November 23, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Nach einem tollen Tag in der Welt von Universal ging es für uns heute nach Epcot, in einen der vielen verschiedenen Themenparks von Walt Disney World.
      Im Gegensatz zur "normalen" Disney Welt von Walt Disney bestimmen die Themen internationale Kultur und Innovationen die Welt von Epcot.
      Mit über 12,5 Millionen Besuchern jährlich gehört Epcot zu den am meisten besuchten Themenparks der Disney Kette.
      Neben einem interaktiven Raketenstart, einer Teststrecke von Chevrolet und einer Reise durch die Geschichte der Entwicklung des Menschen und seiner Technik, die wir im Future World Bereich des Parks miterleben konnten, besuchten wir im World Showcase Bereich die permanenten Ausstellungen verschiedener Nationen, darunter Frankreich, Marokko, Norwegen, das Vereinigte Königreich, Japan und China und nicht zu vergessen Deutschland.
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    • Day 35

      Disney Day 4 - EPCOT

      June 24, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Today we all woke up and got ready, jumped on the boat and headed to EPCOT. The boat was packed so we had to stand which was good so we could leave first. Epcot is cool as one of its drawcards is having different sections as different countries. We headed to grab coffee, I also grabbed a donut and we walked to the Frozen ride in Norway. The ride was super cute story ride with all the characters, the animatronics were awesome. Next we walked to Imagination Lab which was a ride about senses and imagination, it was cute and Jamie said it was an original ride which made sense.
      We then headed to finding Nemo which was a nice ride through the reef. You ended in the Disney marine conservation centre and we were all so excited to look at manatees. They were being fed lettuce for lunch. We walked through the shark and stingray exhibits as well which was fun. We headed to the food court next where we had our first drink of the day. The other thing with EPCOT is in the different countries they have different versions of alcoholic drinks so people "drink around the world". We went on soarin over the world which was a fun ride taking you over some of the world's wonders.
      Next we went to a ride inside the famous EPCOT ball which was the history through time and you got to make your own future. It was old school as well but very well done. Then we went on Test Track where you design your own car and ride a rollercoaster to "test" your car's capabilities. It was a fun coaster and absolutely hilarious watching our terrible looking car beat everyone else's. After that we went on a ride which Jamie was hesitant about, she was telling me that people complained because they get really sick after going on it. We entered the line and it split into "the intense ride" and the "less intense". The intense one spoke about how motion sick people get and how it spins... So we opted for the less intense. It also talked about confined dark spaces but I was thinking I'll be distracted during the ride so I'll be fine. It was exceptionally tight and confind which I was okay with temporarily. However, the ride was delayed, so we sat in the space for about 5 minutes. That's when the panic started for Jamie and I. I banged on the door but noone came, finally the ride started though and we were both fine. Definitely had a bit of exposure therapy for the old claustrophobia. The kids with us were laughing at how freaked out we were...

      Once we told Jensen of our tale, we walked to grab lunch. I had Poutine and Jamie and I had a honey wine as our second drink. We walked to the British pub as a homage to where we first met and all had a beer. We also took a picture and the worker who took it was from Newcastle in the UK which was a full circle moment! We enjoyed that, then headed to the Ratatouille ride in France. That was a cute ride through the kitchen. Then we headed for Guardians of the galaxy. We'd been lucky to get in the virtual queue but still had to wait a bit for the ride. It was an awesome rollercoaster that played music as you went through. I really enjoyed it, it was one of the top rides of the week. We then headed for Mexico as Jamie wanted us to try an avocado margarita. It was actually delicious and we had the best chips, queso and guacamole as well. We all bought cute little friendship bracelets and put them on as we sailed through a ride in Mexico. It had been the best day all together, we'd picked up where we left off and they are just awesome friends to have.
      We then had alcohol from china, I had a cherry blossom beer which I think was cherry syrup in a pilsner lol. Then we could hear a band playing music, turns out it was Simple Plan!! We were very confused but excited, that show was almost over but there was one later. So we grabbed another drink and had something to eat before hitting the next concert. It was so much fun, we didn't know many of the songs but the vibes were awesome. Next we grabbed some more food and drinks to watch the fireworks. The park closed but we kicked on.
      We went to the dance hall where they were playing various music videos and the dance floor was deadddd. We had another drink and hit the dance floor straight away. We had been drenched from the rain and I was in running shoes with a backpack on but we had the most fun. Slowly it got more full which was hilarious seeing all the different groups of humans on the dance floor. Then we went to karaoke, we didn't perform but sung along with some of the acts. Finally we walked back to the hotel, literally so happy.
      It was one of the best days, where I didn't stop smiling. We crammed so much into the day and had some fun surprises along the way. I'm so glad the girls came!!
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    • Day 16

      Ein Genuss für die Sinne

      November 23, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Neben den normalen Abenteuern Epcots, konnten wir im Park den letzten Tag des Food and Wine Festivals genießen. Über 20 Länder präsentieren sich seit September mit nationalen Speisen und Gerichten, sowie einer Auswahl leckerster Bier-, Wein und Cocktailsorten.
      Auch wir probierten uns durch die Gerichte der afrikanischen, irischen, karibischen, hawaiianischen und der indischen Küche. Und dieses Mal hatten die Amerikaner in der Auswahl der jeweiligen Speisengröße mitgedacht. Kleine Probierportionen ermöglichten den Genuss vieler verschiedener Gerichte.
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    • Day 38

      Perfect Disney Day

      January 16, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 3 °C

      Having hit the must dos it was now time to slow the pace... "just after this next genie plus hit, I promise!" Today we went to my favourite park, Animal Kingdom, and after the big three ticket items we did indeed turn it into a lovely, leisurely day. We had lunch at my favourite Disney eatery, Satu'li Canteen, then headed back to the Poly for a long siesta. I stacked a few Epcot Genie items from the hot tub then, at sunset, we jumped back on the monorail for our last park evening with the Berlees. Dinner was a snack "around the International Showcase" affair before we settled in for Harmonious and a bit of shopping. Lastly, we scored one last Cosmic Rewind spot for good measure so we went out with a bang.Read more

    • Day 37

      Epcot and Magic Kingdom

      January 15, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 7 °C

      This was our big day! All the big ticket items across the two parks with the exception of 7DMT. First stop: Test track - "sorry folks it's down"! Quick to Frozen Ever After! Heather's step counter kept prompting her to admit that she was taking part in some sort of event: no, just Disney.Read more

    • Day 6

      Day 6 - EPCOT and the Skyliner

      October 26, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      EPCOT Rides etc done
      1. Guardians of the Galaxy
      2. Les Halles
      3. Three Caballeros
      4. Mariachi Cobre
      5. Frozen Ever After
      6. Beauty and the Beast Sing-Along
      7. Test Track
      8. Soarin'
      9. Remy's Ratatouille AdventureRead more

    • Day 6


      September 26, 2018 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 28 °C

      Am Abend hat es uns dann nochmal nach Epcot verschlagen. Nachdem wir erfahren haben, dass es die Feuerwerk-Show in der Form nicht mehr lange geben wird, wollten wir Illumination- Reflection on Earth unbedingt nochmal sehen...Read more

    • Day 21


      May 19, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Next we started to make our way around the world of Epcot. First stop was Norway. We got photos with Anna and Elsa and then went on the Frozen ride which was great. Then it was time to eat and drink our way around Epcot - Germany, Italy, France, Canada, USA, Mexico, Japan & China!Read more

    • Day 2

      Epcot - Future World

      February 22, 2020 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      Epcot has a few things closed and a lot of construction going on, but as a pleasant surprise we caught the the tail end of the Epcot Festival of the Arts, which we had thought would end before our trip started.

      We kicked off by heading straight for the Odyssey Centre to check out an exhibit previwing the new changes that are underway. We spent the rest of the morning checking out some art festival stands with pieces that included some amazing Doctor Who paper art, and checking out the rides in the northern (Future World) seciton ofthe park,
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    • Day 6

      Epcot Forever!

      February 26, 2020 in the United States ⋅ 🌧 20 °C

      As we arrived at Epcot in towards the end of the afternoon, it was already noticeably quiet compared to other days of our trip, with more people heading out as we ere heading in (presumably to escape the rain).

      We headed straight to Imagination with Figment, which we were able to board directly… only for it to promptly break down whilst we were in the room with the bad smell effect. As it happened the couple sharing the car with us were from the Rhondda; we had a pleasant chat with them about how Americans struggle with Welsh accents. Sadly in the other cards people were a little cross and weren’t very pleasant to the cast members. The ride did eventually move on, but with the sound track synchronisation messed up so we experienced a lot of in strange silence - but we were all given an extra fast-pass to make up at the end of the ride.

      After that we we hit basically all of the attractions in ‘Future world’ with out much in the way of waits. We stumbled across a Mickey meet-and-greet with no wait, got onto Soarin’, the Land, The Seas and Spaceship Earth all in a few hours. We happened to visit the seas whilst one of the back-stage SCUBA tours was going on, so we got to see a dozen or so very unusual ‘fish’ in the aquarium tank.

      By the evening things were still cold, but the rain had mostly cleared up. We headed to World Showcase, where we intended to ride the Mexico Three Calliberos ride, but found it closed, so we headed to ‘Morocco’ for a quick service meal. The food in the Tangerine cafe is good (lots of tasty hummus) but Dan was suitably appalled when asked if he wanted his mint tea iced :o. After dinner we headed to Frozen Ever After, and were able to get on after a short wait (a queue which had been 90mins to two hours most of our trip) and were out in time to get to the fastpass viewing area for the "Epcot Forever" fireworks show.

      The show is 10 minutes of great fireworks, lasers, clever use of kites and unapologetic fan service, with call backs to some past Epcot favourites like horizons, the universe of energy and the tapestry of nations parade. Most of the show is set to a version of ‘one little spark’ from Journey into the Imagination. It was a great and memorable end to a day that had been really fun, despite the rain.

      We shared a Skyliner gondola home with some Disney super-fans who told us about a new documentary series on Disney+. One of them was a huge fan of Rattatoulie, and was a bit dissapointed the new ride wasn't open yet in Epcot's France pavillion, so Dan gave them a pin from the Disneyland Paris version.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Walt Disney World Resort, Disneyworld, منتجع والت ديزني العالمي, Дисни Уърлд, Walt Disney World, דיסניוורלד, Disney World, ウォルト・ディズニー・ワールド・リゾート, დისნეიუორლდი, 월트 디즈니 월드 리조트, Mundus Gualterii Disney, Диснейуорлд, วอลต์ดิสนีย์เวิลด์รีสอร์ต, Дісней Ворлд, 華特迪士尼世界度假區

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