United States
Orange County

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    • Day 39

      Galactic Starcruiser

      January 17, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Galactic Starcruiser was better than expected... And my expectations were very high. The theming and the food were excellent, but the whole vibe created by the staff was fantastic. It wasn't a show or anything like that. The whole thing was like one long RPG where various cast members would come and find you and give you specific tasks. The choices that you make and the allegiances that you declare determine your future experiences and outcomes. It was super fun.Read more

    • Day 9


      July 16 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Jetzt hän mr au no dr Füüralarm usglöst....... 🤣🤣🤣

      Hän e tüüre Toaster kauft für ganzi 9 Dollar und dä cheib löst grad dr Füüralarm us 🤣🤣🤣 mir wärde nur no usglache vom Personal 👍🤣🤣

    • Day 12

      Disney Springs

      October 16, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Abends waren wir noch eben zu Disney Springs gefahren. Kurz am Wasser gucken und was sehen wir da? Kleine Caddilacs die durchs Wasser schippern.😂 Noch eben schnell in den Legostore und gucken was es jetzt so gibt.Read more

    • Day 6

      Orlando Tag 1

      November 16, 2023 in the United States ⋅ 🌧 21 °C

      Wir sind am Mittag in Kissimmee südlich von Orlando angekommen. David hat uns zuerst eine Grand Tour vom Haus gegeben. Anschließend wollte ich unbedingt in einen der Riesen Supermärkte gehen: zu Walmart.
      Es ist schon sehr witzig wie groß es ist und was man alles kaufen kann (auch die Größen). Unsere Taktik war: Charlene sucht die nützlichen Sachen und hält mich davon ab Schrott zu kaufen 😄 Es hat zu 90% funktioniert…
      Man kann dort wirklich alles kaufen von Lebensmitteln über Klamotten bis hin zu Booten.
      Nach unserem kleinen Shopping Trip sind wir zurück ins Haus und haben Laura getroffen. Zusammen sind wir dann alle am Abend nach Disney Springs gefahren - es gibt dort viele verschiedene Restaurants alle mit Disney Themen und dazu jegliche Shops die man sich vorstellen kann.
      Wir sind dann in das Restaurant „The Edison“ gegangen was von Thomas Edison inspiriert war. Es gab sogar live Musik wo moderne Lieder in 20er/30er Jahre Art umgewandelt wurden - sehr toll!
      Nach dem Essen sind wir durch die Geschäfte geschlendert und sind noch zu Gideon‘s Bakehouse gegangen. Normalerweise ist die Warteschlange dort 5 Stunden!!! David und Laura hatten dort Kontakte sodass wir nicht warten mussten - die Cookies sind dort von einem anderen Planeten 🤯
      Wir freuen uns auf die nächsten tollen Tage hier!

      🇬🇧 Orlando we have arrived! We arrived at noon, and David showed us their house. After that, it was my dearest wish to go to big shopping centre, like Walmart. It is absolutely crazy that you can buy everything from food to toys electronics and even boats. Our tactic was that Charlene buys the important things we need for the upcoming days and she watches me that I don’t buy any stupid things. Let’s just say that our tactic almost went according to our plan. After our shopping trip we went back to the house and Laura came home from work. We then altogether drove to Disney Springs which is a big area full of Disney inspired restaurants and shops. We had dinner at The Edison which is inspired by Thomas Edison. The restaurant had awesome food and live music - they turned modern chart songs into songs from the late 20s. After our great dinner, we then went for stroll through Disney Springs and were able to go inside a few shops and our final mission for the day was to go to Gideon’s Bakery which is famous for its cookies. Normally you would have to wait for about five hours but David and Lauren know the people there and so we were able to skip the line and the cookies are absolutely amazing and from another universe. We are really looking for our next days here!!
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    • Day 35

      Disney Day 4 - EPCOT

      June 24, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Today we all woke up and got ready, jumped on the boat and headed to EPCOT. The boat was packed so we had to stand which was good so we could leave first. Epcot is cool as one of its drawcards is having different sections as different countries. We headed to grab coffee, I also grabbed a donut and we walked to the Frozen ride in Norway. The ride was super cute story ride with all the characters, the animatronics were awesome. Next we walked to Imagination Lab which was a ride about senses and imagination, it was cute and Jamie said it was an original ride which made sense.
      We then headed to finding Nemo which was a nice ride through the reef. You ended in the Disney marine conservation centre and we were all so excited to look at manatees. They were being fed lettuce for lunch. We walked through the shark and stingray exhibits as well which was fun. We headed to the food court next where we had our first drink of the day. The other thing with EPCOT is in the different countries they have different versions of alcoholic drinks so people "drink around the world". We went on soarin over the world which was a fun ride taking you over some of the world's wonders.
      Next we went to a ride inside the famous EPCOT ball which was the history through time and you got to make your own future. It was old school as well but very well done. Then we went on Test Track where you design your own car and ride a rollercoaster to "test" your car's capabilities. It was a fun coaster and absolutely hilarious watching our terrible looking car beat everyone else's. After that we went on a ride which Jamie was hesitant about, she was telling me that people complained because they get really sick after going on it. We entered the line and it split into "the intense ride" and the "less intense". The intense one spoke about how motion sick people get and how it spins... So we opted for the less intense. It also talked about confined dark spaces but I was thinking I'll be distracted during the ride so I'll be fine. It was exceptionally tight and confind which I was okay with temporarily. However, the ride was delayed, so we sat in the space for about 5 minutes. That's when the panic started for Jamie and I. I banged on the door but noone came, finally the ride started though and we were both fine. Definitely had a bit of exposure therapy for the old claustrophobia. The kids with us were laughing at how freaked out we were...

      Once we told Jensen of our tale, we walked to grab lunch. I had Poutine and Jamie and I had a honey wine as our second drink. We walked to the British pub as a homage to where we first met and all had a beer. We also took a picture and the worker who took it was from Newcastle in the UK which was a full circle moment! We enjoyed that, then headed to the Ratatouille ride in France. That was a cute ride through the kitchen. Then we headed for Guardians of the galaxy. We'd been lucky to get in the virtual queue but still had to wait a bit for the ride. It was an awesome rollercoaster that played music as you went through. I really enjoyed it, it was one of the top rides of the week. We then headed for Mexico as Jamie wanted us to try an avocado margarita. It was actually delicious and we had the best chips, queso and guacamole as well. We all bought cute little friendship bracelets and put them on as we sailed through a ride in Mexico. It had been the best day all together, we'd picked up where we left off and they are just awesome friends to have.
      We then had alcohol from china, I had a cherry blossom beer which I think was cherry syrup in a pilsner lol. Then we could hear a band playing music, turns out it was Simple Plan!! We were very confused but excited, that show was almost over but there was one later. So we grabbed another drink and had something to eat before hitting the next concert. It was so much fun, we didn't know many of the songs but the vibes were awesome. Next we grabbed some more food and drinks to watch the fireworks. The park closed but we kicked on.
      We went to the dance hall where they were playing various music videos and the dance floor was deadddd. We had another drink and hit the dance floor straight away. We had been drenched from the rain and I was in running shoes with a backpack on but we had the most fun. Slowly it got more full which was hilarious seeing all the different groups of humans on the dance floor. Then we went to karaoke, we didn't perform but sung along with some of the acts. Finally we walked back to the hotel, literally so happy.
      It was one of the best days, where I didn't stop smiling. We crammed so much into the day and had some fun surprises along the way. I'm so glad the girls came!!
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    • Day 16

      Disney, the adventure

      November 23, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Nach einem tollen Tag in der Welt von Universal ging es für uns heute nach Epcot, in einen der vielen verschiedenen Themenparks von Walt Disney World.
      Im Gegensatz zur "normalen" Disney Welt von Walt Disney bestimmen die Themen internationale Kultur und Innovationen die Welt von Epcot.
      Mit über 12,5 Millionen Besuchern jährlich gehört Epcot zu den am meisten besuchten Themenparks der Disney Kette.
      Neben einem interaktiven Raketenstart, einer Teststrecke von Chevrolet und einer Reise durch die Geschichte der Entwicklung des Menschen und seiner Technik, die wir im Future World Bereich des Parks miterleben konnten, besuchten wir im World Showcase Bereich die permanenten Ausstellungen verschiedener Nationen, darunter Frankreich, Marokko, Norwegen, das Vereinigte Königreich, Japan und China und nicht zu vergessen Deutschland.
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    • Day 16

      Ein Genuss für die Sinne

      November 23, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Neben den normalen Abenteuern Epcots, konnten wir im Park den letzten Tag des Food and Wine Festivals genießen. Über 20 Länder präsentieren sich seit September mit nationalen Speisen und Gerichten, sowie einer Auswahl leckerster Bier-, Wein und Cocktailsorten.
      Auch wir probierten uns durch die Gerichte der afrikanischen, irischen, karibischen, hawaiianischen und der indischen Küche. Und dieses Mal hatten die Amerikaner in der Auswahl der jeweiligen Speisengröße mitgedacht. Kleine Probierportionen ermöglichten den Genuss vieler verschiedener Gerichte.
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    • Day 8

      Sea World Tag 2

      October 12, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Und heute geht es noch einmal nach Seworld Orlando. Ein zweiter Tag mit Mittagessen bei den Orcas und Halloween-Stimmung im gesamten Park. Es gibt diverse Stände an denen man sich Süßigkeiten holen kann. Nicht zu vergessen sind natürlich die ansonsten auch vorhandenen Attraktionen und Tiere. Hier ein paar Ausschnitte...Read more

    • Day 189

      USA - Disney World - Magic Kingdom

      March 13, 2020 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Il faut bien dire que ce n'est pas facile de garder le sourir vu la situation mondiale. Nous avons zizagué entre typhons, tremblements de terre et incendies géants. Le Coronavirus nous court après depuis dès semaines mais nous avons réussi a tout de même recompenser Vesper pour tous ces mois d'attente et toutes ces visites de temples :)) ! Journée magnifique donc le jour de l'annonce de la fermeture du parc dans les prochains jours.
      Nous en profitons donc à fond et il faut dire que c'est un parc qui s'est bien renouvellé et modernisé et qui reste le très haut de gamme en matière d'enterntainment. On ne peut s'empecher de craquer sur une petit fille qui voit Belle et Ariel "en vrai" 😻.
      Nous finissons donc ce magnifique voyage sur un feu d'artifice à l'image de l'époustouflant spectacle final du "Royaume Magique" !
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    • Day 32

      Disney Day 2 - Magic Kingdom

      June 21, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      This morning I woke up, had to jump on the Disney app to join a 'virtual queue' for the new Tron ride, so there's no actual lines it's all done online now. I also bought Genie+ which allows you to fast pass lines throughout the day, it ended up helping me get on all the big rides I wanted to do very painlessly. I had brekky and good news, I took a spoon from Disney so I used that as both a utensil for eating and creating lunch. I got ready and hopped in an uber to head to Magic Kingdom. My uber driver was lovely and told me all about how her husband was on a ventilator during Covid and survived. I got out and had to catch the monorail to the park. They called my group for the Tron ride so I headed straight there. It was a really cool rollercoaster, where you are seated like you're riding a motorbike. It was super fast, but over super quick. I sat next to a 10 year old boy who was screaming "fuck this shit" at the beginning but ended the ride with a big grin on his face. Next I hit the speedway for a very tame drive around a railed track. I then watched the monsters inc show which was a comedy show using cameras to call out guests and crack jokes, it was actually hilarious. I then went on the carousel of progress which was from the 1960s state fair, it was pretty much talking displays of a family through the ages starting in the 1900s, a good time filler. Next was buzz lightyear ride, where you have to shoot targets and spin around. That was fun. I headed towards the pirates of the Caribbean ride but was blocked by the parade. It was a good chance to see my favourites, the tangled float arrived just as I was walking. I also saw the king and queen of Disney, Mickey and Minnie. I headed off and stopped in the enchanted tiki room which is Tony's favourite attraction. It's just a quick show with birds and other things singing. I then got a dole whip, pineapple and vanilla flavoured soft serve which was so delicious. Finally I headed to pirates of the Caribbean and today I realised there's a shuffle/ waddle that larger men over about 50 do, unsure if it's just a Disney specific shuffle but it was out in full force today. That entertained me while I waited for the ride. Pirates was good, the animatronics are excellent and the story was fun.
      I then walked through a treehouse and waited for my time on the Jungle cruise. That was a ride on a river past animals with a guide cracking a lot of jokes, I appreciated them but not sure everyone else did... I waited for my time on the big thunder mountain railroad however it started to storm so the ride was closed. I walked and rode the carousel instead and got given a bonus fast pass to use wherever. I lined up for the haunted mansion instead and got pelted with rain, it was hilarious watching everyone in their ponchos freak out and I was just standing with no protection. The haunted mansion was good with all the spooky parts then it was on to watch Mickey's symphony which was a 3D movie of different characters singing songs for their movies. I then decided to go and stand in the 145 minute line and wait for the mine train. The line actually ended up moving faster and I got in after about 90 minutes. A bit of a let down, it went for about 45 seconds and was kind of lame.
      Next I went to space mountain and rode the rollercoaster, which was definitely one of my highlights as it was long and thrilling. I caved and rode the "it's a small world" ride, despite my hate of the constant singing on the ride and finally did big thunder railroad which was another top ride for me. I finally got dinner and decided it was time to head to the hotel shuttle bus. Made my way there via monorail and then got to study the human condition some more when it came to getting on the bus. People are so rude and have no courtesy when it comes to that stuff. Finally I got back and went to sleep. Tomorrow is a rest day, thank god!
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Orange County, Comté d'Orange

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