Förenta staterna
Waterfront Park

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    • Dag 37

      A beautiful day in Seattle

      19 maj 2018, Förenta staterna ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      The first day was pretty packed with lots of sightseeing like the original Starbucks, Farmers Market, the famous Space Needle, the somehow cool but also disgusting Gumwall 😀 and the big Fremont Troll under a bridge.Läs mer

    • Dag 129

      Gum Wall

      13 januari 2018, Förenta staterna ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      „Die ekligste Sehenswürdigkeit der Welt“ - so heißt es oft wenn man sich über die Kaugummiwand in Seattle informiert.
      Alles begann während vor etwa 20 Jahren die Besucher vor dem Theater in der Schlange außen warten mussten und ihre Kaugummis auf die Backsteine klebten.
      Bis November 2015 klebten hier mehr als eine Millionen Kaugummis, doch dann wurde die Wand gereinigt. Teilweise klebten die Kaugummis bis zu 15 cm dick auf der Wand. Das Gewicht der runtergepulten Kaugummis lag bei knapp über einer Tonne. Die freigelegte Wand wirkte als hätte es die Gum Wall nie gegeben, aber das hielt nur für ganze sechs Stunden - dann begann das Kleben von Neuem.
      Die Gum Wall ist echt interessant, da auch auf dem Boden zahlreiche Kaugummis zu finden sind und teilweise ganze Schriftzüge geklebt sind. Da fragt man sich dann doch wie viele Kaugummis dazu wohl notwendig sind. Natürlich musste auch ich den Trend mitmachen und meinen Kaugummi dazukleben.
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    • Dag 129

      Pike Place Market und Waterfront

      13 januari 2018, Förenta staterna ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Nach einem sehr verregneten Donnerstag in Vancouver, ging es am Freitag mit dem Fernbus weiter nach Seattle. Die Einreise zurück in die USA war deutlich einfacher als zuvor nach Kanada.
      Heute standen also die Sehenswürdigkeiten von Seattle auf dem Programm.
      Seattle liegt im Bundesstaat Washington, den fünften Bundesstaat der USA, den ich während des Auslandssemesters bereise und den siebten insgesamt.
      Seattle hat ca. 600.000 Einwohner in der Stadt und ca. 3,5 Millionen inklusive Umgebung.
      Zuerst wurde dem Pike Place Market einen Besuch abgestattet. im Prinzip ist dies ein ganz normaler Markt, aber sehr groß, in dem von Fisch über Fleisch bis hin zu Blumen, Gemüse und Obst alles verkauft wird. Hier gehört auch ein bisschen Show wie das Herumwerfen von Fischen dazu.
      Läuft man von dem Markt weiter Richtung Meer, kann man das „Great Wheel“ an der Waterfront bestaunen.
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    • Dag 3

      Seattle Aquarium und chillen am Pier

      20 augusti 2017, Förenta staterna ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Nach der Hafenrjndfahrt noch etwas sufs Wasser gestarrt und das Wetter genossen. Dann sind wir ins Aquarium gegangen, was mehr ein research Center ist, das Tiere wieder fit pflegt, Bestand erhalten will und die Region erforscht.Läs mer

    • Dag 54

      Rio Fun

      19 april, Förenta staterna ⋅ ☀️ 61 °F

      Day 2 in Rio. It's not very sunny but it's a pretty electrifying place. The first beach pic is Copacabana, where our hotel is. My room overlooks it. The second beach shot is Ipanema. We only saw it from afar then drove by but we are going there for the sunset today. Ipanema means dangerous water. The surfers were having fun though. And we stopped to get a pic with Jobim, the famous musician who wrote the song - Girl from Ipanema.
      Then we went to Christ the Redeemer statue - way up high - where monkeys and bandicoots live:-)
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    • Dag 14

      Fifth Sea Day

      2 januari, Förenta staterna ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      Life onboard the Viking Neptune is tending to have great similarities to our lives at home. Namely, that we tend to go from a dead stop to a full sprint in the blink of an eye. Examples of this occurred both last night prior to dinner (see Costa Rica post) and again this morning. This morning we were lounging in our stateroom, listening to the lecture entitled, "Simon Bolivar, The Liberator" when my alarm went off stating that our behind the scenes tour was beginning in less than an hour. Bob and I promptly jumped out of bed and began scurrying around trying to get dressed, getting the stateroom back into some semblance of order (similar to the fact that I clean the house before our cleaners come, I also straighten up the stateroom before the room stewards come in to clean), and Bob wanted to grab a bite to eat. Bob went to the World Cafe while I finished in the stateroom. I was on my way to the World Cafe when some of our friends met who we met at the French wine tasting me ran into me the stairwell and told me they were having a brunch on the pool deck. At this point, our morning went from a bit hectic to totally crazy ending with me running from one end of the ship to the other. I found Bob in the buffet line and told him that there was a brunch being served. He already had a plate in his hand so he found an empty table and placed his plate of food on the table. We then went out to the pool deck only to find out that the brunch was only just being set up and not ready. So back to the World Cafe we went and found Bob's plate waiting for us. Just as he began eating, two of my fellow suffers from the bike adventure yesterday walked by and I introduced them to Bob. We ended up chatting for a few minutes. At this point, I had to excuse ourselves and explain that we had a tour. The hour that we had to get to the tour had now evaporated. We proceeded to the first floor and found what we thought was our tour in progress...and uggg...everyone had their QuietVox which is the device that Viking uses so the tour guide is able speak into a microphone which is transmitted to one's individual QuietVox. So, I was off for a rapid journey to our stateroom to retrieve our QuietVoxes. I should add at this point that, not knowing that Bob would just be less than 6 weeks from his hip replacement surgery, we chose the same stateroom as we had on our previous World Cruise but our stateroom is 3 stateroom from the stern of the ship causing us to have long walks from the elevators. I got to our stateroom to find the QuietVoxes in there charger but, alas, Bob's earpiece was nowhere to be found. I proceeded to tear the stateroom (which, I will remind you, I had just straightened) apart looking for Bob's earpiece. Having found it in the bottom of his backpack, I was off again to make the journey from stern to bow. I made it to the atrium and ask one of the Viking staff which channel our QuietVox should be tuned to...only to be told that this was the end of the tour not the beginning and that I should check with Guest Services to confirm what tour we were signed up for. So I head over to Guest Service. I was told that we were actually scheduled on the 11:15 tour. I need to explain at this point that time on the ship is not necessaries the same time in port. The night before we were told to set our clocks an hour back which has to be done manually. Since I wanted to record how much torture I was subjected to during our bike ride yesterday, I connected to cellular service so my Oura ring could record my exercise which, inadvertently, changed the time so it was no longer in sync with the ship's time. This tends to really mess with times on one's calendar.
      Now, totally sweating, I walked over to Bob and told him that we were on the next tour.
      We then decided to head to the Explorer's lounge to watch the whitecaps. Yes, my friends, we have some movement being felt in the ship-not nearly enough-but motion none the less.
      After some time watching the waves, I made the journey back to our stateroom to pick up our sunglasses as I knew that after our tour, we would want to go to the pool deck (as now neither of us have had anything to eat) for brunch.
      I met Bob in the atrium with QuietVox and sunglasses in hand.
      The behind the scenes tour was fascinating. We toured the kitchens, loading dock, main "highways" running north-south and east-west, engineering, laundry, crew quarter areas, and guest services area.
      Finally, we headed to the pool deck for the brunch. The brunch was spectacular!
      I received some emails that I needed to answer so after stuffing ourselves, we proceeded back to the stateroom.
      I worked and Bob spent some time on our balcony to photograph the birds soaring around the ship.
      Bob went to the photography workshop.
      I continued to work and also to work on this blog entry.
      I will meet Bob for the lecture on Central America Today at 4:30.
      We will then have dinner at the Chef's Table for a Mexican centered menu.
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    • Dag 6

      Downtown Seattle

      1 augusti 2017, Förenta staterna ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Travelling is such a breeze with Google Maps. How did we ever manage pre iPad/mobile phones? When it is time to go in to town google the directions to the destination, choose the way you're going to get there and Bob's your uncle. The hardest part? Which side of the road do we stand on t get the trolley. Just kidding - but is the opposite side of the road to what we are used to.
      Business first. We have decided to get an American sim for the time that we are travelling so with research done and a company chosen we went into their shop and did the deed. Next stop off to Wells Fargo to change our Aussie dollars into US. Hadn't realised that Wells Fargo was a bank (hadn't really had the need I guess). Just knew the name as being the stage coach company back in the days of the Wild West.
      Now to play the tourist - Pike Place Markets. It was just after midday at this stage and we decided to grab a sandwich perhaps and coffee. Of course every tourist and local in the near vicinity had the same idea and it was wall to wall humanity. Exit Pike Markets and go somewhere less crowded. Once refuelled we strolled down to the waterfront and explored the markets on our way back up. The markets are on maybe five different levels. Nowadays small tourist shops are on the lower levels and the produce and flower markets on the upper level. The shops are cute and good for browsing but is was the produce and flower area that I found the most interesting, The highlight - fish throwing! We were in a prime spot for watching the activity and also right in line for a fish in the face had one of the guy in front of me missed. Luckily he hadn't.
      We are blessed with the weather at the moment. Seattle is experiencing a heatwave and the weather is glorious.
      Love Seattle. It is positioned a lot like Newcastle with the hills rolling up from the harbour but of course it is Newcastle on steroids with massive skyscrapers and on a grander scale.
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    • Dag 3

      Seattle, home of Amazon and Starbucks

      12 april 2017, Förenta staterna ⋅ 🌧 11 °C

      Good to be back in the US, in its most rainy city, founded in 1851. Here, a gum wall is one of the major sights besides the not so stunning Space Needle, the Aquarium and its waterfront with snowy mountains in the distance. Clearly it was lucky to have one sunny day to do the free walking tour and the underground tour walking on underground sidewalks that some time ago were the normal streets.

      How comes that Seattle has an underground without having a metro? Back then the city decided to build streets one level higher due to flooding issues. Still, sidewalks and shop fronts stayed on normal sea level protected by the walls around them. Hard to imagine that the underground today was the place people went shopping until complete new parts of the city were built upon (they could only be reached through ladders). It was still used in order to ban unwanted people, bars and parts of red light district down there and some are still used today whereas normal life takes place one level higher.

      Last but not least, an important reminder to myself: never eat Chowder soup with sea food ever again!
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    • Dag 2

      2. Day 1

      1 maj, Förenta staterna ⋅ ☁️ 46 °F

      Ok - our enthusiasm may have been wanting a bit - our first day here was actually a bit of a blur. Neither one of us slept well the night before the alarm went off at 4A for our 7A flight to LA then NY, nor did we sleep well on the ensuing red-eye we took out of JFK to Keflavik airport. We arrived around 9:30A a bit bleary-eyed, but we had an itinerary to follow, so off we went!

      Today's itinerary sent us directly from the airport to the southwestern corner of the island called the Reykjanes Peninsula, where we viewed the Reykjanes Lighthouse and volcanic coastal region before heading north to our hotel in the capital city of Reykjavik. We checked in and wandered the downtown area where we found a delightful locals-style seafood restaurant, where you set and bus your own table. Love it. Did you know that even in restaurants that provide table-side service, tipping is neither solicited not expected? No credit card processors that prompt you to tip 20-40%. Makes up, at least a little, for the extremely expensive cost of food here.

      BTW - the famous Blue Lagoon, which was on our itinerary for today, has been closed due to a volcanic eruption at nearby Sundhnúkagígar. The Blue Lagoon is a man-made geothermal spa that is the most visited paid for attraction in Iceland. There are plenty of geothermal spas here and we're not big fans of crowded tourist attractions, so we'll happily go find another.
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    • Dag 15

      Hubbard Glacier

      28 juni 2023, Förenta staterna ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      As we head towards Juneau our ship is going to move in as close to the Glacier as the crew can take it so that we are able to view parts of it crashing into the sea apparently known as “Calving”.

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