United States
Waterfront Park

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    • Day 107

      Dank jullie wel!

      August 10, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Wat voor mij enkel begon als een simpele manier om jullie een manier te geven om mij te volgen op de PCT is voor mij uitgegroeid tot een soort van dagboek. Dat was nooit mijn intentie, maar ik ben ontzettend blij dat het dit is geworden.

      Ik heb me (bijna) elke avond geforceerd om een korte samenvatting van de dag te schrijven ook als ik laat in kamp was en niets liever wilde dan gaan slapen. Ik wilde de juiste emotie bij de dag vastleggen, voor als ik zelf dit alles nog eens terug lees. Zodat ik me weer in die dag kan verplaatsen.

      Ik hoop dat ik jullie op een leuke manier op deze waanzinnige tocht heb mee kunnen nemen. En misschien wel heb kunnen inspireren, alles is mogelijk als je het maar graag genoeg wilt 😉.

      Ik wil jullie bedanken voor het volgen van mijn reis en voor de berichtjes die jullie gestuurd hebben. Ik heb ze allemaal gezien en gewaardeerd.

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    • Day 159

      Sat 11 May. Seattle. USA

      May 11 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      The flight into Seattle was very picturesque with a lovely view of the snowy peaks and very fluffy clouds.

      We stayed in a pretty neighborhood, with some huge houses and a lovely park and on Wednesday wandered round Pike Market, which was like a rabbit warren with lots of little passages and a mixture of shops, stalls and cafes but no flying fish, a speciality of the fish traders there apparently. Also saw the first ever Starbucks but resisted joining the queue and still not been in one even though they are everywhere - tried to stick with smaller local places.

      Took a ferry across to Bremerton, some glorious views over the water with the mountains as a backdrop but the windows needed a good clean so no photo opportunities.

      Joe Biden flew in on Friday for a couple of days on his campaign trail - he didn't get to see us we were too busy 🤔😁😁 ....but he did cause a few traffic jams.

      For an American city it was quite open and not full of skyscrapers. However, the streets had lots of drugged up homeless people on them, the smell of pot was overwhelming as we walked around and we were asked if we wanted any drugs. On Saturday night we went past the local train station we had used several times, there were masses of police - turned out someone had been stabbed and died.

      Lovely little local brewery though.


      So we had mixed feelings about Seattle. Now we're on the Amtrak train to Vancouver for the next part.
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    • Day 15

      Seattle Downtown

      May 17, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Today we spent the day in Downtown Seattle, we stayed by the airport for ease as we’re only stopping for a day before heading on to Canada.

      Whilst in town we got the Monorail, did some shopping and sightseeing, visited the Starbucks Roastery and the Klondike National Park Exhibit (would recommend if you’re in the area). There is quite a lot of construction on the Seattle Sea Front at the moment which made it quite difficult to appreciate the harbour area.Read more

    • Day 9

      Sea Daze

      September 12, 2023 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      Workout at the start of the day and at the end!
      Up early to the gym with Royce and shaking the tambourine and dancing with the piano man at night! A great day at sea. We had a leisurely breakfast in Atlantide, the main dining room and then a Kodiak lecture in the Venetian lounge followed by a water colour art class and then lunch.
      We deck hopped with our books and went to afternoon tea in the arts cafe before trivia (we came 3rd). Pre dinner drinks with Mike ( recovering from a cold) and Kay Chee and then an amazing dinner at Kaiseki the teppanyaki restaurant. We have had the most incredible meals!!
      We danced the night away with the piano man and again I am a tambourine sensation. A fabulous sea day!
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    • Day 14

      To Japan

      September 17, 2023 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      The first of 5 sea days as we cross the Bering Sea and the the Oacific Ocean to Japan. We gain sleep time which is nice and up for the 9am port talk and Japanese culture information before a late breakfast at La Terazza at the back of the ship. It’s sunny and the water is a beautiful blue and relatively calm. Royce is taking things easy food and alcohol wise. We head for our art collage class and make another masterpiece. There is plenty to do onboard. Lunch is a special Alaskan delights buffet in Dolce Vita with seafood chowder, soft shell crab burgers, crab cakes and lots of salads. The band is entertaining us with a sing a long and it’s a great event. Afternoon art class - pointillism - dot drawing is fun followed by a bit of a rest and then trivia. It’s formal night and we dress up to meet the captain followed by dinner in Atlantide which is very nice and great service. Dungeness crab and scallop and enoki soup - a great menu. It’s off to see our favorite piano man and we toddle to bed at midnight.
      Kay Chee and Mike are enjoying the Silversea experience and particularly enjoy the rhythm of sea days.
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    • Day 16

      Pike pier market

      May 13 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Today we went to the Pike Pier Market. We had a slow start but we ended up having a good day. First we had to go on a little walk to get to a monorail, at a park. The park had a Labyrinth which I did, and some climbing stuff, and a big slide. When we got onto the monorail we found out that it went really fast. We then had to walk to the market. Along the way we found a shop that was purple themed, which was called The Purple Store. After we looked in there, we went to a fish and chip shop. It had the best tomato sauce I've ever had. It had roasted onions in it. We then walked along the market. After we walked the market, we went to a Target shop. It had one of the coolest things ever, an escalator for shopping trollies! You had to push it through a gate and then a ski lift took it up! After target, we went back to the market and bought some giant prawns. On the way there we saw some people throwing a fish around. We tried to have another look around the market, but everything was basically closed. So we headed back to the hotel. We had to wait forty five minutes in the cold for a bus!


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    • Day 21

      Seattle Waterfront

      May 17 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Also nochmal runter zur Waterfront, inzwischen ist schon etwas mehr los als vor 3 Wochen, aber immer noch Baustellen. Die Fischrestaurants konnten uns alle nicht ansprechen, jede Menge Imbisse mit Straßenverkauf und viel Kirmesatmosphäre mit überlebensgroßen Trapper-und-Indianerfiguren auf den hölzernen Seebrücken mit Bierhallen und Souvenirgeschäften. In einem Burger-Laden schlugen wir noch ein Stündchen tot, bevor's wieder mit dem Link-Rail zurück zum Airport ging.

      Morgen um diese Zeit sind wir irgendwo über dem Kontinent in der Luft, der Urlaub Geschichte.
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    • Day 127

      Der nördlichste Punkt unserer Weltreise

      May 20 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      {Manuels Beitrag:}


      In Seattle haben wir u.a. den Hafen, Parks & Buchläden sowie den historischen Fischmarkt und die sensationelle Kaugummiwand besichtigt.
      Seattle ist zeitgleich der "U-Turn" unserer US-Reise. Jetzt gehts wieder ab in den Süden Richtung LA.

      Entlang der pittoresken Küste immer den Highway 101 entlang wird einem zwischen Redwoodbäumen, Küstenabschnitten, Leuchttürmen, leuchtenden Rhododendronbüschen, Hafenstädtchen, Weed-Dispenserys, endlosen Stränden, Dünen, Wäldern, Seen, Seerobben und -löwen, Adlern, „Tuffed Puffins“, Graugänsen (…) nicht langweilig🙅Man merkt, dass die USA ein sehr spärlich besiedeltes Land ist (35 Einwohner pro km2, in Deutschland sind es 234 Einwohner). In unseren Airbnbs erfahren wir von sehr herzlichen Leuten, viel über Geschichte, Entwicklung, Einwanderung, Problemen und allerlei spannende Biographien. Ich (Manuel) konnte mit einem Spargelrisotto begeistern, Inessa mit (ihrem bisher leckersten) russischem Salat. Wir nutzen die Küchen um für den Abend und den nächsten Tag vorzukochen. Essen gibt es fast ausschließlich im Auto - zu teuer ist es auswärts zu essen. Selbst der Einkauf im Supermarkt ist zum Kopfschütteln teuer. 1kg Reis 11€… Ab und zu gönnen wir uns ein Eis oder einen Milchshake alla Americana. Nur Benzin ist günstig, so dass die vielen Kilometer dem Arsch aber nicht so sehr dem Geldbeutel weh tun 😅Wir haben eine großartige Zeit, freuen uns aber wieder auf Auto-freie Zeiten. Nach der langen Reise haben wir immer noch das Gefühl uns jeden Tag etwas näher zu sein. {Inessas Kommentar:} „Ohhhhhhhhhhh ☺️ Ja!“
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    • Day 26

      Downtown Seattle

      May 15, 2015 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Leaving quiet Fremont behind we headed into Downtown Seattle and back across to the airport to check into our pre-Trek America tour hotel. Catching a bus into Downtown we then walked along 3rd Avenue to get the Link Light Rail to the airport. We were again greeted by people who were very willing to help us find our way around, our large backpacks giving us away as strangers in possible need of direction. After checking in and leaving our mammoth bags behind, we went back into Downtown.

      We went to Pike Place Market where fishermen's catch from the Pacific Coast is displayed and sold to locals and tourists alike. A steady stream of people pass stalls of giant fish, crabs and lobsters along with fruits, flowers and art. Outside, the docks and piers lean into the bay, where ferries carry commuters to the suburbs and tankers bring in goods to be unloaded by the dock's cranes. Seattle's Giant Wheel (ferris wheel) stands temporarily vacant whilst the seawall is renovated. People sit out on the grass under the gaze of totems and the odour of cannabis drifts through the islands of friends and families.

      We left the busy waterfront and walked along the avenues to the Seattle Centre. Originally built for the 1962 World Fair it is educational playground for the city and home to the landmark Space Needle and a collection of science and art exhibits. The line for the Space Needle was prohibitive enough for us to choose to walk back to the waterfront than spend hours in a queue.

      Back at Pike Place Market we got dinner from Piroshky Piroshky, a Russian bakery that has been at the market since 1922. We ordered the trademark salmon pate piroshky, which is shaped like a fish and delicious, before wandering back through artisan shops and street musicians.

      We got back to the hotel to ready ourselves for the start of our Trek America tour across the West of the U.S. that starts at 7:30am tomorrow. We also managed to meet a few of our Trek companions in the bar for a beer. However due to collective jet lag/general travel fatigue we were all in bed by 9:30pm!
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    • Day 11

      Seattle part 3

      June 24, 2017 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Der Tag begann um 4.00h und Frühstück hatten wir um 5.30h, denn der frühe Vogel hat den Jetlag! Für unsere Tour nach downtown war das aber perfekt, schließlich ist heute Samstag und Temperaturen bis 30 Grad sind angesagt. Also, auf zum Pike Place Market, bevor alle anderen aufstehen. Es war noch total leer dort, als wir ankamen. Die Morgensonne schien durch die alten Glasscheiben, die Stände wurden gerade erst aufgebaut und all das Seafood ausgeladen. Riesige Lachse und Krabben türmten sich imposant auf Eisbergen. Markthallen haben ja immer ihre ganz besondere Atmosphäre, herrlich! Wir haben alles bestaunt, Bagels probiert, das goldene Schwein mit Münzen gefüttert, Picknick für den Nachmittag gekauft und dann noch einmal im Laufschritt eine extra Runde gedreht, um nach meiner Sonnenbrille zu suchen, die dann am Ende doch im Auto war. Gut an dieser zweiten Runde war allerdings feststellen zu können, dass es um 9.00h schlagartig voll wurde.Read more

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