United States
West Virginia

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Top 10 Travel Destinations West Virginia
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    • Day 99

      West Virginia

      October 2, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Erinnerungen an ein Lied:

      Almost heaven, West Virginia
      Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River
      Life is old there, older than the trees
      Younger than the mountains, blowing like a breeze...

      Seneca Rocks und die weiten von West VirginiaRead more

    • Day 26

      New River Gorge part 1

      October 3, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      First days in New River Gorge:
      * rock is amazing
      * morpho routes and many jumps
      * heating got fixed
      * weather is not great but we are still able to climb
      * bad weather = no solar panel charging = currently without electricity
      (board battery charging via motor will be fixed soon)
      * we are great at cooking, every meal is delicious so far 😋
      * getting used to van life and improvisation
      * every day working and improving on something new in our new home 🚐
      * forest/nature reminds us of south of 🇧🇷
      * everybody is happy 🥰
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    • Day 32

      NRG part 2

      October 9, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ -4 °C

      * electricity is back, board battery is charging 👌 thanks a lot to Bridge Bound Camper. If you ever have a problem with your van around NRG thats the place to go!!
      * went to a coffee place inside of an old catedral. Place was great but we chose the wrong coffee. Café au lait in the 🇺🇸is definitely not the same as in 🇨🇭🇨🇵 😂
      * tested the bikes that came together with the van. Both are too small for us but we still had some fun on a 7miles bike trail through the forest. (biking was not really a rest day activity, it felt harder than climbing 😅)
      * first time trad climbing after the Greenland Expedition in 2018 for Vini. Good day for practice and a reminder that 7c+ trad is hard. Don't know who was suffering more Vini climbing / Nadja belaying?
      * climbing many beautiful classics
      * finally some sun and more van life joy 🙃
      * autumn is coming
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    • Day 34

      Bye bye NRG

      October 11, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      We enjoyed our 2 weeks at the New River Gorge a lot. Thanks to our van #americas project, instagram and some stalking skills we got invited for diner by a lovely family. They live close to the NRG and have an amazing house which they are building all by themselfs for the last 12 years. Our swiss number plate got the attention of Elizabeth because during winter she and her family live and work in Switzerland. Great evening with good food, beer, vine, talks & laughs. International evening it was 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 🇧🇷 🇨🇭
      Unfortunately we forgot to take a picture together.
      Ending our stay in West virginia with good music and singing

      🎶 Country roads, take me home
      To the place I belong
      West Virginia, mountain mama
      Take me home, country roads 🎶

      * West Virginia: wild wonderful*
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    • Day 14–16

      Coopers Rock (West Virginia)

      September 15, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Coopers Rock wasn't on our list when we planned the trip, but with the detour over Niagara Falls, it was suddenly right on our way south. Birte had some unfinished business there with a boulder called Final Fantasy (V7) that she came very close to sending two years ago. Even though our fitness was not nearly as good as it was back then, we thought we should give it a try.
      We walked into the area and met a group of climbers who were clearing all the paths to the boulders of brush, shrubs, and fallen trees. We talked to one of them for a while and got lots of suggestions on what to climb and where to go. At some point we exchanged Instagram contacts and realized that we were actually already following each other! What a coincidence! 😂 Check out his Insta for some crazy slab climbing in West Virginia: @slab_justice_warrior
      The climbing at Coopers Rock is awesome and the area is huge! Everything is well documented by the locals on Mountain Project, so navigating the forest is really easy and convenient.
      Birte was able to relearn almost all the moves from Final Fantasy during the session, but it was not enough to finish the project. However, we had a really nice time at Coopers Rock and would love to come back here sometime.
      The rock is very solid sandstone and is said to have the closest resemblance to the gritstone of the infamous Peak District 🤷.
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    • Day 16–21

      New River Gorge (West Virginia)

      September 17, 2023 in the United States ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      The first national park of the trip: New River Gorge!
      What a beautiful place.
      We stayed 5 nights and went bouldering every day. The area is very diverse, some boulders are in dense forest, others are right in the riverbed, some accesses are only a few minutes, others took us more than an hour just to get to a single boulder we wanted to try.
      All in all it was great and quite adventurous. When I asked the Ann Arbor crew about bears in the area, they said we wouldn't see any and that we were more likely to step on a snake looking for bears! Well...turns out they were right. On our last day we went to the Meadow Top area, a beautiful boulder field next to a cliff with a dense rhododendron forest. It was early in the day and there were no hikers or other climbers around. We were struggling through the thicket when I suddenly heard a scream from Birte. "Snake! Snake! You almost stepped on it!" I froze, then slowly turned around. I still couldn't see it. Birte had stepped back a few meters. The snake seemed to have frozen as well, so I took a few more steps away. Now there was a snake between Birte and me, blocking the way. It was a copperhead, easily recognizable by its copper-colored head. Luckily I missed it by a few centimeters. Maybe I even touched it lightly. But we were lucky. It was already half grown. The babies are more dangerous because they cannot control how much venom they use when they bite. This one didn't bite, but froze, which is their way of hiding and trusting their camouflage (which is really, really good...I just couldn't see it, even though I knew it was there!) Well...we survived! Birte took a detour to get back on the trail. We went to the boulder "Egyptian Root Canal" (V5) and Birte climbed it!

      There is so much to say about this place, but I will try to keep it short.
      Fayetteville, the small town in the National Park, is really cute with lots of outdoor and antique shops, cafes and restaurants everywhere. It has a very nice and outdoorsy atmosphere. Most of the people here are either rock climbing or kayaking.
      The campgrounds were all free and we met very nice people everywhere. At one campground, an African-American family with a huge old RV (like in the movie Little Miss Sunshine) stayed next to us. They were really funny. On the morning of my birthday (unbeknownst to them) the father was singing gospel songs at the morning campfire, using a hammer against the stone wall around the campfire as percussion. It was beautiful to hear. It reminded me of the chain gang songs of the convicts in old western movies.

      My favorite boulder was Pizza Slice (V8). A perfect line along the arete of a 45° overhanging triangle block in the middle of the river! We were lucky to get there on Thursday, as we learned from a kayaker the next day. From the end of September to the end of November, the dam is open from Friday to Saturday to lower the water level of Summersville Lake. One day later, the line would have been unclimbable! Perfect timing!
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    • Day 54

      Romantik in Harpers Ferry

      March 25 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      Mit Urlaubstag in Harpers Ferry lässt sich der heutige Tag ziemlich prägnant beschreiben.

      Aber zurück zum Anfang. Der heutige Tag begann mit Pancakes und Rührei. Jochen war für die Pancakes zuständig und ich musste das Rührei machen. Als die ersten Eier in der Pfanne waren, bat mich ein weiterer Wanderer noch mehr Eier zu machen. Es endete mit 16 Eiern und Rührei für die ganze Bande.

      Nach dem ausgiebigen Frühstück fuhren wir mit Uber zurück in die Altstadt.

      Nach einer sehr freundlichen Begrüßung beim ATC Headquater durften wir endlich unser Halfway Picture machen.
      Wir sind die Nummern sieben und acht auf dem Weg nach Main. Sind also nur noch sechs Northbounder vor uns. Gestartet sind wir mit den Startnummern 83 und 84.

      Mit dem Post Office lag nun ein eher stressiger Programmpunkt vor uns. Wir hatten alle restlichen Pakete aus Atlanta an dieses Post Office gesendet und mussten sie nun zu ihrer Endstation weiterleiten.

      Da kommt nicht nur Freude bei uns, sondern auch bei den Postbeamten auf. Als dies alles erledigt war, ging es zurück zur ATC, um den Proviant aufzuteilen. Nachdem dies alles erledigt war, konnten wir in dieser schönen historischen Stadt entspannen.

      Auf dem Weg zum Restaurant betrachteten wir die schönen Häuser und stellten uns vor, wie wir irgendwann mal mit einer Partnerin zurückkommen würden. Im „Rabbit Hole“, von denen die Reste waren, die wir gestern von dem Pärchen bekommen hatten, gab es nun einen ganzen Burger mit Pommes und Gemüsesticks für mich.

      Nach einem Spaziergang, einem Eis und einem kurzen Besuch beim Outfitter gingen wir weiter entlang des Potomac Rivers auf dem AT in Richtung des nächstgelegenen Shelters.

      Bevor wir dort ankamen, nutzten wir die erstbeste Möglichkeit im Wald, um unseren großen Geschäften nachzukommen. Leider war zu diesem Zeitpunkt auf dem Trail mehr los, als wir dachten.

      Wir beide wurden von einem Pärchen entdeckt, die wohl einen Abendspaziergang zu einem Aussichtspunkt machten. Der Mann realisierte vermutlich sofort, dass wir beiden, versteckt hinter einem Baum und hinter einem Felsen, unsere Ruhe brauchten. Die weibliche Neugier veranlasste die junge Frau allerdings, sich mehrmals im Wald in unsere Richtung umzusehen. Mein Vater würde sagen, dass sie ein bisschen „wunderfitzig“ war.
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    • Day 9

      Canaan Valley chez Claire et John

      September 11, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Après 4h30 de route nous voici dans cette petite vallée pour 4 jours. Le temps de quelques balades et de recueillir quelques archives familiales côté Cassidy-Monod-Weber. Plus d’une centaine de lettres scannées seront accessibles dans les archives familiales dans un espace dans le nuageRead more

    • Day 4

      Day 4 - Country roads, take me home...

      May 5 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      I’m awake (again) at 05:00, with a slightly fuzzy head. I read for an hour, catch up on some other travel plans, and check in with the home contingent. I’ve got a looooong day’s driving ahead of me, but there’s no real point in me getting on the road before 08:00. I’m heading across the entire breadth of West Virginia, the Mountain State. The rain has lingered overnight, and I’m anticipating a day with a lot more low lying cloud and murk.

      Karin has recommended a new café to me, in Romney, about an hour’s drive from Winchester. They open at 09:00, so I set off just after 08:00. I’m back on Route 50, which was my constant companion yesterday. The scenery is stunning. I drive through more than a few properly squally rain showers. Happily, the roads are all but empty, so it’s a relaxing drive.

      Breakfast at Wild Roots is fab. I have a breakfast burrito that weighs almost as much as I do. It’s delicious. The coffee is strong, and helps resurrect my still fuzzy bonce.

      Back on the road, I cruise along at between 70 and 80, and marvel at some of the place names on offer. Nutter Fort, Big Otter and St Albans are among my favourites. The weather’s starting to break a little, and there are some decent sunny spells along the journey. It’s a good 2 hours to the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum. On arrival, it’s a spectacular building, and still has the iron bars across the windows. It was originally designed to house 250 ‘inmates’ when it was built in the late 19th century, but peaked in the 1950s at a population of over 2,000. It was transformed into a museum back in 2004, and many of the rooms/cells are still in their original condition. It’s pretty horrifying. The tour guide tells me about the lobotomy experiments that were regularly conducted on patients that might have reported with something as straightforward as epilepsy. *Shudder*

      It’s a 2 hour straight shot down the road to Huntington, my overnight stop. I picked Huntington because:

      a) it’s approximately halfway between Berryville and Nashville, and
      b) there’s a really cool sounding hot dog place that I wanna try.

      The roads are getting much busier, but traffic’s still moving freely. I find myself pulling into Huntington in what feels like no time at all. My motel is basic, but clean and comfortable. Oooh, afternoon nap sounds fun.

      I open the door to leave my room, and am met by a wall of rain. It’s absolutely pooning it down. My car’s only parked a few metres from cover, but I’m still beyond soggy when I get into it. It’s a 10 mile drive into the middle of absolutely nowhere to get to Hill Billy Hot Dogs, and the rain eases and then stops en-route. HBHD is a very cool, intentionally esoteric kinda place. The counter clerk apparently loves my accent. I Grant it up a bit (Hugh, not Mitchell), and she coos.

      They offer an eating challenge hot dog called a Homewrecker. It’s close to 2 feet long (60cm for the civilised folks out there), and if eaten in less than 10 minutes, is free. Apparently the vast majority fail. I’m a little more circumspect with my order - a Hillbilly Dog, and some mac and cheese bites. The dog is excellent - properly smoked beef wiener (snigger), a quite poky chilli, mustard and raw onion. This is all washed down by a local IPA called Devil’s Anse - which I mistakenly hear as Devil’s Arse.

      On my way back to my motel, the skies are brooding again. It’s warm and humid. I stop in at Walmart for some supplies. It’s comfortably the biggest supermarket I’ve ever seen - bigger than the cavernous hypermarchés I remember from trips to France as a kid.

      Back in my room, I settle in for a Sunday night movie, Leon - which I haven’t seen for many years. It’s still a fabulous film, and I manage to keep my eyes open throughout. I make it to 21:30, and reckon that’s enough for today…
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    • Day 14

      Cambridge OH

      May 20 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Ein früher Start erlaubte das Einfangen einer Morgenkühle. Die Temperaturen stiegen schnell und erreichten schon am Mittag gegen 30°C. Wie schon gewohnt, ging es topografisch rauf und runter; ich muss mich wohl an durchschnittlich rund 700 Höhenmeter pro Etappe gewöhnen.
      Wheeling schaute ich mir nicht an. Die alte Hängebrücke war schwierig zu befahren mit meinen eher schmalen Pneus. Für die Mittagverpflegung hielt ich zur Abwechslung wieder einmal bei einen Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) zu und war einmal mehr frustriert über die amerikanische Gastronomie. Eigentlich eine Zumutung, was da den Amerikanern täglich in den einschlägigen Fast Food Restaurants geboten wird.
      Gegen Schluss der Etappe wieder ein Versagen meines Routenplanungsprogramms: Plötzlich war der Weg fertig. Und so musste ich einen beträchtlichen Umqweg von etwa 12 Km fahren, bis ich am Ziel war. Immerhin: Das Motel ist sehr günstig, und zum Frühstück gehe ich morgen zu Dennis - schon jahrelang nicht mehr besucht, aber hier hats wieder einmal einen. Ich lerne auch, wie wichtig Kabelbinder sind unterwegs. Die Träger an der Vorderratgabel haben sich gelöst. Ich habe sie nun per Kabelbinder befestigt. Und auch meine Velosandalen sind einseitig ausgerissen. Auch das konnte mittels Ahle und Kabelbinder gelöst werden.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    West Virginia, WV, Wes-Virginië, ዌስት ቨርጂኒያ, Virchinia Occidental, Westvirginia, فيرجينيا الغربية, فيرجينيا الغربيه, Virxinia Occidental, West Virginia suyu, Qərbi Virciniya, غرب ویرجینیا ایالتی, Көнбайыш Виргиния, Штат Заходняя Віргінія, Западна Вирджиния, পশ্চিম ভার্জিনিয়া, ওয়েস্ট ভার্জিনিয়া, Zapadna Virginia, Баруун Вирджини, Virgínia de lOest, Малхбузера Виргини, ڤیرجینیای ڕۆژاوا, Západní Virginie, Анăç Вирджини, Gorllewin Virginia, Δυτική Βιρτζίνια, Okcidenta Virginio, Virginia Occidental, Lääne-Virginia, Mendebaldeko Virginia, ویرجینیای غربی, Länsi-Virginia, Virginie-Occidentale, Virginia du Ponant, West-Firginia, Virginia Thiar, Günbatısı Virginiya, Virginia an Iar, Kuarahyresẽ Virginia, Yn Virjeeney Heear, Sî Virginia, Wilikinia Komohana, וירגיניה המערבית, पश्चिम वर्जीनिया, Vijini de Lwès, Nyugat-Virginia, Արևմտյան Վիրջինիա, Virginia del West, Virginia Barat, Westal Virginia, Vestur-Virginía, Virginia Occidentale, ウェストバージニア州, დასავლეთი ვირჯინია, Virginia Tutrimt, Батыс Виргиния, ವೆಸ್ಟ್ ವರ್ಜೀನಿಯ, 웨스트버지니아 주, Vîrjînyaya Rojava, Vyrjynia West, Virginia Occidentalis, Virginnia Oççidentâ, ڤیرجینیا أفتونئشین, Vakarų Virdžinija, Rietumvirdžīnija, Касвел Виргиний, Западна Вирџинија, പടിഞ്ഞാറൻ വിർജീന്യ, Баруун Виржини, वेस्ट व्हर्जिनिया, Вадывел Виргини, အနောက် ဗာဂျီးနီးယားပြည်နယ်, غربی ویرجینیا, Virginia Tlāpcopa, West-Virginia, वेस्ट भर्जिनिया, वेस्त भर्जिनिया, Vest-Virginia, Eʼeʼaahjí Bijiniyah Hahoodzo, Virgínia Occidentala, Ныгуылæн Вирджини, ਪੱਛਮੀ ਵਰਜਿਨੀਆ, Albugang Virginia, Wescht Wirschini, पश्चिम भर्जिनिया, Wirginia Zachodnia, Virginia Ossidental, ویسٹ ورجینیا, Virgínia Ocidental, Virginia de Vest, Западная Виргиния, वेस्‍ट वर्जिनिया, Арҕаа Вирдьиния, Virgìnia Otzidentale, Virginia Uccidintali, Wast Virginie, Oarje-Virginia, Vakarū Virdžinėjė, Západná Virgínia, Zahodna Virginija, Zachodńo Wirgińijo, மேற்கு வர்ஜீனியா, పశ్చిమ వర్జీనియా, รัฐเวสต์เวอร์จิเนีย, Kanlurang Virginia, Batı Virginia, Көнбатыш Виргиния, غەربىي ۋىرگىنىيە شىتاتى, Західна Вірджинія, مغربی ورجینیا, Gʻarbiy Virjiniya, Tây Virginia, Барун Виирҗин, וועסט ווירדזשיניע, Ìwọ̀orùn Firginia, 西維珍尼亞州, 西維吉尼亞州

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