United States
Yakutat City and Borough

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    • Day 3

      Hubbard Glacier

      June 12, 2023 ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      We sailed all night and all morning across the northeast corner of the open Pacific Ocean. The seas and winds were favorable, though not exactly calm. I was awakened several times over the night by that old, familiar motion of the seas aboard a ship. That ponderous movement, as she rides up to the crest of a swell, that sense of the deck moving away from you as she drops down the other side, that slight shudder as the weight of the ship encounters the next swell and her downward movement is arrested. All accompanied by the low omnipresent growl of the engines propelling you ever forward.

      I found the next morning that while the motion may be familiar, my sea-legs are 20 years out of practice. It took me until mid-morning before I stopped weaving back and forth down the passageways. By lunchtime we had come close to land and entered a narrow fjord, and soon we were face-to-face with a massive wall of ice. Hubbard Glacier. We stood at the bow as the glacier emerged from the mist, the cold air sharp in our nostrils. The water was calm, clouds hung low over the snow-kissed hills. Small icebergs littered the area between us and the glacier which stood across the water like a blue-white dam, giving proof of the dynamic process that calves these bergs from their mother.
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    • Day 11

      Alaska Day 11 Yakatat, AK

      July 17, 2019 ⋅ ⛅ 57 °F

      A very early start to the day. Ferry was supposed to dock at 5 AM however we had some rough seas last night and were about an hour behind schedule. Yakatat is a tiny, sleepy fishing village, population ~600 with it’s claim to fame of Fat Grandma’s Cafe for breakfast. So off we went to find Fat Grandma’s. A short walk in a forested area, so green and “clean” smelling. Had rained last night. Quite the eclectic store cafe - combination eatery, general store, curio shop and lending library. 😂. Alice and Diane drank coffee while I went for a walk. Found the post office and the Glassdoor Bar, and the Liquor Store, both in the same building for convenience. Short outing as we had arrived late and back on the sea by 8:30. Last stop until our final destination tomorrow AM, Whittier, AK
      Breakfast and back to the puzzle for the morning. Alice has a short attention span for the puzzle and decided to paint. Pic #1 below is one of her products.
      A real change in scenery today. The forested hills have become snow covered mountains as we travel North and get closer to our destination. More of Mother Nature’s best.
      Had to take the puzzle down about 2/3 finished. 😱. Dinner and prep for leaving at 6 AM tomorrow. I am ready to get off this ferry! 😂😂😂
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    • Day 21

      All at sea...

      August 22, 2017 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      It is 7 am aboard the rather ironically called Norwegian Sun . Of course, the morning is dull and overcast with drizzle, which is all we have encountered in Alaska. The locals say it has been a bad summer, with only the odd day of sun over a two week period.

      The ship is pleasant, and we are still exploring. Paul and Cathy are sleeping in...

      We are at sea right now, heading toward Hubbard Glacier. Pics to follow!

      UPDATE: I have added some pics of Hubbard Glacier...it was a bit hard to photograph as it is massive...7 miles wide, between 10 and 20 stories high, and 35 miles long. It is huge! It is an advancing glacier, and calves off frequently. The noise of the ice crashing into the ocean is tremendous, and the water is littered with great chunks of ice. Quite fascinating.
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    • Day 14

      Royal Princess

      July 14, 2019 ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      3’828 Passagiere aus 34 Nationen befinden sich auf der Royal Princess. Die meisten davon sind aus den USA (3‘251), dann folgt Kanada (255), China (65), Grossbritannien (44), Mexiko (40) und Australien (34). Schweiz: 6.

      Das Schiff legt heute an der Yakutat Bay eine fünfstündige Pause ein, damit man ein Auge voll vom Hubbard-Gletscher, der sich hinten in der Bay befindet, nehmen kann. Für ziemlich viel Geld kann man auch einen Bootsausflug an den Gletscher machen. Wir bleiben an Bord, da wir unser alaskisches Gletschererlebnis bereits auf unserem Ausflug in den Kenai Fjords National Park gehabt haben.

      Programm heute: Fitness (Bea und Osi), Line Dance (Bea), Lesen (Bea und Osi), Fotos machen (Osi), Essen (Bea und Osi).

      Die Fotos unten zeigen den obersten Teil des Schiffes mit den Pools, Jacuzzis, Spielfeldern und einer der beiden Glasboden-Passagen, die links und rechts über das Schiff hinausragen.
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    • Day 14

      At Sea- Hubbard Glacier

      June 7, 2022 ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      We started the day with coffee and pastries delivered to the room. How very civilized.

      After a very busy land tour, we were very happy to have a sea day, be able to sleep later, and have a chill day.

      About 3 pm we began to cruise along Hubbard Glacier. There just aren't words...

      In addition to the enormous glacier, we saw Sea lions basking on ice chunks, and an otter out for a swim.

      We had dinner at the French Bistro- Scallops, Goat Cheese croquettes, Fruits de Mer, and Poire Helène for me, Escargots, Fruits de Mer and Maron Clementine for Wayne, and Scallops Duck a L'Orange, and a Chocolate mousse log with a lovely Pinot Noir for Julianna. The waiter also brought us a Floating Island that was quite delicious.

      Julianna and I went to the "Rock You Tonight" show featuring music from the 60s, 70s, and 80s. Something for everyone. Then at 10:15 we went to watch sunset. It was the first sunset I'd seen while in Alaska, since the sun set at almost 2 am when we were in Fairbanks. This was a Very. Long l. Sunset- and then it still didn't get very dark for a long time.

      With memories of another spectacular day, we turned in.
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    • Day 20

      Yakutat Bay and the Hubbard Glacier

      August 4, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Bit of a lazy day today. Up late; having now moved to an inside cabin and therefore having no window means the endless Alaskan summer days didn't keep us awake. After spending the morning bumbling about the ship, we saw an excellent author speak about subsistence living in Alaska before going out on deck to see the Hubbard glacier, the biggest tide water glacier in Northern America at 6.5 miles wide and 350ft high at the snout. We watched numerous calvings before changing from warm layers to black tie for the formal evening.Read more

    • Day 21

      Hubbard Glacier

      May 12 in the United States ⋅ 🌫 2 °C

      The ship arrived in Yakutat Bay and headed for the Hubbard Glacier. The day was cold with intermittent rain and snow showers and low clouds. The captain dodged a river of calved ice then used the thrusters to put the ship into a spin pivoting on the boat's center.
      The view, somewhat hindered by the weather was spirit lifting. The solitude and striking beauty leaves one standing in the rain with a wide smile and a deep, peaceful feeling. The Alaskan experience overloads the senses and leaves no time for life's daily worries.
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    • Day 52

      Hubbard Glacier

      August 1, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      35 stores high from the water line and 7 miles wide.
      To give an idea how big the glacier is, the ship in the picture I think has 1,000 passengers.
      There are moments on this cruise where it feels like there no other passengers on the ship.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Yakutat City and Borough, Ville-arrondissement de Yakutat

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