U.S. Virgin Islands

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    • Day 3

      Tag 2 an Board der Queen Mary II.

      November 21 on the U.S. Virgin Islands ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Wir haben geschlafen wie die Babys - und das obwohl die See ziemlich unruhig war die Nacht, sodass unsere Balkon Tür massig vibriert und geklackert hat. Daniel wurde davon kurz wach in der Nacht und hat dann sein Möglichstes getan, um die Geräuschkulisse wieder einzudämmen.

      Gestartet haben wir dann den Tag mit einem Frühstück im Britannia Restaurant. Sehr sehr lecker! Nette Tischnachbarn gab es dazu ;-)

      Nachdem wir gefrühstückt und uns gestärkt hatten, ging es zuerst in einen Tanzkurs für Cha Cha und im Anschluss im Kings Court zum Mittagessen. Nach dem Mittag essen beschlossen wir das Schiff zu erkunden.

      Dabei sind wir auf Cunard Conexions gestoßen. Dort gab es nicht nur Gerränke satt, sondern viele Tische mit verschiedenen Brett- oder Kartenspielen zum Spielen.

      Wir beide sind beim Schach hängen geblieben. ♟️ Es muss wohl was besonderes sein, dass jemand Schach spielt, denn zwischendurch kamen die ein oder anderen Mit-Passagiere und haben gefragt, ob sie uns zusehen dürfen.

      Dabei haben wir einen sehr lieben älteren Herren kennengelernt, der sich mit uns herrlich über unsere (nicht vorhandenen) Strategien amüsiert hat und uns von seiner Freizeit (er spielt Hobbymässig Schach im Verein) erzählt hat.

      Die Tage haben wir uns auf ein Wiedersehen geeinigt, bei dem jeder von uns mal gegen ihn eine Runde spielt. Wir sind gespannt, ob das was wird :-)

      Nach rund 3 Partien Schach, die Daniel übrigens gewonnen hat, haben wir uns eine Show im Planetarium angesehen 🪐 Auch sehr empfehlenswert!

      Nun ist es bereits abends und wir haben beschlossen, nach einer leckeren Pizza die heutige Gala zu besuchen und Trivia zu spielen.

      Wir berichten, wie es gelaufen ist im nächsten Post ;-)

      Euch allen einen schönen Tag ☀️🚢
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    • Day 5

      3. Seetag vor St. Thomas

      November 23 on the U.S. Virgin Islands ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C


      Ahoi, hier spricht der Kapitän. Nachdem wir den südlichen Kurs anhand der steigenden Temperaturen spürten, entschlossen wir uns dazu, das heutige Frühstück auf der Kabine einzunehmen. Mit Aussicht auf endlose Wassermassen ließen wir uns eine bunte Variation schmecken. Ich habe hier in den paar Stunden bereits mehr Blutwurst gegessen, als das ganze restliche Jahr, definitiv etwas, was ich mit nach Deutschland nehme.
      Nachdem wir uns gestärkt hatten, taten wir das einzig Vernünftige, wir lagen im Bett und lasen / hörten Hörbuch.
      Zum Mittagessen ging es dann zum Buffett, hier gibt es sogar eine Taco-Station, super lecker.
      Danach wurde noch eine Runde über das Schiff gedreht, bei den Temperaturen müssen ja auch mal die Pools ausgecheckt werden.
      Wie bei jedem Seetag folgte eine Partie Schach, die dieses Mal in einem Unentschieden endete. Damit steht es 3:1:1 (Notiz an mich, Spielstandbrett ausbauen, Platz wird eng)
      Die heißgelaufenen Köpfe wurden anschließend in den Pools abgekühlt.

      Nun schreibe ich dies, während wir auf unser Abendessen warten.
      Bis zum nächsten Bericht,

      Ihr Kapitän zur See
      - Daniel 😎
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    • Day 11

      Day 4 Saint Thomas

      May 17 on the U.S. Virgin Islands ⋅ ☀️ 84 °F

      I got up at 5am and spent 2 hours reading and cross stitching. I saw the sun rise at 5:45.

      Glenn brought me some watermelon after he did his daily 30minutes on the bicycle.

      Since St Thomas is US VIRGIN Islamd, I was able to use my internet data package.

      We even talked to Dad on FaceTime. We were talking to Tom and Cheryl from NJ.

      I went to a craft class called Pearl diamond art

      The 4 of us took a taxi/bus along the St Thomas island.
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    • Day 10

      St. Thomas

      January 4, 2023 on the U.S. Virgin Islands ⋅ 🌧 77 °F

      Today, we visited St. Thomas. Our tour took us on a scenic drive around the island, stopping at Mountain Top for a banana daiquiri and views of Megan's Bay. Then we drove through the city of Charlotte Amalie and past Fort Christian, built by the Danes when they first came to the island. We rode the tram up to Paradise Point and did a bit of shopping before returning to the ship for a relaxing evening.Read more

    • Day 6

      Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas

      February 23, 2023 on the U.S. Virgin Islands

      Greg & Megan set off in the morning to see Magen's Bay. We three took a 2-hour taxi ride to see the island. At the mountaintop, we came upon G&M, and enjoyed Banana Daquiris. Our driver let us out near Gladys' Cafe. Guess who we were seated next to? Greg & Megan!

      Wayne had his Conch Chowder. I had a friend grouper sandwich, and Julianna had a grilled tuna sandwich. Wayne & I headed back to the ship, while the younger 3 went in search of rum cake.
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    • Day 8

      Magens Bay, St Thomas

      December 11, 2023 on the U.S. Virgin Islands ⋅ 🌬 29 °C

      Got to St Thomas and Mom and I headed to Magens Bay to enjoy the beach and some snorkeling in warm water. Mike and Denice went Scuba Diving. You didn't have to even try to float, you could fall asleep in the water. Saw some Sea Turtles and large schools of silverfish, that the Magnificent Frigatebird and pelicans would dive into the water and get. Move had fun looking for rocks and shells along the banks of the bay and we enjoyed the day.Read more

    • Day 4

      St Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands

      December 20, 2022 on the U.S. Virgin Islands ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

      We slept in a bit today (which means 7:30 Caty/Laura time). Once again we were scheduled to arrive a little early, so we hit breakfast, packed our bags, and hopped off the boat at our first opportunity. We were hopeful that we'd get to walk around and see some cool stuff, but we found that the area immediately outside the ship was one big tourist trap with trinket/jewelry shops. We walked around for a bit, and then decided to write it off and get back on the boat to wait for our scheduled excursion.

      After a short wait, we hopped on a safari bus and climbed up the island to take in a view of the bay dotted with sailboats and yachts. Shortly thereafter we went to the north side of the island where we spent two hours at the beach.

      Laura and Caty were thrilled to see some sea turtles, while I spent my time chilling in the shade and then walking along the water with Laura.

      After some time at the beach, we hopped back on the bus to wind our way back up to the very top of the island, where we got a scenic view of the island, and several other adjacent U.S./British Virgin Islands.

      Back on the boat, Caty hit the water slides again while Laura and I enjoyed cocktail hour, and devoured some mixed nuts while we waited for dinner time to arrive. We had reservations at the seafood restaurant on the ship, which Laura and I both enjoyed immensely.

      After dinner, we made the briefest of appearances at the ship's casino (we won't be going home rich), before calling it a night since we have an early scheduled arrival and snorkeling excursion scheduled for tomorrow.
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    • Day 2

      1. Tag auf See

      November 20 on the U.S. Virgin Islands ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Arrival on Board
      So schnell war der Vormittag auch schon vorbei.

      Nachdem wir gut an Board angekommen sind, haben wir es uns in unserer Kabine bereits gemütlich gemacht. Per Zufall kam auch ein Rom-Com Film, den haben wir uns während des Wartens auf die Koffer angesehen.

      Als die Koffer endlich da waren, haben wir auch erstmal alles in den Schrank gehangen - gefühlt haben wir beide unseren Hausstand mitgenommen 😅

      Leider verzögerte sich die Ausfahrt genau in unser Abendessen, sodass wir davon leider nicht so viel wie erhofft mitbekommen haben.

      Zu Essen gab es dann im Britannia Restaurant für uns beide gegrillten Lachs mit Kartoffeln, Brokkoli und Sauce Hollandaise. Sehr lecker 🤤
      Unglücklicherweise war die Portion sehr klein, sodass wir beide nicht so satt waren wie ursprünglich gedacht.

      Nach dem Abendessen waren wir beide so k.o, dass wir es uns für den Tag nur noch bequem gemacht haben und früh ins Bett sind.

      Ruhe muss ja schließlich auch mal sein 😉
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    • Day 56

      St Thomas, USVI

      December 12, 2016 on the U.S. Virgin Islands ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

      Wind. Blustery breeze.

      Hunkering down under the aeroplanes in the flattest, most protected water available. Coincidently a very nice spot! We're playing it safe until with winds drop back down below 20kts, at least for now.

      We've picked up the princess, she's alive and buzzing at the warm weather and clear blue water. To top it off, our anchorage happened to be host to numerous families of turtles, who popped up all over the bay, and forced us into countless impulsive swims. We also got the windsurfer up and running over these two days. Believe it or not, everyone our boat can windsurf - how's that??!

      It was great to be waiting on the weather. In a nice location we just had time to burn. Everyone set their own clocks and did their activities as they pleased. Not that we were ever on a hectic schedule, but I'm sure you know what I mean.

      I'm going to take the liberty here to offer a little insight to the weather. Jump to the two paragraphs if you don't like weather. So I bet you're thinking we get sun all day and moon all night, right? Wrong. We're riddled with showers, all the time. Although the sun is shining for most of the day, it doesn't take good eyes to spot a darkening cloud on the horizon. Contrary to weather at home, these clouds arrive quickly and leave quickly, torrenting with rain. Squalls would be the best way to describe them, as the reliably bring wind, lot's of wind, and heavy downpours. Often, in less than a minute, they're gone. With five or six of these per day or per night, it's infuriating. Hatches open, washing out; hatches closed, washing in. And by washing I mean electronics. Close the hatches and the bot roasts. First world problems, I know.

      We're also sitting in the trades, so we reliably get easterly wind and swell. It makes for easy route planning. It also makes for easy guidebook writing, as authors need only provide guidance for one wind direction. And in the charting world, a western anchorage is a safe bet. With regard to the temperature. I've seen only 26 and 27 degrees since we got here. More consistency than Fraser's presence in class during his study in Otago (never).

      Yesterday we motored up to Great St James Island to get a better angle to attack St Croix in an Easterly breeze. During his evening anchor dive, Scott meandered over to a nearby rocky outcrop. With Felicity and I in tow, we stumbled across a massive crayfish in around 1m of water. The rest is history. Scott's appetite for hunting cray is enormous. No crack goes unsearched and no craycray goes unattacked (size pending of course). After wrestling this sucker out of it's (particularly small) hole, we realised that there was no other way back to the boat than swim. Furthermore, the shallow water was surging with the swell, and sea urchins littered the alcove. With both hands tied up with said fish, swimming was tough. Witnessing Scott get smashed on rocks, urchins and pricked by a fiesty crustacean was undoubtedly the highlight of my day. Felicity took her sweet time getting the dinghy as Scott's shallow injuries mounted. After an eternity she (the cray) was safe in the yacht and fed us four for dinner...with leftovers. A fantastic end to an otherwise uneventful day.

      As a little aside, who's reading my blog?? I literally have no idea who's reading this. A teacher, some time during my numerous years of education, told me I should tailor my words to my audience. Send us a like or a comment if you're reading and let me know what you want to read more about!!
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    • Day 5

      St. Thomas

      November 15, 2018 on the U.S. Virgin Islands ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Heute sind wir in St. Thomas angekommen. Wir sind direkt weiter zu Megan’s Bay aufgebrochen und haben ein paar schöne Stunden am Strand verbracht. Auch wenn es recht bewölkt ist, ist es ziemlich warm.

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