Belvedere Courtyard

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    • Dag 10

      Tag 10 - Vatikan

      26. mai 2023, Vatikanet ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      1 Tag, 1 neues Land. Heute waren wir zu Besuch im Vatikan (wovon 80% Museen und Gärten sind)! Unfassbar viel der wertvollsten Kunst alter Meister, aber auch moderne Werke von Dali und Francis Bacon konnten wir betrachten. Insgesamt gibt es auf 7km hochwertige Kunst in unbeschreiblicher Dichte zu sehen, darunter auch zahlreiche Antike Musen (von denen das Wort Museum aber auch Musik abstammt und unserer Meinung nach auch Mangare!).
      Ursprünglich waren die Gänge ausschließlich für den Papst und seine Besucher vorgesehen und nicht für 30.000 Gäste am Tag! Dementsprechend voll und gequetscht war auch alles, was bei Julia für Sorgen um die Kunst geführt hat! Auch im heiligen Ort, der Sixtinischen Kapelle mit Michaelangelos berühmtesten Gemälden, war alles andere als die vorgeschriebene Ruhe.

      Nichtsdestotrotz sahen wir einen beeindruckenden Raum voller Tierstatuen, eine Statue mit Stierhoden um den Hals, einen prunkvollen goldenen 120m langen Raum mit Landkarten Italiens, berühmte Gemälde von Rafael und die originale Grablegung Christi von Caravaggio aber auch ein unfertiges Gemälde von da Vinci. Nach einem absolut unheiligem Snack in der Cafeteria aka Vatikan Mc Donalds betrachteten wir anschließend noch den Petersdom, der die größte Kirche der Welt (kommt drauf an, wem man zuhört) sein soll und sahen Michelangelos Pieta und die Gräber der Päpste.

      Alles in allem können wir ein Fazit ziehen: Vatikan ist deplazierter Reichtum, Prunk, Geld, Kunsthabgier, alles andere als Bescheidenheit und ganz viel Placebo... Aber gut, wem's nützt!
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    • Dag 2

      Vatican City, Rome

      4. oktober 2023, Vatikanet ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church and home to the Pope, the Vatican is a country within a country. Being the smallest “Country” in the world, it is a walled city-state surrounded by Rome. A visit to the Vatican provides access to a seemingly endless museum of iconic art and sculptures. Including the Sistine Chapel with its ceiling painted by Michelangelo.

      When we locked in our flights to Rome we started researching what tickets we would need to book in advance. Being late in the tourist season we were surprised to find out that many Vatican and Colosseum tours were fully booked or almost full. And on top of that, very expensive! We decided that an early morning access to the Vatican would hopefully avoid the crowds and then allow us time to check out St Peter’s Basilica afterwards. We booked in for the Wednesday at 7:30 am with a “skip-the-line” ticket. While not essential to gain access, we were glad we paid the extra. At 7 am the lineup for general admission was already snaking along the external walls from the entry point to the museum, and growing by the minute.

      Once inside, our tour guide took us along what was obviously the regular tour group route. In a permanent stream of people and groups, we passed through the various rooms and hallways. The tour guide gave us so much information that it was hard to retain any of it quickly enough before we were onto a new room or display. It was like drinking from a firehose while watching Oppenheimer. My highlights were the Roman and Egyptian rooms. Oversized marble sculptures of people and animals, full mummified remains in their coffins, tablets of stone with hieroglyphs carved into them. All very, very cool. There were endless rooms entirely painted with depictions of biblical accounts and other historically significant events from the time. And possibly the most impressive to me was a hallway with a series of hand-painted maps of Italy and its various regions, all seemingly perfectly to scale with mountains and natural features included. How this detail was even known, nevertheless able to be depicted on a map I have no idea. We finally entered the Sistine Chapel where we finished the tour and were left to soak in the incredible masterpiece in our own time.

      What would usually be included in the tour is a direct passage from the Vatican to St Peter’s Basilica. However by chance on this particular Wednesday there was a special Catholic event happening and access was closed until after 1:30 pm. We’d heard it was well worth it so ventured back out of the Vatican and to the standard access to the Basilica thinking we would arrive in time to go straight in. Not a chance 😂 The queue was like it was to shake the Pope's hand himself. Deciding that we would prefer to explore some more of Rome, we went to find an Aperol Spritz and some gelato🍹🍧
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    • Dag 10

      Sistine Chapel

      16. oktober 2015, Vatikanet ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      The Sistine Chapel absolutely took our breath away! The beauty of it was beyond words. Unfortunately we weren't allowed to take pictures, but I did get a couple from the doorway right before we stepped inside.Les mer

    • Dag 7

      Vatican City

      11. april 2016, Vatikanet ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Day 7 Roma
      Last day in Rome today was started with the one and only Vatican.
      Basically you see 3 mueseums, the church, the square and obviously the sistine chapel.

      The sistine chapel was smaller then i expected but was still beautiful. As its technically a church you arent allowed to speak inside or take pictures. They have about 20 guards inside watching you. It was different to what i imagined, Michaelangelo painted the ceiling and 1 wall. But other painters painted the other sections so it's basically paintings from floor to ceiling, of people mainly.

      St. Peters bascilica was really something. On another level from every church id seen so far.

      The pope does mass from outside in the square on Wednesday monrings, which can fit 150,000 people. He also does a blessing from his room that overlooks the square on sundays.

      After that we drove to Florence and had a special Tuscan dinner in the hill side.
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    • Dag 51

      Rome, her Churches and Vatican

      2. januar 2018, Vatikanet ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      We had a very Holy New Year. Spent the entire day visiting churches and ending the day listening to Christmas arias in a church. The Basilicas are truly amazing. At St Ignatius church, a dome was painted instead of using bricks and mortar because she could not handle the weight of such a structure. The perspectives are so good, it looks virtually 3D.
      InBasilica Santa Maria del Minerva, the mosaic work was so intricate and amazing.

      The catholic church is full of contradictions. The earlier popes commission's artworks by famous artist like Raphael, Michaelangelo, and Leonardo Da Vinci, but the later popes became offended by the nudity. They then made a decree that the privates be covered with shroud or fig leaf. To me this is a terrible damage to priceless art.
      At the Sistine chapel, the fresco are highly sensitive to vibrations so much so that the guide tells us to be silent for the entire time in the chapel, only to have the security announcing over the PA system saying, "Silezio, silence, no photo,no video." That must be the good vibrations.

      This does not take away the massive scale and splendor of St Peter's Basilica and the massive square. Crowds made the visit less enjoyable.
      The Borghese gallery on the other hand is very well organised. They limit the number of visitors and give a limited 2 hours to see there gallery. You won't get to all the exhibits but because of how well laid out the exhibits are you get a real good gist of the works. The gallery mainly houses Bernini's sculptures, paintings and ancient Roman works. Absolutely stunning gallery.
      Because of the limited numbers, it is really hard to get tickets for it. The girls missed our as there were only 2 tickets left for the time we were in Rome.
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    • Dag 24

      Papstaudienz (Vatikan/St. Petersplatz)

      26. september 2018, Vatikanet ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Ein wunderschönes und besonderes Erlebnis.

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