Vatican City
Pigna Courtyard

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    • Day 428

      The Vactican Museums

      September 12, 2022 in Vatican City ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      By Ruby

      Everywhere is decorated with beautiful things. Mosaics cover the floors, the walls are painted with extraordinary works of art and more often than not, so are the ceilings. Sculptures stand in every corner. The Vatican Museums house the biggest collection of art that any of us have every seen and we are delighted to join a guided tour.

      There is an overwhelming amount of statues, mostly Roman. There is a labyrinth of rooms just full to the brim with them, and it’s hard to believe what we’re seeing. I always thought that an intact ancient statue was extremely rare, but now I know where all the long-lost ones are kept!

      We walk through an extremely long hall next. The floor is mosaic and the ceiling is beautifully designed and divided into hundreds of individual works of art. We are in the hall of maps and there are over forty giant frescos on the walls, each one depicting a different part of Italy. The room radiate wealth and power and in my opinion is one of the most stunning rooms in the Vatican, and that’s saying a lot.

      Another impressive room is the hall of tapestries, each one ginormous. They depict the story of Christ and we follow his life walking the length of the hall. One in particular is very striking, and our tour guide stops to explain that it is ‘The massacre of the innocents’ . This scene is rarely portrayed in the story of Christ because of its brutality. The tapestry is very detailed and took years to make. All of the tapestries once lined the walls of the Sistene Chapel, but were removed during Covid.

      We continue on through a maze of rooms covered in paintings by Raphael. We get to see the famous ‘School of Athens’ and learn a bit about it. It features the face of Leonardo da Vinci painted as Plato, pointing his finger at the sky. Michelangelo’s and Raphael’s faces are also to be found in the painting.

      Now it’s time for the highlight of our tour (You may be able to guess it) . . . . The Sistene Chapel! We are herded into the crowded chapel by security guards. Everyone is standing and staring up at the marvel on the ceiling. It seems almost surreal that I am actually seeing ‘The creation of Adam’ by Michelangelo. I take a few photos forgetting the no photo rule — don’t tell anyone. We also see ‘The Last Judgment’, which takes up one entire wall!

      And so ends our trip around the Vatican Museums. The tour guide said that if we spent a minute at every piece of art here, we would be here for twelve years. We’re not that dedicated and amazing as it is we’re already quite hungry.
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    • Day 186

      Rome 2

      September 26, 2019 in Vatican City ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      Vatican Museum photos, we weren’t allowed to photograph in the Sistine Chapel and we had to make sure our knees and shoulders were covered. Just realised I didn’t tell you about our mad dash round the Basilica, well what happened was the little map we were given by the Hotel turned out to be not very accurate so we headed for where we thought we were meeting to collect our museum tickets only to find out, when we couldn’t find the street in question, that we needed to be the other side and we only had 5 minutes to get there. *ugger, off we go walking fast, marching, jogging, then running when we realise just how far we have to go. Lots of ‘scuzi’s’ later and we get there in time and apologise to everyone for holding them up. Just glad the museum pieces need to be kept at a low is hard temperature so we’re able to cool again. Tomorrow we are headed to Colosseum, Palantine Hill, Roman Forum and Basilica so should get a few more miles in our legs before returning to the boat.Read more

    • Day 5

      Day 4 - The Sphere within a Sphere

      September 14, 2023 in Vatican City ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      This is a bronze sculpture by Italian sculptor Arnaldo Pomodoro. The form depicts the globe of Earth itself. This complex work of art, composed of a sphere within a sphere, can be read as a symbol of the emergence of a new world from the old.Read more

    • Day 11

      Rom Tag 2

      September 17, 2021 in Vatican City ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Heute war ich im nördlicheren Teil der Altstadt Roms unterwegs. Dort ist neben der Engelsburg, dem Pantheon und sämtlichen interessanten Kirchen und Gebäuden auch der Tiber und dahinter dann die Vatikanstadt. Dort war ich heute im Museum und in der Sixtinischen Kapelle. Danach dann noch am Trevi Brunnen und ein paar schönen Gassen. Eine Caravaggio Malerei in einer kleinen Kirche gabs sogar noch kostenlos drauf zu sehen.Read more

    • Day 13

      Vatikanische Museen

      September 26, 2019 in Vatican City ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Rom ist die Stadt auf sieben Hügeln, die ewige Stadt und die wohl einzige Stadt, in der sich ein souveräner Staat befindet: Der Vatikan. Er ist Zentrum der katholischen Kirche und Sitz des Papstes. Ein Labyrinth aus Palästen und Galerien birgt in über 1400 Räumen und 14 Museen weltberühmte Sehenswürdigkeiten ersten Ranges. Die Päpste haben diese immensen Kunstsammlungen aus aller Welt über die Jahrhunderte zusammengetragen. Der Höhepunkt ist natürlich Michelangelos Meisterstück: die mit fantastischen Decken-und Wandmalereien geschmückte Sixtinische Kapelle, wo auch die Päpste gewählt werden.Read more

    • Day 36

      From the Vatican to Tuscany

      April 2, 2019 in Vatican City ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Early wake up and breakfast then off to do the Vatican museums, St. Peter's basilica and Colosseum. Definitely must do Vatican city with a skip the line pass, early admission too. Not very crowded when we got in, but long lines formed quickly. Amazing sculptures, tapestries, paintings and views. After lunch of Caprese salad, headed to the Colosseum then north.Read more

    • Day 2

      Vatikanisches Museum II

      December 18, 2010 in Vatican City ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Hier haben wir uns recht viel Zeit genommen um die zahlreichen Räume zu erkunden.

      Auch wenn man sich nicht so für Kunst interessiert ist es wirklich sehenswert, alleine schon durch die Raumgestaltung.Read more

    • Day 6

      Musei Vaticani

      May 31, 2017 in Vatican City ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      We decided to leave the Pope's public address a little early to beat the crowds to the Vatican Museum - and it worked!

      My absolute favorite piece in the Vatican museum was Raphael's "The School of Athens" (1509-1511) where famous minds and artists are depicted in one scene. Some that have been identified with certainty include Plato and Aristotle (in the painting's center), Socrates, Pythagoras, Euclid, Ptolemy, Zoroaster, Raphael (self portrait), Sodoma and Diogenes. This painting was not intended to represent a school that actually existed, but rather an ideal community of intellects from the entire classical world.

      Pro Tip: Use Rick Steves' Vatican Museum audio tour

      🌍🛫📝: Rick Steves
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    • Day 15

      Day 12&13

      June 12, 2017 in Vatican City ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Day 12

      Today we went into the Vatican City and into the museum and Sistine chapel which was amazing to see how they did everything by hand especially the paintings

      Day 13

      We slept in and then lazed by the pool all day and then I got sunburnt but only really badly on one side and packed up getting ready for the next stop!!Read more

    • Day 28

      Vatican Gardens

      September 23, 2017 in Vatican City ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Today, we continued our mastery of the Roman public transport system and took the Metro to Vatican City. I had booked us in on a tour of the Vatican Gardens, because we could then skip the queues to the Museums + we also got access to the little door at the back right of the Sistene Chapel which gave us access straight into the Basilica (and when we saw that queue, were glad of the opportunity to do so). Do you get the idea that queues are an issue?

      The gardens were lovely but that is to be expected when there are 50 full-time gardeners employed to tend them. There were great views of the dome of the Basilica as you walked through the gardens. They are closed to tourists in the afternoon so that they can be used by the Pope and other residents of Vatican City in the afternoons. On the grounds is the apartment of the former pope, who apparently was in residence when we were there (something to do with windows being open etc).
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