Cây Bàng Một

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    • Jour 4

      Jet lag

      3 mars 2023, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 33 °C

      Na opnieuw een kortere nacht, word ik wakker gekust door Stan. Ondanks de minder nachten, vind ik het stiekem wel gezellig om samen te slapen 🥰Ik probeer hem nog wat in bed te houden, maar na een tijdje komt Tess er ook bij. We ontbijten en maken ons klaar om Ho Chi Minhstad te verkennen. Lars dacht gisterenavond dat hij erdoor was, maar deze ochtend voelt hij zich nog steeds niet top..🙁 Hij stelt dan ook voor om onze tweedaagse van komend weekend uit te stellen naar het einde van de reis. We keren hier toch terug naartoe om terug naar huis te vliegen. Jammer maar beter zo dan dat hij zich de hele tijd miserabel voelt en niet veel kan, en ik met twee kinderen in een semi middle of nowhere zit.
      We nemen de taxi naar een roze kerk💒. Tess is al enthousiast over het ‘roze’. We komen aan, stappen uit en zien helaas dat we de kerk niet kunnen bezoeken. Dan trekken we maar gewoon een foto en bestellen we een nieuwe taxi naar het Independence palace⛩️. We kopen ticketjes en gaan zoeken “of de prinses thuis is”. Koningen en prinsessen hebben er eigenlijk geen hol mee te maken, maar goed, Tess is enthousiast. We stappen binnen en bekijken de eetzaal, lopen naar een volgende, tot ik merk dat Lars heel erg bleek is. Hij geeft aan dat hij niet meer kan en gaat zitten. Hij wil terug naar het appartement. We beslissen om nog even naar de speeltuin te gaan achter het paleis zodat hij daar wat kan bekomen en de kindjes zich kunnen uitleven. Die zijn zich van geen kwaad bewust en leven zich uit in de speeltuin🛝.
      Tot zover het verkennen van de stad.. ☹️
      Terug in het appartement legt Lars zich in bed. Hij heeft zooo veel last van jet lag.. Echt kak! Het voelt voor hem alsof hij en alles loodzwaar zijn..
      Ik geef de kindjes eten en daarna spelen ze / kijkt Tess wat tv, terwijl ik de afwas doe. Na een tijdje verschijnt Lars, nog altijd aan het lijden onder z’n jet lag. Hij heeft raad gevraagd en heeft een plan. Hij moet in dit ritme leven, veel zonlicht hebben en actief zijn. Echt gek, wanneer het in België 9-10u is, begint hij zich beter te voelen. Maar dat is hier dus pas tegen 15-16u 🫣. We trekken dan maar naar het zwembad en de speeltuin in ons complex! Stan ziet het zwembad nog maar in de verte en begint al ‘nee, nee’ te zeggen (oh no, not this again..). Hij ziet de speeltuin en is blij. Tess wil wel zwemmen dus Lars duikt er mee in. Ik probeer Stan terwijl te overtuigen om mee in het water te stappen, maar zelfs met hem hoog en droog in mijn armen, wordt hij panisch als ik nog maar gewoon met mijn voeten in het ondiepe water stap 🤦🏻‍♀️. Dus wandel ik wat rond op de terrassen met hem en trek foto’s van het uitzicht en de coole gebouwen. Ik onderneem nog wat pogingen om Stan te overtuigen dat het zwembad gewoon een groot bad is (want het is warm en ik wil ook zwemmen), maar tevergeefs.. Het was leuker om de hele tijd rond te lopen: helling op en af.. Uiteindelijk beslissen we gewoon om hem efkes in het water te soppen, en ooohhh wat vond hij dat leuk zegggg 🤣 (de foto spreekt boekdelen).
      Het is tijd om te gaan koken dus gaan we terug naar boven. Terwijl ik het eten maak (wortelpuree en kip, mega Vietnamees), gaat Lars nog wat inkopen doen. Het zijn hier erg vastkokende patatten blijkbaar 🥔 dus het duurt eventjes eer het klaar is. De kindjes spelen erna nog eventjes en dan is het bedtijd. Lars voelt dat hij moe is en beslist om mee te gaan slapen (naast Tess)
      Ik doe nog een poging om Stan in z’n eigen bed te steken en yesss het duurt niet zo lang eer hij in slaap is 🥳. Ik doe de afwas met een serieke en geniet wel stiekem van de me-time 🫢. Ik had het plan al in mijn hoofd om te gaan piepen naar het uitzicht langs de andere kant wanneer het donker is en er dus overal lichtjes zijn. Het is stil dus ik ga naar beneden, wandel op het terras naar de andere kant en ik geniet. Wat een fantastisch, graaf uitzicht 🤩. Zalig. Zotte brommerkes, karaoke, muziek.. Het nachtleven is al volop bezig! Ik draai me om en ik zie dat er een lichtspektakel op de gebouwen aan de andere kant aan het gebeuren is, dus ik wandel dichterbij om beter te kijken. Zoveel geluiden, brommers, kattengejank en lichtjes..😁 De brakke appartementen de overkant van ons lijken nog triestiger in het donker.
      Ik ga terug naar boven, neem een douche en eet een oreo-ijsje 🍦. Plots verschijnt Lars, die niet kan slapen. Dus kijken we nog wat tv en kruipen dan ons bed in, wéér apart (hopelijk de laatste keer!)
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    • Jour 19

      Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh

      31 mai 2018, Vietnam ⋅ 🌧 25 °C

      Hotel is good but the thing we notice the most is that people in Saigon are not as friendly as in other places we have stayed which is a shame and makes me think they are too Westernised and are pretty much over tourists. Still we had a great breakfast and then headed off to explore, after I spoke with my Mum and felt that she was ok!

      First stop was the War Remnant Museum. This was probably for me one of the most distressing and emotional things we have done. I found the pictures of children killed by American troops and women who they suspected as being Viet Cong really sad and I had to leave the rooms with photos of this as I could not understand how this had come about. Between the Killing Fields in Cambodia and the history here in Vietnam, I am stunned at the realities of war. I know there are atrocities in all wars, including what is going on at present, but the senseless killing and devastation of peoples lives confounds me and I feel powerless.

      I have learnt so much about the history of Vietnam and surrounding area during this trip and as distressing as it has been, I finally have a basic grasp of what happened here while I was growing up. Really puts your life into perspective.

      We walked for awhile after this experience and went to the main market area and wandered around feeling overwhelmed. Headed back to the hotel stopping for some food and an incredible coffee experience for Pete, and egg Vietnamese coffee which he loved.

      After a brief time by the pool we retired to our room, yes more cheese and bickies and an early night before our Mekong tour tomorrow.
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    • Jour 18

      Vietnam - Hoi An Day 4

      30 mai 2018, Vietnam ⋅ 🌧 28 °C

      Sad day to wake up and know it’s your last day in Hoi An. After another great breakfast, amazing mix of cultures at breakfast with a great latte and Vietnamese pho for breakfast, we jumped on the push bikes and headed into the old town to pick up my boots and sandals. Both were fantastic and I was really happy with them.

      About to head back to the hotel when I noticed a missed call from Phil, my Mum’s husband. I immediately had a scary feeling, so we headed back to the hotel. Unfortunately Mum was not well and was in hospital and I was pretty upset and scared and was contemplating heading home. After being reassured by Phil and nurse on call Jenny that she was ok and not to rush home, we decided to stay. Scary though being a long way home when something happens. Luckily the boys Nick and Hayden are also there to check on her for me! Thank you to Phil, Jenny, Nick and Hayden for helping me through this, and of course Pete for being there to hold my hand.

      Anyway after getting through this we headed to the airport to our next stop in the adventure Ho Chi Minh. An easy flight and transfer and we arrived at our riverside hotel Liberty Central, which has an amazing sky bar and pool area. After settling in with a couple of cocktails we went for a walk through town. Wow there are so many bikes and cars it is incredible and really dangerous crossing the road! We found a hidden supermarket on the 2nd floor of a building and went back to the hotel to feast on cheese and bickies. Stressful day with a relaxed ending!
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    • Jour 17

      Vietnam - Hoi An Day 3

      29 mai 2018, Vietnam ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

      We had to wake up early this morning as we were heading off for a walking food tour. This tour is run by Neville who is an Aussie that has been in Hoi An for 8 years and has set up this tour in conjunction with local Vietnamese. We set off with a small group walking through the market and stopping at local street vendors sampling new delights. Sooooo much food, we tasted 40 local dishes and didn’t need to eat for the rest of the day. There was a bit of history and local custom thrown in and we enjoyed the morning. Seriously hot though and we spent a bit of time by the pool when we got back. After cooling down we rode our bikes back into town to the bank and to try on my boots and shoes, which were great. Pete wanted an ‘Alan ManBag’ (from the movie Hangover) so we found a leather shop recommended by Neville and he found a great bag at a good price.

      We headed back to the hotel and got ready to go out to dinner with Elinor and Bruce (old friends from my Nissan days!). We caught a taxi to An Bang Beach and had a lovely night catching up on travel stories and sharing a lovely meal. Really good to catch up and hope to do some travelling together in the future!

      Again, we must be old but after dinner we were all happy after a relaxing time by the beach to head home to bed!
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    • Jour 16

      Vietnam - Hoi An Day 2

      28 mai 2018, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      So we woke up really refreshed after a great night sleep. No aircon, just a fan - heaven! I love being cool at night but the aircon really dries you out, but our room was perfect at night with just the fan.

      We took our time over breakfast and got ourselves organised to go to An Bang beach by the resort bus. Had a fabulous day just relaxing at the beach. One of the many ladies selling stuff on the beach managed to win me over with discussions about her children. I think that so long as you are happy with the price you should at least buy something. A lot of the people selling use this as their only income. Women look after the children, try to earn some money and a lot of the men spend their day drinking coffee in the coffee shops. So I’m happy to support the families in some way even if it is pretty insignificant.

      It is really a lovely beach and we enjoyed the day just relaxing there. Caught the bus back, picked up our washing and after a shower walked into town for dinner. We couldn’t believe the amount of buses and tourists in the old town. It was Buddha’s birthday celebration and so I guess it was understandable.

      So good having this relaxing time in such an amazing place!
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    • Jour 76

      Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

      28 février 2015, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

      Back in Vietnam in the old Siagon. We are in a port along the Siagon River within walking distance to a very crowded and active town. We went out for food and just had to ask the waitress to pick something that locals would eat. She was great and she would bring us the food and then show us how to eat it. Since everything seemed to have a wrap or sauce or soup that was very helpful. It was delicious and cheap and we walked through town in the evening.
      The town is mainly motorcycles and taxis and hardly any cars. They are expensive and taxed heavily and there is no place to park so motorcycles are the means of transport. To cross the street you can never get the intersection clear so you just wait until things thin a little and then start walking. If you maintain a slow and steady pace the motorcycles just weave around you and you eventually get to the other side. If you look at the traffic you will panic and stop or move too suddenly and are more likely to get hit so slow and steady is the key. Needless to say for 4 Americans that took some getting used to and having 20 bikes roar past you while crossing a big intersection can beat any amusement park ride any day. :-)
      There is a downside. We were informed there were pickpockets and were pretty careful but once we wandered into a part of town that was a little less crowed and during that street crossing adventure one of the bikes acted like they were going to hit us and caused us to jump a bit and while they slid past Ali they grabbed her purse and just jerked it right off her neck. They were gone before she realized what happened. Fortunately she didn't have much of value and no credit cards but it was a little bit of a wake up call to watch what we are carrying.
      Overall a fairly enjoyable experience and a nice enough city with some pretty places like the temple below. I can't imagine living here though in the crush of people that were always present. That is not something commonly said by us as we seem to always leave an area with plans for a longer stay in the future sometime. Next stop Bangkok.
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    • Jour 36

      Bitexto tower bar

      26 octobre 2015, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Als wir gerade unten aus dem Fahrstuhl kamen, ist gerade eine Horde Chinesen angekommen. Da sind wir ja ganz froh gegangen zu sein. Die Polyestermonster haben bestimmt wieder wahlweise sich gegenseitig oder ihre Handys angebrüllt😂. Die chillige Atmosphäre dürfte auf jeden Fall vorüber sein.En savoir plus

    • Jour 3

      Dinner after a long day

      3 avril 2023, Vietnam ⋅ 🌙 27 °C

      It took us ages to find this place, I guess we were tired and hungry! 🥩🍳

      The views from the hotel at night were amazing 😍🌃

    Vous pouvez également connaitre ce lieu sous les noms suivants:

    Cây Bàng Một, Cay Bang Mot, Cây Bàng 1


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