Côn Lang

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    • Jour 49

      Ninh Binh day 1

      28 avril, Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 37 °C

      We arrived into Ninh Binh at 5am and made our way to the hostel. Luckily a guest checked out as we were arriving so we only had to wait an hour before we could get some sleep.
      Ninh Binh is the province we're in but the town where we, and most of the tourists stay is called Tam Coc.
      Despite being far up north, there's still a heatwave going on so it's very hot. Determined to make the most of the day though, we hired bikes after lunch to explore the area. Less than a 10 minute cycle out of town, and you're in the middle of planes of rice fields surrounded by small steep sided mountains and jagged rock pinacals. It's pretty spectacular.
      The area has the same topography as the famous Ha Long bay, but on land! The rocks weren't formed by anything major, just by erosion from wind and rain millions of year ago according to google. The area we're in (spanning around 60km2) was actually named a world heritage site 10 years ago for its astounding natural beauty and culture.

      The shop we hired our bike from mainly rented out mountain bikes, but we wanted baskets in the front to put our stuff in, so got some cute little city bikes. Was probably the wrong decision as some of the 'roads' we cycled down were BUMPY, and the bike had zero suspension 😅
      We sought refuge from the sun in a cafe overlooking the rice fields, then ventured to a 'farm' with a water buffalo tied up outside and lots of baby ducklings in a small cage :( We didn't stop there for long, and instead cycled to another farm situated at the end of a very long bumpy dirt road, where some very happy ducks were waiting for us. The ducks were off swimming minding their own business before the lady who ran the place shouted something in Vietnamese. They all quacked in almost unison and came swimming hurriedly over, making an almighty ratchet, which was very entertaining.
      We then cycled over to a nearby pagoda built underneath a mountain. Up into the mountain, the path led through a cave where a shrine was situated, then out the other side and up some stairs the temple continued.
      On our way back into town a kingfisher flew past, right in front of us. It wasn't the usual flash of blue, so it was the first time I've seen one properly; they're very cute little birds.
      Absolutely exhausted from cycling and stair climbing in the heat we found somewhere with cheap beer, then later some yummy vegan food.
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    • Jour 8

      auf den spuren von jurassic park

      26 novembre 2023, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      wir sind in ninh binh! auch wenn hier jurassic park nicht wirklich gedreht wurde sieht es doch ziemlich danach aus. nach einem frühstück wo es endlich !! mango gab geht es für uns zur bich dong pagoda - ein glück erreichen wir vor den ganzen touris und sind durch sobald die busse ankommen. dann geht es weiter zur bootsfahrt. unterwegs ein kleiner schreck - der tank von unserem roller ist alle und wir bleiben mitten auf der straße stehen… ein glück ist 50m weiter eine kleine tankstelle. also suchen wir den bootsanleger und eine 16 jährige kutschiert uns für zwei stunden durch die täler ninh binhs. hier wird einem das white privilege ziemlich klar gemacht und mit einem etwas mulmigen gefühl ist die landschaft dennoch super schön. nun müssen wir uns erstmal stärken und es gibt wie immer coconut coffee und vietnamese coffee. das café ist super cute und wir entdecken papaya salat for uns!! nach einer kurzen chill pause im hotel (ja haben wir wirklich gemacht!!) geht es zum sundown noch einmal hoch auf den viewpoint. auch hier wird sich der weg mit vielen anderen touris geteilt, die aussicht lohnt sich aber trotzdem!! zurück im hotel genießen wir mal wieder eine „massa“ (wie die vietnamesen sagen ;)) und dann geht es zum abendbrot - für uns das beste bisher diese reise!! morgen geht unser taxi um 3:30 nach hanoi zum flughafen, also jetzt schnell schlafen 😴En savoir plus

    • Jour 8

      7ème jour : Bai Dinh - Tràng An 🇻🇳🎎🛶

      2 novembre 2023, Vietnam ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      Grosse journée aujourd'hui avec un réveil à 6h20. Départ pour notre location à Tam Coc. Arrivée vers 10h, nous louons un scooter 🛵 pour aller visiter le temple de Bai Dinh (plus grand temple bouddhiste au monde). Après 3h de visite nous reprenons la route pour aller faire un tour en barque dans la vallée de Tràng An 🤩En savoir plus

    • Jour 4

      Bich Dong Pagoda

      5 février 2023, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      This sweet little spot was close to our lodging. Naila, her friend Joanne, and I walked to the Pagoda. I ws surprised to learn most pagodas, including this one, have no admission fees. There are many donation boxes.

      It looks small from the front but goes back quite far into caves and all around the grounds. There are many shrines. I was surprised to find offerings included a lot of processed foods 😆 - packaged cake, pop. Hmmmm.... Exotic fruit was also offered along with flowers and money.

      The MANY stone steps are quite polished from thousands of years of use, plus it's been raining so the steps were really slippery. Like ice! We saw several folks slide but none fell. Some of the steps are as tall as knee-height and some are ankle-height. One must pay close attention and Naila held my hand most of the way.

      There are about 15 "tablets" with karma rules. I didn't know Buddism was so fire & brimstone.

      Bich Dong Pagoda is a famous historical and cultural relic in Ninh Binh, about 100km from Hanoi. Its unique characteristic is the perfect combination of ancient pagodas with cross-covered roofs, natural caves and majestic mountains, hidden in the green of tropical forests. Bich Dong Pagoda belongs to Trang An Complex which is inscribed to the UNESCO World Heritage. It is 3 km west of Tam Coc and 11 km southwest of Ninh Binh City. 

      General Information:
      Bich Dong literally means “Emerald Green Grotto”. The ancients named it because the pagoda was surrounded by green trees and the scenery was really peaceful. Bich Dong Pagoda was first built in 1428 under the reign of Ly Thai To on the Truong Yen limestone mountains range, Hoa Lu District. In 1705, 2 Buddhist monks, called Tri Kien and Tri The, came here and discovered this cave with a pagoda hidden by dense and strong vine and plants. Then they rebuilt it with 3-layers pagoda. “Chua” in Vietnamese means pagoda.

      Bich Dong Pagoda is a typical sample of traditional construction style, made from wood and stone with brick tiled roofs. But what makes it unique is 3 separate layered structures: Ha Pagoda (Lower Pagoda), Trung Pagoda (Middle Pagoda), and Thuong Pagoda (Upper Pagoda). These 3 pagodas are built in ascending. To reach them you must climb some steep stairs. On arrival at the site, you will see a small gate by a gigantic mountain. Crossing a stone bridge over a lotus flower pond, you go through a beautifully decorated gate and follow a small footpath to explore the whole pagoda.

      Chua Ha – Lower Pagoda:
      Chua Ha, or Ha Pagoda, is situated at the foot of the mountain. It is used as shrine of worshiping the Buddha. Ha Pagoda comprises 5 rooms with two-tier roof including 8 smaller roofs while its broad eaves were constructed by 6 stone steps. The 4-meters stone pillars in the pagoda are all monolithic without any joints.

      Chua Trung – Middle Pagoda:
      From Ha Pagoda, you will climb up 120 S-shaped steps to the halfway of mountain where Chua Trung, or Trung Pagoda, is located. This second pagoda is divided into two areas: half of the pagoda is situated outside and another half is situated inside the cave. It has a two-tier roof, a three-room upper temple, and a forecourt which all face west. The precious remains in the pagoda are the bronze bell with sophisticated engravings, the three huge stone statues of Amitabha Buddha, Van Thu Bodhisattva and Thi Kinh Bodhisattva.

      Chua Thuong – Upper Pagoda:
      Chua Thuong, or Thuong Pagoda, is on the top of the mountain. It has two small temples – the left one for the local earth god and the right one for the mountain god. To get there, visitors must climb up 40 stone steps along the mountain side, through Dark Cave where you can find the image of fairy, Buddha, little boys, flying dragon, swimming turtles. Thuong Pagoda is the ideal place to see the panoramic poetic scenery of Tam Coc – Bich Dong.
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    • Jour 15

      Bich Dong Pagoda

      19 mars, Vietnam ⋅ 🌧 19 °C

      We dropped the site of Vietnam's "ancient capital" Hoa Lur established about 1000 AD (as reviews indicate there isn't much there) in favor of visiting this pagoda. It is the oldest pagoda in the area, constructed in 1428.

      In 1705, two Buddhist monks named Tri Kien and Tri The discovered this pagoda and re-constructed it into three levels: Lower Pagoda (Ha Pagoda), Middle Pagoda (Trung Pagoda), and Upper Pagoda (Thuong Pagoda).

      In 1774, Lord Trinh Sam of Dang Ngoai (Outer Land) visited the pagoda and was impressed by the breathtaking panoramic view of nature there. The pagoda caught his attention, and he named it Bich Dong (Green Pearl Cave) Pagoda.

      We just looked at the first level as the skies just really opened up, and the steep, uneven 120 steps up to the second of three levels were definitely 'slippery when wet'. Two Vietnamese ladies spied Doug and "helped" him (although he was doing OK) step down the rock stairs then pulled out fridge magnets of Vietnam scenes for $1 USD which they wanted in exchange for the "help". Our first Vietnam "scam"; everyone is trying to make a living without breaking the law!
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    • Jour 9

      8ème jour : Tam Côc - Hang Múa 🇻🇳😎🌞

      3 novembre 2023, Vietnam ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

      Avant dernier jour au Vietnam. Nous prenons la direction de Tam Côc en vélo, où nous réembarquons pour des paysages magnifiques entre montagnes et rizières : la baie d'Halong terrestre porte bien son nom. Après un burger et une pizza (et oui la bonne bouffe nous manque) nous reprenons la vélo direction Hang Múa, petit village très mignon qui nous offre une magnifique vue sur Tam Côc et Ninh Binh. Retour à l'hôtel en fin d'après-midi pour une piscine bien méritée (15km de vélo et 450 marches) 😓En savoir plus

    • Jour 11

      Bike ride Around Tam Coc by Arushi

      24 juillet 2023, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      As soon as we arrived back at the resort, we dived in the pool to cool off for a few hours, playing a multitude of pool games or practicing handstands.

      We then threw some clothes over our swimming costumes and went to investigate the bike situation. Thankfully there were five available fully functioning bikes (with baskets!) and so off we went, with only a vague memory of route directions from our guide.

      We meandered about through narrow streets, expansive fields and past animals nosing around, all illuminated by the soft sunset.

      When we returned to the resort after about an hour of cycling, we jumped back in the pool for a quick swim before showering off for dinner which we had on-site. Feeling happy and full, we then pottered off to bed.
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    • Jour 11

      Sunny by Millen

      24 juillet 2023, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      One of the most amazing things about this trip was not just the beautiful scenes, interesting history, delicious foods, spectacular cultures and breathtaking monuments but also the amazing friends we made. One of the most amazing people we met on this trip was Sunny, he always had a massive smile on his face and brought positive energy with him everywhere he went. He really showed his true compassion and love to this country. He was always up for a hike, boat ride, cycle or even a dive into a river, His exceptional knowledge was amazing and he always had an answer for everything we threw at him. He was such an amazing person and we were so grateful for him as our tour guide. We were so sad to see him go and we hope we can see him again.
      Our time with him was curtailed due to the devastating news of his father in law passing.
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    • Jour 215

      Halong Terrestre

      9 avril 2023, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Énorme coup de cœur. Nous arrivons au milieu de roches karstiques, entourées de rivières et de rizières.
      Nous avons un magnifique bungalow avec piscine même si nous l'avons juste regardé parce qu'il ne faisait pas très chaud (brouillard).
      Nous avons fait pas mal de vélo, ici au Vietnam tout le monde se déplace comme ça. On a bien rigolé avec nos vélos pourris (sans freins, la pédale cassée,....), avec un supplément mal aux fesses !
      Balade en bateau avec un petit papi qui était trop gentil et qui pagayait avec les pieds !
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    • Jour 63

      Tam Coc

      29 octobre 2019, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Tam Coc, près de Ninh Binh, aussi appelé la Baie d'Along terrestre !

      Nous y avons passé quelques jours : ballade à vélo, visite de la Mùa Cave, ballades en barque à Tam Coc et Trang An et détour au temple Bich Dong.

      3 jours superbes avec 2 belles anecdotes :

      1- la location de vélos...
      Au bout de 30 minutes le vélo de Cynthia est totalement dégonflé, on s'arrête pour le regonfler : impossible, le pneu est trafiqué c'est un embout de scooter !
      Après plusieurs kms de souffrance, Thibault prend le relais sur ce vélo : la selle ne peut être monter car elle est cassée elle aussi...
      Plus sportive que prévu cette ballade ! 💪

      2- le logement !
      Après 2 nuits passées dans un petit hôtel, on se donne le droit au "luxe" et on trouve un hôtel avec piscine pour notre dernière nuit correspondant à nos attentes et restant dans notre budget.
      Sur place : la piscine est plus que sale !
      On fait la remarque à notre hôte qui, gênée pour nous, nous propose un autre hotel un peu plus loin (même propriétaire) : pour le même prix nous avons été surclassés dans une chambre avec piscine et vue sur le coucher de soleil valant 3 fois le prix payé !
      C'est pas royal ça ?!
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    Vous pouvez également connaitre ce lieu sous les noms suivants:

    Côn Lang, Con Lang


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