Tỉnh Hòa Bình

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    • Päivä 26

      Zu Fuss von Dorf zu Dorf

      22. maaliskuuta, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Um Mai Chau herum liegen inmitten der Reisfelder und im Tal etliche kleine Dörfer. Eine dreistündige Wanderung brachte uns heute in drei Dörfer. Während das erste noch ganz touristisch war, wurde es nach und nach immer ruhiger, lauschiger, ursprünglicher. Wirklich schön.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 7

      Mai Chau- Bike Ride and Swim by Eashan

      20. heinäkuuta 2023, Vietnam ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

      This morning we awoke early in the morning for our long drive ahead to our homestay. On the way we saw spectacular views overlooking Pom Coong where we then drove down to where our homestay was.

      When we got there we were taken to our room which was upstairs in a building on stilts! Millen and I were both very excited. In Hanoi I had recently bought a type of shuttlecock which was for a game called dacau which is like badminton except which your feet which I was quick to get out given the space. There was also a pool overlooking a hill on which the rest of the village was. You could also see the mountains way off into the distance which was super special, especially when the sun dipped down between the 2 tallest ones.

      In the afternoon, after a delicious platter of loads of food for lunch, we went for a 14km cycle ride in the village and its surroundings We even stopped in some paddy fields to plant some rice with the local farmers and struggled to keeps ours as neat as theirs yet have I just missed it they remained good humoured about our efforts. We weren't very good and got very muddy but it was still a great experience.

      Most of the communities in this area are actually Thai people, an ethnic group with two local branches, White Thai and Black Thai.. this is not skin colour related by the way. The Thai people are highly skilled at wet rice cultivation and their homes are built in a raised stilt style. I sampled my first sticky rice sticks here and am a big fan!

      Once we got back Millen and I went to play football with the local kids whilst the others sat and relaxed for a bit. When we came back from football, we were extremely sweaty so we went for a midnight dip (although it was only 9:30) and the underwater rainbow lights even came on for them. Then we settled down for the night with our bellies full from another delicious dinner.
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    • Päivä 6

      Waking Up in Hanoi by Simi

      19. heinäkuuta 2023, Vietnam ⋅ 🌧 25 °C

      Having checked into our hotel around 1.30am we indulged ourselves with a lie-in as wet weather had been forecast.
      As it happens the rain was pretty light so headed off for for an explore around Vietnam’s capital city.

      It hit us massively the difference between HCM city aka Saigon and Hanoi- HCM city was the US base during the Vietnam War ( or the American war as the Vietnamese understandably call it) and since the country’s unification has transformed into a modern thriving metropolis- Hanoi on the other hand , having been the capital city for over 1000 years still proudly retains its ancient history and charm. It’s a crazy and noisy place which is a feast for all senses and actually I loved it and 100% reminded me of what it’s like to go travelling - you don’t necessarily need to do anything - just going for a meal and booking a bus ticket can be the biggest adventure ever sometimes!

      We navigated our way to the Temple of Literature taking in a quick glance at Train St ( but more of that later).

      Crossing the road in Hanoi is definitely not like crossing the road at home but actually as long as you followed the advice we were given then we were ok!
      Almost every tourist who arrives here has faced the famous problem of crossing the road in Vietnam and it’s become something of a rite of passage for every visitor.

      At the beginning of our explore we spent a while standing at the side of the road watching dozens of cars and scooters honking and whizzing past. It became apparent that the drivers don’t follow the Highway Code.

      The most important rule on crossing the road is to keep going. Once you’ve stepped out, you must commit to the crossing. Do not stop. Do not turn back. Even though you probably want to freeze or run back, this is actually more dangerous than forging ahead to the other side. Somehow the vehicles go round the back of you and if you walk at an even pace you actually manage to cross unscathed. It just takes confidence and belief. I felt we were like old pros by the end of the day!

      Our first stop was the tranquil Temple of Literature. Again this place did not take card but luckily the boys were free and Arushi was half price with her student ID!

      Tucked behind a walled compound with five separate courtyards, the Temple of Literature (Van Mieu) was built under Ly Thanh Tong’s dynasty in 1070 to honour Confucius. It became Vietnam’s Imperial Academy shortly after – a prestigious school for top academics. Today, the temple honours Vietnam’s finest scholars and signifies the beginning of a uniform educational system in Vietnam. We loved learning all about the super hard exams the students need to put themselves through. We had a go at writing some of the Chinese characters and this was hard enough for us! .. so much to learn! We spotted a silent monk skilfully brushing calligraphy style stokes to write aChinese aspirational characteristics- this clever entrepreneurial designer had a brochure showcasing a huge variety of traits you could choose! Arushi and Eashan both bought one!

      It was clear to see how this lovely oasis in the middle of the bustling city made us feel restorative and peaceful yet it was time to move on!

      Hanoi is notorious for its coffee so we had a pit stop where Matt and I had a coffee each and the children enjoyed some juices. Thumbs up all round!

      Our next stop was Ho Chi Minh’s mausoleum but not for Arushi sadly.. she had short shorts on so wasn’t allowed to the area. Ho Chi Minh’s body is preserved in the cooled, central hall, with a military honour guard. The body lies in a glass case with dim lights…. Seems quite unusual being able to go and see him like this but it’s the same for other communist leaders such as Lenin, Stalin and Mao. Apparently HCM didn’t want anything like this though for him and wanted to just be cremated.

      The mausoleum is closed occasionally for restoration and preservation work on the body and this was one of those times however you can still wander into the square to look at the building as long as you didn’t cross the infamous yellow line ! There are strict rules regarding dress, such as covered legs, and behavior, such as silence and walking in two lines, when visiting the mausoleum. The rules are strictly enforced by the staff and guards and we felt quite terrified to hear the menacing whistle being blown constantly ! They were quick
      To instil fear in us all!
      After that we decided it was time for a little repose and headed to find some lunch!
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    • Päivä 24

      Mai Chau

      25. huhtikuuta 2017, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Having not had the time to do Sapa, we decided on a less expensive alternative, Mai Chau. It's slightly closer to Hanoi but still has the beautiful scenery and typical rice terrace look and generally more guaranteed good weather. Having not heard much about the area itself, I was excited to see what it had to offer.

      Arriving there we settled in our homestay and had lunch almost immediately. The food was honestly incredible and I'm pretty sure I ate enough food for at least 4 people. Having finished the meal, all I could think about was how good dinner would be.

      The afternoon activity was a bike ride, probably a good thing in order work off the mass of food I had just eaten. During the cycle ride we rode through the large stretches of rice paddies which were absolutely stunning. It was also a beautiful day so we were extremely lucky with our views. We made one stop at a local village that had just been open to the public a few months where they made a large range of woven cloth, all a lovely array of colours.

      Heading back to the hostel at sunset was a gorgeous backdrop to end our cycle ride. Soon after we got back it was time for dinner and yet again they delivered the goods. All different food to lunch yet as delicious.

      Later on we had a treat of Vietnamese dancers come put a show in for us. They were such sweet people and it was so nice to see how much they enjoyed performing for us. In the end all of us even joined in and I'm not sure who had more fun, them or us.

      Safe to say I'm excited to see what Mai Chau brings tomorrow.
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    • Mai Chau

      26. joulukuuta 2018, Vietnam

      Aujourd'hui, nous partons à la campagne.

      Mai Chau se situe dans la province de Hoa Binh, à environ 150 kilomètres à l’ouest de Hanoi, à seulement 150m d'altitude. Le village se trouve entre de grandes falaises et est entourée de rizières.

      Nous profitons du beau temps pour nous balader en vélo à travers les rizières (qui sont malheureusement sèches à cette période) et les petits villages.

      Ici, nous dormons chez l'habitant dans une maison sur pilotis typique, avec un toit en feuilles de palmier, un plancher de bambou et de grandes fenêtres.
      La vue du balcon est reposante après l'agitation de la capitale.
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    • Päivä 25

      Han Mua und Mai Chau

      21. maaliskuuta, Vietnam ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      Die Sonne ist wieder da und gleich ist es wieder hochsommerlich warm. In einem Kleinbus, welchen uns das nächste Hotel geschickt hatte, verließen wir Tam Coc in Richtung Mai Chau. Auf unseren Wunsch hin machte der junge Fahrer für uns einen Umweg nach Han Mua. Dort kann man über eine Treppe mit 500 Stufen auf einen Berg mit zwei Bergspitzen steigen. Von oben gibt es einen wunderschönen Blick auf die sog. trockene Halongbucht. Das war wirklich anstrengend, zumal man nach dem Besteigen des einen Gipfels erstmal halb wieder runter musste, bevor man zum zweiten aufsteigen konnte. Aber es hat sich gelohnt! Danach ging es dann weiter nach Mai Chau, ein kleiner Ort der sehr malerisch in einem Tal mitten zwischen den Reisfeldern liegt. Unser Hotel hier liegt auch an den Reisfeldern und morgen wollen wir durch die Felder zu den nächsten kleinen Dörfern wandern bzw. mit dem Fahrrad fahren.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 3

      Tag 3 Nihn Bihn

      15. syyskuuta 2023, Vietnam ⋅ 🌧 25 °C

      Nach unserer ersten Nacht in Nihn Bihn sind wir mit dem Auto zum Van Long Naturreservat gefahren und dort in kleine Ruderboote umgestiegen und ca. 2 h sind wir durch das Naturreservat gefahren inkl. kleiner Höhlenfahrt. Auf der Rückfahrt haben wir sogar Delacour Languren (Affenart) gesichtet. Danach ging es weiter zur Bich Ding Pagode eine Art Tempel im Karstfelsen (Das Wort "Karst" bedeutet so viel wie steiniger Boden und kommt aus dem Serbokroatischen. Karstgebiete haben spezifische Oberflächenformen, welche man Karsterscheinungen nennt. Durch die lösende Wirkung von Grund- und Oberflächenwasser bilden sich ein eigener Relieftypus und ein spezifischer Wasserkreislauf aus.). Von dort ging es zurück zum Hotel. Nach einer kleinen Pause haben wir mit dem Rad die Umgebung von Nihn Bihn erkundet und haben noch einen weiteren Tempel besichtigt. Mit einem kleinen Mojito haben wir den Abend ausklingen lassen.

      Morgen geht's weiter nach Mai Chau.

      Bleibt einfach weiter gespannt.
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    • Päivä 5

      Tag 5 Mai Chau

      17. syyskuuta 2023, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Nach dem Frühstück und anfänglichen Regen ging es ca. 30 km weg von Mai Chau auf den Markt in Pa Co. Dort haben wir uns ins bunte Markttreiben gestürzt, feil geboten wurden Früchte, Gemüse, Haushaltshilfe und gewebte Decken, Schals, traditionelle Kleidung und vieles mehr. Von dort ging es weiter über den Bergpass zu den Hmong People (wer mehr wissen will ->

      Nach einer Führung durchs Dorf haben wir vietnamesische Spezialitäten zum Essen probiert, nun geschmacklich ist es manchmal für unseren Gaumen nicht immer das Leckerste😋

      Den Nachmittag hatten wir zur freien Verfügung.

      Morgen geht es früh los nach Hanoi...wir sind gespannt auf das quirlige Treiben in der Stadt.
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    • Päivä 6

      Mai chau

      20. lokakuuta 2023, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Leider wurde unsere Tour zur Halong Bucht mit Übernachtung auf dem Schiff gestrichen. Taifunwarnung.
      So fuhren wir ins Gebirge nach Mai chau. Dort erwartete uns ein wunderschönes Hotel mit Pool umgeben von Reisfeldern. Wir schlenderte durch das Dörfchen und fanden eine niedliche Gaststätte wo einheimische Frauen und Männer für uns tanzten.
      Nur mit der Handytaschenlampe ausgerüstet traten wir in den Rückweg zum Hotel an.
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    • Päivä 4–5

      Fahrt v. HaNoi in die Berge Tam Mai Chau

      26. lokakuuta 2023, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      - Fahrt von Hanoi über die "Goldene Lotusblütenkette" genannten Berge nach Mai Hinh
      - kennenlernen des ländlichen Vietnam mit Wasserbüffeln, Reisfelder, Reis trocknen
      - Stopp an der Straße mit tollem Blick
      - gegrillte Spieße vom Hängebauchschwein und schwarzem, in Bambusstäben gegrilltem Klebereis mit Erdnüssen, am Straßenrand zubereitet und gegessen
      - Ankunft im traditionellen Stelzenhaus (ursprünglich als Schutz vor wilden Tieren wie Bären, Schlangen, Tiger in den Bergen und Hochwasser am Meer oder Mekong-Delta gebaut)
      - Wanderung durchs Dorf, große Herzlichkeit der Bewohner
      - Hang, unsere Reiseleiterin, organisiert uns Ganzkörpermassagen (60 Minuten für umgerechnet 12 €) im Stelzenhaus
      - Abendessen
      - Besuch einer Vorführung mit traditionellen Folkloretänzen
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