
aprile 2023
Un’avventura di 10 giorni di Brenda Leggi altro
  • 3impronte
  • 1paesi
  • 10giorni
  • 48fotografie
  • 4video
  • 3,8kchilometri
  • 2,5kchilometri
  • Giorno 2


    19 aprile 2023, Francia ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

    My trip to Paris wasn't planned, just as the other places. I got to beauvais airport at night. I had to take an hour ride bus to get to Paris and then take the metro to get to Lou's house. I didn't have internet, fortunately, I met a girl on the bus. She speaks spanish and we spent the whole time talking. She was going to the same direction as me so, she showed me the way. 
    Lou lives in an apartment at the top of a building. I got there, exahusted. I got a shower and then we drank wine while talking. I met her dad, is a nice guy!

    Next day I went to the Louvre. Lou's house is really close to the museum. I spent about an hour and a half to enter and then spent around 2 hours inside. After I walk around the city, went to some places people recommended. In the afternoon I met Lou to go with her friends that were having a picnic. We ate, drink. We got drunk and then we moved to a bar.
    After that day I went to visit more places, some churches, a cementary, Montmartre, Notre dame, some gardens, and walked on cute streets where people were painting portraits and landscapes or playing some music.
    At the end of the second day I was exhausted. Lou had a party in her house and then they went to a night club. But I was too tired to go out.
    I left early in the morning to Lyon.
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  • Giorno 4


    21 aprile 2023, Francia ⋅ 🌬 19 °C

    I didn't do much in Lyon. Just spent 2 days with my friend Margaux. She took me to her friend's house where we stayed the first night. She didn't have her apartment cloae to the center so she asked to her friends to host us.
    We went out to a bar next to the river, we drank for some hours and then we back to her friends' place.
    Next day we walked a little bit to this viewpoint, it was similar to the one in Paris. There was a church and from there you could see the city.
    It was rainy and cold. We went down to downtown and entered to a bar where her other friend works. They gave us coffee and we spent few hours there.
    That day we were basically jumping from one bar to another. We stayed with other friend of my friend.
    Next day Margaux took me to the bus station and we said bye.
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  • Giorno 6


    23 aprile 2023, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    I heard many opinions about Marseille when I was telling them I was thinking about visit. Some of them told me it wasn't worthy and that it could be pretty dirty and dangerous. I'm happy I didn't listenen. I walked a lot those 4 days. The first day I arrived in the afternoon, I saw the port. Next day I walked around the city, starting for the view point in the church from where you can see the whole city. Then I came down, went through some parks and got to this beautiful place with a stunning entrance. I rested there for about an hour and then walked back to the port.
    The following days I walked on the coast and got to see really nice beaches. I wanted to swim so bad but the water still really cold.
    On the last day I went to this National Park called Calanques. I got there by walking and then spent some hours walking inside. I was hiking but at some point I got exahusted, didn't have more water left and the heat was really strong and my shoes weren't comfortable enough for that so I decided to go back. I took one bus but I walked the rest. Fortunately I got to back safe and sound.
    I laid down for the rest of the evening, next day was my flight to Vienna.
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