Nepal 2018

helmikuuta - maaliskuuta 2018
17-päiväinen seikkaillu — Jan Lue lisää
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  • Päivä 1

    From Prague to Kathmandu

    14. helmikuuta 2018, Nepal ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Wooow the first day... just imagine you're entering airport to meet people you've never met and you should be their yoga instructor and guidance for 16 days... weird feelings for me.
    At the airport everybody goes by themselves so we (two ladies for organizations and me) have a time for a beer and talk to each other... both flights were ok. There were no problem during the transport in Istanbul and also the second flight was, also thanks to good Turkish red wine ok. And here were are, the group of 20 people in Kathmandu...finally
    Really? Never, ever thrown out your boarding pass with luggage note in Kathmandu, they'll check it during the leaving...
    But Nepal is so... peaceful and quiet. There's madness of Indian traffic but in combination with Nepal peaceful. Weird but comfortable...
    Our place is good it's old monastery with education for all people, old, young, everybody. we've met each other in the temple. There were a huge puja (celebration) today. To send all the badness away! So afternoon were spent with observation of festival and also of huge fire where was all badness and ego burned.
    In the evening we had Momos, finally amazing food from small local restaurant. It's really funny, you order a food and they are going to shop next to you to buy ingredients, everything is fresh.
    Our first day we ended with local beer and rum on the top of the roof of our hostel. Amazing...
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  • Päivä 2

    Time to practice...and drink

    15. helmikuuta 2018, Nepal ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Mmm the first yoga lecture, 18 unknown people where some of them never practice yoga and some of them are also yoga instructors - difficult to set some middle level. But apparently it was good, everybody was happy so... And straight to the restaurant for breakfast! Well... It's terrible to go to small restaurant with huge group. We were eating for 2 hours! We had to wait so long! But as a reward - banana pancakes and masala tea, love it!
    After breakfast it was time to visit the local holy place Swayambhunath stupa. It's amazing place on the top of the hill, just check the pictures. I also refreshed my bargain skills and we had for 7 people from our group free entrance. bargaining is perfect sport for me!
    Aand we're hungry, again. So now to the city centre with line of 5 small cabs and directly to the garden restaurant. Such an amazing place! The only disadvantage is, again, the size of our group. We were waiting for the food for 3,5 hours.But nobody cares.
    We went to the city centre to do some shopping and it's time for welcome drink. I have to say, Budha bar in Kathmandu is one of the best bar I've ever been. Amazing mood, food, drinks, music, everything! What nobody expected was that we stay there for 5 hours and everybody will be dancing! And drinking so much. Actually we had to stop the party and take the people home because of tomorrow schedule. Such a big party Never happened before, my friend said...
    And as the perfect point in the end. We stopped 5 small cabs, took it and they were riding in one line on some secret road to our monastery and stopped perfectly on the point where we needed to - magical.
    So perfect day. But I'm quite getting worried if we'll be able to handle drinking every evening and waking up for a yoga lectures.
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  • Päivä 3

    Yoga, monastery and dead bodies

    16. helmikuuta 2018, Nepal ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    I love the mornings with yoga. It's so powerful and also on the top of the monastery, magical. This day should be a relaxing. We received the invitation from monks to eat with them and visit puja! Such honor! So we spent morning with sitting around main hall and talking with monks and Sun above us. I don't have enough beautiful words for this...
    In the afternoon we should were with monks again but there was a change a plan, as always. So we went to Pashupatinath. It's a place in Kathmandu where dead people are burned with whole ceremony. It's hard to talk about it, on one side of the bridge you can see a couple of fires and you realize there are bodies inside and on the other side you see ceremony where family is saying goodbye. Very powerful.
    Well after kind of difficult afternoon was time for excellent dinner! And also our rooftop session.
    These days are like... dreams...
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  • Päivä 4

    Celebration of Lokar and Buddha stupa

    17. helmikuuta 2018, Nepal ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    It's not so good to wake up after evening with Slivovice, Merunkovice, wine and rum and go to practice yoga. At least according to my friend. I didn't have such a big problem but many people had. It's weird yoga retreat, whatever.
    In the morning we went to Buddha stupa in Tibetan quarter. It's Mekka for Budhist. A huge stupa in the centre of the quarter. Walking around you're sending away all bad so we were walking, shopping and walking. Also we had amazing lunch in the rooftop restaurant. Aand we received the message from our monastery. The famous young boy invites us for a dinner and evening games with lamas from monastery.
    So after a small nap (everybody needs to, alcohol is taking his price) we went to monastery and all children were there preparing games. It was just wooow, we were just laughing and cheering.
    The main part of the evening was before us. The dinner with all members of the monastery and also some people whose came before celebration of new year. And with him, the famous 13 years old boy who is reincarnated rinpoche. You can feel his energy when he's walking around you. When you look at him you can feel peace, knowledge but also he is still child it's so strange.
    So we end up with photos and the best part is, tomorrow again! For example our group leader is visiting this monastery for five years. She has met him one time before this occasion and according to her we're probably the last group which had such a big luck.
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  • Päivä 5

    Just... not enough words

    18. helmikuuta 2018, Nepal ⋅ 🌧 7 °C

    Noo I don't wanna wake up. 6am and no yoga class today. Everything because of amazing trip to the mountains. Finally! Outside of the city.
    We went to saint place of Buddhism to the monastery where Buddha lived one of his lifes. Here he sacrificed himself to mother lion so she can feed her babies and these ones become his followers.
    It's amazing place on the top of the mountain where people are going to visit, meditate in same cave as Buddha and hang the flags with prayers. We also bought some flags and we wanted to hang them. We wrote our wishes and went to the special place. There we met two young boys and they helped us with hanging. But it was amazing. They were climbing on the trees barefoot like a monkeys. So in the end we merged 7 flags together and we also have our footprints on this place.
    After than we had lunch in small village, finally, home cooked food!
    When we get home some of the people still have energy for yoga! So why not, with Sun set, wow...
    And again dinner with monks and the famous rinpoche as yesterday. But this day we had presents for them and also ice cream! You should see their eyes and pure happiness, that's so awesome.
    We finished our evening with one of our rooftop sessions and also rum with honey, mnam!
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  • Päivä 6

    Back to nature

    19. helmikuuta 2018, Nepal ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    It's here, we are leaving Kathmandu straight to the nature, actually back to nature, that's the name of the camp.
    The journey wasn't so interesting 8 hours in bus. We survived, that's only important.
    Finally, Pokhara is waiting for us. In the end of the road we met Dambar, amazing person, camp owner and went up to the hill where the camp is. So surrounded by nature in "back to nature" the second part of our trip is beginning. It's just... just tents, trees, nature woooow. Also cold water because the water is heated during cooking. I love it!
    And in the evening we needed some relax. Well... We went to bed around 1 am. Quite a big party with dance, talking about the nature...
    Here you can feel that you're alive.
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  • Päivä 7

    Meditation in the jungle

    20. helmikuuta 2018, Nepal ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    Just imagine the feelings when you open your eyes and you're looking directly to Sun rise. I'm sleeping outside! It's just....
    So morning yoga session with Dambar, it's nice I have free time to practice.
    After amazing breakfast we were ready for trekking. We went through the jungle to waterfall, barefoot! And the water was really cold! But, the energy in water, really powerful. And in combination with singing bowls meditation... We were speechless...
    In the afternoon we were supposed to stay in camp but someone wants to go for more hiking, well why not! So one more trip with 4 friends through the jungle.
    When the evening came we were waiting for shaman. Real shaman respected in whole area! He blessed us so now we are protected.
    As yesterday we spent the rest of the evening with laughing, drinking and talking...
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  • Päivä 8

    Trek, visitors and pure happiness

    21. helmikuuta 2018, Nepal ⋅ ☀️ 35 °C

    I love to sleep outside! Rising Sun above large lake, I'm laying covered with blanket and I have to only open my eyes.
    The first thing in the morning is yoga session, of course! And with Dambar it's just, you don't know if you should laugh or cry because it's belly workout.
    After breakfast is time to go! Short trek through the jungle and villages. Just imagine, you're walking and the lady just invites you to her home because it's special. And we got homemade honey! Everybody has feelings to give them everything what we have. The most amazing thing is, they don't need it. They're happy and it's pure happiness in their eyes.
    In the end of the trek we had some energy left with Andrea so we run the stairs back to the camp! It was quite demanding but we made it!
    And people still wanted to practice! Headstands, reverse positions, simply playing with the body. Just imagine that 65 years old man made headstand! The most magical thing was chanting the mantras before. It was outstanding.
    Every time I have feeling that it couldn't be better but... In the evening the locals came to our camp and show us their dance and songs. We were dancing playing games drinking... We have so many things to learn from them...
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  • Päivä 9

    Sleeping in the village

    22. helmikuuta 2018, Nepal ⋅ ⛅ -1 °C

    The morning program is still same, yoga and breakfast. With rising sun, chanting and detox workout!
    After breakfast we had tour through ayurveda garden. Well it's not any special garden it's whole camp! Every tree, every plant has its own meaning and healing powers.
    The main thing of the day is trip to village over the hill. One hour of stairs, love it! In the village we had welcoming program and we were separated into many families. So every small group went with their new householder for meet his family and for a dinner. Our householder was leader of the community. He came back to the village because his father pasted out to take care of his mother. And because he was bored, he create community to help locals develop their own business, homestays, to teach them how to grow new plants, everything. It's so nice! And together their are able to provide food for whole community, repair the roads, selling organic food in city market....
    We were talking a lot but it was time for evening program performed by locals for us. Again traditional dance, songs and we also met Nepal top comedy actors. in the end was time for us! We sign as a one man and two couples were dancing polka. Proper representation of the Czechia!
    Now when I'm writing this footprint I know that the dinner should be skipped...Well, food poisoning in Nepal.. I just have to try everything.
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  • Päivä 10

    Back to the camp

    23. helmikuuta 2018, Nepal ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

    Aaa morning... well what can I say. I knew I shouldn't ate the last piece of the chicken on my plate... We went to visit local school, all children were standing there singing songs, dancing and also we had gifts for them. And I was occupying toilet for a whole time...
    The worst was we had to go back to camp and in my state. And also there were steep stairs, rain during the night, just awesome.
    But still. When I saw pictures of children...Again the pure happiness in their eyes.
    The best moment came in the evening. One woman of our group has decided to help to small girl from local village. This child doesn't have parents and her uncle is drinking.. and I was middleman. We settled some conditions and we made a deal! I have to admit I was crying when I saw happiness in their eyes..
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