Del Norte

September 2023 - November 2028
A 1877-day adventure by Nipawin Read more
Currently traveling
  • 23footprints
  • 4countries
  • 270days
  • 329photos
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  • 25.3kkilometers
  • 24.2kkilometers
  • Day 48

    Day 45 ♥️ Burgos♥️

    November 5, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

    Nothing can spoil your day when you start it with freshly made CHURROS 😍 By chance I found a stand. OMG they were crispy and DELICIOUS🤗💕

    My one bunkmate from Japan has ended her Camino in Burgos. She literally collapsed while walking because she was so tired and cold. She said a Spanish man picked her up and drove her to ,Burgos. She flies today to London to see the musical Phantom of the Opera. She says the musicals in Japan are just not the same.

    My other bunkmate was in a terrible way with extreme back pain. She could barely move. She did see a Dr. but the pain pills they gave her were not working at all. I hope she will be OK.

    I checked out of my Hostel at 11 and put my pack into a locker that they had at the Cathedral. It did mean that I had to pay for another admission but I could not rationalize packing my pack for 4 hours. My check in time was 3 pm at the other place.

    Windy and cold today but no rain 👍

    I walked the path along the river. Very beautiful with all of the fall colours. Many branches were on the ground due to the high winds that have been occurring.

    I am settled in my new Hostel. I had to laugh because the young girl who checked me in said that she loved Canada because she loved Justin Bieber!!!

    My bus leaves for Bilbao tomorrow at 1030.

    Two more sleeps until I leave. Where has the time gone 🤔 Hmmmmm.......
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  • Day 49

    Day 46 ♥️Burgos♥️ - Bilbao

    November 6, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    My opportunities to enjoy tortilla de patata and cafe con leche are coming to a close😥
    I so enjoyed them both this morning🤗

    I wished the young Russian girl "Buen Camino" this morning. She gave me a small chocolate famous in Russia as a gift 😍 So sweet💕

    I am on the bus 😷 at present to Bilbao. The sun is shining and the clouds are so beautiful. I love the diversity of the Spanish landscape from fairly flat to mountainous.
    The lady I am sitting beside is from Sartuce which is very close to Bilbao. We have conversed a small amount ..... I really need to learn Spanish🥺 She gave me a tasty candy😉💖

    I arrived at the bus depot and bought a ticket to the airport. The Hotel I am staying at sent over a courtesy van to take me there. I was joined by another couple whose flight to Brussels had been delayed due to overbooking. They were very annoyed as the Airline made no apology at all.

    I went for a walk to a nearby village and bought a few things for dinner. I enjoyed the sun and warmth immensely😎

    I enjoyed the best shower in such a long time!!! Hot water! Towels! AND I don't have to share with anyone😉
    I feel like a 👸 for sure.

    My ride to the airport tomorrow is at 5:20 am with my flight to Amsterdam at 6:50. It will be a very long day but I have been prepared for that with this trip😉 Here's to Connections working out🤠👍🍀🙏
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  • Day 50

    Day 47 Bilbao-Amsterdam-Seattle-Vancouve

    November 7, 2023 in Canada ⋅ ☁️ -15 °C

    Today is my least favorite aspect of travelling.....flying home.
    It is not that I don't want to see my wonderful family, it is the 10 hour flight 😱

    I am not a very cooperative passenger . I push the rules as much as I can. Like leaving my window covering up....I was told to lower it🤔 Not staying in one's seat....wandering up and down the aisles to stretch the ol' legs. 😂

    But honestly the absolute worst part is when you arrive and you have to patiently wait your turn to exit the plane......YIKES!!!

    But today I will try and be an adult,😇,.....but it will be difficult because I am hangry and exhausted 😡🍀🤞😷

    I actually had a delightful flight as the guy next to me said absolutely nothing for the entire time. I was also given a full can of Diet Coke each time I asked😁 with ice!!!

    I downloaded the US Customs app and swiftly went through Customs.

    I then followed the arrows ( just like the Camino) to the light transit and hopped aboard to go to the Amtrak Station in downtown Seattle. It was a 30 minute ride.

    When I arrived there I asked the lady about my ticket and she told me to go outside as the earlier bus had not left yet😃
    It was just pulling away when I tapped on the door and hopped on. How cool is that!!! Talk about smooth connections 😍
    The funny thing is that I thought I was taking the train....but that's OK.

    So now I am on the bus for Vancouver arriving 3 hours earlier than my expected time.

    My journey has ended but more adventures are coming soon....TBC🤗💕💕

    Thank-you all so much for following me😉👍
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